"Didn't I call?"

Xu Lin tilted his head a little strangely, and the long silver-white hair on the model fluttered with her movements.

In reality, Xu Lin's hair is milky white, which is different from the model's silvery white, and it is more youthful than the old man's gray hair.Although Leopard's model also has white hair, its color is more pink and white, and it looks more girlish.

So although they are all white hair, the difference is still quite big.


"Just at the beginning, my sister who can't recite multiplication formulas, I said so."

"It's not like this!! Are you what a younger sister should do!? Ah!? How can there be such a big sister!"

The leopard immediately shook violently, looking very cute angrily.

Probably, this is why the audience in her live broadcast room likes to breast her.

[Hahahahaha opening milk leopard, Ruo Ye understands it very well! 】

【Real younger sisters are like this, don't struggle, Leopard】

【Sister who can’t recite multiplication formulas (?ω?) hiahiahia】

"No? Yes, because I am."

What Xu Lin said was very righteous and confident, and in conjunction with Mrs. Hamster's more serious vertical painting, it was particularly grassy.

Perhaps Mrs. Hamster's words are really echoed, leaving room for the artist's imagination.

"I don't want this sister anymore! Mom! Look at Luo Ye! She bullies me! Mom!"

Leopard is still shouting here, but Mrs. Hamster's scissor appears on the screen.

[Hamster Cang: It's okay, mom will always love you. 】

"Thank you mom, mom is so nice!"

In an instant, Baobao burst into tears and laughed, but Xu Lin opened his mouth to make up for it again.

"Usually when a mother says to her daughter 'Mom will always love you', it means that she already thinks you are hopeless and ready to practice trumpet."

"so what?"

Baobao didn't realize the meaning of what Xu Lin said for a while, so he asked in confusion.

"So I was born."

Controlling the model Tantanshou, Xu Lin had a comprehensive understanding of Baobao's IQ.

Maybe one and a half dull, it’s still a bit far from normal humans, but considering that the leopard was picked up by the hamster wife from the trash can in the aquarium, and it may be malnourished when it was young, it really can’t be forced.

"It took a lot of money to practice the tuba, so I had to practice the trumpet, so Ruo Ye was born..."

Over there Xu Lin was worried about Baobao's IQ, and here Baobao broke his fingers for a long time and finally sorted out the logical relationship between them.

"Mom! QAQ"

"You don't want me anymore, Mom!"

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

[It's over, Shabao is not Luo Ye's opponent at all, hahahaha]

[Classic stupid sister and poisonous tongue sister, this combination is in love with love]

【Wakaba old belly black】

"Ah, ah, I was just teasing you just now, probably my sister who didn't graduate from kindergarten, so she can't recite multiplication formulas."

Seeing that the situation was about to become awkward, Xu Lin immediately picked up the conversation.

"Ruo Ye, isn't your prefix getting worse and worse! This meme is not allowed to be played! I really know how to recite it!!"

The last recited words had a hint of coquettishness. Leopard's voice was originally high-pitched, but Xu Lin almost thought that there was really a seal barking because of the twists and turns of coquettishness.

Really, very similar.

"Okay, okay, let's stop playing, let's start today's topic, okay, there are still a lot of marshmallows to eat, let's eat marshmallows, okay! It's okay to act like a baby to my newborn sister. She went to kindergarten, so she is a bit wise sister seal."

It was really interesting to bully Leopard. As her old audience, Xu Lin still couldn't hold back her urge to breastfeed.

"Is your prefix a tree!? How can it still grow up!"

The seal here is already going crazy, what about the promised gentle sister! ?Well said capable lady! ?This will only complain about my sister, can I return it! ?

Mom, what kind of daughters are you giving birth to, Mom! QAQ

"Ahaha, it's probably because someone is too stupid, so I made complaints subconsciously. Okay, now let's take a look at the first marshmallow of the day."

Xu Lin laughed, and also realized that one-time breast leopard overdose is not good, so he should be moderate, so he simply changed the subject.

"I'm not Sister Wisdom! And the seal went to kindergarten!"

But Baobao was not happy, this guy ran away after winning the laning!

Probably this is food and fun. . .No wonder you are breasted all day long.

"You won't refute the co-author acting like a baby to your newborn sister, will you..."

Xu Linxu focused his attention and complained back.

[Silly Leopard's IQ probably stays in the kindergarten class]

[Wakaba's complaints are really sharp xswl]

[Absolutely, are all your xp clubs able to work like this? 】

"...Let's take a look at the cotton candy first."

Then Baobao suddenly realized that he and Luoye seemed a little stupid in the line, how could this guy feel that he could breast her better than the audience!

"Okay, then the first [Baobao and Ruoye are meeting for the first time, have they watched each other's live broadcast before? What was your impression of each other before meeting?]"

"Then you, Leopard, come first."

After Xu Lin read a marshmallow, which is a classic question, he consciously gave the right to speak to Leopard,

"Why don't you call me sister!?"

However, Baobao seemed to be still obsessed with what happened just now, and instead digressed.

"you sure?"

Xu Lin narrowed his eyes dangerously, cleared his throat and spoke.

"Then the flag will be closed immediately and no one can control it..."

"Okay! Stop!"

Leopard, who heard more and more something was wrong, hurriedly interrupted.

"You can still call me Leopard..."

She admits defeat, Luo Ye is not someone she can fight.

"Okay, then please let Leopard answer this cotton candy?"

"Yeah, I watched Ruoye's live broadcast before, but it's still the previous era. From my impression, I feel that he is a very interesting person..."

"The current impression is that."

"I feel like my mother hugged me wrong. Is this black-bellied and poisonous guy really my sister?"

[As far as this affinity is concerned, it is definitely my own, so I didn't run away. 】

[This milk leopard strength is definitely Mrs. Hamster's own daughter! 】

Chapter 198 Chapter 10 Breast Leopard Can You Still Compete With Bai Shenyao's Fans?

"Is this black-bellied and vicious-tongued person really my sister?"

Facing the question from Leopard's soul, Xu Linmo was silent, and the audience fell into thinking.

[One thing to say, is it a bit unreasonable for Mrs. Hamster's family to give birth to such a vicious tongue and a black belly?]

[Should be just not infected by leopard virus]

[Indeed, but Ruo Ye was picked up halfway after all, it's quite normal for her to be innocent without heredity]

In the V circle, there is actually a very wonderful connection between painters and livers, that is, what kind of painters give birth to what kind of daughters.

Take a look at the Parry claw machine, whether it is the daughter of Shangdan or the one I caught myself, all of them are masters, from the first big lady, big sister, mea, cat, to the later otome Yin, Gushou, crumb elves, and a milking kitten with a severed hand, even the little ancestors and other rare clear-types all show a little chaotic and lively atmosphere from time to time, discussing how to make Parry into a spicy rabbit head.

It's hard for you to say that this is a simple group of people divided into clusters. After all, as a well-known male mother in the V circle, Parry has so many daughters, how can there be no clear one?

Let's look at Mrs. Hamster again. If the genetic information of the Parry family is chaotic and filial, then the daughter of Mrs. Hamster's family is a simple virus that has been transmitted from person to person.

From Leopard to Buding, from Aqiu to Shuangyue, let’s take a look at Fan Bao who just debuted and even the abbreviation of the name reveals a naive atmosphere. Before Baa Li and Ruoye joined, this family was pure and pure. Han Han.

And Baa Li is a fun person who only thinks about how to breastfeed himself and make a living. He has a high IQ but always behaves very naively and perfectly blends into this warm big family.

So in the end, it seemed to the audience that there was only one Ruo Ye who was still smart?

The problem is that Ruoye is the daughter that Mrs. Hamster picked up on the way. Such a high IQ can't bring down the average IQ of your family, okay?

"Well...then it's up to me to answer the questions, right?"

Xu Lin thought for a long time and didn't know how to answer Baobao's words, so he simply skipped it.

As the audience said, her adopted daughter is not too smart, right?But the audience can say this, but she can't say it herself. This can be regarded as a little unspoken rule in vup, and she can't take the initiative to raise issues related to the people in the middle.

Xu Lin is a middle-of-the-road model, and he is a little sensitive.

"Actually, I often watch Leopard's live broadcast. It's very interesting and I like it very much. For example, I was actually there for the famous quote about Sister Xiaoyin's breasts, and the video of the reloading period. If you watch it now, maybe You can also find my trumpet’s comment www”

【——The chest is like this board, or——】

【Grass, how does Ruo Ye pick out the famous scene of Leopard and Leopard】

[No wonder breast leopard is so proficient, Ruo Ye is an old audience! 】

"As for the impression of Leopard..."

As far as the impression, Xu Lin struggled for a long time, mainly because her biggest impression of this silly leopard is that he is stupid, really stupid, as for the others, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it?

But in the live broadcast, I directly said to the linkage partner that my impression of you is stupid, then the effect of this program is too explosive, especially this is the first linkage. Before, it’s fine to complain about the entire program effect, but now it’s impossible to answer questions seriously. .

"The belly is fine rua?"

In the end, Xu Lin struggled for a long time to spit out such a sentence, but unexpectedly won the approval of all the audience.

[One thing to say, it feels really good]

【That's really good rua】

"Why do you only have such a small impression? Could it be that the value of Leopard's existence is only the belly!?"

【if not? 】

【Do you think? 】

【Only the belly (seriously)】

Without Xu Lin opening his mouth, Leopard's fans started breastfeeding directly.

In other people's live broadcast room, even fans who have been linked with breasts may have an aversion to Luo Ye, but it is different in Leopard's live broadcast room. . .

How can you be as ruthless as Leopard's fans?

It's amazing to have Bai Shenyao who says he's a fool! ?

Just kidding, in the case of the breast leopard, she has never lost to anyone in Baishenyao's live broadcast room! ?

Oh no, the hamster mother's breast leopard video that followed the formal process should still be able to fight.

"That can't be, there's still 35, but I didn't have the nerve to say it just now..."

Xu Lin pretended to speak in a low voice, but actually stuck to Mike so that everyone could hear him clearly.

"...Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The seal screams!

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