"So, I'm only responsible for teaching you the way of our tengu. As for how to turn him into your human way, that's up to you."

The big tengu didn't hide it at all, and directly showed Jiang Yan the most authentic side.

This is also the way of life of the tengu clan, simple, pure, self, true self.

"Speaking of which, Narugami Taisha has a good set of Thunder Wings and Red Leaf Fans, you can borrow them first."

But as soon as the voice changed, after only 3 minutes of seriousness, Daitengu began to speak slackly again.

"I heard that you are going to suppress the demon god, kid. I can't always bleed alone, right? Little fox?"

"Yoichi" turned to look at Yae Kamito, and said with a hint of alcohol.

The Tengu clan is never stingy with the people they like, and they should give generous gifts to the beautiful boys who completely beat them.

It's a pity that "Yuyi" at this time is really penniless.

She has never been stingy with things outside her body.Anyone who had some money was exchanged for wine, or bought novels at Yaedo, most of them read halfway through and threw them out of the window.

So, why not borrow flowers to offer Buddha, "Yu Yi" thought triumphantly.

"Borrow? Senior, don't you know that a person with a mouthful of a kid has another identity." Yae Kamito covered his mouth with his hands, with a smirk on his face.

"What identity? The next Grand Secretary of the Great Society?" The big tengu didn't take it seriously at all. Is the big demon Baichen really good?I talked and laughed with her all the time.

But with Yae Miko's sound transmission technique, "Yoichi" started her facial performance;

Fear, gossip, excitement, sympathy, admiration, all kinds of expressions opened up a palette on her beautiful face.

It's really a waste to give this kind of person appearance. She always has a hundred postures to completely destroy her image.

At this time, Yae Shenzi also asked the witch to bring up the Lei Teng Yun Ben's Wings and the Red Feather Fan that had been prepared.

"I have the props, senior, you have to teach them well, otherwise...forget it, you don't want to know."

Yae Kamiko said in a joking tone.

After the banquet was over, "Yuyi" chatted with Huzhai Palace for a long time, an old friend who hadn't seen him for hundreds of years, and had a lot to talk about.

It wasn't until dusk, when she was exhausted, that she brought Jiutiao Shaluo and Jiang Yan to the gate of Naruto Shrine.

"Yuyi" happily took out two ancient scrolls and handed them to Jiang Yan.

On the first scroll, there is a drawing of the tengu clan using their wings to drive lightning and speed up their flight in the ancient rice wife script;

On the road map, there are various annotations marked on it, from old to new. It is obvious that the big tengu in front of him has his own experience, and it is worth ten thousand gold.

Of course, the premise is to ignore the forced implantation of "this trick is invincible!", "My genius idea!" and other bragging.

Bragging on the inheritance scroll, you really belong, senior "Yuyi"!

The second scroll records the common techniques and practical experience of the Tengu Uchiwa Fan. Of course, comments and bragging are also essential.

Gu Dao's wife, Wen Jiangyan, naturally didn't understand. Since the big tengu was brought out, it means that Shaluo, a fellow clan, is also destined to share.

After letting Jiujo Shaluo translate word by word, Jiang Yan began to try to run.

Lei Teng Yunben's wings are not ordinary wings of wind, but a powerful magic weapon.

Otherwise, even the Ootengu would not have solemnly proposed to borrow it, let alone the Yae Shenzi gave it away directly.

This pair of wings is completely imitated according to the wings of the tengu, and can pour a large amount of thunder elemental power into them, providing users with flight acceleration.

Jiang Yan was full of praise after using it. Is this more than a counterfeit?It is like changing from manual transmission to automatic transmission, a revolutionary progress.

Seeing Jiang Yan soaring into the sky after infusing a large amount of thunder elemental power, "Yu Yi" was dumbfounded.

This thing is too powerful...Thanks to only one being handed down, otherwise what's the use of the Tengu clan?

But the red leaf fan is not so powerful. After Jiang Yan used the Tengu technique, his twisted figure made "Yu Yi" laugh out loud.

This is not good, this kind of delicate work of balance, how can there be this kind of Fontaine time to practice slowly?Wait, automatic?

Jiang Yan had an idea.Put the wings of Qingtian Qingfeng on the body, the wings of Qingtian Qingfeng, which possesses the power of the wind god, are not inferior to the wings of Lei Tengyunben in terms of strength

Biplane, take off!

Fifteen seconds later, the Jiangyan biplane plunged headlong to the ground. If he hadn't made a wind cushion himself, he would have disappeared.

"You actually have two of these magic weapons? As expected..." the big tengu "Yuyi" looked at the student pilot with a complicated expression.

The linkage of the two magic weapons is theoretically feasible, and it even has an advantage in air combat because one hand is free to wield the weapon.

As a price, it requires a certain degree of control skills, so I am naturally fine;

But the rookie in front of him seemed to be dying.

"Senior "Yuyi", you are Inazuma's air combat king, please help me design a set of tactics for biplane flight, can you? "

The long-term energy has taught Jiang Yan to find professionals to solve problems, and Rainbow Fart will come with just one mouth.

To be honest, "Yuyi" is also very interested in this.

Although Tengu's round fan is handy, it is always an obstacle to drawing a bow in the air. If there is such an automatic block, it is really good... Well, I am so excited.

With half-push, "Yu Yi" took over the two pairs of wings and put them on himself.

10 minutes later

"Hahahahahaha! I am already invincible!"

"Reluctantly," said Ootengu who helped.

Play wildly in the air, sprint, accelerate, dive, draw the bow, and fly up and down at a speed that people can't keep up with.

The happy big tengu said that he would not come down even if he died, and he performed a vivid "let go".

It was not until the elemental power was exhausted that "Yuyi" slowly fell.

As soon as he landed, "Yuyi" took out the scroll and pen, and began to write vigorously.

Jiang Yan and Shaluo didn't dare to disturb, they could only stand silently by the side.

After waiting for a long time, "Yuyi" nodded all over the floor, rolled up the scroll, and handed it to Jiang Yan.

"My supernatural powers have finally come true today!" The big tengu with the appearance of a girl patted his chest in an old-fashioned way.

The friendship of creating exercises on the spot, the human feelings are considered too big.

Jiang Yan stood with his hands folded, and took it respectfully.

But looking at the scroll that says "Freedom in the Air" on it, Jiang Yan can't help complaining silently:

Such a good name has long been given by the Great Sage Conquering Demons, okay? If it’s really not possible, you two will fight to decide the ownership?

Unfolding the exercises, Jiang Yan and Shaluo studied them carefully.

Ignoring more than 50% of the self-boasting, this copycat's "freedom in the air" is completely worthy of the level of supernatural powers.

The core of the technique is still the Tengu-style flying mysteries of the Thunder Wing as the main and the Wind Wing as the supplement.

Thunder Wing is very simple and provides powerful one-way thrust;

All other auxiliary work is done by the wind wing, for example:

Sufficient lift at low speeds;

By gradually changing the angle, it provides a stable sudden change of direction and a strong change of direction;

Provide extra acceleration at critical moments and provide explosive sprints;

Use strong resistance to provide rapid deceleration and provide an accurate shooting environment;

Standing up acts as a speed brake, providing the possibility for a quick landing;

Such high-end skills are mixed with a lot of violent boasting such as "the rice wife sky, let me decide", "can there be any creatures on the ground who dare to face the tyrant tiger?"

But to be honest, she is not completely bragging, at most 90%.

If you give this big tengu these two pairs of wings, if you want to hit her before the elemental power is exhausted, under the gods, you probably have to find Twalin.

But it's a pity that there is no second Fengshen object that Qin gave her.

When the Wendy Rongcai festival comes, ask this big dog if he can customize one.

Otherwise, the tuition and favors are really owed.

The big tengu who has no secrets has already pointed out the way for himself, and the rest is to practice slowly.

If it is someone else, it must take a long time to become proficient.

As for myself, of course it's another matter.

"Summon, Daitengu "Yoichi"! "

Ace Air Combat, start!


4000+ major changes, today's explosion is completed, and the promise is completed.

If you think I mean what I say, tomorrow will be a new month, please ask for monthly support, thank you!

Is there something wrong with the group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 193 Chapter 187 Is it wrong to play cats before the battle?

The experience of air combat is all in exchange for life.

However, what happens when someone's life is changed casually?

The answer is - rapid progress!

To give a simple example, most tengu like to shoot at low speed or stationary in the air.

It's not because I missed the shot at high speed, but because I have fallen too many compatriots to death, and I am afraid of falling.

In history, many tengus with great skills also lost their eyesight or lost consciousness and fell down when they changed direction or accelerated rapidly.

This kind of tragedy, apart from making oneself the laughing stock of "being thrown to death with long wings", nothing can be passed down.

But Jiang Yan was different. After falling to his death dozens of times in the first half of the night, he quickly grasped the limit, and the situation of victory and defeat was immediately reversed.

This kind of tactic of frantically probing on the verge of sudden death really frightened "Yu Yi".

However, after being suppressed and won several times, "Yuyi" also thought about it, he wouldn't die anyway, why didn't he go crazy together?

The two of them were like this, fighting wildly in the sky until dawn.Jiang Yan told the senior with satisfaction that he will fight again tomorrow.

But the aggressive big tengu quit, "Young man, can you be a little bit more stubborn? Continue!"

After experiencing the joy of not dying, and driving at full capacity after exhaustion, Ootengu was completely excited.

Speaking of fighting, she has to fight a few times a month;

But death fight, she hasn't fought well in hundreds of years.

How can such a fun battle end?

hit!Hit until you want to sleep!

It didn't matter to Jiang Yan, if he fell to his death offline, he would really fall to his death, and he really didn't dare to use it offline if he didn't fully practice the technique.

So the two combat madmen simply continued to work, what day and night did they care?

The fight continued until day and night turned upside down, until Jiang Yan had a splitting headache, and until "Yu Yi" became nauseated, it was considered over.

But thanks to him, it's not bad to grab a day.

After a good night's rest, Jiang Yan found Yae Shenzi early the next morning and invited her to set off for Qinglai Island together.

There is no way, many of the town stone barriers on Qinglai Island are floating in the air.

Restoring them requires a good ability to control the elemental power of thunder, as well as understanding Daozuma's sealing technique, and a good self-protection ability.

Fox: Why don't you just report my fur color number.

But to be honest, Fox is still very concerned about Ying's wife Dao. After all, when Ying was autistic, it was the home that Fox had seen for 500 years.

For Qinglai Island, she has already prepared for a rainy day.

Originally, I wanted to go to Qinglai Island with Ying to find a time to go on a business trip, but since Heguan was in a hurry, it was okay to treat the purified Qinglai Island as a surprise.

Therefore, all the preparations of Yae Shenzi were fulfilled by Jiang Yan.

Ready-made maps, node locations, and town stone repair props;

Relevant training has been done, and a large number of witches are on standby;

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