"Ah this..."

The eldest lady hesitated for a moment.

She originally thought that Xu Lin would completely ignore her and pretend nothing happened.

So now she is embarrassed.

[? ? ?There are people]

【Who? 】

[No way no way no way Σ(っ°Д °;)っ! 】

"I couldn't hold back for a while..."

Under the stern gaze of the white-haired girl, the eldest lady lowered her head and whispered like a wronged child.

"I shouldn't have let you here."

Xu Lin sighed again.

I didn't know what to say, and I wanted to take this opportunity to expose the fact that the two lived together, but in the end I hesitated.


Now the audience heard it.

[Fuck!It's Missy! ? 】

[Isn't Luo Ye live broadcasting at home today? 】

[I understand, brothers! 】

"Hey hey~ What's the matter, just continue the live broadcast, don't worry about me!"

Xu Youyue scratched her head foolishly and smirked, with the tacit understanding between her and Xu Lin, it was almost enough to know that she needed to change her position as soon as she slapped her butt, and a single sentence was enough for her to understand how to make up this lie.

"Do you think, in this situation, if you don't appear on the stage, can I continue the live broadcast?"

Xu Lin gave her an angry look, and temporarily put the portrait of the eldest lady on the live broadcast screen.

"What are you waiting for, come and play together?"

"Hey~~ I think you just want me to work for nothing!"

The eldest lady pursed her mouth, a little unhappy, her rare time to fish!

This is Xu Lin's live broadcast room, and even the synergy benefits are all Xu Lin's own, not to mention that she still can't make up the live broadcast time, and she would be at a loss if she broadcast live together.

"Then you didn't let me work for nothing before, so you just said whether you will come or not!"

"Come on, come on, shall I come to the head office?"

Of course she knew that she disrupted Xu Lin's live broadcast rhythm, so she resigned herself to sitting next to Xu Lin, and said hello to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Hi everyone, good evening, I am a hard-working young lady who came to Ruoye's house as a guest but unexpectedly got caught working."

【Great! 】

【Wow!You two are hiding from us how many independent meals you two have! ? 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 】

"Blame me? Isn't it because you say that you will never reveal it every time, but in the end you make some noise every time to be heard by the audience."

"It was the same when Yuzu and I were live broadcasting last time. It was obviously the effect of the show. Why did you come out by yourself?"

"Let me tell you, this is a very bad habit. You know that you are not a young lady. If you come again in the future, you can squat in the living room for me."

Xu Lin immediately switched on the mother-in-law mode, and the frantically nagging eldest lady wrinkled her face bitterly.

"Hey! I know, I know! Ruo Ye, stop talking about it!"

"No, what's your attitude? I'm suggesting you for your own good. If you do this every time you come, will there be a normal live broadcast? Let me tell you..."

Xu Lin frowned, and continued nagging without stopping, but was cut off by the eldest lady.



"What did you call me!?"

Xu Lin didn't know what to do for a while, and he froze in place, it took him a while to react.

But what she didn't expect was that the eldest lady had no shame and no hesitation at all.



Xu Lin fell silent.

She found that she was completely outmatched by the eldest lady in terms of shamelessness.

This is a sad fact.

"Ahem, let's continue the live broadcast, there is still half an hour, let's sing two songs and get off work quickly."

In the end, because he really couldn't think of a way to deal with Missy's shameless 'mother attack', Xu Lin could only forcefully change the subject amidst the hahaha of the audience.

But Xu Youyue's aggressiveness seemed to be playful, and she turned back the direction as soon as she opened her mouth.

"Okay! Mom, I will sing whatever you want me to sing!"

"I'm so meow!?"


[This is the first time I saw brother Ruoye with this expression hahahaha]

[Absolutely, this expression! 】

How does Xu Lin's current expression reflect on the model?

The white-haired girl in the picture tilted her head slightly, her eyes fixed on the eldest lady's Li Hui, with a question mark on her forehead, as if to say, "Little sister, what are you doing?" '

Really, since the transformation, the new live2d has a lot more expressions on her, and it has even started to spread as an emoticon package.

"Miss, I'm convinced, let's stop playing, okay?"

Looking at the young lady who raised her head proudly, with an expression of what can you do to me, Xu Lin finally raised her hands in surrender.

She just wanted to finish the broadcast and get off work quickly. Why is it so difficult?

"Okay! Mommy asks Sakura to do whatever she wants!"

But Xu Youyue is still the same, with a naive and smirk like a little witch, and her voice is as cute as a well-behaved little girl.

"If you have any request, miss, please mention it!"

Xu Lin gritted his teeth and decided to deal with her after the broadcast.

"Mom, I don't have a bag recently!"

"Which one do you like, send me the link back."

Xu Lin's voice was gritted.

“I’m running out of cosmetics~”

"Buy! Buy a set! Any more!!!?"

The last three words, Xu Lin almost squeezed out between his teeth.

"Eh!? Let me think about it again..."

Seeing that Xu Lin is so talkative today, the eldest lady must not let go of this opportunity, her big eyes turned around thinking about what she still lacks.

"Xu Ying, I warn you that enough is enough!"


"I'll clear your shopping cart later at the head office, shall I? I beg you, can we live broadcast normally?"

"Okay! Thank you Luo Ye, Luo Ye is so kind!"

Xu Youyue, very satisfied!

Chapter 296 What's in the girl's shopping cart?

After finally getting rid of the shameless young lady, the direction of the live broadcast is completely out of Xu Lin's control.

Originally, she wanted to chat casually with the eldest lady for a while, then sing two songs to fill up the time, and then download it. After all, the two of them haven't sung together for a long time.

But after she said the words to help the eldest lady clean the shopping cart, the direction of the whole live broadcast was completely distorted.

The audience kept clamoring to see what was in the shopping cart of the eldest lady, and Xu Lin herself was quite curious.

She herself is a manly man who spit on a nail, so she won't agree to Xu Youyue and then go back on her word, but usually the two of them are not bored enough to share what's in the shopping cart with each other, at most, the eldest lady has something she likes and sends it over. Hinting at Xu Lin Yibo.

Sometimes Lin Jiang will pay for it, and sometimes she will refuse it. This mainly depends on whether the eldest lady really wants it and the practicability of the thing she wants to buy.

For example, skin care products, cosmetics and other daily necessities for girls, she is very happy, but if it is an expensive batch of strange co-branded bags that are not useful, or some ghost things that must be piled up in the warehouse after buying, she wants Xu Linsong. It's hard.

But in fact, the eldest lady herself is not without money. Xu Lin can't stop her if she really wants to buy it. Not buying anything is not very important to her.

This can be regarded as the direct and unique interest of the two couples.

To sum up, considering the previous collar incident, Xu Lin was also very curious about what kind of mess was in the shopping cart of the eldest lady.

Then. . .

Then she saw a shopping cart worth tens of thousands of dollars.

"??? Are all you girls like this? Do you use the shopping cart as a favorite?"

Xu Lin looked at the long, five-page shopping cart and couldn't help complaining.

"how come?"

Xu Youyue gave her a strange look.

"My favorites are almost full."


[Miss is definitely a rich second generation. . . 】

[No, no, Ruo Ye, don't get me wrong, the shopping cart of our soil-eating girls is not so long! 】

[The old man, the subway, the mobile phone, what are they all about! 】

"Let me take a look, bags, JK uniforms, Hanfu, Lolita, hooks, bracelets, cosmetics, auntie towels, underwear..."

Xu Lin muttered while flipping through the eldest lady's shopping cart, and then looked at that Jane trying to suddenly feel wrong.

"Wait, can underwear be broadcast?"

"I don't know, probably not."

The eldest lady shook her head, her tone a little uncertain.


Xu Lin quickly turned over.

[Taobao watch movies, just around the corner]

[I have to say, the figure of the model lady is awesome]

【Normal (skirt)】

【There is something wrong with you upstairs】

"No? Why do you still have a collar here!"

As soon as he turned the page, Xu Lin was distracted by a product, and turned his head to look at the eldest lady with a troubled expression.

Means you still plan to buy this thing?

"Don't look at me, I just thought it looked pretty, so I kept it."

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