"Okay, so let's move on to the next marshmallow."

Here the seal screamed, but Xu Lin dragged out another marshmallow with a calm face, and said softly.

【Grass www】

【What kind of chaos is this?】

【Quarrel!die!La! ! ! 】

"Leopard, Leopard, stop barking. Come and read cotton candy."

"Oh oh ok."

Hearing Xu Lin's words, Baobao stopped for a moment, and began to read cotton candy as if nothing had happened.

"Ahem! Leopard Little Reporter is online!"

"【Can Ruoye tell me about the real relationship with Missy? If both of them are girls, does it mean that the previous relationship was business?"

Bai Shenyao is really a magical vup. When you first meet her, you will wonder if she is pretending to be stupid, but after a long time, you will feel that she is really stupid. I wonder if Leopard, who can always come up with new life, is really as stupid as the audience said?

In the end, you will be infected by the Hanhan virus, and you will think that she is a Hanhan without any distractions.

Leopard, what a mysterious girl.

"Well, hey, there's no need to ask, of course the previous one was just for business, what are you thinking, viewers?"

Recently, Xu Lin, who was worried about the increasing number of marriage urging parties among his fans, saw this question before his eyes lit up, and immediately began to make a long speech?

"To be reasonable, viewers, Missy and I are really just ordinary colleagues, and we can be considered good friends. In the past, you all misunderstood me because of my gender. It's not normal for girls to hang out together often. Is it?"

[That's what I said, but why don't I believe it? 】

[Audience, do you believe it? 】

[The cp who said he was in business seems to have come true in the end, right? 】

"Eh? But last time when the eldest lady chatted with Baobao in private, she also said..."

Baobao was stunned when he heard Xu Lin's words, and subconsciously refuted it back, and then felt that something was wrong halfway through speaking, as if he couldn't say the words, he quickly covered his mouth.

【Oh! ? 】

[Leopard, hurry up!Said I'm on the captain! 】

The audience was instantly excited, this special meow is a big deal!

Xu Lin: "..."

So, she hates self-destruct trucks and Hanhan!

Ps: The state is not very good recently, let’s wait for a while for a while, I will continue to offer rewards after looking for inspiration and ideas.

Chapter 199 Chapter 11 Remnant: Watch Me 1v2

Baobao and Missy have known each other for the past month. Since the last linkage, the two have chatted with each other from time to time, and they often haunt each other in the video comment area.

Well, the eldest lady visited Baobao more often, after all. . .Bai Shenyao is lazy and cancerous.

But Xu Lin really didn't expect that the eldest lady's self-explosive virus would be transmitted to Leopard through the 5G signal.

The United Kingdom said that the possibility of 5G signal infecting the new crown is small?

How is it possible!

"Actually, I'm also quite curious about what the eldest lady said to you, Baobao, but after thinking about it, you should tell me later. I'm afraid that our first collaboration will become a fire scene."

Xu Lin is an old master of avoiding fire.

Obviously she has become a girl, even if it is announced that she is really together with the eldest lady, the audience will only love it, and now they are still subconsciously avoiding fire.

"www, well, sister Ruoye, let's talk about this later."

Baobao smiled, and cleverly followed her words to get the matter out of the way.

So sometimes you really don't know whether this person is really stupid or his acting skills are too good, and you will shut up decisively after arousing the appetite of the audience.

Xu Lin is now worried about whether the eldest lady will be infected by the leopard virus. What if she becomes a fool, and the family that is not well-to-do will make the situation worse.

【do not! ! 】

[Can it be better, this cp has been pushed for more than half a year, can you still let me see the ending! ? 】

[Brother Ruoye, you are ruthless!Avoid the fire again! 】

"Ah...Sister Ruoye..."

Xu Lin didn't care about the wailing of the audience who couldn't eat the dog food and sent out barrages, but was once again overwhelmed by Sister Ruoye's sudden sentence from Leopard.

There is one thing to say, although Xu Lin has basically accepted her identity as a woman and adapted to her current life, but "Sister Ruoye" is like a group of sisters and sisters in a deep palace. It still gives her goosebumps.

"Sister Ruoye doesn't like this title? Sister Ruoye~Sister Ruoye~"

Baobao pretended to care, but after being bullied by Xu Lin for so long, now that she finally found something that could break her defense, don't take it seriously.

Leopard stood up!

Leopard is about to stand up and become the master!

This is Leopard's victory!

Bai Shenyao pinched his waist, and the little seal in his heart cheered and applauded.

"Baobao, have you ever heard of a classic fermented dish near the Arctic Circle?"

In front of the screen, Xu Lin covered his heart and vomited blood, but he was speaking quietly.

"Eh? What?"

"It is said that the locals will stuff pigeons into the bellies of hunted seals and keep them in the ice cellar for several months..."

"!!! It's scary!!! What the hell!"

"Call me sister Ruoye again and I will try to learn this dish, understand?"

Leopard was counter-killed! (crying)

The little seal in Bai Shenyao's heart lay back with a peaceful expression.

【Grass, Wakaba is too ruthless】

【Ruthless as leaves】

[It seems that Shabao will not be able to find majesty with his sister in this life. 】

【Scarlett Remilly Leopard】

Silly Leopard wanted to match up with Xu Lin, 2 years too early! (Taro face)

"Okay, let's look at the second marshmallow."

[What is the opportunity for Leopard and Ruoye to link up?Will there be more linkages in the future? 】

"Let me answer this."

Xu Lin glanced at Marshmallow, thinking that it would be impossible for Shabao to say anything about the club level, so he decided to come by himself.

"Actually, I have been watching Leopard's live broadcast, but in terms of linkage, this is because our ESC club and Leopard's PSP have reached a cooperation, so there will be more linkages between them in the future if there are no accidents. There will also be large-scale linkages between the two clubs, and now the small-scale couplet linkages are just for members to get to know each other first to facilitate the next step of cooperation."

Xu Lin said a lot in one breath, and Baobao was dumbfounded.

"Eh? Is there such a thing? Why doesn't Leopard know!"


Xu Linxin said that you, a silly leopard, can know a snake's skin. Just as he was about to open his mouth to complain, he saw the bastard send a sc.

(Note: Can Lao is one of the operators of the PSP club, and he often appears and works in the live broadcast room of the PSP.)

[Cantony: I think your IQ is not enough to understand these things, so I didn’t say anything. 】

Xu Lin just wanted to laugh, but in the next second, after another SC of Cang Lao came out, she couldn't laugh anymore.

The smile is gradually solidified. Jpg

[Can Tony: By the way, Luo Ye, when your boss first came to me to talk about cooperation under the name of xp company, I didn't realize it. 】

Ah this. . .

Sister Feng, take care of the boss!This guy is so embarrassing that he has thrown it at the Friends Club! !

Although our club is indeed called xp club in the folks, you can't use this name to come to your door during business meetings!

This is like when the game department under Penguin came to find someone to talk about cooperation and reported that he was a goose factory. It was hard not to be regarded as a liar. . .

And he's the most unprofessional liar!

At the same time, Leopard and Ruoye in the live broadcast room showed embarrassing expressions.

【Cruel, Eternal God】

【-twenty four】

[One sentence breaks one defense, the bastard nb! 】

"Okay, so let's move on to the next marshmallow."

"Yeah, next next!"

Xu Lin and Baobao tacitly muddled through, and were going to ignore the embarrassing atmosphere just now, forcefully ignoring the [hahahaha] that filled the live broadcast room and change the subject.

"[If Leopard encounters emotional problems, how do you usually solve them? Recently, a friend of mine seems to have met a scumbag, and the other party has been hanging on to him for ambiguity, so he doesn't express his position. If possible, I would like to trouble Ruoye to talk about my views. Thank you!】"

"This kind of emotional problem... Let Leopard come first."

After Xu Lin read the cotton candy, after thinking about it, he still gave the topic to Baobao.

"For Leopard, first check if it's a scumbag, and if so, call Sister Xiaoyin to hit him with a board!"

"Ah this..."

[board, refers to the flat leopard]

[I'm a scumbag!Please be sure to hit me! 】

[Upstairs you are thinking about Tao Zi. 】

"How will Luo Ye solve it?"

"For this kind of thing, I will first ask you as usual if this friend is yourself. If it is yourself, I suggest that you try not to be so courteous to him for a period of time to the extent that you can accept it, and deal with it coldly. If During this period, he was very flustered, and if he asked to admit his mistake, he would show his cards and directly ask if there was any hidden story."

"If the other party doesn't care about the change in your attitude, or doesn't notice it at all, then it's better to break it. There will be no good end for being a dog licker."

Xu Lin has always said a few words about this kind of emotional issue.

Divide what is due, redeem if you can, and continue to suffer from it. Instead of torturing yourself, you might as well make the other person feel uncomfortable.

Only by loving yourself can you truly love others. This is the most important thing.

Chapter 200 Chapter 12 What is the ultimate stitch monster! (Tactical back)

"What if they are really friends?"

After quietly listening to Xu Lin's words, Baobao asked again in doubt.

"Well, let me give you an example. There was a girl who fell in love with a scumbag, but the scumbag didn't care much about the girl, and there were many ambiguous partners outside. At this time, the girl's best friend knew about it. , Leopard, guess what she did?"

"Hmm... go tell the girl to let her give up that scumbag?"

Baobao pondered for a while, and gave a well-regulated answer.

"She sneaked in and captured the girl..."


Shock seal. Jpg

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