"500 years of changes have made me unable to keep up with the current Dao Wife."

I thought the Rongcai Festival was a group of people reciting poems, but when Laying came over, I saw only a group of people queuing up to buy light novels.

After watching the fanatical crowd for a while, I felt that I and my sister were two old antiques and were out of tune with the atmosphere, so I had to find another place.

When walking out of the square, I happened to meet Jiang Yan.

It seems that, as a god who has not kept up with the times, it is better to have a guide when visiting the festival.

Seeing that his sister was also a little emotional, he simply "called" Jiang Yan.

Coincidentally, Jiang Yan also had something to do with Yinghezhen.

It's been the second day since Wendy came here. If Qin knows that Dao's wife packed her gods into boxes and delivered them, and then didn't even have a "wind" banquet, although she won't protest, it's really unreasonable.

After some explanations, I really felt that it was too impolite not to entertain, so I simply went to the izakaya to catch the drunk.

Why an izakaya?With Barbatos occasionally busy saving Mond, where else could Wendy be?

When Wendy is no longer Barbatos, she has gin duality.

Either drinking, or playing the piano, or playing the piano while drinking.

The ancients 500 years ago did not call light novels at all;

The ancients 1000 years ago were the same for light novels.

Jiang Yan guessed right, Wendy was indeed at the izakaya.

Wendy originally planned to have a good exchange with Dao Wife at the Rongcai Festival with her harp in hand, so she also got the title of "Song Fairy".

As a result, when he arrived at the venue, he saw only a group of people signing books and flipping through a few pages, which was completely beyond his comprehension.

What about rice wife poems?What about Waka?Where did the Rongcai Festival in memory go?

Helpless, Wendy had no choice but to switch from the poetry world to the wine world.

When Jiang Yan and his group found him, Wendy was feeling the difference between Inazuma sake and dandelion wine in an izakaya.

One wine glass in the left hand, one wine glass in the right hand, one sip on the left, one sip on the right, and the drink is full of excitement.

"Wendy, I'm really sorry, I had a lot of things to finish yesterday, and I was just free."

Jiang Yan said hello and sat on his table.

And really cast a spell, making the people around them completely ignore the four of them.

Seeing truth and shadow, Wendy rubbed her eyes:

"Is the rice wife wine so strong? After drinking three cups, I've already had a double image?"

"Well, it seems that the wine in this tavern is really bad. Really, pour him some good wine."

Jiang Yan smiled slightly, and turned to ask Zhen for a good wine.

Zhen took out a simple wine jug from his sleeve and poured the pink liquid into an empty wine glass.

The tip of Wendy's nose moved slightly, and she immediately put down the wine glass in her hand, picked up the wine glass that Zhen handed him, took a sip, shook her head, and drank it down in one gulp.

"The wine brewed from the petals of the god cherry, the last time I drank it was at the Banquet of the Seven Gods in Liyue Port."

"Long time no see, really."

Wendy greeted Xiangzhen with nostalgia.

"Long time no see, Barbatos. Now, would it be better to call you Wendy?"

Zhen also sat down slowly, no matter how rough the place, tables and stools,

When she sat down, an elegant atmosphere emerged spontaneously.

"Wendy is fine, I'll be just Wendy from now on."

Wendy was very much enjoying herself, reeking of Barbatos ichthyosis.

"Well, here's my new friend, Wendy."

After filling the cups of several people, he gently pushed the jug and the wine glasses to Wendy, and slowly raised the cups to toast.

Wendy quickly took the wine glass, and they drank it all in one gulp.Then he picked up the jug, stroked it cherishingly, and refilled it for himself.

The jug in Zhen's hand is one of Narujin Taisha's most precious stocks.

Ying did not drink alcohol for 500 years, even if it is only a small amount of ritual production every year, it has accumulated a large amount of Shenying wine for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Wendy, who knows the goods, only has one glass, and she bows down to this rare wine.

Several people chatted while drinking, and Wendy was very surprised at the real resurrection.

It is not uncommon for the demon god to recover by relying on the remaining power,

But looking at Narugami in front of him, his strength is not bad, his emotions are complete, and his memory is so precious, how did he do it?

And after listening to the movie about Mond's journey, Zhen was also very curious about Wendy's handing over her God's Heart to Zhidong.

What kind of deal is this?

But unfortunately, these are not topics that can be discussed at the wine table.

After some exchanges with riddlers, everyone found nothing.

Jiang Yan felt that this kind of cliché was too boring, so he directly changed the topic to the just-concluded trip to Heguan.

"By the way, Wendy, I have a pretty good boat song for you."

Jiang Yan believes that this mantra is the poet who "the wind brings the seeds of the story, and time makes them germinate", and he must be very interested in the story of the boatman and the moon.

"Stop making trouble, there is no song I can't sing in the whole of Tewat!" Wendy was very proud of her status as "the best poet".

"This song is hard to say."

Jiang Yan didn't show off, but told everything about Heguan Island.

And Wendy's expression, along with the development of the story, changed from drunkenness, to sudden sober eyes, to listening to all this seriously, and finally turned to cynical.

And all of this, Jiang Yan was not surprised at all, this guy Wendy was indeed full of mysteries.

How could the guy guarding the gate of Sky Island be just a wind elf from more than 2000 years ago?

Look at Zhenhe Ying, they have expressions of ignorance.

But whoever he was, he was Wendy now, his friend.

Tell him the matter, he may not be able to say anything, but he will naturally make the most beneficial choice for the two of them.

"A very good story, but this psalm can only be passed on by word of mouth, not by singing...Thank you, my friend."

Wendy's big green eyes were full of the meaning of "stop here", and Jiang Yan didn't intend to delve into it. After the two had a drink, the topic ended here.

Zhenheying didn't really want to expand on this topic. What happened before the Demon God War was not a topic that could be discussed casually. The unlucky Demon God back then was not just Orobus.

After everyone chatted for a while, Zhen and Ying watched Jiang Yan still have business to do, so after leaving Jiang Yan a few bottles of the best Shenying wine, he said goodbye to them.

But Jiang Yan stayed. Recently, he wanted to ask Wendy a lot of technical questions.

For example, the wings of wind and thunder, such as the field of wind, such as the wound of the wind, and whether there is a powerful secret of the wind element that suits him;

The tuition fee has been accepted, and people still want to run away?

Is there something wrong with the group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 205 Chapter 199 Is there something wrong with Xueyi Zongxue

In the wilderness outside the outlying island, Jiang Yan demonstrated to Wendy the wind skills he had recently learned.

I thought I could see the bow technique of piercing Yang with a hundred steps;

In the end, what he saw was: the wild wind and thunder assaulted with two wings, and the wind injury that completely shattered Qian Feng.

Seeing this, Wendy was in a bad mood.

The few times I met, I was teaching my friends well. Why did he learn so crookedly?

As for friends who sometimes secretly prostitute her sparring at night, Wendy knows it well.

But since he didn't say anything, there must be his reasons, so Wendy didn't ask.

But how can sparring practice such violent usage?

Why does this move look so much like the King of Gale?

You must know that the original King of Gale, apart from the tornado that destroyed everything and the wind wall that lasted for thousands of years, was the best at using chaotic storms to smash the enemy into pieces.

I overthrew the Gale King by myself, and then taught the next Gale King. Is this some kind of vicious curse? .

This can't be done, if the teacher really crooked like that, he will definitely be ridiculed by Qianfeng who knows the inside story, until the world is destroyed.

"Find a secluded corner, let's practice"

Wendy is going to plan ahead and correct her friend's misconceptions about wind.

Wendy's active teaching made Jiang Yan very happy.

Is there any profit in this wave of blood for prostitutes who are privately taught by gods?

So Jiang Yan directly led Wendy, spread the wings of the wind from behind the Kanding Enforcement Office, and glided all the way to the uninhabited island behind the statue of the Seven Heavens.

As for Wendy, she didn't even open the Wings of the Wind, and just relying on the wind brought by Jiang Yan's gliding, she didn't lag behind at all.

This situation made Jiang Yan very difficult to understand.

This unscientific!Not magic either!Not to mention elemental power!

With doubts, the two arrived at the sky above the uninhabited island not long after.

"Let's play together. First, try to catch up with me?"

Wendy floated in the air, and invited Jiang Yan to practice.

Jiang Yan didn't speak, and he didn't intend to give Wendy the opportunity to borrow his wind power to launch a surprise attack directly.

Lei Yi, speed up!

With a sound of "Huh!", the whole person swooped down on Wendy.

However, just as she was approaching Wendy, she found that Wendy was being blown back continuously by the wind brought by her flight;

Wendy was in the wind like a green leaf.

As fast as he chased, he retreated as fast as he could.

"This..." Seeing that the distance could not be shortened, Jiang Yan simply took out the red leaf fan and swung it back.

The powerful magic weapon brought a violent gust of wind, blowing in Jiang Yan's own direction.

As for himself, he directly exploded the thunder element force against the wind, and sprinted forward fiercely.

However, Jiang Yan's tactics failed at all.

Although Wendy leaned against the wind, before Jiang Yan could touch anyone, Wendy took advantage of the headwind of Jiang Yan's sprint and the strong wind of the fan, and floated to the top of Jiang Yan's head, and the two passed by each other.

"Yeah~!" Wendy blinked lightly at Jiang Yan.

The joking expression seemed to be telling Jiang Yan:

If it wasn't for defeating him on the "wind", no matter how fast it was, it would be useless.

Then fight, Jiang Yan drew his sword out of its sheath, and began to "stir" the air in front of him.

Wanye's field is not difficult for Jiang Yan, because Yula's ice vortex is essentially the same principle, and he has already practiced hard thousands of times.

"Wind and cloud travel together!" The field unfolded directly.

He didn't have the ability of Wanyefeng to move at will, but Jiang Yan used his long sword to guide him continuously, and achieved the same effect.

It's a pity that whether it's the adsorption force or the range, Jiang Yan's field is not as good as Wanye, who has a better compatibility;

And the enemies he faced were far more powerful than himself at the time.

Wendy didn't enter the field at all, but was only on the outer edge of the field, and with the help of a small amount of escaping wind, she flew freely in circles along the field.

With an angry expression of "I quietly watch you perform".

Jiang Yan wanted to break the deadlock, but no matter whether it was accelerating or changing speed with the field, the rhythm of the opponent's circle did not change at all, and he was always precisely stuck on the boundary.

For the Domain of Wind, which is almost difficult for ordinary people to deal with, it has no effect against the God of Wind.

Forget it, let's go to the unique skill, Jiang Yan gave up these tricks.

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