"Feng Ling, a fourth-term student, is about to make her debut today."

At the dinner table, Xu Lin casually brought up a topic.

"Huh? Hmm."

The eldest lady was still focused on the chat with Sister Feng just now, her expression was sluggish, she was mechanically holding the bread and biting it, she didn't hear what Xu Lin was saying at all, she just responded subconsciously.

"Do you want to watch the live broadcast together tonight?"


Xu Linxu focused his eyes, picked up the milk and took a sip. Seeing that the eldest lady hadn't recovered yet, she smiled wickedly, put her hands around her mouth in a trumpet shape, opened her red lips slightly, and asked in a low voice like Lan.

"Miss, do you like me?"


Xu Youyue first subconsciously responded, and mechanically picked up the bread and was about to bite, when she suddenly felt something was wrong.

What did this crumbly white hair just say! ?

The black-haired girl suddenly raised her head, glaring fiercely at Xu Lin who didn't hide her smile.

"Aren't you naive!"

"Men are teenagers until they die!"

The pure and lovely girl raised her arms and shouted, but the picture looked funny.

"But you're not a man anymore!"

Xu Youyue complained loudly.

If a month ago, she would not have dared to expose Xu Lin's scars so bluntly, but now it should be fine, Xu Lin is not so fragile yet.

"Superficial! As long as the heart is an lsp, everyone can be an lsp!"

The white-haired girl slapped the table and objected to Ali on the spot.

"But what does that have to do with you being a teenager!"

Xu Youyue almost sprayed milk on her face, wiped the corner of her mouth and continued to complain.

"In this world, there is no lascivious boy!"

Sitting was no longer enough to satisfy her, so Xu Lin stood up, with the attitude of a big boss pointing out the country.

"Apologize to me like abstaining from sex!"

The eldest lady suddenly played an old trick, this place is full of saints!

"That's a class enemy! We must fight to the end and never admit defeat!"

Xu Lin's small face showed a resentful expression, showing her awareness of democratic struggle as a successor of socialism!

"Don't say things like lust so righteously, you pervert, pervert, pervert!"

Xu Youyue couldn't take it anymore, she didn't know what kind of madness this guy was having, it was so crazy and funny.

"Oh! Suddenly, I feel that the Chinese version of the three-stroke combo is also good."

Xu Lin covered his nose with his left hand, and gave the young lady a thumbs up with his right hand tremblingly, then fell back on the sofa and let out Ah Wei's voice.



The eldest lady couldn't complain about this person anymore, so she simply ignored him.

"So watch the live broadcast together tonight?"

After going around for a while, Xu Lin returned to the topic again.

"Your attitude has changed so quickly that I can't complain, but it seems that Lin Mu and Sal are going to come to our agency for a live broadcast tonight, why don't we watch it together then?"

Xu Youyue supported her forehead, but still agreed.


. . . . . .

On the other side, when Lin Mu and Sal, who were going to our office together, were chatting happily on the subway, their mobile phone rang suddenly. The short-haired Akalin girl took out her mobile phone, smiled, and shook the mobile phone at Xiao Zhengtai Said.

"You lost the bet (?-ω-`)"

"Huh? What a bet."

Thrall pretended to be stupid on the spot, but he did not see the contents of Lin Mu's phone clearly. He just vaguely saw two colors of one black and one white mixed together, and he roughly guessed in his heart.

"About the bet between Wakaba-senpai and Sakura-senpai, Sal, don't you want to renege on your debt?"

Lin Mu squinted his eyes and put away his phone, gradually approaching Sal.

"My chat records here are still kept."

"But we didn't make a bet, did we?"

Sal spread his arms and took a step back. He was a little uncomfortable being so close to the girl face to face.

"Yes, then I'll think about it now."

Lin Mu tapped his chin lightly with his fingers, revealing a playful smile.

"Hey, hey, that's too much, how can anyone get on the bus first and then make up for the fare?"

"Slightly slightly slightly, I just don't make sense, what can you do?"

Lin Mu made a grimace.


Thrall sighed, speechless.

He really has nothing to do with Lin Mu!

"But where did this photo of Miss Yiyi come from?"

Turning on the phone again, Lin Mu saved the photo and murmured to himself with some doubts.

"I didn't hear that she went to the senior's house recently."

When the subway arrived at the station, Lin Mu was thinking while walking, but it was Saar who was behind her who spoke up.

"It should be Senior Luo Ye's younger sister, the fifth-year student who reserved a seat."

"Is she so unafraid of death!?"

Lin Mu was shocked.

"After all, she is my own sister... Think about Senior Luo Ye's character."

Sal also felt that he couldn't understand, and it's not good to keep this kind of photo by himself, why did he send it to the president of the Ying Ruoye Marriage Association?

But after thinking about it, it seems that there is only one explanation. In the end, it can only be attributed to the fact that Yuzu is a deadly little expert?

"...I have to say, well done!"

Lin Mu was silent for a while, then stretched out a thumb.

"Well, I wish the Warriors all the best."

Thrall nodded, crossed himself in front of his chest, and silently mourned.

Senior sister, we will remember your contribution to the association!

"I just don't know what happened to senior Yuanchu, so I shouldn't be too sad, right?"

Speaking of this, Lin Mu suddenly thought of Yuanchu who was also in Yehai now, and sighed.

"With Xueyue here, there shouldn't be too many problems..."

"Hope you're okay."

Saar, the great onmyoji, always says something that doesn't sound right.

"I'm going to have an offline collaboration with the seniors tonight, I hope you're okay."

Lin Mu turned his head and gave Sal a strange look, and imitated his yin and yang tone and said.

On the surface, there are two women and two men, but in fact it is a linkage of three women and one man. It is conceivable how Sal will be persecuted at night.

"Hope I'm okay."

Thrall repeated the sentence again, with a flat expression.

Chapter 173 Chapter 56 In the matter of persecuting Xu Lin, Miss is a professional

At seven o'clock in the evening, Xu Lin and the eldest lady arrived at the ESC headquarters.

The linkage is at ten o'clock, but because we agreed with Lin Mu and the others in advance to watch the first release of Fengling together, everyone came early on purpose.

"Seniors, long time no see."

Thrall waved his paws at the two girls, one black and one white, narrowing his eyes and smiling happily.

"Long time no see, Thrall, and Lin Mu too."

Xu Lin nodded and said hello, and because Lin Mu was right in the center of her field of vision, she didn't ignore it and took it with her.

"Eh? Is Lin Mujiang joining today's collaboration?"

Xu Youyue smirked and joked.

"Senior Sakura, it's too heartbreaking for you to chat like this..."

Lin Mu held Xizi's heart on the spot, making a hurt expression.

"Hahahaha, just kidding, just kidding, Lin Mujiang is so cute, I won't forget it."

The eldest lady smiled and touched the dog's head, she seemed in a good mood.

"Which studio are you using today?"

Over there, the eldest lady and Lin Mu were fighting, while Xu Lin and Sal, two more serious 'boys', were chatting about work matters.

"I asked just now. It should be the recording and broadcasting studio for the third period. After all, it is relatively large. Fuli Mama has already fixed the equipment."

"Isn't it good to use first-year students... Got the key?"

Xu Lin was a little conflicted. She didn't like the decoration style of the live broadcast room for the third-term students, but it was all ready, so let's leave it at that.

"Not yet www, I'll get it later."

Thrall smiled wryly, he understood Lin Ge's pain.

After all, the decoration style of the third-term students. . .It's a bit weird.

"Well, please excuse me."

Xu Lin nodded, thanking himself for having a few reliable colleagues.

after all. . .

Xu Lin looked back at the two girls who were sticking together, and sighed.

If they were like those two who would hug and share company gossip as soon as they met, how many live broadcast accidents would happen.

"No trouble no trouble~"

Sal raised his little paw and waved again, smiling all over his face, looking very happy.

"Miss, stop playing, let's go to the recording studio first, the live broadcast of Fengling will start soon!"

Seeing that Sal had already gone to the operation office, Xu Lin turned around and shouted.

There are very few people in the ESC club at night, and those responsible for account operations, video editing and other daily work operations are not there. Only a few big cats and kittens are sitting in the office on the night shift, and even Sister Feng is not there.

Just call if you have anything to do, and there is no need to let them sit on duty.

But Sister Feng will definitely watch the linkage in a while, so don't be too presumptuous.

After Sal took the key and opened the door, Xu Lin walked into the studio first and turned on the lights. Suddenly, a Winnie the Pooh-themed room appeared in front of the four of them.

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