"Everyone is here...everyone is here"

"Thank you...people from outside the island...finally we are going to set sail."

Raising his hands, together with himself and all the dead souls underground, they all turned into white spots, floating slowly into the sky, onto the silver sailboat in the sky.

With the sails full, the silver boat sailed on the starry river, getting smaller and smaller until it turned into a small white spot and merged into the bright moon.

The dead souls who have been lost for thousands of years in Heguan finally ended their confusion, found their cradle, and fell into an eternal dream.

A mass of white light slowly drifted down, landed on Hu Tao's head, and blended into it.

Those were the memory fragments of the boatman who had guided the souls of the dead for countless years. The memory of dozens of thousands of years was too heavy for her.

Tiny fragments, only when she needs them, will come to her mind for her to read.

That is the boatman's blessing to the young lonely traveler who happened to meet at the fork in the lonely journey

Hu Tao silently made a reincarnation seal with both hands, looking up at the sky.

Putting away the weird expression, from an angle that no one can see, revealing the loneliness and tenderness buried under it.

"Thank you, Master."

"The road is long, and the road is long and obstructed. Take it all the way, no matter you or me."

Afterwards, Walnut lowered her head and resumed her usual expression.

"I've been waiting for a long time, everyone, hey, let's go."

Is there something wrong with group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 203Chapter 197 Is it wrong to sign and sell if I don’t understand foreign languages?

At dawn, the four returned to the outlying islands.

Walnut, who won the grand prize, kept "hehehe" all the way, as happy as the little weasel who stole the chicken.

But no matter how curious they were, everyone didn't intend to find a way out and enjoy her latest service in advance, so they had to let their curiosity go.

Soon, the boat arrived at the outlying island.

Hu Tao and Xiang Ling hurried to the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce Posthouse, ready to support Xing Qiu.

And Jiang Yan and Gan Yu looked at each other, and sighed, things are getting worse...

On Dao's wife's site, there appeared a boatman who was probably from the time of the three sisters of Yuegong;

And, according to him, there is still a "mistress of the golden house" on the moon.

The importance of this information is far greater than that of the Demon God's Resentment.

"Junior brother Jiang, this is a big matter. It's over here. Let's go back to Liyue and report to the emperor."

"Well, no problem." Jiang Yan agreed.

Looking at a bunch of ghosts on the screen and seeing the silver spaceship in the sky with my own eyes are completely different feelings.

And this matter, I'm afraid it's very good to think about it carefully?

He Guanren can return to his dream in the cradle of the golden house after death;

And the Teyvats are dead, and nothing is left;

Really nothing?

Could it be the firewood used by Sky Island to do some great mission?

Or it was regarded as the price of reversing destruction by a certain great god.

However, these problems are not something that a mere mortal needs to worry about.

Even if you know the truth, it's just a veritable worry.

This kind of trouble hanging high in the sky, let the emperor solve it.

Isn't it fragrant for Rongcai Festival?


At the signing event, the Liyue Youth League had already started to get busy, and Xiang Ling, Hu Tao and Chong Yun were of great help.

Before the show could start, the small square at the entrance of the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations was already packed with water. Four booths spread out in a circle in all directions, and a battle against Taiwan began.

Xiangling and Walnut have completely re-arranged the entire booth, striving to be a pre-emptive strike from the creative point of view;

Chongyun directly turns into a ruthless ice-making machine, which is arranged along the queue to create a more comfortable environment for the queue;

As for Xingqiu, he was fidgeting in his seat for a long time. As a water man, the appreciation seal he made just now almost made him feel uncomfortable.

In this signing event, the top five best-selling books in Yaedo, except for the "Travel Guide to Tivat" Inazuma who did not participate in the signing due to the absence of the author, the authors of the other four books came.

Signing is not terrible, whoever has no one in line is embarrassed.

It is said that "The King is the Flower" has always been the king of popularity, and it has just been reprinted, so it can't be compared.

"The Big Brother of the Guhua School" Chang Jiuye, a prodigal son, has heard of it himself, but he actually wrote a popular novel?Seeing is believing.

Although "Onmyoji and the Fox" has never been read, it is said to be the first volume. Will Daozuma's local theme have more audiences than me?

Will I be on fire?Xingqiu's confidence was very disturbed, and the little friend also comforted him.

Finally, with the lifting of the staff blockade, the signing activity officially started.

Crowds of people flooded into the square like a sea, lined up to buy books, and looked for authors to sign for sale.

"It's hot! Xingqiu, you're hot!" The three of them kept announcing the good news to Xingqiu. The line next to him to buy books was getting longer and longer.

"Hahaha, I'm on fire!" Xing Qiuzhi was full of complacency, no matter how big the deal was negotiated at the Feiyun Merchant Conference, he was not as excited as he is at this moment.

Not long after, a reader came forward, holding a copy of "Shen Qiu Picking up Swords" and handing it to Xingqiu.

Xingqiu opened the title page, stamped the appreciation seal, drew a circular arc that he had conceived for a long time, and wrote a "one" in cursive, proving that it came from the memorable first signing.

The rice wife nodded excitedly, she didn't know what to say, presumably it was thanks.

Due to the large number of readers, there was no communication link for this signing, so Yaedo did not provide translations for each author. Only two editors were on site to support the authors.

Unable to understand what he was saying, Xing Qiu could only smile at him and nodded.

But the reader did not leave, but respectfully took out another book, opened the title page, and handed it to Xingqiu with both hands.

"What is this? A pirated edition? Or another edition from a small publishing house? It doesn't matter, I signed it."

Since a bunch of people were queuing up behind, Xing Qiu didn't have time to think about it, so he just stamped and drew patterns.

However, this situation is not an exception. At least half of the people who follow up have another book in their hands, and the cover and paper quality are different.

Xingqiu, who is not surprised at all, treated it as a privately printed version of a small publishing house, and signed it without discrimination.

In the face of such lovely readers and fans, what's wrong with signing one more name?It doesn't matter if I make up for the difference.

The excellent signing scene, the performance far surpassing others, the artificial air-conditioned queue, the lovely readers and fans, Xingqiu was intoxicated in the joy of success and fame.

When Jiang Yan came to the signing site, he was surprised to see that Xingqiu's signing queue had already occupied more than half of the signing party.

No, judging from the data, this season's No. 2 is "The King's Flower", Xingqiu No.3, and Chang Jiuye No.[-]. How can Xingqiu's signings be so popular?

With curiosity, Jiang Yan observed carefully for a long time and discovered a mystery:

The book that many readers signed Xing Qiu was not "Shen Qiu Picking up Swords" privately printed by a small publishing house, but Jiang Yan's own masterpiece.

I found a few more readers to ask patiently, and Jiang Yan finally discovered the truth of the matter:

I don't know which "popular" literature lover from Liyue's visiting group leaked an explosive news:

The prototype of "The Trilogy of Heroes and Women Catching Their Heads" will be signed and sold at Rongcai Festival in Daozu.

The original intention was to let everyone take a look at the character prototype, but it produced an explosive wrong effect.

Quan Dao's wife's "popular" literature lovers were all excited, and they flocked to the Rongcai Festival that they didn't plan to participate in.

After Jiang Yan's three masterpieces were introduced and translated by various small publishing houses of Daozuma,

In order to avoid angering Yaedo in the backstage, the illustrations were canceled, a similar name was changed, and a very serious cover was put on.

And the level of corruption before the appointment was implemented, everyone understands it.

With just a little bit of manipulation, these works are on the market in such a grandiose manner.

And it easily occupied half of the "popular" literature of Inazuma with the momentum of dimensionality reduction and attack.

"What? There is finally a new work? Let's wait until we're dying, shall we!" ——The voice of "popular" literature lovers resounded through Quan Daowi.

So in today's outlying islands, apart from a large number of light novel lovers, there are also a large number of "popular" literature lovers.

"Popular" literature lovers who could only rely on their brains before, saw the beautiful boy with red lips and white teeth signing "Shen Qiu Picking up Swords", and they were all moved.

Damn it, it turns out that the teacher has made another breakthrough and started to play the story of the fall of the beautiful boy?

This...was so exciting!

Could it be that the "teacher" signing the book in front of you is the protagonist of this movie?

It's called "Pillow Jade", what a nice name.

"Shen Qiu Picking Up Swords"?Is this the name of the fourth part?Must buy!

So they joined the queue to buy autographs one after another.

Of course, there are indeed many readers who have double majored in light novels and "popular" literature and know the inside story.

But it is worth buying a roll of toilet paper just for the signature of the "Pillow Jade" heroine who has accompanied them countless days and nights, ah no, "Shen Qiu Picking up the Sword".

What's more, whoever buys "popular" literature likes to communicate in public?

They all bought the book silently and closed the door to enjoy it alone.

Therefore, such a long queue actually has complex components:

Readers who actually bought "Shen Qiu Picking up Swords";

Readers who bought the autograph of the heroine "Pillow Jade";

And readers who buy the fourth volume of the Heroine series, with the signature of the heroine:

As for the third group of people, they found out that what they got was a very sound science fiction novel, and it is another story to scold Yaedo for making fake books and deceiving people.


At this time, in the sad Liyue Youth League, there is no one who understands Daofu's writing;

Everyone is still immersed in the joy of their own success or that of their friends.

Ever since, Xingqiu has stamped his own seal of appreciation on many masterpieces featuring him as the heroine, as well as the first-time patterns that he carefully portrayed.

By the time the editor of Yaedo, who was connected to him, came, he had already signed a seven-seven-eight-eight.

It's a pity that the editor of Yaedo is a decent person and has never read those "popular" literature.

Seeing that Teacher Zhenyu stamped other books in the hands of the few remaining readers, I thought they were works submitted by the teacher to other platforms, so I didn't ask more.

Tragedy, just so inevitable happened.

Of course, it was a long, long time since Xing Qiu knew all of this.

After that, he never went to Dao's wife again.

Many of the new villains in "Shen Qiu Picking up Swords" have also become rice wives.

And Mr. Jiang, who witnessed the whole incident, also strengthened his determination to study Daozu's characters hard.

What a joy.

Is there something wrong with the group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 204 Chapter 198 Is there something wrong with buying the gods with wine?

Putting Xiao Jiujiu's incomplete manuscript and the description of the situation into an envelope, Jiang Yan quietly dropped it into Chang Jiuye's package, and left the signing site.

Jiang Yan walked a few steps quickly, caught up with the two ordinary-looking sisters who were shopping together, and struck up a conversation enthusiastically:

"Ying, really, how long have you been here?"

It was precisely after feeling that they had used the leaked elemental power of thunder to say "hello" to him that Jiang Yan hurried out of the signing site to meet them.

In other words, this camouflage technique is really powerful, if you don't get close, you can't find it at all.

But when asked why they left shortly after the opening, Zhen said helplessly:

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