Looking around, the entire Heguan Island, except for their group, was empty.

"It seems that the elapsed time of these "slices" has ended, Walnut, do you have any ideas? "

Although it was the expected result, Jiang Yan still expected Hu Tao to help him skip class and quickly send all the poor people to death.

As for the old man who sacrificed Ah Ru, he should be cremated on the spot.

It's a pity that there is no good way for Walnut.

"No, their lives were intercepted by Thunderbird with its power. We have to find other parts that Thunderbird hides."

No matter how powerful the mourner is, he can't send a 15-second short video to his death.

It seems that if you don't go to Lei Yinquan to find out where the root hairs are, it will be impossible after all.

"Okay, Hutao, let's stop here for now, wait for me to get an item full of Thunderbird's power, let's come again."

Back to Akama's boat, I saw that Xiang Ling was carrying up the ingredients in bundles, even the moss was packed in a big box.

And A Ke beside him was looking at Xiangling with a face of fear, for fear that she would classify herself as "Heguan special ingredients".

Seeing the two returning, Xiangling warmly greeted them:

"Hey, thank you, Hutao, this place is such a treasure! How about you? Are you done with the ceremony?"

Hu Tao shook his head and sighed: "No, I will send them all away after my hall master goes back to prepare!"

"No problem, I will definitely accompany you when the time comes." Xiang Ling said that it didn't matter at all, with a look of unfinished business.

"What are you doing with me? You'll disappear when you get off the boat, okay?"

Hu Tao expressed extreme indignation at his friend's inhuman behavior, and stretched out his hands to scratch Xiangling's armpits and ribs.

"Hahahaha, don't do it, someone is watching!" Xiangling desperately resisted, and the two rolled into a ball like playing around.

"My lord, is the matter over?" A Ke turned his head and asked Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan only responded with a helpless expression.

Alas, it seems that nothing can be saved, and some are busy.

"The end? It's just the beginning."

It's the first update today, try to update it, and when it doesn't move, I will tell you.

The last time I waited 7 hours, buddy, I'm sorry.

Is there something wrong with the group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 190 Chapter 184 Is there something wrong with the hairy master?

After returning to the outlying islands, I settled Hu Tao and Xiangling in the post house, wrote a letter, and asked Shenli Ayato, who was in charge of the Rongcai Festival, to treat them well, and then returned to Inazuma Castle.

Since it is necessary to smash Leiyin's power, the necessary preparations are essential.

After seeing the remaining power of Heguan Thunderbird, Jiang Yan didn't quite believe what Ying said, "It's stronger than Andreus".

Although this "some" is not "a few hundred million", it is not something that can be easily handled no matter how you think about it.

Although he was confident that he would be able to escape unscathed, a lot of people and gods knew that he had gone to hunt down the remnants of the demon god.

In the end, if he came back in disgrace after being beaten, wouldn't he lose face?

Reminding myself again not to be careless, Jiang Yan arrived at the destination: Tianling Enforcement Office.

Jiutiao Shaluo warmly received his friend, and after chatting for a while, Jiang Yan expressed his intention:

"Sara, to save Qinglai Island, you need to defeat Leiyin Quanxian, but defeating it requires extremely flexible mobility, so can you help introduce a strong man from the Tengu clan? I want to learn the famous stunt of the Tengu clan Inazuma— —Wind and thunder warfare."

Kujo Sharo readily agreed:

"The Tengu clan never minds making friends with the strong through martial arts. There are many heroes in history. We have taken the initiative to communicate and learn from each other, or taught martial arts." Speaking of this, Kutiao Shaluo's expression was very strange.

"However, in terms of wind and thunder warfare, there are not many tengus who can master it alone."

"If you want to learn the complete inheritance, I can only introduce you to a big tengu-sama."

"But this lord has a bit... weird temperament."

Kujo Sara organized the language for a long time, and finally found a slightly neutral adjective.

In fact, although the Tengu clan has plenty of martial virtues, they don't boast that much.

The wind and thunder warfare method is true, but a skill of this level of dual element force linkage requires at least the peak strength of a mortal to start.

Most of the time, the tengu who can breathe the wind and the tengu who can call thunder travel together to achieve this kind of wind and thunder effect.

Kutiao Shaluo is in the shadow of the Tengu family, and now he can be regarded as a front-line powerhouse, but he still can't control the wind and thunder.

I also want to know that if every tengu is so strong, it will not be the fox clan's turn to occupy the god cherry tree back then.

So if my friends really want to learn, there is only one big tengu that can be found right now—the big tengu "Yoichi".

To be honest, this big tengu, Jiujo Shaluo really doesn't want to recommend it.

It's not that you cherish your own broom, the Tengu clan doesn't have this kind of saying, but it's that family ugliness should not be exposed.

Strictly self-disciplined, Jiutiao Shaluo, who can be called a model of warriors, knows the nature of his own people.

And the big tengu "Yoichi" is an aggregate of various negative qualities of the tengu family.

The wine quality is poor, and he drinks too much all day long. If he drinks too much, he will go crazy with alcohol, or brag, or fight;

After drinking, he sits in a group of monsters to pick quarrels, kidnaps mortal boys and girls, parades and makes festivals all night long;

Or they sneak into the scene of the play without looking at the atmosphere at all, improvising and pretending to be the protagonist of the tengu's three punches and two legs;

Incidents like this happened endlessly, and she herself often cleaned up the mess for this senior.

If it wasn't for being a senior among the monsters and having a lot of friends in the world, he would have been made into a stone statue by the general and sent to be a neighbor of Wubaizang.

Thinking of Master "Yuyi", who would embarrass himself in front of this friend of Liyue, and preach about foreign lands, Jiutiao Shaluo couldn't help but feel his scalp tingle.

There was no other way, Jiutiao Shaluo had no choice but to reaffirm with Jiang Yan again and again, and agreed with three chapters:

"What you see, don't spread it"

"What she says doesn't have to be taken seriously"

"Learning martial arts is good, virtue must not be imitated"

Jiang Yan led Jiang Yan out of the Tianling Enforcement Office after Jiang Yan made many promises and almost made a written statement.

"Aren't we going to Yingxiang Mountain?" Jiang Yan asked curiously as he watched Jiutiao Shaluo enter the alley with seven turns and eight turns:

What responded to him was Kujo Sara's embarrassed expression, "Yoichi-sama is currently living in Hanamizaka. "

Why does the tengu who lives in the mountains live in Hanamizaka?Looking at Jiutiao Shaluo's expression, Jiang Yan thought it was better not to ask.

While chatting, they came to a small side street called "Ibis Lane", and the two came to a wine shop facing the street.

It is said to be a wine shop, but looking at the wine jars all over the floor and the smell of alcohol, and the passing posture of passers-by covering their noses and walking away, it is not a serious business.

In the middle of the wine shop, there was a very beautiful brown-haired girl, but it was a pity that the smell of a drunkard ruined all her temperament.

When the two arrived, she was pouring herself a drink in front of a large pile of wine bowls and jars, her face was flushed, she was obviously almost drunk.

"Sara? You're here? Sit down... drink two jars with me." The girl raised her eyes and saw Jiutiao Sara, beckoned to her, pushed aside the wine jars beside her, and cleared out a sloppy one. place.

This alcoholic is hopeless, Jiang Yan is sure.

"That, see "Yoichi"-sama, I'm here to discuss something important. "

From Kutiao Shaluo's mouth, Jiang Yan heard a horrifying news. This tengu, who looks completely like a girl, is the rumored monster roaming many worlds - the big tengu "Yoichi"?

"Important matter? What important matter do you think I will agree to if you don't drink and fight with me?" The girl tapped the wine jar with her fingers and began to stomp her feet.

Such an unreliable senior was so embarrassing at the scene that Jiutiao Saluo covered his face helplessly.

"Master "Yuyi", this friend is a rare hero, proficient in the power of wind and thunder, and wants to learn the wind and thunder warfare from our family. "

After giving up the treatment, Kujo Saro told Jiang Yan "no rumors" with warning eyes, and then directly brought up the business.

"The power of fine wind and thunder? What a big tone!" The girl raised a golden round fan on the table, and slammed it hard at the two of them.

With the simple force of a fan, the entire wine shop suddenly had a strong wind, and all the wine jars and bowls on the floor rose into the air, flying towards Jiang Yan and Jiutiao Shaluo.

This lunatic, why did he do it in the house?

Jiang Yan really wanted to give her a bad blow, but God knows how many people would die if the alleys adjacent to this kind of folk houses went down.

He had no choice but to draw his sword out of its sheath and stand in front of Jiutiao Shaluo.

With a flick of the horizontal sword, a wall of wind rose from the ground, blocking all the wine jars and bowls in front of him.

Afterwards, three lightning-like stabs from the tip of the sword blocked the three black feathers with the power of thunder hidden in the wine jar and wine bowl from the wind wall.

Finally, he copied with his left hand and took three black feathers in his hand.

With a light pinch, the thunder force that had been ignited on the black feather was completely dispelled.

"Not bad, not bad!" Daitengu said "Yoichi", put down the round fan, and began to applaud.

"That's right, kid! Go out of the city and fight with me. If you win, I'll teach you what you want to learn! If you lose, you'll have to double the compensation for the wine damaged by you!"

The shameless words made Jiujo Saluo look desperate.

Seeing that the wine jars flying over are all empty, how shameless is this fellow clansman to ask others to double the compensation?

"It's a deal, if I win, I'll have good wine to offer, and the right will be used as tuition."

The feather of the big tengu is a good magic weapon of thunder itself. Rong Caiji Keqing and Lisa couldn't visit, so they just mailed it as a souvenir.

Even if Mr. Beidou doesn't need it, he can use it as a sword tassel. It's been a long time since I haven't seen Amy, so I can give you one.

"I gave you the tuition fee, so it's not too much to cut off a few more feathers!" Jiang Yan, the hair-plucking master, thought so.


The second update today, keep working hard, and more.

Is there something wrong with group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 191 Chapter 185 Is there something wrong with the Birdman Triathlon

Just after leaving Hanamizaka, "Yuyi" leaped a few times and galloped forward.

"Boy, let's compare your feet first!"

Speed, archery, and swordsmanship are three competitions that Tengu often competes with warriors.Jiang Yan's swordsmanship made "Yuyi" really happy to see Liexin, but it is not enough to get the inheritance of Daitengu's unique skills.

Such a coincidence, Jiang Yan is not afraid of anyone when it comes to footwork.

He used to travel all over Liyue overnight with Ying, and now he has made up for the shortcomings of the wind element power, so why should the big tengu be afraid?

Thunder wedge, traction, repulsive ejection, the air is assisted by the wind, and the ground is kicked again, and the cycle repeats. In a blink of an eye, the two became neck and neck at the foot of the guarding forest.

"Oh, that's not bad!" Bathed in the high-speed head-on wind, the big tengu girl's drunkenness has long since dissipated, replaced by a raging fighting spirit.

Tengus are such warlike creatures, how could they "don't mind" making friends with martial arts?

In most cases, the Tengu took the initiative to find the warriors to compete with, and even pestered them endlessly.

If he meets a promising martial artist in the future, the patient Tengu will also take the initiative to teach his skills in order to gain a good opponent.

Today's Dao wife actually has such a good opponent? "Yuyi" was completely excited.

Seeing the little guy pulling out a streamer movie in the air for a while, and a comet tail wind line for a while, "Yu Yi" also showed his real kung fu.

As soon as he stretched his arms, three pairs of huge black wings spread out behind him. On each feather, there was a purple thunder light flowing on it, which was really beautiful.

Next, "Yuyi" held a golden round fan in his hand, and the thunder took advantage of the wind, and the wind met the thunder force, and the whole person rushed forward with a huge sound of breaking through the air.

This sudden rush of wind and thunder was too violent, and Jiang Yan was thrown away in a blink of an eye.

Well, it's not impossible to use wind and thunder together. Jiang Yan condensed the power of the wind element on the wings of the light wind in the sky, changing from a glider to a jet fighter.

After that, he pinched the Thunder Talisman and continued to accelerate.

This kind of explosive acceleration is difficult to maintain for too long. After all, human beings are not tengus whose feathers can be used as magic weapons of thunder element force, and the consumption rate of dual-core explosion is extremely high.

However, as the distance between the two of them approached, the three pairs of wings of Ootengu, which contained powerful thunder elemental power, became the best traction nodes.

Jiang Yan's whole body, as if equipped with a magnet, flew towards "Yu Yi" quickly.

The pain of the wings being pulled reminded "Yuichi" that the other party was about to catch up with him.

And her coping method is also very simple, turn around, draw the bow, and release the arrow;

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