Can you please shut your mouth! ?

Chapter 229 Chapter 39 Two People Who Don't Follow the Routine

The quiz to test the tacit understanding of couples is not only the name, but the program itself is also very clichéd.

It’s just a matter of finding a couple on stage to answer the questions that have been prepared for a long time. The hostess is also very young, and most of them are sent here by interns to practice. Let alone on TV, can it be broadcast on the Internet? It's all a problem.

In fact, this show is not very popular inside the amusement park. Outside at the hottest time of one or two o'clock in the afternoon, few pedestrians would stop to watch a slightly embarrassing show.

So this also made the group of Kumamon bears in the audience even more outrageous. . .

On such a hot day, you are not afraid of heatstroke if you wear such thick clothes?

That one over there!Don't think that if you have a low sense of presence and secretly take off the hood, I won't be able to see it!

Standing on the stage, the white-haired girl was speechless looking at the Kumamon bears lying on the ground one by one below, just like the hostess, she kept saying the same thing, not knowing how to vomit.

"Ahaha, your friends are really interesting."

The hostess, of course, also saw the Kumamon bears who were exhausted collectively after the dance of demons in the audience, and they laughed a little awkwardly.

Seriously, in a shady corner with no one around, a few lsps who stopped by because the girls on stage are so pretty, plus a bunch of copy-pasted Kumamons, she really has the kind of show she's hosting right now, isn't it? illusion for humans.

Especially when the two people who came to the stage were not like normal people at all.

"It was fun."

"After all, watching mentally retarded animals and admiring their bewildering behavior has been a human hobby since ancient times."

Have they been classified by you into the category of "good friends of mankind"! ?

The hostess looked at Xu Lin in shock.

"Miss, please hurry up and ask questions, we have other things to do next."

Seeing that Xu Lin's patience was almost exhausted, Xu Youyue, who was still somewhat conscientious, couldn't help reminding the host who had been in the crooked building.

"So Miss Sister, you can speak human language..."

However, the host lady didn't seem to be able to appreciate the kindness of the eldest lady, but instead asked in shock.

"Master, do you know that your mouth is leaking?"

Xu Youyue's expression changed instantly, and she complained with vain eyes.

Sure enough, I feel sorry for the host, but I am still too tender, who is capable of this line of work is not extremely strong in heart.

The eldest lady reflected silently in her heart, and then suddenly showed a bright smile.

She decided.

【If your program can be aired today, I will lose. 】

Hey, have you ever seen an F1 circuit at four o'clock in the morning?

"Sorry, sorry, then let's start with the first question. What is the most impressive thing about each other?"

"Lin Jiang's groans are super nice!"

The small Bulgarian body, the flying car master in the live broadcast room, and the lady with the fifth-gear CVT immediately rushed to answer.


The Kumamon bears in the audience were very cooperative and covered their faces in shyness.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

But Xu Lin couldn't stand it any longer, she moaned, they obviously haven't done it yet, okay?

"Ah... that's it... what about this young lady's answer?"

The host lady's brain was stiffened by Xu Youyue's extremely impactful answer, and all her brain capacity was used to process the huge amount of information.

"Hmm...they're all boxer panties with mur's head."

"!!!? When did you watch Lin Jiang!?"

Xu Youyue was shocked!That pair of underwear was only fun for her to buy, and she only wore it twice in total, how did Xu Lin know that! ?

"Do you still remember when we first met and went shopping together and you fell in a small skirt?"

The white-haired girl spread her hands helplessly and sighed.

Before that, Xu Lin always thought that Xu Youyue was a weird, mischievous and cute girl, until that day when she saw the truth about Xu Youyue.

And then was attracted instead.


Xu Youyue wished she could find a crack in the ground and get in.

But Missy. . .

Under the jk uniform, you wear cat-head underwear. Where are you from, the underworld princess?

"Ah... ah..."

The host lady couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe the miraculousness of these two people, and she stuck for a while like a potato game before continuing.

"It seems that the experience of getting along with the two of you is amazing, so now let's look at the next question."

"May I ask where the two met for the first time?"

After reading this question, the young lady felt that something was wrong, and when she was about to add something, she heard the two speak in unison.


There is nothing wrong with keeping this secret, because the two met for the first time at the head office of ESC. . .

"Okay, then let's look at the next question, do you two know each other's favorite food?"

"Mango milk tea has less sugar and no pearls."

“Red bean milk tea served warm with egg tart.”

The two spoke at the same time and answered quickly.

"? You Yue, you know."

Xu Lin was a little surprised. Although it was her favorite food, she didn't eat it that often. She thought the young lady would answer something else.

"Of course I know. When we went to the milk tea shop and cake shop together, you probably ate them in [-]% of the cases. How could I not know about these two things?"

And with a happy face. . .

The last sentence Xu Youyue murmured in her heart and didn't say it, it was to save her some face in front of her colleagues.

After all, this person has always been run by straight men before, and even Lin Mu and the others from the company always thought that Senior Ruoye didn't eat sweets. . .

The fact that Xu Lin is actually a sweet tooth is a little secret that only the young lady knows www.

Oh, Yuzu also knows, but she is an exception.

"Accidents are normal."

The hostess breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that these two people are still a bit normal, but I don’t know why the Kumamons in the audience jumped up one by one, although they couldn’t see their expressions, they were dancing The look was clearly expressing shock.

Shocked enough to start shaking.

"So, the last question, can the two of you have a kiss?"


The two girls with single ponytails shook their heads at the same time, and walked off the stage holding hands.


No, the two of you have a tacit understanding like this, why are you still shy when you kiss in front of your friends!At this time, shouldn't we shyly agree to my request, and then end this show perfectly amidst the audience's applause and my blessings! ?

You don't follow the routine! ! !

Seeing the two people walking farther and farther in the crowd of Kumamon bears, the host lady who was still on stage finally began to doubt life.

Chapter 230 Chapter 40 A Dreamy Afternoon

"So the purpose of you guys wearing such hot puppet costumes following our buttocks on a hot day is to catch us to participate in a bad show?"

When the two walked off the stage hand in hand, the white-haired girl looked at the five identical Kumamon beside her and asked in confusion.

She had thought that this group of people would have even more bizarre plans. . .

What happened, this feeling of disappointment.

But the Kumamons in front of them didn't speak, they just glanced at each other, and one Kumamon stepped forward and made a gesture of wiping his sweat and shook his head at the two of them.

"You are making yourself lonely."

Xu Lin couldn't hold back his complaints.

But what she didn't know was that on the other side, the Kumamon bears were also in complicated moods.

Their original plan was to come to the show, and the two of them participated in this show to see the embarrassment of the two people who clearly like each other but haven't been together to face the host's question.

But who knew that the plan didn't change so fast, Xu Lin and the eldest lady had already jumped into the fire pit of love before they even waited for them to fight each other.

This speed of progress was beyond everyone's expectations.

[If I knew I shouldn't be wearing a Kumamon bear today, it would be fine to wear the fff team uniform. 】

This is what Sister Yan complained in her heart after hearing that the two had been together for two weeks.

"I say..."

Just when the two parties looked at each other passionately, Xu Youyue weakly raised her hand.

All the Kumamon looked at her collectively, the scene was quite scary.

"Sister Yan, aren't you hot? There's no need to wear this puppet costume now, is there?"

Although the eldest lady had intuitively recognized that the leader of this group was Li Huiyan, none of the Kumamon bears spoke.

They just looked at the two of them quietly, and after a while, they nodded to each other again. They didn't know what kind of consensus they had reached, and they dragged the two of them to the next place together.

The big bird turns. . .Pooh!

It's a carousel.


Xu Lin put a question mark on them.

Kumamon stuffed two tickets into her hand.

At the same time, two Kumamons who were obviously a section taller than the Kumamons next to them suddenly appeared, holding a large handful of hydrogen balloons and walking in front of them.

"Who is this? www, so aren't you all?"

Xu Youyue tilted her head blankly, confused.

Didn't you say that there were only six people here?Why did two more pop up all of a sudden?

But the Kumamon bears still didn't answer her question.

Kumamon, who appeared suddenly, just looked at the two of them quietly, and pointed to the hydrogen balloon in his hand.

"Should we choose one?"

Xu Youyue tried to figure out its meaning.

"(nod) (nod)"

"I want it all!"

As Xu Lin said that, he snatched all the hydrogen balloons from one of the Kumamons.

Then. . .

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