"Only for the second monument, the third monument will not be half price."

What blurted out was not the details, but the extent of the discount.

Even if there is an infinite continuation of the monument, there is no need to be so ruthless.

For such a continuation, I am afraid that Xiangshengtang will pay to grandma's house.

"Haha, in terms of remuneration, Mr. Hu, look at the actual situation, just call a price that you are satisfied with." Jiang Yan didn't care about the quotation at all.

The rescue of Heguan and Qinglai Island involved 1/3 of Daozuma's land. Is this a matter of Mora?How many moras are worth it.

Although Hu Tao is eccentric, she is pure and kind-hearted, so she can ask for the price as she pleases.

It would be even better if she opened her mouth wide.

For the extra money, just buy it to save face, it's a bloody profit.

But it is a pity that Walnut is not someone who lacks Mora.

As a monopoly industry, Xiangshengtang has descended from 77 generations, and its wealth is not inferior to any big family.

But the meaning of this list to Walnut is not as simple as that of Mora.

People die and souls disappear, but achievements last forever. If it is really possible to save the souls of a country at once, and the entire Tivat, who would not know the prestige of the Hall of Rebirth?

In the future, no matter whether it is the 170th generation hall master or the 770th generation hall master, in the face of the great achievements of the 77th generation hall master Hu Tao, they can only bow down.

Can this be done?This must be done.

"Well, maintaining the boundary between life and death is the mission of Xiangshengtang, regardless of whether Liyue is inside or outside." Hu Tao accepted it "reluctantly".

Unfortunately, the next moment, she revealed her true colors.

"By the way, can you bring my friends with you, they are pretty skilled and have no problem protecting themselves."

Hu Tao suddenly thought, if there is no one to witness this great feat, wouldn’t it be in vain?

It's better to bring your own friends. Anyway, this customer seems to have a lot of money, so he probably doesn't care about the little consumption.

"No problem, I can take care of three or five people."

Jiang Yan is still very confident in his current skills. As long as they don't have to go to brush the golden dog, the rest can be blamed on himself for being omnipotent. It is always no problem to take good care of them.

"It just so happens that Dao's wife is about to hold the Rongcai Festival. Hall Master Hu, you and your friends will pay for everything that you and your friends need. I wish you all a good time in advance."

Jiang Yan couldn't be more familiar with Hu Tao's friends.

This kind of free thug, why not?Let them have fun and it will be a commission.

"Okay, see you at Liyue Port at this time tomorrow!" Hu Tao was very straightforward, full of food and drink, all the way, no, turned and left.

After a while, Xingqiu's study room

Xingqiu, who was planning to find Hu Tao, did not expect that she would come to the door on his own initiative and was about to introduce him, only to find out that the two of them had already reached an agreement.

"Xingqiu, Xingqiu, come with me to Daoqiu to play."

Hu Tao rested her chin on the back of the chair, swayed back and forth, and smirked at Xing Qiu.

"I'm not interested in purifying ghosts, you can find Chongyun."

To toss the poor ghost in the middle of the night?The dogs don't go.

Hu Tao once forcibly pulled a few of them to accompany her on business.

Unfortunately, not exciting at all.

In addition to being cold and dark, the only feeling is regret.

After that, no matter how intimidating Hu Tao was, none of us would go there again.

"You can't bring Chongyun this time. If you bring him, all the ghosts will run away!"

Walnut continued to rock the chair back and forth, using the chair as a wooden horse and shaking wildly as a hostage.

The expensive sandalwood chair made a painful creaking sound, and Xing Qiu's brows twitched in distress.

"By the way, there is another wonderful thing to remember this time. It is a big festival of Daozuma. I finally asked the organizer for a special seat!"

"Rongcai Festival" Xingqiu corrects Hu Tao.

"Yes, Rongcai Festival. Hey, how do you know?" Hu Tao was very surprised.

"I'm sorry, "Shen Qiu Picking up Swords" is currently on sale at Daozu. As an author, it's normal to be invited by Daozu's officials to sign a book."

Xingqiu is elated, but Dao's wife won't go?How could you not go?I'm worried that a few friends are not free, isn't this a coincidence?

"Bad Xingqiu! Let me tell you earlier, I'm going to find Xiangling." After Hu Tao achieved her goal, she jumped off the chair and left Xingqiu's study room lightly.

After achieving the goal, run away immediately, Hu Tao, you are too real, Xing Qiu smiled wryly, then went out to invite Chong Yun.

What is your brightest moment?Can the business war defeat Maocai Gong?No, the signing sale that is about to start is!

The moment when the great writer Xingqiu became a god, how can there be no friends?

A few minutes later, in the Manmin Hall

"Xiangling Xiangling, come with me to play with Daofu?" Hu Tao went directly to the back kitchen of Wanmintang and began to harass Xiangling.

"I won't go, if I come and go for at least a week, my father will die of anger." Xiangling shook the big spoon while avoiding Hu Tao's hands that were scratching her body.

"However, Inazuma is about to hold a color festival, which is the biggest festival of Inazuma every year. At that time, you can see all the ingredients and dishes of Inazuma. If you miss it, you will have to wait until next year."

Xiangling's ears and cheeks trembled involuntarily.

Ingredients?Specialties?This is possible.

But thinking about the busy dad, and the yelling when he found out that he had lost his home, well, forget it.

"Hey, Wanmintang is really busy recently, so there's no time."

Xiangling was also very sorry about this, and her voice lowered.

It seemed that he could only use his trump card, Hu Tao nodded.

She took out the killer weapon she had been thinking about for a long time, which was dedicated to Xiangling.

"It's a pity, the place where I went to do business this time is an island shrouded in the power of the demon god, which has remained unchanged for 2000 years.

There, all the plants and animals look like they were 2000 years ago, which cannot be found anywhere else in Tivat. "

Hu Tao sighed with regret, and even smacked her lips deliberately.

Such a deliberate performance did not attract Xiangling's attention, she was completely attracted by another word.

"The legendary plants and ingredients 2000 years ago?"

"That's right, Daozuma said that no one lived there for at least 2000 years."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Xiangling shook the big spoon vigorously, put the vegetables in the spoon out of the pot, pulled off the apron, and immediately planned to start packing.

"Wait, the boat hasn't come yet, don't worry!"

The incitement was too strong, and now it turned into Xiangling dragging Walnut and running away.

"I have to prepare a lot of props, so I must hurry up! For poison testing, sensitivity testing, flavor testing, seasonings for various flavors, sampling equipment, seed collection equipment, alas, there are too many to prepare !"

Xiangling's whole body is already on fire, the legendary ingredient makes me excited just thinking about it.

"Ask for leave from Master Mao!"

Hu Tao doesn't want to add herself to Master Mao's blacklist and become a bad friend who "brings her daughter to learn to be bad".

"I won't allow it anyway, so I just don't invite it! It's not the first time I've gone abroad to collect materials."

Xiangling, who had just come back from Mond and was trained, started to play badly.

They are all made of walnuts. There is really no way.

At the same time, Chongyun's family

"Chongyun, do you want to go with Dao's wife?"

At Chongyun's house, Xingqiu's chin was pressed against the back of the chair, his posture was no different from that of Hu Tao, he was indeed a good friend.

"What are you going to Dao Wife for?"

Chong Yun, who had just finished his practice, looked bewildered.

"There are so many monsters in Daozuma. I once saw a classic book called "The Story of Ibis Lane" by Daozuma. According to the above, Daozuma was empty in ancient times, and it was the country of civet cats."

"Civet cat?" Speaking of monsters, Chongyun immediately became interested. After studying magic for many years, the uselessness of dragon-slaying skills has always been a pain in his heart.

"Then the fox demon clan came across the sea, and after a millennium of wars, it ended in peace and produced the earliest human beings."

"Therefore, Daozuma's monsters are more abundant than Liyue, Yaoli, fox demon, tengu, and ghost clan. They are all clearly recorded, and there are still a lot of them."

"There are many monsters, just like human beings, there are good and evil. Isn't this the opportunity you have dreamed of to defeat demons? Let's go to Daozu and try our luck."

"Okay, let me take a vacation with my family." Chongyun came here immediately, although he was often tossed by this close friend, but this time there are reasons and evidences, no matter how you think about it, it doesn't look like a lie.

No matter what, it's better than the monster with seven chicken wings and five legs that I created in "Yaoxieqizhijialu", or the evildoer with the appearance of half fish and half man.

What's more, Daozuma's onmyoji and shaman are quite famous, so it's not a bad idea to communicate with each other.

"By the way, why don't you join my signing event at the Rongcai Festival at Dao Wife." Xing Qiutu saw him poorly, and finally revealed his true purpose.

"Signing? Can you recognize the name you wrote? It shouldn't be misunderstood by the Dao wife as some kind of Liyue talisman." As a close friend, poking the lung tube is a necessary skill.

"Ah!!! That's right! Allow me to say goodbye first! I'll go back and practice my signature hard, and I'll see you at Liyue Port at noon tomorrow!"

Xing Qiu turned around and left in a panic, even using the power of the God's Eye.

A wise man is bound to make a mistake, but Xingqiu suddenly discovered a blind spot that he was about to become the national shame of Liyue.

Think about the editor-in-chief Yae's beautiful Liyue text in the invitation letter, and then think about yourself, I will soon show my Gouba La characters to tens of thousands of Daofu readers.

Where can I get a crash course in calligraphy?urgent!

The next day, at Liyue Harbor, Jiang Yan looked at the four little ones neatly, as expected.

However, something unexpected happened to him.


Southern Cross Fleet, aboard the Death Star

"Elder Sister, I have some personal matters, I want to ask you for leave, and go back to Dao Wife for a few days."

The battle with Jiang Yan made Wan Ye miss his friend very much, and planned to go back to Dao Wife to pay homage.

"No problem, I happen to plan to stay in Daozhu for a few days to participate in their Rongcai Festival, and then we will go together."

Festivals and wine are inseparable, and wine and Beidou are inseparable.


Knights of the West Wind, Office of the Commander

"Abedo, please take good care of Keli, please."

Qin is very worried that this friendly exchange will eventually turn into a terrorist attack on the capital of a neighboring country.

"Don't worry, Captain Qin, I... will do my best."

The son of chalk, a talented alchemist, rarely used a tone that was not convincing.

Is there something wrong with the group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 188 Chapter 182 Is there something wrong with Life Slicing

The group of four who tricked and kidnapped each other, just arrived on the outlying island, the plastic friendship has collapsed, and they started to go about their own business.

Xingqiu is in the post house arranged by Jiang Yan, and does not work hard to sign his name behind closed doors;

On the recommendation of Jiang Yan, Chongyun went to Naruto to exchange spells and work part-time for free, just to slay demons;

Hu Tao and Xiang Ling hurriedly urged Jiang Yan to go to Heguan as soon as possible.

It seems that these four people, before the Rongcai Festival, it is impossible to get together.

It doesn't matter, the business is important, and everyone doesn't care about it.

Between friends, when the other party is needed, that is enough, but if there are too many, it will be annoying.


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