"Since the source of everything comes from only one small thing."

"It would be nice to end with a sincere apology."

"Both each other."

Chapter 256 Chapter 65 Those Past Events (Related to the Establishment of the Marriage Promotion Association)

"It's so slow, Xiaoyue, have you tried all the underwear in the entire underwear store?"

When the eldest lady and the three came out of the store, Xu Lin was so bored that she was about to break into the boy's forbidden area.

After all, it had been more than half an hour, and if she didn't come out, she would wonder if the three of them were discussing how to cheat her.

"Hey~ We talked a little privately."

Xu Youyue clasped her hands together and smiled apologetically, and then took the initiative to hold Xu Lin's arm, her tone was charming and sweet.

"Okay, okay, the shopping is almost over, what are you going to do next?"

Xu Lin, who was not too entangled, sighed, and then asked.

"Eh!? Lin Jiang, have you lost your love for me so soon!?"

"You're talking about snake skin!"

Seeing the eldest lady's wide eyes, Xu Lin patted her on the head very quickly.

"Why do I feel that a car suddenly hooted~! It just passed by?"

Yuzu touched her face, turned around and asked Sister Yan.

"Look at the wheel marks on my face, don't you understand?"

In fact, Li Huiyan didn't understand at first, and only realized after seeing Yuzu's appearance, but at this time, if you lose, you don't lose. If you don't understand, you have to pretend to understand.

"I thought Lin Jiang, you wanted to play something exciting, directly multiplayer sports."

The eldest lady here still has a yellow accent.

"What's in your head! Can you give me back that lovely lady back then!"

Xu Lin covered his face with a slap, completely blinded.

"You really don't love me anymore!"

"The verb love has never been used before!?"

"That means Lin Jiang is not satisfied with her desires?"

"I think it's you who are dissatisfied with desire!"

Yuzu suddenly poked Sister Yan's waist and gave her a look.

Li Huiyan followed knowingly.

"Huh, when these two show their affection, don't they see other people's eyes? I feel like I'm going to be stuffed to death with dog food!"

The voices of Xu Lin and the eldest lady gradually faded away, and Youzi leaned on the armrest of the seat and let out a long breath.

"Hey, what else can I do? These two people have been like this for a long time."

Li Huiyan waved his hand and sat beside her with a tired face.

Xu You only went out with the three of them once or twice, but Sister Yan had to go shopping with these two every time, and she was used to this level of dog food.

"Yuzi, you didn't know that you were not in Yehai before. In fact, it was like this a few months ago, but now the words are more open."

"Oh? Before my sister became a girl?"

"Well, probably when the third-generation students first debuted, it was four months at most. After they knew each other for four months, they got along in this way."

"Otherwise, why do you think the Sakura Wakaba Marriage Association can be established?"

Sister Yan cast a glance at Yuzu.

"I thought it was purely built to play."

Yuzu stuck out her tongue, and suddenly felt that there was something to dig inside, and looked at Sister Yan with bright eyes.

"How is it possible! Am I such a boring person?"

"Then sister Yan, just tell me, tell me."


. . . . . .

The establishment of the Sakura Wakaba Marriage Association actually had little to do with Li Huiyan. It was formed purely because of the resentment of a group of singles towards a pair of tired men and women.

As for why Li Huiyan is the group leader, there is a little story in it.

"Speaking of which, sister Yiyi, the young ladies over there have been complaining recently that the workload is too heavy and they don't have time to find a boyfriend."

One day, Xueyue, who was almost familiar with Li Huiyan for a while after her debut, suddenly said while chatting about mahjong.


"Xue Yue, you have only debuted for more than a week, and you are already familiar with the later stage?"

There were a total of four people present, Li Huiyan, Xueyue, Sal, Lin Mu, and it wasn't any kind of linkage, it was just that everyone got together to play mahjong to relax when they were idle.

"It's amazing, I'm still not familiar with the later stage."

Sal sighed slightly.

"That's because Senior Thrall, you should avoid them."

Lin Mu said with a smile.


"After all, the young ladies in the later stage looked at you and wanted to eat you w"


After teasing Thrall a little, Xueyue brought the topic back on track.

"So Yiyi sister, don't you plan to stand up and mediate? I'm afraid that the young ladies will resign in the later stage. Changing the editing style at that time will not be good for all of us."

When Xueyue spoke, both Lin Mu and Sal pricked up their ears, and there was a moment of silence in their voices.


Sister Yan, who was silent for a while, pressed the Hu card button.


Xue Yue's screams rang out at that moment.

"Rong, yes Hu~"

Li Huiyan had a pleasant voice, and then said casually.

"So Xueyue, what exactly do you want to say? Don't beat around the bush, can't you just speak up?"

"According to my investigation, most of the complaints from tool people in the agency are because Wakaba-senpai and Sakura-senpai fired too much flash bombs."

"That's because you haven't seen the two of them offline, otherwise you wouldn't have said that."

Sighing, Li Huiyan said so.

"Eh? Aren't the offline seniors on good terms?"

Lin Mu asked.

"Well, the boat of friendship has capsized..."


"It depends on when to change to the giant wheel of love."


"Sister Yiyi, don't be scary! Do you know how big a blow this is to the cp party!?"

Lin Mu complained dissatisfied.

"Ah www, I'm sorry, I'm just suddenly thirsty, so I closed the wheat and took a sip of water."


"Xueyue, put away your yellow accent, it's a bit disgusting."

Sister Yan immediately lowered her throat and almost choked on her saliva.

"It's all the fault of that guy, Yuanchu, who led me to ruin the pure and pure me."

"Well, pure and pure."

I don't know what's going on, and Thrall just repeated a sentence, and he felt a sense of gloom.

"Hey! Senior Thrall!"


"So? How are you going to solve it?"

"I feel that it would be much better if the other two seniors from the first term were together."

Touching her chin, Xue Yue said.

"Is it really going to be okay?"

"Yes, yes, it's the fact that they like each other like this but they haven't been together so sweetly. The most itchy thing is to fall in love. After they get together, they won't."

"Why do I feel Xueyue that you just want to eat candy..."

Li Huiyan said suspiciously.

"How come~"

Xueyue's happy ending sounded up.

"and then?"

"So let's build a marriage reminder association! It can also urge marriages, have a topic of miscellaneous conversation, and enhance the friendship between livers and operators, killing three birds with one stone!"

"Sister Yiyi, you have the best relationship with Ying Ruoye, so you will be the president!"

"You just want to make trouble and are afraid of being dealt with by Ruo Ye, so let me be the one who takes the blame, right?"

Only now did Li Huiyan understand what Xueyue was planning.

"How come~"

Chapter 257 Chapter 66 Don't just store secret files in the computer

"So, sister Yan, you were a scapegoat from the beginning..."

"It doesn't count, after all, I nodded and agreed."

Looking at the two talking and laughing on the other side who were walking this way, Li Huiyan brushed the hair around her ear and curled the corner of her mouth.

"Then sister Yan, why were you so active in urging them to get married?"

Yuzu nodded.

"Because these two people are so tired of wanting to be together and then not being together, it's really annoying. I can't stand it, so I just urged it."

"Obviously you are still single?"

"Are you looking for a fight, little girl?"

Two blue veins popped out of Li Huiyan's forehead, the smile froze instantly on his face, and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

"No no no, how dare I?"

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