"All right, all right."

Xu Lin sighed, and didn't care what to confess.

Both of them are like this, so what is the point of confession?

"Yeah~ eh!"

Before the eldest lady's cheers could be fully uttered, Xu Lin directly blocked her back.

In the living room, only the sound of water tsk tsk remained.

Ps: It is written that the speed of the car is getting faster and faster, and I have a headache. How can the next plot be adjusted (sigh)

Chapter 171 Chapter 54 The Morning of the Second Day

Ahem, I can’t continue writing, and I’m done writing books.

Crimson King!Fast forward to me!

The time came to the next morning, when Yuzu was woken up by the alarm clock in a daze, ready to wash her face and go back to school to continue the military training, when she stepped out of the bedroom door, what she saw almost made her think she was dreaming.

The girls in black and white embraced each other on the sofa and fell asleep on their feet. Xu Lin's pajama pants were half pulled off by the eldest lady unconsciously, revealing the pure cotton white chubby pants inside, and the eldest lady's nightdress was even more so. It was completely turned upside down, and the lips were slightly water-stained.

A little morning light came out from behind the glass door of the kitchen and sprinkled on the two of them. The picture was warm and a bit astringent.

"What the hell did these two do yesterday?_?"

After rubbing her eyes and confirming that the situation in front of her was really not a dream, her first reaction was to take out her phone and take a photo.


Accompanied by the crisp sound, the second moment of great significance between Xu Lin and the eldest lady was preserved by a kind of chance and coincidence.

Is this luck or misfortune?

Well, it's okay to be photographed by others, but it's okay to be photographed by grapefruit. . .

Ah ha ha.

Regardless of being late for the military training, Xu You just walked around the sleeping two people for a full half circle, 360 degrees in all directions, leaving various photos, and then went back backwards to take pictures made a video.

If it wasn't for my elder brother's transformation now, and I can't share it with Xu's mother now, I guess she would have to make a video call with their old lady on the spot, then this would be really fun.

Good guy, this is deadly strength.

As expected of you!

In the end, after washing her face, Yuzu, who finally calmed down, thought about it and decided that this was not okay.

"If my brother finds out about my deeds, I will definitely be liquidated, right?"

Standing in front of the elevator door, the girl with short black hair thought and thought again, and decided to take the blame with someone else.

Then she picked a few photos and sent them to Li Huiyan. . .

"Well! That's no problem!"

. . . . . .


After Yuzu left, the two of them who had slept deeply did not wake up together until ten o'clock in the morning. Their movements were very synchronized, they rubbed their eyes together, looked at each other together, and smiled in the same way.

"Good morning, miss."

"Good morning, Lin Jiang."

After saying good morning to each other, I felt sore all over, and the arm under my body had almost lost consciousness, and it was so numb.

"Ah, never sleep on the sofa again, my back hurts so much."

Xu Lin shook his forearm, which was used as a pillow by the eldest lady all night, and felt that his hands were no longer his own.

Xu Youyue, who also felt uncomfortable all over, tried to roll down on the sofa, and then. . .



Xu Youyue let out a painful cry.

"I said Miss, you should be cured of the problem of always thinking about rolling twice when you wake up because of low blood pressure..."

Xu Lin got down on the ground, showing a small brain, and complained gloatingly.

"It's all your fault!"

"Huh? Is this also my fault?"

"It's all your fault that you knew I had low blood pressure, but you still hugged me so that I rolled down!"

It's unreasonable to see the eldest lady activate her skills, so what else can Xu Lin do.

"Yes, yes, blame me, blame me, get up quickly, it's cold in the ground."

Xu Lin stretched out his hand and pulled the eldest lady up from the ground, and used his strength to make her crawl back onto the sofa.

"Pfft www, Xu Lin, your hair, hahahahahaha!"

Just about to say a few more words of complaint, but noticed Xu Lin's hairstyle as if expressing his stubbornness against gravity, and laughed.

After all, the normal sleeping position can't make her look like a ball of wool. Didn't you see that the two puppies next to her are staring at Xu Lin's hair, eager to try?

"You still say me, Miss, you are not much better."

Xu Lin quickly picked up his phone and took a picture of the eldest lady, and handed it to her.


Xu Youyue was stunned for a moment, then decisively deleted the photo, turned on the camera and took a picture for Xu Lin, and said very kindly and gently.

"Don't delete it?"


In the face of the unreasonable eldest lady, our Lin Jiang shot himself in the foot again.

"last night..."

Xu Lin opened his mouth to speak, but felt that the current atmosphere was not right, and the two looked at each other, full of embarrassment.

"Stop it, it's too embarrassing."

The eldest lady covered her face and sighed.

"www is not the initiative of you, miss."

As long as I am not embarrassed, you are the one who is embarrassed. Adhering to this belief, Xu Lin, who has a thicker skin, pretended to be calm and teased her.

"I told you to say it earlier!"

Xu Youyue picked up the pillow and threw it on Xu Lin's body, then said seriously.

"Don't tell what happened today, you know?"

"Then I think it's too late for you, Miss."

Xu Lin shrugged and smiled helplessly.


Xu Youyue tilted her head in doubt.

"Don't you think there seems to be someone missing in the family?"

The white-haired girl pointed to her bedroom, trying not to laugh out loud.

"Damn it..."

Xu Youyue suddenly felt that life was dull, and they all knew Yuzu's character, so it would be strange not to take photos in this situation.

"I guess that sister Yan's call will arrive in a while, miss, you should think about how to deal with it first."

Xu Lin, who knows grapefruit better, is not worried about grapefruit. She can at most exchange with her at critical moments when she gets the photo, but sharing it with sister Yan is inevitable, and this is the troublesome thing. . .

Sure enough, the moment Xu Lin finished speaking, the eldest lady's WeChat phone rang, and when she picked it up, it was still a video call.

"How to do how to do?"

The eldest lady was a little flustered.

"What else can I do, take it."

Xu Lin spread his hands, and there was nothing he could do. He died sooner or later, so that's it.

The eldest lady nodded, swallowed, and pressed the answer button with trembling fingers. In an instant, sister Yan's exclamation made the two of them cover their ears at the same time.

"Youyue!!! You and Xu Lin have made progress!???"

"Good guy, madman Yan, are you here to cheer me up? It's so loud."

Xu Lin couldn't help picking up his phone and complaining to Sister Yan.

"Tsk! I don't want to talk to you bastard right now! Where's Youyue?"

Sister Yan was also in a hurry, so she spat on Xu Lin.

"Miss, I'm looking for you."

Xu Lin handed the phone to Xu Youyue beside him, and pouted.


"Yan, sister Yan, good morning (^_^)/"

Xu Youyue took the phone and waved her little paw with a stiff expression.

"Miss, you are laughing so fake now..."

Xu Lin complained.

"you shut up!"

In return, the eldest lady glared at her.

"Okay, okay, then I'll cook first, you guys talk~"

Conscious that he had nothing to do, Xu Lin shrugged and slipped away.

Ps: Thank you for your blades and rewards, now I owe seven or eight more. . .Add one more first and I will return it slowly.

Chapter 172 Chapter 55 I hope everyone is okay

What kind of discussions did Li Huiyan and Xu Youyue have on the case of "Yan Zhaomen" that there was a ghost in the family, and what kind of opinions they exchanged, Xu Lin didn't listen or ask.

Lin Ge has always been indifferent to her.

However, Xu Lin was in a very beautiful mood this morning after finally having a substantial relationship with the eldest lady after so long.

She also likes Missy.

Not just greedy for her body, nor attracted by a certain characteristic of her.She is very clear about her liking, it's just a feeling that a lonely person finds a companion to cuddle up to each other for warmth.

It's unremarkable, but it makes the world last forever.

It was the company of lonely nights, only two people alone each time, sharing the feelings born from the deepest stories hidden in the bottom of my heart one by one.

As a result, feelings gradually warmed up and fermented, and they were used to water the most beautiful lilies last night.

"time to eat."

Xu Lin yelled softly, and the blushing young lady who had been teased by Sister Yan said immediately as if she had caught a life-saving straw.

"Sister Yan, I'm going to eat first, we'll talk when I'm free!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the call directly. It seemed that he was really shy.

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