Yuzu quickly waved his hand in denial.

She is no match for sister Yan. Although she has been arguing to learn martial arts, as Xu Lin said, the girl Yuzi has always been a 3-minute hot person. Most of the things in life are shouting slogans and actually doing nothing. type.

Martial arts practice is definitely not going to last, not to mention martial arts practice, she even learned a little bit of dance practice and then gave up.

Well, one point refers to learning two house dances that are cute and the only difficulty is letting go of shame.

But considering the grapefruit, there is really no shame. . .

Then it will be fine.

"What are you talking about?"

At this moment, Xu Lin and the others on the other side also came over, and the white-haired girl waved to the two of them and asked softly.

"Let's talk about how to make pomelo, steamed or braised."

Sister Yan gave Xu You an angry look, and said coolly.

"Pomelo is best eaten raw, right?"

Xu Lin scratched his head and said thoughtfully.

"Eat first and then eat?"

Xu Youyue suddenly poked a small head out from behind her, resting her chin on Xu Lin's shoulder with a smile on her face.

"Wow! Sister-in-law, you are too scary! And old sister, have you finally been unable to resist attacking your own sister?"

Youzi huddled her head, crouched behind the chair and shivered.

"Don't just treat people as perverts!"

Xu Lin couldn't hold back from roaring.

"After all, I've been watching all kinds of girl dramas since high school. Sister-in-law, you don't know. I saw Yuan Zhikong on my old sister's computer. Her previous screensaver was Qiongmei!"

"An explanation?"

Xu Youyue instantly sensed something was wrong, a pair of slender and white arms wrapped around Xu Lin's neck.


Xu Lin fell silent.

"Pray nia?"

"What are you praying for? I just like the role of Qiongmei, can't I?"

"Don't just bring Two-dimensional into reality! Is there any similarity between the little bastard Yuzu and sister Qiong!?"

The white-haired girl complained with a sullen face.

"That's right. After all, Xu Lin, you are more like a sister of Qiongmei than Yuzu. How about it? Do you want to think about appearing in the character you liked at the beginning? You don't even have fake hair on your hair."

Sister Yan poked at Xu Lin's weakness very maliciously.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that Xu Lin is so weak that he can't stand a few words of teasing, but the eldest lady. . .

"Yes, yes! Why didn't I think of that!"

I have long been obsessed with Xu Lin's women's clothing.

"Forget it, when I think of Qiongmei's cosplay, my mind is full of the set of girls' movies..."

Xu Lin quickly waved his hands, and found an excuse to perfunctory.

But after hearing this sentence, the eldest lady looked at her with a slightly more subtle look.

"It's not impossible to shoot a set like that..."


Xu Lin was so frightened that he quickly tapped her small head with a knife.


"I really think it's okay. Anyway, I will take pictures and post-production. Let's take pictures at home to ensure that no outsiders will see them."

Holding her little head, Xu Youyue squatted on the ground pitifully and muttered.

"Do you, an outsider, not include Yuzu and Sister Yan?"

Xu Lin, however, was not fooled by her at all, and complained with vain eyes.

"Sister Yan! Grapefruit! Lin Jiang treats you as outsiders!"

"Holy sister, you're wrong, I'm your own sister, the kind who helped you rub your back when you were young! Now you don't even want to show me a little set of cosplay photos?"

Yuzu immediately cooperated with the eldest lady and made a sad look.


Xu Lin gritted his teeth angrily, and his voice seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

"Huh? My dear sister, what can I tell your lovely sister?"

"If you don't speak up for me, I'll send those things you took with a certain girlfriend in the hotel to your parents."

"Damn it!? Sister, when did you stealthily check my computer?"

Yuzu's pupils were trembling.

Anyway, if this thing is seen by parents, they will die!

"Cough cough."

But who is Xu You? He has seen a lot of strong winds and waves. Although he confiscated himself for a moment just now, he wiped his face and coughed twice and immediately changed his position.

"Look at this sister-in-law, my brother's time as a girl is only three months. This is her new life, which means that now my elder sister only wants to have a three-month-old baby."

"Let's consider that the elder sister is only three years old if she is more mature and mentally multiplied by twelve times. It is a bit too much for a three-year-old girl to make that kind of film, in case there is any psychological shadow or the like. It's not good, is it?"

After closing her eyes and telling nonsense that she didn't quite believe, Yuzu quietly opened one eye to observe the atmosphere of the scene.

A little embarrassed, Sister Yan and Missy both looked at her with expressions of 'I've never seen this in my life', even Xu Lin looked speechless.

"Yuzi, your face-changing speed is simply amazing."

After being embarrassed for a while, it was Sister Yan who finally broke the silence.

"Ahaha, that's a bit too much."

Then, Xu Youyue also made a haha, and smiled awkwardly.

"What the hell did I say just now, sister, leave me alone and let me calm down here."

Yuzu's small face turned red in an instant, and she squatted on the ground and didn't want to get up.

"I didn't want to care about you..."

Xu Lin rolled his eyes, paused and continued.

"There's just one thing I'm curious about."

The delicate girl with white hair walked up to Yuzu step by step, squatted down gracefully, and smiled slightly with her vermilion lips.

"Hey, Yuzu, how are you feeling now?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa whoa!!"

Youzi jumped up on the spot with a look of resentment, and she didn't know what gave her strength, but she jumped directly to the side of Xu Lin who was half a meter away from her, hanging on her body with her teeth and claws, and she was about to bite her with her big mouth. .

"I don't think you want to die with me, you want to suck my blood! Grass! You really bite!"

It's also fortunate that Xu Lin's quick eyesight and quick hands caught Yuzu's little head, otherwise, what would happen if there was a row of younger sister's teeth marks on his body that hadn't done some favorite things with the eldest lady?

Chapter 258 Chapter 67 Don't get me wrong, there is nothing pornographic in this chapter

Time is like an arrow, fleeting years are like water.

But that's what I said, but in fact, it's only been three days since Xu Lin and Youzi's sisters linked up.

Although Xu Lin really wanted to fast forward the time to the fishing time after the team building, but today she and the eldest lady still have something to do.

That's right, it is the test live broadcast of the fifth-term students.

Although Xu Lin and the others can watch the test live broadcast at home, Yuzi is her own sister after all, so she still needs to accompany her for a while.

Moreover, the fifth-generation students are different from the fourth-generation students. There is no sister Yan who has been carrying them all the time, and the relationship with Xu Lin and the eldest lady is also closer, so from a certain point of view, it is true that they should go to the office to give advice. .

Well, give me some pointers on how to deal with perverted seniors.

At least you have to be mentally prepared.

"Yuka-chan, You-chan, how are you? Are you nervous?"

In the big broadcast room where the third-year students were still in the head office, Xu Youyue looked at the two newcomers with a little worry.

"I'm fine. After all, I have a little experience in live broadcasting, so it's You..."

"From the results of the final exam, I think Yuhua should be more worried about herself."

Before Yuhua finished speaking, Yu interrupted her directly.

"I'm worried about you!"

Puffing out her cheeks aggrieved, Yuhua hugged the indifferent girl directly, but was slapped in the face by You, who had been on guard for a long time.

"You don't need to worry."

"It looks like there's nothing wrong with it."

Although it was obvious that You were actually quite nervous, Xu Youyue didn't say it directly.

As a senior, it's not easy for her to bother with such things, right?Just leave it to Yuhua.

"What about me? What about me? Missy, old lady, don't you worry about my lovely me?"

In fact, he was sitting at the side, and just now he had been looking at the grapefruit posted by the two of them in the same period with a speechless expression. Seeing that they had finished chatting, he couldn't wait to point to himself and asked.


Xu Lin's voice seemed to come from his nasal cavity, with a strong sense of disdain.

"Do you still need us to care?"

"Fucking old lady, what you said is wrong. It's my first time anyway. Isn't it normal to be nervous for the first time?"

"I don't even know if this is really the first time for you..."

"What? What's the first time, Yuzu Jiang, tell me?"

From behind everyone, a fresh and elegant perverted girl suddenly jumped out, wrapped her arms around Yuzu's neck, and asked with a smile.

Well, you should know who it is when you see this adjective.

"Tobi Hina-chan, you have come to our company too, why didn't you tell me?"

It's been a long time since the previous incident, but Xu Lin still can't face the kite chick in reality, and he doesn't speak in embarrassment.On the contrary, the eldest lady didn't seem to be affected at all, and greeted her happily.

"Hey hey, I'm just here to record a song. I stopped by to see Yuzu Jiang. I didn't know you were coming, miss."

Yuanchu let go of the pomelo, and stood about a step behind her with her hands behind her back, smiling innocently.

"The relationship between the seniors is really good."

Yuka, who had no idea what complicated story was going on, sighed slightly.

"Jiehuajiang and Youjiang have a very good relationship. I heard that you two are living together now."

It seems that during the time when Xu Lin and the eldest lady were developing by leaps and bounds emotionally, Yuanchu didn't come to our office less often, and her familiar tone obviously didn't sound like they were meeting for the first time.

"It's to save rent, senior."

Yu earnestly corrected.

"Oh~ so it's the first time for yuzu sauce and you sauce?"

Waving her hands, Yuanchu didn't want to continue chatting on this irrelevant topic, so she simply drove the car back.


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