The race is over, and the props race begins!

A pitch-black tengu feather arrow, with the rustling sound of piercing leaves, rushed to Jiang Yan like a poisonous snake, pointing directly at his calf.

The big tengu's sneak attack was doomed to fail, and the powerful pulsation of thunder element force was much more conspicuous than the sound in Jiang Yan's perception.

With an easy downward sword, Jiang Yan cut off the feather arrow, and Jiang Yan began to draw his bow at the moment when he was at the highest point.

Before landing, the energy has been charged.

Shikakaya, launch!

The arrow with the power of a huge amount of frost hit the peacock wood next to "Yuyi" by a small margin.

"Strange, the shooting technique that gathers such elemental power in a blink of an eye, shouldn't the shot miss?"

Just when "Yuyi" was in doubt, the second stage of Shuanghuaya exploded, and countless icicles shot out. She had no time to dodge, so she could only spread her wings to protect herself.

The strong big tengu feathers easily blocked all the icicles, but the second frost arrow had already struck.

"Thousands of Thunder Lights!" For "Yu Yi", who didn't dare to neglect this move, he spread his wings.

The huge thunderbolt that fell from the sky completely engulfed the Shuanghua arrow, and then also attacked her pursuers.

However, the speed of the enemy's pursuit far exceeded her imagination. Before the second thunder light fell, she had already slowed down completely, and she could no longer avoid the enemy's pursuit.

"I've caught you!" Using traction, Jiang Yan rushed towards him like a bolt of lightning, and grabbed "Yuyi" by the wings.

The strong inertia caused the two of them to roll into a rolling gourd.

Fortunately, there are soft and flexible feathers as a buffer, so that Jiang Yan will not be hurt.

Having caught everything, Jiang Yan simply grabbed a few feathers and put them away.

He was not injured, but "Yu Yi" loved his feathers so much. The color and softness of the feathers are the appearance of the tengu, which is much more important than the face.

"Damn it! Pay me for my feathers!"

Juhe drew his sword, and swung out a circular arc of thunder light, which was easily dodged by Jiang Yan.

If you want to fight swordsmanship, I won't be sleepy.

Jiang Yan also drew his sword out, a black light was pulled up, cutting the wind and breaking the flow!

It's a pity that this trick was used offline, and it took too long to accumulate, and the big tengu girl barely avoided it, and the two fought together.

After dozens of rounds, the passive "Yu Yi" took a step back and used his round fan to create a gust of wind.

Jiang Yan cut through the gust of wind with a sword, but saw that "Yu Yi" had already flown into the air, pushing his hands forward and waving his hands again and again.

"No fight, no fight, I lost!" The Tengu girl was very bold, and she didn't mean to deny it at all.

When she landed, she excitedly patted Jiang Yan's shoulder and squeezed his arm.

"I didn't expect Dao Wife to have a hero like you now!"

"Be proud, the last time I lost was hundreds of years ago!"

"Accept!" Jiang Yan also clasped his fists in a salute.

This big tengu girl is really strong. If she really wanted to bomb and play kites at high altitude, she would have no tricks at all.

In terms of explosive speed alone, I am far inferior to her.

And the tactic of using others as the front tow will not be useful in long-distance air combat. Strictly speaking, the opponent has not given much water.

"So, where is the good wine you promised?" There was a hearty fight, and it would affect your mood too much if you didn't have a good drink.

The Tengu girl didn't regard herself as an outsider at all, and said with arms crossed.

Jiang Yan looked around, and before he knew it, the two raced into the deep place of Yingxiang Mountain, far away from Daozuma City.

"Let's go, go to Narugami Taisha Shrine and ask for a good drink."

"You don't want to beat me up with that pink little fox, she can't catch up with me."

Judging by "Yoichi"'s cautious expression, it is estimated that he has suffered a lot in front of Yae Miko.

"Haha, no, no. I have a little face over there. As a gift of learning skills, ordinary wine is too inappropriate."

"You're a layman now. For things like wine, it doesn't matter what you drink, but when you drink it."

When it comes to drinking, "Yu Yi" has to teach this kid how to be a human being. How can a mere mortal talk to me about drinking after only a few decades of drinking?

"So, do you want to drink the 500-year-old Shenying wine?" Jiang Yan directly threw out his trump card.

Hu Zhai Palace is a man of the scene. At the beginning, he brewed and stored a lot of fine wine with the petals of the cherry blossoms every year, and used it to entertain friends from all walks of life.

After being resurrected, in order to thank him for saving his life, he gave Jiang Yan an altar of treasures buried in the past.

There is an unexpected benefit of resurrecting from the dead, that is, when you open your eyes, many things from that year suddenly increase in value by hundreds of times.

However, Jiang Yan, who is not good at drinking, was not taken away at all, and he kept it for entertaining friends from all walks of life.

Although a certain pink fox guards and steals, but at least for now, there is still half of it that can be rescued.

"500 years? You'd be a fool if you don't drink it! Hurry up!" The big dog girl pulled Jiang Yan and started running.

500 years, Naruto Shrine, cherry blossom wine... From Jiang Yan's invisible angle, "Yoichi", who is always bold and cheerful, also put away his happy expression.

Has it been more than 500 years since you drank Narujin Taisha's Kanzakura wine?

I really miss that white fur fox.


The third update today, don't worry, there is

Is there something wrong with group buying at the Hall of Death: Chapter 192 Chapter 186 Is there something wrong with bionic flight?

"Little fox, I'm here to see you."

"Ara, what a rare visitor"

No matter how many times, Yae Miko will always feel that this friend has a wide range of friends, and he always makes strange friends inexplicably.

This big tengu "Yoichi" has a frighteningly high seniority, and he has been active since the time of the Demon God War.

From as far away as Dahu Baichen, then to Huzhai Palace, and finally to himself, they have all had friendship with this senior.

But this senior's character, at best, is without airs;

At worst, it's not about seniority or face.

In short, "the most tengu-like tengu" is enough.

As for the little tengu in the back, she is a human with wings!

Don't drink too much and don't fight, and you have the nerve to call yourself a tengu?

After taking out the fine wine, Yae Miko put the banquet under the sacred cherry tree with bad intentions.

Seeing the 500-year-old Shenzao Liquor, "Yoichi"'s eyes straightened immediately.

As soon as he grabbed it, he held the wine jar and didn't let go. Even Shenzi, Jiang Yan and Shaluo didn't give him a glass.

"This kid said that this jar of wine is tuition fees, I don't care, you drink other things."

Wine is good wine, but half a pot of wine, how can this be enough?

Senior's act of cheating made the three of them feel helpless, so they had to open another jar of ordinary wine.

Fortunately, none of the three of them are good wine drinkers, they just accompany them.

Not long after drinking, "Yu Yi" began to brag about his great achievements in all worlds.

Why did the two sides mobilize a total of 800 million and 800 million people;

Mortal warriors are even more uncountable, no matter what, there are tens of millions.

Not to mention the heads, there are 80 large ships sunk in the melee;

The bullshit king that mortals can brag the most will be willing to bow down after hearing it.

This kind of violent blowing that ignores any rationality made Jiutiao Saluo fidget and blushed.

At this time, a lively voice came from the tree that "Yu Yi" was leaning against:

"Speaking of storytelling, I just heard a story:"

"There was a fool who got drunk during the war and took the calm ship as if it was riding the wind and waves."

"In the end, it fell into the sea with a thud, flew up easily, was shot into a hedgehog, and was finally rescued by a cat."

"Wow! It's haunted!"

The sudden sound and the revelation of the black history scared "Yuyi" to spread its wings suddenly, and the whole person flew up like a monkey.

"You, you, you, you are alive again?" The old friend's voice made "Yuyi" completely afraid to confirm.

"It is indeed dead, and now it has become the guardian spirit of Shenying. Long time no see, old friend. Is Shenying wine still good?"

"With you here, it will be delicious! Do it!"

"Yuyi" laughed loudly, and poured a bowl of her incomparably precious Shenying wine on the root of Shenying, poured a bowl himself, and drank it all in one gulp.

"This is the best news I've heard in hundreds of years."

"The little brother in front of you is the one who saved me, you should treat him better."

When Huzhai Palace spoke, it was naturally not to scare an old friend, well, maybe part of the reason was;

But more importantly, it is to save face for the benefactor.

"What do you need to say? I like this little guy very much, but unfortunately he smells like the little tengu next to him, so I won't shoot him."

The Tengu clan will bestow a newborn feather of their own on those they recognize, which is not only a good lightning weapon, but also a declaration of sovereignty in front of the same clan.

This "sovereignty" doesn't need to be misunderstood. For the aggressive Tengu clan, it generally refers to:

——This person is the one I like, don't come and grab my toy.

Of course, it is common for the opposite sex to see each other under the guise of each other. The bold and unrestrained tengu doesn't care about decades of happiness.

It's just that many heroes can't accept a flying husky who likes to drink, fight and brag, even if the Tengu clan is averagely handsome and beautiful.

Jiutiao Shaluo blushed after being exposed, and didn't know how to explain it.

She really didn't think about it in that direction, but it was completely crooked when the big tengu said that.

"Master Yuyi, what nonsense are you talking about? "Sara hinted Jiang Yan not to misunderstand with his eyes again and again, and kept turning the topic to the wind and thunder warfare.

After a while of uproar, the topic finally got back on track.

"Although we, the Tengu clan, never hide our secrets, you can make a lot of money by trading this trick for a jar of wine. I rely on this trick to travel all over the world. I think back then..."

After drinking the tengu, no one can stop them from turning the topic to bragging.

"Do you need me to invite Aqian to have a get together?" Hu Zhai Gong interjected casually.

Of course, except for black history.

The big tengu, who immediately withered, had no choice but to honestly introduce the principles of this set of tactics.

"Boy, I saw the way you chased me. The wind wing + lightning traction is wrong. This way of traction, I am completely a target."

After saying that, "Yu Yi" opened up his three pairs of wings, and with a slight flap, thunder lingered on the wings;

The golden round fan in his hand slammed towards the ground, and he instantly changed direction several times in the air at a speed with afterimages.

It wasn't until after flying a hexagon that it landed slowly and retracted its wings and feather fans.

It was only then that Jiang Yan realized the true ability of this big tengu. He couldn't catch up with this speed no matter what, and he was really giving way to himself just now.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a senior who roams many worlds.

Among the immortals in Liyue, in terms of speed alone, only the Great Sage Conquering Demons can keep pace with her.

After some rainbow farts, "Yuyi" said triumphantly:

"In the process of flying, the power of thunder needs to be stable. The bigger the force, the better. Avoid explosive force as much as possible. As long as you continue to accelerate, you will soon reach the limit speed, but if the stability is gone, then all Gone.

And the power of wind is used to adjust the direction briefly and quickly. How strong is your stability can you use the power of wind, and it is purely half the effort to use it as a boost at ordinary times. "

Jiang Yan recorded the insights of this big tengu word by word. When it comes to air combat with humanoid creatures, who is more professional than the tengu clan?

"At the end of the day, it's nothing special. Our tengu clan is instinctive to fly thunder and wind. Even if you ask me to teach you the way of human beings, I can't understand how to fly fast without wings or round fan."

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