Xu Youyue looked up to the sky, pretending to be innocent.

"Then I cleared the shopping cart and you wear it?"

Xu Linxu looked at her.

"Don't even think about it!"

The eldest lady repeatedly waved her hands and refused.

"Then why don't you hurry up and delete this thing!"


The eldest lady also reacted, and quickly deleted it.


【The young couple had a good time playing】

[Brother Ruoye, do you want to see the eldest lady wearing a collar?Don't be shy, I want to see it too! 】

【Me too! 】

Ignoring the barrage and scrolling down, Xu Lin is now very glad that he took a look in advance, otherwise this pile of things would have bankrupted her directly.

But going bankrupt is a trivial matter, the big deal is to eat the soft food of the eldest lady, but there is no place to put it at home after buying so many messy things!

"This Chino figurine and Ai-chan's pillow are fine, I like it, get me one too."

After flipping through it twice, Xu Lin finally saw something he was interested in.

"But can you explain to me what this extra long broom is for?"

Xu Lin pointed to a product called [Super Invincible Extended Broom] and asked.

"Sweep the ceiling!"

The eldest lady answered with confidence.

"You don't know how to stand on a stool and sweep!"

"My lady can't reach it!"

"Sorry, forgot you were a dwarf."

"Ruo Ye, you are so special that you are two centimeters taller than Miss Ben, so you have the nerve to call me short!?"

"But I have 1.5 meters."


Miss, be silent.

The fact that her height is less than 1.5 meters is an eternal pain in Xu Youyue's heart, so much so that when she looks at the shoes, she doesn't even want the effect of increasing her height.

I even want to go out on stilts.

Otherwise, if you go out to take a bus, you won't even be able to reach the handle! Hey!

This is also the reason why Xu Lin and the eldest lady take taxis when they go out. It is really inconvenient when there are no seats during peak hours.

[grass, two dwarfs]

[Wakaba is 1.5 meters, that is to say, Missy is 148? 】

[A certain bird with a broken leg expressed tears, it can be regarded as having found the same kind! 】

【The little angel expresses that he is very happy】

Everyone knows the stalk of the broken-legged bird, and the well-known mouth of station b is up

Lord, my height is also 148.

It is also because of this that the eldest lady's idol for a while was Ling Yuan, and she could sing almost all of her songs.

As for the little angel, well, after all, she is a girl who can be regarded as a high school student by the driver when she goes out, so what else can she say?

Da Mao expressed a lot of pressure.

[I am younger than them! 】

"Well... let's delete what should be deleted, and then download me and clear it up."

Xu Lin looked at her with a heartache after deleting a lot of messy things and still had a shopping cart worth 18000, and said in a difficult tone.

"Eh~? I still need to delete it! I am stingy~ Ruoye is stingy~!"

The eldest lady elongated her voice in dissatisfaction, but she still honestly deleted some clothes and bags that she didn't want that much.

"You can delete the page that you can't broadcast later, don't wait for me to do it."

Seeing that the amount dropped sharply by another 1 yuan, Xu Lin nodded in satisfaction. The rest were some daily necessities, clothes and skirts, and it was not a loss to buy them anyway.

It just so happens that there is a discount for the National Day, and it will be cleared as soon as it is cleared. Anyway, it is only her pocket money for two months.

Woohoo, pocket money for two months, that's it!

Xu Lin, who has always been poor, said that this is the most money she spent on Taobao in her life!

Although she now has hundreds of captains on a daily basis and her salary is not low, her long-standing concept makes her feel a little bit heartbroken that she cannot accept such a luxurious behavior.

In order to coax the eldest lady, she worked hard today.

"I know, I know, isn't it just a little pink stuff, and it's not like I haven't seen Yuanchu before."

"I'm afraid that my live broadcast room will be killed!"

Chapter 297 Chapter 5 Xu Ma who ran away from home

It would be a long story to say where Missy's entire page of pink items came from.

If you want to say that the xp in the ESC club is weird, you can catch a lot of them, but if you want to say that among this group of people who are the most self-indulgent and the most sloppy in the live broadcast, it must be Yuanchu.

According to Xu Lin's estimation, more than half of the melon seed yellow waste on the head of the young lady is instilled by kite chicks.

And this thing started a long time ago, before Xu Lin became Miss Lin. The two girls exchanged ideas about which one looks more comfortable and which set of clothes on the bed looks the cutest. That's called Xu Lin. An old man subway phone.

But these two people are cowardly, one bought it but just left it there and didn't use it at all, and the other didn't even buy it, and just studied theoretical knowledge in front of the photos all day long.

Xu Lin didn't even know what the two of them were discussing?

This is probably the so-called girl who gets up in the car and doesn't have a boy?

Therefore, the colored items on this page of the eldest lady are monopolized for eight fights, and the remaining [-]% ​​are. . .

Contributed by members of the ESC Society Sakura Wakaba Promoting Marriage Association.

Well, we are talking about sister Yan, Xueyue, Lin Mu and Youzi, the four little bastards.

Sal and Ye Jun are boys after all, so it's not easy to get involved.Zero Yue didn't understand the true purity at all. As for the other fourth-generation and fifth-generation students, after all, they were not so familiar with each other, and they still had a little bit of restraint towards their seniors, so they didn't mix in.

Although Xu Lin always felt that Fengling was a little eager to try.

After all, sister Yan said that this kid recommended a lot of messy things in the group, but they were all rejected by everyone.

The whole group was almost given to her!

But for Xu Lin, this is not the important thing now.

Instead. . .

"You Yue, tell me whether I can pick it up or not."

Xu Lin looked at the caller ID on his phone and fell into deep thought.

"Accept, why not?"

The young miss could understand Xu Lin's conflicted mood, but she couldn't understand her mother-in-law's appearance, and wished she could press the answer button for her.


The white-haired girl sighed, then pressed the connection call cruelly.

"Dead early and be reborn early!"

As for why she was so entangled?

"Hey, Mom, what's up?"

The call was from Mama Xu. . .

"Hey, I went to Linlin and you accepted it. I almost thought you didn't recognize me as a mother."

"Wooooow, mom is so sad!"

The woman on the other end of the phone had a very subtle Northeast accent, and her voice sounded like a carefree old lady, but the second sentence immediately transferred to Qiong Yao's crew.

The style of painting changes so quickly that people are caught off guard.


The corner of Xu Lin's mouth twitched.

Long time no see, my mother really still has this style.

"Pfft www"

The eldest lady couldn't hold back a chuckle, she covered her mouth and took a peek.

"No, just now I went down the broadcast to shovel the cat's shit. Mom, what's the matter?"

"Ah, yes, I forgot to tell you about Linlin before, I'm in Yehai, let me tell you, this is really a big city, it's incomparable to our place, when I went for a massage before The technicians here are all of a higher class than ours, the soft-spoken one, tsk tsk tsk."

Xu's mother has always spoken in this way, especially when she is happy, she is not on the ground, she can talk about everything but is not serious.

"Wait a minute? Mom, where are you?"

Xu Lin tried his best to extract effective information from the nonsense on his mother's account, but he was a little dazed at the time, rubbing his temples and interrupting her to ask.

"Eh? Didn't I tell you? I'm traveling in Yehai, and I've been here for almost a week!"

Mama Xu's voice changed from doubt to embarrassment, obviously she remembered something while talking.

"Mom, think about it, the last time we talked on the phone was a few months ago, okay?"

The white-haired girl sighed.

The eldest lady was already rolling on the bed covering her mouth with laughter.

No, Mama Xu, this is too interesting!

Linlin, Linlin, Linlin!Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

"Hey, don't you know that mom's memory is coming? Don't be angry, I even forgot to notify her of the grapefruit. Hey, just taking a trip is not a big deal!"

"Then you have to tell me... Is my dad here?"

Mother, after so many years, Xu Lin has long been used to her mother's personality, so she still doesn't take such small things to heart.

She was just speechless.

Why is it that other people's families are good mothers who are gentle and gentle, while my mother's temperament is younger than her own.

"Ah...he...he, he works at home and has no time, yes, no time!"

Mama Xu's voice froze all of a sudden, and she shouted in embarrassment.

"You ran away from home again, didn't you?"

"Travel, travel, travel, can that be called running away from home? I'm afraid that the quarrel will affect his work!"

"Okay, give me an address, and I'll pick you up with Yuzi."

Xu Lin couldn't be bothered to listen to his mother's same reason every time, so he sighed.

Then I thought about it and added another sentence.

"Is there any money left? No, I'll transfer some for you."

"Linlin is so nice! mua!"

The woman on the other end of the phone immediately became emotional again, happily blew her a kiss across the phone and hung up the phone in seconds.

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