"But it's quite reasonable when you think about it. How can a stinky man have a sweet and soft girlfriend."

When she heard Xu Lin's answer, she was shocked for the first time, but then suddenly calmed down.

"We can talk about cosmetics together, we can share gossip and watch dramas, we can go shopping together, and the most important thing is that they are fragrant, soft and cute. If you think about it carefully, Baobao still prefers girls."

In front of the screen, Bai Shenyao flicked his fingers and listed them one by one, and finally found out. . .

Men don't seem to be doing anything good.

"Calm down, Baobao, didn't your family watch your live broadcast?"


"Sorry! I was talking nonsense just now!"

Speaking of it, Leopard seems to be a student, I don't know if it's high school or university, the age of PSP members seems to be about the same as the average age of ESC club, in short, they are all quite young.

Moreover, many parents would watch their live broadcast. Baobao lived with her parents. If her mother watched the live broadcast again and heard this, she might have a family meeting at night.

[Hahahahaha Leopard Leopard Second Counseling]


"Then, the last marshmallow will be finished by Leopard."

"Okay, just like Luo Ye said, emotional problems actually everyone has a premonition in their hearts. You must know in your heart whether the other party likes you or not, and whether you care about you. Sometimes the most terrifying thing is yourself. Lie to yourself, don't do this, do you know?"

Leopard was rarely serious, and said a lot of thought-provoking words.

But if Xu Lin said that, the audience would definitely be used to it, but the one who said these thought-provoking words now was that leopard. . .

【Who is this? 】

[Hurry up and hand over the silly leopard! 】

【Who are you! ? 】

[Baobao is right! 】

So much so that dds all reacted like this. . .

"Hey! What do you mean! Seals are very smart!"

[Is there any necessary connection between the smartness of seals and the stupidness of leopards? 】

[Sure enough, Leopard is still that Leopard]

[Absolutely, it’s only a word’s time to be serious]

"Then, there should be two marshmallows left, so you can read it, Leopard."

"Okay, next one!"

"【Baobao, Luoye, good evening!】"

"Good evening.".*2

"[May I ask how you two see each other, or how do you know each other? Especially how Leopard sees Ruoye, I'm very curious.]"


"Actually, when I first met Brother Ruoye www, I was more used to the name Ruoye. After all, when I first met Ruoye, she was really like a big brother. You know that?"

"At that time, I should have just played Dota with Brother Guangyi, so I subconsciously compared the two people together, and I felt super similar, very similar."

"Brother Guangyi is also a very nice person, so I had a good impression of Brother Ruoye from the beginning."

"Where is Luo Ye?"

After finishing speaking, Baobao turned to look at the silver-haired girl on the other side of the screen, and asked with a smile.

"Actually, you can also call me Brother Ruoye now, I have no objection."

However, what Xu Lin said was a strange remark.

"What www, I asked you to answer Marshmallow!"

Baobao waved his small fist and said something to her with a smile.

"Actually, I watched Leopard when it first aired. The vup that was still eating after the premiere was very interesting. At that time, your impression of Leopard was probably that she was a very cute vup with a big heart. , Later, because I was busy with schoolwork and work, I didn't watch Leopard live broadcast for a while."

"Until that classic five-eight-three-five, ah b gave me push..."

Regarding the topic of Zhong Shan Guangyi brought up by Leopard, Xu Lin consciously spared it. After all, VR is still in the battle royale, and she doesn't want to go into this muddy water.But the rest is well explained.

[Ahb's smart push, always dripping God]

[One thing to say, I am also a leopard that I met on 35]

【Brother Ruoye, this is old dd www】

"By the way, Baobao can continue to treat me as a brother. You treat me as a brother, and I treat you as a sister. Let's have our own opinions."

[Shen Te Meow's www]

【Is there such a theory hahahahaha】

"Then I'll still call you Brother Ruoye?"

Leopard tilted his head, a little puzzled.

"Hey, Leopard, what's the matter?"

Xu Lin was very happy when he answered.

Compared with Yuzu, the scumbag who always makes her worry, Baobao is a bit silly, but cute!She doesn't mind having multiple sisters or anything.

"Is there something wrong?"

After Xu Lin happily answered, Baobao called "Brother Ruoye" twice before he began to feel that something was wrong, tilting his head, his big red pupils were full of doubts.

seal scratching head.jpg

"It's not wrong."

Xu Lin looked up at the sky, she thought this idiot couldn't react.

It seemed that Baobao's reaction was much faster than Qiandada's, at least he could detect something was wrong.

"Brother Ruoye, what did you say just now?"

Baobao looked innocent and deceived.

"I said I don't mind if you continue to call me brother Ruoye?"

But Luo Ye pretended to be more innocent than her, and even asked back.

"What about the next sentence?"

"We have our own opinions."

"One more sentence?"

"You treat me like a brother."

"One more sentence?"

"Let's talk about our own things, and we won't delay."

"The sentence 'I regard you as my sister' in the middle was eaten by you, brother Ruoye!"

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

【Being bullied by Ruo Ye for a whole round, Sha Bao's intelligence has been tempered】

【Brother Ruoye's reaction is so interesting, this person can really keep alive】


Xu Lin smiled very happily.

She wants to have a younger sister like Baobao more and more. She is so simple and funny.

"Brother Ruoye, you're still laughing! I don't care! Call me sister!"

"Ah this..."

"Call my sister!"

Leopard Leopard model's classic movements, acting coquettishly shaking hands, puffing mouth and twisting belly, looks very cute when he is angry.

"Hmm... are you sure?"

"Call my sister!"

"Then I was late for the premiere because of eating, because of intellectual problems, I was backstabbed by the daily operation, and my mother was breasted by everyone. No one cares about it during the holidays. I'm sorry, teacher. I was wrong. I will listen to the class and get breast augmentation surgery. Sister Xiaoyin's silly sister who bounced back?"

After the hard work of the whole live broadcast, the tree of titles in front of Leopard finally became luxuriant.

Chapter 201 Chapter 13 The fourth generation students attack the head office at night ([-])

In the end, the linkage between Xu Lin and Leopard ended when Baishenyao's seal screamed.

In addition to successfully blasting the eardrums of the audience, it also left behind the vup legend of the black-bellied sister and the Hanhan sister.

Legend has it that there is a group of people on the other side of the mountain and the other side of the sea. . .Nonsence!There is a vup named Ruoye, she is dark and cute~, serious and smart~

I just like to persecute my sister. . .

However, whether the audience believe it or not, Xu Lin actually breastfeeds leopards legally and in accordance with the rules and regulations.

The PSP staff sent her such a message long before the broadcast started.

"Brother Ruoye, don't be merciful when it's time to breastfeed. Dali breasts, don't worry breasts, I'll help you if something goes wrong."

At that time, the white-haired girl looked at the live broadcast from Leopard on the private account on the other side, which was roughly a plan for sisters to interact harmoniously, and then looked at the milk leopard license sent by PSPstaff.

Decisively chose the latter.

And Xu Lin is now explaining this matter to the angry little seal, and backhandedly sold the staff who issued the milk leopard license, hey, this wave is very comfortable.


Regardless of Xu Lin's deceitful act of deceiving an ignorant little seal, on the other side, sitting in front of the computer, Sister Feng, who was wearing a pink nightdress and hugging a cute rabbit doll, rubbed it with a bit of a headache. ear.

She was also one of the audience who had their eardrums blown off by a seal just now.

"This Ruoye...why is it normal that there are not a few linked downloads?"

The linkage between Xu Lin and Baobao this time is because she has a lot of things at hand, so Xu Lin has full authority to communicate with the PSP. It is also because of this that she is here to stare at this linkage, but she did not expect the PSP Just play so boldly over there.

"I really admire Baobao, who can act so similarly, tsk tsk tsk, the reaction after being breastfed is almost as if she didn't know it at all."

Taking off the earphones, Sister Feng smacked her lips and rubbed the rabbit puppet and said with some emotion.

She chose to be an operator instead of making her debut because her acting skills are not very good, and she can't do the real performance like them. Now seeing Xu Lin and Baobao's tacit cooperation, she is still a little envious.

I just don't know what expression Sister Feng will make when she finds out that a certain silly leopard did not participate in the live broadcast of the milk leopard www.

Just as he was about to turn off the computer and go back to wash and sleep, suddenly a demonic voice came out from the earphones placed in front of the computer screen.

WeChat notification tone.

That's a signal to work overtime.

"Woo! Why is there still something to do!"

The cute [-] girl was wearing a pink pajamas, hugged the rabbit doll, pouted her mouth aggrievedly, scratched her head in irritability, and finally resigned to her fate and opened her WeChat for work.

There's no way, if we don't solve it today, if things get serious tomorrow, we still need her to clean up the mess, but what if someone comes to her just to chat?

With unrealistic fantasies, Sister Feng opened the special group for chatting and complaining about the operation work, but what she saw was the speech made by Xiaomei, a fourth-year student in operation.



Sister Feng immediately hit three question marks backhanded.

She knows Xiaomei, or rather, she brought it up with her own hands. She has a weak personality but is serious and responsible. Although she usually panics when encountering small things, she never reacts so big?

Thinking of this, Sister Feng sat up straight, ready to fight.

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