The route leading to Heguan is currently in the hands of a Heguan survivor, Ah Fu.

However, the current route has no commercial value. The three of them simply paid some remuneration and arrived at Heguan.

As soon as she got off the boat, Xiangling became excited. In the eyes of Jiang Yan and Hutao, there was no difference between grass and trees, but Xiangling told them the differences between them and the same species today.

While using equipment to test for poisons and allergies, and slowly collecting samples, Xiangling has entered a state of frenzy that does not listen to people's words.

Jiang Yan and Hu Tao looked at each other helplessly.

It seems that Jiang Yan is destined to be the only one who knows about Hall Master Hu's rescue of Heguan.

The thick fog where no one was seen three meters away made exploration extremely difficult. Jiang Yan tried to use the wind element to summon a strong wind, but unfortunately it was useless, and the thick fog continued to cover the whole body in a blink of an eye.

There was no other way, Jiang Yan had no choice but to hold Hu Tao's hand so that the two would not fall behind.

Slowly, with bursts of wind elemental power, briefly blowing away the fog in front of him, and after confirming the direction, he moved forward step by step, only to find the "Crane View Gate" that Ah Kau said.

Miraculously, the moment you entered through the gate of Crane View, the fog has dissipated, leaving only a few places in the distance.

It's not fog!It's a remnant of some kind of power. Although I don't know who did it, I can't afford to mess with it anyway.

But Hu Tao didn't pay attention to this kind of thing, her eyes were already fixed on the first client.

"It's the big sister who came from outside... I'm so happy, I haven't seen anyone from outside for a long time, my name is Ru."

"It's time for me to go? Ah Ru, I need to send you to Wuwangpo, no, no, where is the place of life and death in Heguan? Do you need me to send you there?"

"Big sister, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Ah Ru is completely incomprehensible to this weird big sister's "life" and "death".

"However, today is the festival. Kapaqili will be happy if there are rare guests coming to the festival."

"Is there a festival? That would be great." Hu Tao was very happy to have the opportunity to have a ghost festival when he first arrived in Heguan.

Catching ghosts all over the ground is not a happy thing, just take advantage of the crowd, send them away in one wave, send them all away!

"However, before the festival begins, there are still some things to deal with. Anyway, big sister, come with me."

Jiang Yan just stayed behind, watching Hutao's play quietly.

The "strategy" in his memory was really too slow, and it took many days.

Now I only recall all kinds of conversations with ghosts, talking until I was almost sent away, it was considered a solution.

Wouldn't it be better if professionals had a way to send them all away?

"Master Hu..."

"You can just call me Hutao. You are not more than two years older than me. Why are you so old-fashioned? If you continue like this, I will soon be doing business for you."

Hu Nuo waved his hand, interrupting the courtesy of his benefactor.

Jiang Yan also wants to be youthful without worries, but looking at the carefree Liyue Youth League, he feels that he will never be able to do it.

The emperor who has shrouded Liyue for thousands of years will eventually leave, and ordinary people will also have to spend their "adult ceremony".

And I was just one step earlier.

Who let themselves find a god who is not powerful?Occasionally I have to cover myself.

"Okay, Walnut, what should we do now?"

"It's hard to handle..." Hu Tao also rarely fell into distress

"Perhaps you don't believe me, but my hall master's feeling tells me that the person in front of me is a dead soul."

"However, from every professional point of view of the hall master, tell me that this person is still alive!"

"A living person cannot die."

"My hall master can only help him to complete the last journey as a "living person", and then we can see if there is a chance. "

Walnut frowned while thinking, while stating his findings.

When Jiang Yan heard this, he just wanted to applaud. He was indeed a professional, and he could see through the essence at a glance.

That being the case, as a pure player, don't interfere with experts.

"Of course I believe in your professionalism, Walnut. Do as you want. Don't worry about me. I'm here to protect your safety."

No one will be unhappy when Party A promises that it will not participate blindly.

"Don't worry, my hall master is as powerful as a spring in terms of martial arts, and his heart is like an eagle. He is very confident." Hu Tao also patted his chest, making a crisp echo.

Recently, Jiang Yan overeats because of feeding each other during the badminton festival.

Presumably, if you shoot your own chest, you won't be able to get this effect.

Stop shooting, really, I want to shed two tears for you.

It's just that I'm afraid of being cremated in situ with a 77-level An Mysterious Method, so I dare not say it.

In this way, the two found Aru again in the fog in the north, and a young man and woman, Ibrahimovic and Muli.

Hu Tao took a closer look, then turned around and used her beautiful plum blossom eyes to give Jiang Yan a hint:

These two people, similar to Ah Ru's situation, are also "living people" who have died.

After a gag chat, unlike Ah Ru, Hu Tao's conversation did not get complete feedback.

Ibrahimovic and Muli are far more rigid in dealing with dialogue than Ah Ru.

Conversing with them is like watching a Liyue play, Hu Tao and the people on the stage are talking about each other.

However, from their mouths, Hu Tao and Jiang Yan got an important piece of news:

The huge tree where they are located is called "roost".

The perch is an important prop in the festival, and it is the tree where the thunderbird once lived.

The power of the thunderbird accumulated in the perch will carry the foreign objects that invaded the crane and fly away in the form of feathers. Then, the mist will purify the feathers and scatter them on the ground.

In the end, the person with a keen sense of the elements returns the feathers to the perch, which is considered to have completed the process of enshrining the perch every year.

Thus, let the dense fog continue to be pure, and protect Heguan from the coveting of foreign enemies.

And their task is to enshrine the perches before the ceremony. Only when all the perches are fully enshrined can the ceremony begin.

After obtaining the information, Hu Tao gave up the meaningless communication and began to communicate with Jiang Yan about the next move.

"I have never seen such a situation. If they say they are obsessed, they are complete at this time; if they say they are alive, their entire existence is only a thin fragment."

"It's as if a certain god cut off a thin slice of their life, and there is only this thin slice left in their life, unable to move forward or backward."

Hu Tao no longer has a smile in her eyes. Playing with life and death is the biggest taboo in Xiangshengtang.

As the master of the past life hall, she has the responsibility to end all this, regardless of whether Liyue is here or not.

"Brother Jiang, please let this moment of their lives go to the end first."

"My hall master wants to see what kind of power is turning the world around!"

Is there something wrong with the group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 189 Chapter 183 Is there something wrong with catching dragon balls in the air?

Looking for feathers?Who did such a shameful thing?

Saiyan predecessors told us that the best way to collect dragon balls is to catch them directly in the sky after making a wish.

After touching the perch, Jiang Yan concentrated all his energy, and the Thunder Talisman in his hand was ready to go.

As soon as the three thunder feathers popped out of the perch, the thunder talisman was thrown out, Jiang Yan was instantly pulled into the air, and directly grabbed the first thunder feather;

Immediately afterwards, using the opposite repulsion force, he pushed himself to the second thunder feather, and grabbed the second thunder feather in the air;

Finally spread the wings of the light breeze in the sky, tracked the direction of the third thunder feather, and almost landed with it.

Hu Tao below was stunned by the lightning-like movement.

Although he knew that the person in front of him had served as the temporary coach of the Qianyan Army, he must be very skilled.

But now it seems that this "great" is simply insulting.

If I really got into a fight with someone, the sword would hang around my neck as soon as I met him.

It is said that this person, Li Yuegang, was two or three years older than himself when he grew up. How did he practice this kung fu?

"Brother Jiang, this hall master admires your skills. Would you like to come to our Hall of Rebirth and serve as a guest minister and spokesperson who specializes in sending evil ghosts to rebirth? The treatment is good."

As expected of a walnut, seeing a master, the first reaction is whether this person can help solicit business.

"Um, thank you for this." Jiang Yan had 1 guts, and he wouldn't dare to grab the job that the retired old man had arranged for him.

While speaking, he put the feather back on the perch. As soon as the feather touched the perch, it sank into it without any texture, just like being put into the water.

The roost suddenly sprouted branches and "lived" again, and the dense fog around the roost suddenly dissipated.

Seeing such a scene, Jiang Yan and Hu Tao also breathed a sigh of relief, playing hide-and-seek in the mist is really anti-human.

With the completion of the enshrinement of the habitat here, the static time of Aru, Ibrahimovic and Muli also began to move forward.

Just like the video that was resumed after being suspended, the next conversation finally started, inviting Hu Tao and Jiang Yan to the "sacrifice".

The normal conversation now seems to be full of sorrow, even though Jiang Yan doesn't care about the order of life and death, but the living people on the whole island have been made into short videos, which is really unacceptable.

This feeling is completely different from being in front of the screen.

Ignorance is a common problem of the ancients, but without the exploration of this group of ignorant ancients generation after generation, where would today's civilized people be?

Human beings have now moved from ignorance to civilization, where are all the demon gods today?

So Jiang Yan would not accuse this group of people from a moral high point, nor would he condemn Thunderbird in the name of cruelty.

Release them and let this tragedy come to an end is what the latecomers should do.

Hu Tao, who takes maintaining the order of life and death as her own responsibility, doesn't know so many things, but she can't tolerate the desecration of life and death at all.

The goma stick has been drawn, and it is being held tightly by Hu Nuo.

At the front of the staff, butterflies from the other shore have begun to dance around it, reflecting the mood of the owner, ready to cremate the culprit at any time.

Arriving at the "Sacrifice Field", there is no ghost festival imagined by Walnut, and they are taken away in waves.

There is only a group of people who have been "sliced".

Hu Tao chatted for a few words, then left here with a grim expression.

Here, no dialogue can be established. They only live in the moment when time stands still, waiting for outsiders to forcibly move the hour hand of Heguan.

"Let's go, let's continue. After enshrining this damned perch, it will be used as an incense stick before sending it on the road."

Hu Tao waved the goma stick a few times, and squeezed out unkind words from between his teeth.

It has been several years since he took office as the head of the Hall of Rebirth, but this is the first time Hu Tao has seen such a lunatic.

In her little mind, a hundred endings had already been arranged for Thunderbird, and they were printed in the leaflets of the Hall of Rebirth, as a warning to everyone else.

What, can't beat it?Can't beat it, isn't there this brother Jiang?Brother Jiang can't beat him, can't he still report to Dijun or Mingshen?

This kind of bastard has been suppressed by rock guns for thousands of years in Liyue.

It is not difficult to enshrine the remaining three perches, but the thick fog makes it difficult to distinguish things. Fortunately, the stone seat with the element of thunder can illuminate it.

"This thick fog should not be caused by the Thunderbird, but the peculiarity of the earth's veins." Hu Tao concluded after studying the stone seat for a long time.

"Well, it was Thunderbird's power that dispelled the fog in the island, allowing the people here to survive. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the people inside to live normally due to such a thick fog."

Jiang Yan's research on the elemental force of thunder is quite in-depth, but it is hard to imagine how powerful the effect of clearing the leylines can be with just a little residual power for Thunderbird.

If it wasn't for sure that Thunderbird was dead, it would be true to turn around and run away.

With this level of strength, it's no wonder that during the Demon God War, Oser and Orobus, who were beaten and ran around, didn't dare to make a move on Qinglai Island and Heguan.

It is as powerful as a shadow, and it is only after knowing it is crazy that it moves.

Seeing Hu Tao studying the stone seat with great interest, Jiang Yan couldn't help feeling that the ignorant are really fearless.

In every perch, Hu Tao and Jiang Yan saw A Ru, and saw other people's "slices".

Throughout the whole Crane Temple, only Ah Ru is not a "slice", but a complete soul like a normal person.

At this time, even Walnut could see it.

"This Ah Ru must be a key figure in this period of history. When the culprit is summoned at the end, it's all up to him."

But it is a pity that after finally offering all the perches, I returned to the "sacrifice ground", but found that there was no one there.

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