Directly swiping the sword clockwise, instead of swiping the sword from all angles in a short time to summon the wind.

The chaotic wave disrupted the field created by Jiang Yan in a blink of an eye.

The wind began to overflow, and the field began to lose its stability. From a stable circle, it began to expand and contract continuously, and it was about to burst.

Destroying one's own domain is certainly not for suicide.

Just before the domain exploded, Jiang Yan gathered a large amount of elemental power and swung his sword with all his might!This group of chaotic and unstable wind was pushed out in one go.

"Wind Wounds!"

Even Wendy couldn't take this wind-type special attack lightly.

"What kind of hatred do you have against Qian Feng, Qi Feng!"

Wendy complained, and pulled his love bow in a rare way.

Qianfeng responded to his call, and all kinds of winds gathered on his arrows.

The arrows are wrapped with emerald ribbons of various shades and shapes, just like being scratched by a cat.

Wendy did not carry out his usual combing and integration, but directly shot out the arrow made of thousands of winds, under the restraint of her wind element force, with all her strength.

After the Bow of Thousand Winds was shot, after losing the restraint and command of the gods, after a while, the chaotic hedging and escape began.

Arrows made of ordinary materials were smashed to pieces by Qianfeng's conflict in an instant;

And the playfulness of a thousand winds calls for more winds to join their games;

In the blink of an eye, at the end of the range, a huge eye of the storm formed, absorbing everything around it.

As for Jiang Yan's injury from the wind, he announced its disintegration just as it reached the Eye of the Storm.

Under the strong adsorption force, the scattered winds all joined the ranks of the eye of the storm, and started a happy carnival of thousands of winds;

The powerful wind injury naturally became invisible.

The last trick was also broken, so Jiang Yan had no choice but to land on the ground and listen to Teacher Wendy's lecture honestly.

I am not an elemental elf. Although flying in the sky is enjoyable, the consumption of elemental power is also frightening.

And Wendy followed Jiang Yan down slowly, and took a sip of Shenying Wine from the bottle.

After moistening his throat and organizing his language, he said:

"Even in the seemingly calm air, thousands of winds are everywhere."

Wendy stroked lightly with her hand, drawing two breezes in opposite directions in the windless air.

"The essence of calm is actually freedom and disagreement, and the absence of dominant forces"

Wendy's fingers, like a conductor of an orchestra, continued to swipe a few times casually, and the wind direction immediately became confused;

Then he swung his fingers horizontally and invested a little wind element power, immediately turning these chaotic winds into a cool breeze blowing towards Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan was amazed by this kind of control that was as light as a weight.

After waving his hand to calm the breeze, the master of Qianfeng continued to explain to his friend knowledge that mortals would never hear.

"Each strand of wind has its own characteristics, and it is difficult to command them completely."

"Although it can be done, it is not worth it at all, even for me."

"However, when they were gathered together and called "Thousand Winds", things became simpler. "

"As a whole, there are rules for what these children want to do, what they can do, and how to guide them to do what they do."

Wendy tried her best to describe her power in a language that ordinary people could understand, not just a fruit of face.

Hearing Wendy's explanation, Jiang Yan became more and more familiar with it, until he heard the last sentence, he finally confirmed that the last thing he didn't want to hear came again...

However, no amount of evasion could solve the problem, so I could only hang my head down and speak out the knowledge in my memory full of frustration:

"Some things that have no rules can actually be the result of simple laws, right?"

"Eh? You understand it very well, I believe you will get started soon." Wendy was surprised that her friend suddenly said a very precise summary.

"So, what laws have you mastered, Wendy? Can you tell me directly? Kill me, I don't want to forget it myself." Jiang Yan said weakly.

Whether it is Thor or Fengshen, can everyone practice martial arts well?Do you have to fight for cultural level?

"Don't be like this, let's talk more. Only Twalin understands these things, and he doesn't like to listen to them."

"It's rare for a mortal to understand. Let's chat while drinking."

After all, Wendy opened a bottle of Shenying Wine, took a sip, and stared at Jiang Yan with his big emerald green eyes.

"Can it? Can it? Can it?"

As the spirit of the wind, Wendy later became the god of wind. The research on Qianfeng has naturally been going on for thousands of years.

This kind of lonely research is destined to be boring;

But the research on the essence of power is the instinct of every strong man.

Therefore, Wendy was very happy that her friends were able to communicate with each other. She pulled Jiang Yan and did not let go, and began to talk about her discoveries and gains.

In this way, profound knowledge became a tool of torture for Jiang Yan.

Especially Wendy, the green-skinned elder brother of the "I'm thinking about it" faction, Jiang Yan had to check and calculate many rules by himself, otherwise, he would not understand what he described at all.

checking?What a ghost!

There are no formulas, no tools, and no calculators. Of course, even if there are, I don't know how to do it myself.

Most of these complex data that Jiang Yan could not understand in eight lifetimes can only be made up with Wendy's estimated interval results.

After patiently recording them one by one, Jiang Yan decided to go back to Ms. Lisa's channel and place a big order with the Sumeru Order to solve it in a unified manner, no matter how many Mora.

Live well, why use chaos mathematics and chaos dynamics to kill yourself?

However, even at this level, Wendy was very pleasantly surprised.

You know, Twarin, who uses instinct to drive elemental power, Wendy flew away as if he had heard some brainwashing spell after talking to it a few words.

"Let me just say, how can someone who can be my friend be an ordinary mortal, hahahaha."

After drinking up another bottle of Shenyingjiu, Wendy's eyes were already hazy.

"Well, these things are enough to change the story of Shenyingjiu and you."

Patting Jiang Yan on the shoulder, and then on his own chest, the emerald poet said proudly.

"Enough is enough, ten times as much." It is useless to reason with a drunk.

This knowledge itself is a priceless treasure, but it is also a dragon-slaying skill. Those who can understand it will not use it, and most of those who can use it will not understand it.

However, Jiang Yan must also appreciate it, who would make it useful to him?

Qin is still a million points away from the Great Sage of Conquering Demons.

And the Great Sage Conquering Demon is still a million points away from Wendy.

I am far from stepping on Fengshen, I am afraid that I have to have the support of the whole Sumeru.

"Okay, since I can't become a song fairy, I won't sleep in the box and go back to Mond. Goodbye Mond, my friend!"

Wendy got up staggeringly, and waved to Jiang Yan.

Afterwards, the whole person turned into scattered winds, slowly floated towards the sky, and became invisible.

Come when you are happy, and return when you are happy, this is the unruly style, this is Wendy.

Goodbye my friend!There was no reluctance to part at all, and Jiang Yan also waved goodbye to Wendy freely.

What is the nature of wind?Wendy gave herself a perfect answer.

Standing up, Jiang Yan was about to pack the wine bottles, but found that not only the wine given to Wendy, but even the bottles of Shenying wine that he really left for himself had disappeared.

In the breeze, there is only one farewell sentence left - "Hey!"

Is there something wrong with the group buying in Xiangshengtang: Chapter 206Chapter 200 Is there something wrong with the placement of advertisements in Huahua?

When Jiang Yan returned to Daozuma City and found Ying and Zhen, the two people who "can't keep up with the changes of 500 years" were taking a group photo with the civet cat photo board, and they had perfectly blended into the crowd of the festival.

"Wendy gone?" asked Zhen.

"Yeah, even the wine you gave me went with me." Jiang Yan replied helplessly.

Unexpectedly, Zhen covered his mouth with his sleeve and smiled.

"I know you don't like drinking alcohol. Those bottles of yours are filled with cherry blossom drinks with similar colors."

Thinking of the scene where Wendy returned to Mond and happily took a sip of the cherry blossom drink, Jiang Yan couldn't help laughing.

wrong!Jiang Yan suddenly thought of another possibility.

I'm sure I know I don't like drinking, and I won't drink too much with Wendy;

Having participated in the banquet of the gods, she also knows Wendy's integrity;

Could it be that she, who was interrupted from shopping, deliberately played tricks on Wendy and made him suffer from being dumb...

With this thought in mind, and looking at the real smile again, one could see a trace of a successful prank.

Forget it, anyway, it's not me who is unlucky, as long as she is happy.

Next, the three of them started a pleasant shopping activity just like ordinary holiday tourists.

The behavior of shopping, let alone 500 years, will not be out of date for thousands of years.

Although the three of them are not very interested in light novels, they can still have fun at the other booths and the booths of visiting groups from various countries.

In the flower arrangement booth, it really kills, no matter what the theme of "Flower Shadow Yaoting", it is both expressive and divine. In the end, the gardener Chai Ran cried and asked to be a teacher, but Zhen smiled and declined.

Unexpectedly, Ying's craftsmanship is not much worse than the real one. It seems that with the accumulation of time, even if you don't care about it, you can still pile up a master.

As for Jiang Yan himself, he successfully created several bird nests, and was only waiting for migratory birds to settle in, so he was really teased.


The flower arrangement was over, and the shopping trip of the three was interrupted by a long queue.

"What's this for? Why is it so hot?" Jiang Yan stopped a passerby.

"Don't you know? Today is the release ceremony of the limited edition of the "Gosho Naruto Lord God Statue of the Gosho" Rongcai Festival. The quantity is limited, if you can't grab it, it will be gone! "The kind-hearted man explained in detail.

After explaining to Zhen and Ying, the two gods unexpectedly became interested in their own figures.

Zhen and Ying want to buy two figures and put them side by side as souvenirs for the sisters' tour festival.

Leaving aside how strange it is to buy your own figurines, the fact that they are far ahead of Xingqiu's signing queue makes the three of them feel overwhelmed.

Show your godly body for this kind of thing, jump in line and buy your own handicraft?Zhenheying really couldn't afford to lose this person.

So the question was thrown to Idea Wang Jiangyan.

Naturally, Jiang Yan couldn't be troubled by this kind of thing, he didn't believe that Dao's wife was a saint per person, and there were no scalpers.

Randomly find someone who is sneaking around, and after some inquiry, it turns out that it is a scalper who is reselling privately.

After buying three figurines at five times the price, after seeing them in hand, they are indeed expensive for a reason.

Who would dare to make such a godlike figure?

Therefore, no matter the material, demeanor, or movement of this figure, it is only allowed to be modeled after the official approval of the company.

Therefore, under crazy quality control, the quantity is very small and the price is very expensive. Even Jiang Yan, buying three at a high price is a bit painful.

Secretly put away one, handed the other two to Zhen and Ying, looked at their smiles, well, it was worth the money.

As for the scalper who dared to blackmail his money, of course he reported it to Jiutiao Shaluo afterwards, and Jiang Yan had a clear idea.

But Jiang Yan was too happy too early, Jiutiao Shaluo borrowed the figure in his hand as a "evidence".

Thinking about the bunch of hand-figured generals in Sara's house, the limited edition of my Rongcai Festival, I'm afraid it's probably a meat bun beating a dog, it's too stupid.


Continuing to go shopping, Ying, who has excellent eyesight, found a martial arts tournament in the distance, and she was delighted to see that she was going to the novice room to fry fish.

"Are you ashamed to bully ordinary warriors?" Jiang Yan complained.

"Always fighting against one person, the tactics tend to be rigid. I will compete with them at the same level." Ying passed away happily.

What does your "equivalent level" mean?Can combat experience be the same?

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