Mama Xu is such a miraculous character.

She is in her 40s and often runs away from home. Xu Lin remembers that the last time she ran away from home was because Dad Xu didn’t give her a gift for Women’s Day (according to Dad Xu’s explanation, Mom Xu said that she Still a child, but Women's Day.)

The last time I ran away was because the bag I wanted to buy was out of stock, and I and myself were angry and ran out of the subway for three stops, and then called Dad Xu aggrievedly to say that I had no money.

Yes, she ran away from home and called Dad Xu to ask for money.

Then Dad Xu really sent her a referral!

Anyway, Xu Lin felt that he might not be able to understand the brain circuits of these two people for the rest of his life.

I just don't know what it was because of the order this time, but judging by the way she would rather call herself than go home, she might be angry with her father.

"Hahahahahahaha, Auntie is too cute."

The eldest lady was almost out of breath just now, but now she will be fine, laughing so wildly that she almost rolled to the ground.


Xu Lin looked at the eldest lady with complicated eyes.

"You do not understand."

"Well, so you're going out now?"

The eldest lady also became serious. After all, it was about Mama Xu, so she still couldn't slack off.

"Well, in order not to let my mother-in-law live on the street, I'm going to pick her up with Yuzi now, will you go, Youyue?"

"I'll forget it. Since my aunt didn't call me, it seems inappropriate for me to go? After all, you haven't seen each other for a long time."

The eldest lady smiled subtly, her mood was rather complicated.

She actually wanted to go, but since they didn't call her, she wisely refrained from disturbing their mother-child reunion.

"Don't think too much, you've seen my mother's personality too, if you didn't mention it, you probably just didn't remember it, maybe you will call after a while."

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Lin's phone rang again.

Looking at the caller ID, it turned out to be Mama Xu, she shrugged at the eldest lady, and said in a relaxed tone.

"Look, what did I say?"

Chapter 298 Chapter 6 About the Ways to Get the Eldest Miss and Mother Xu into a relationship

When I got on the phone just now, Xu's mother didn't say much, just said "Linlin, remember to bring grapefruit and your little girlfriend with you!" and hung up, Xu Lin didn't even have a chance to refuse.

So at this moment, a group of three people were standing at the entrance of a shopping mall with dazed faces, not knowing where to find someone.

"Brother, shall we make a bet?"

Yuzu chewed the bubble gum, said with a subtle expression.

"What are you betting on?"

Xu Lin put down the phone that no one answered, and sighed.

"Just bet if my mom just wandered around again this time and forgot about us."

"Is this still a gamble? It must be!"

The phone Xu Lin dialed just now belonged to Xu's mother, but no one answered it. It was obvious that Xu Lin ran off again after transferring the money to her just now.

"www, Auntie is really a child character."

Standing next to Xu Lin, Xu Youyue listened to the two sisters chatting, and laughed and complained.


Xu Lin just sighed and didn't speak.

"Similar plots have been staged too many times, and we have long been used to it. Let's find a place to sit first. My mother won't remember us in an hour."

Yuzu shrugged, feeling a little helpless.

To the brothers and sisters of the Xu family, Xu's mother is more like an unreliable older sister than her mother.

Although occasionally serious, but most of the time it is not formal.

She can even lie on the sofa and ask her son to cook. Can you expect her to have the integrity of a mother?

So for a long time, Father Xu and Xu Lin were the only two normal people in this family.

Ok. . .It doesn't seem so normal.

But this time, Mama Xu didn't play crazy and forgot about the three of them, but she was just trying on clothes and didn't have time to pick up. We officially met in the women's clothing store.

"Linlin! Grapefruit! Hey! Mom misses you!"

As soon as Xu's mother came over, she hugged the two of them and said affectionately.

But the problem is. . .

The white-haired girl stared blankly at Yuzu and the eldest lady who were held in Mama Xu's arms, and she was too lazy to complain.


The eldest lady barely broke free from Mother Xu's embrace, and pointed at the girl with white hair and red eyes wearing a mask in embarrassment.

"Auntie, this is Xu Lin."

"I know."

This woman who looked to be in her thirties at the most, with a plump body and well-proportioned body, was more than 1.7 meters tall, dressed in trendy and handsome hip-hop style clothes, and a beret, blinked and said with a smile.


This time Xu Youyue was stunned.

"I sent a picture to my mother."

Yuzu took a breath and quickly explained.

"She is my son, does it have anything to do with me thinking my daughter-in-law is cute and hugging her?"

Xu's mother smiled mischievously, and the demeanor of a mature woman was fully revealed at this moment.


The young lady suddenly remembered that Yuzu had said before that Mama Xu seemed to be bisexual, and she liked girls, especially young and beautiful girls. She didn't know whether to be happy or afraid.

Mama Xu is really an amazing person.

The eldest lady said that this is the first time she has seen such a young, beautiful and fashionable mother when she grows up.

Also a mother of two grown children.

By the way, why is Xu's mother 1.7 meters, and the tallest grapefruit among the two sisters is only 162?Is this really real?

"Mom, don't talk nonsense, don't get involved with me and Xiaoyue."

Seeing that the eldest lady's face was a bit subtle, Xu Lin hurriedly interrupted Xu Ma's overly affectionate actions, and rescued Xu Youyue from her clutches.

"Okay, okay, mom is old and can't control the affairs between you young people."

Xu's mother was not angry, but just waved her hands, instead of pestering the eldest lady, she walked to Xu Lin's body and looked at it carefully.

"Mom, what are you looking at?"

Xu Lin couldn't take it anymore, being stared at her so straightly, she always felt that Xu's mother was going to say something to shock my father in the next second.

"Except for being a little short, everything is pretty good. As expected of my mother, I have three points of beauty when I was young!"


Xu Lin was speechless.

"Yuzi, is the strange nature of your family really hereditary?"

The eldest lady at the side poked the grapefruit secretly, and bit her ear softly.


Yuzu rolled his eyes.

"My mother is purely influenced by my father, and that is the root of our family's abnormality."

"You child, did you say that about your father?"

Mama Xu glared at Yuzu, then smiled again.

"But it's quite true!"

"Sure enough, it's all the old man's fault!"

"Okay, mom, where else can we go shopping?"

Xu Lin couldn't listen anymore, how could he talk about this when the child met the parents for the first time!

"Girl, what's your name?"

Xu's mother glanced at Xu Lin with a subtle look of looking at a fool, then turned to ask the eldest lady.

"Auntie, my surname is Xu, and my name is Youyue."

"Youyue, right? Auntie, I'm not very familiar with Yehai. Where do you think is the best place to go to buy clothes for Linlin?"

"Well... her words."

The eldest lady looked at Xu Lin gloatingly, and thought carefully.

Talking about this, Xu Lin already felt that something was wrong with the topic.

But she couldn't stop it.

After all, the two who are going to make trouble are big bosses she can't afford to mess with.

"Auntie, I think the one downstairs is quite suitable. It mainly focuses on handsome girls, which is suitable for boys like Linjiang."

"Reliable! You Yue, lead the way!"

Mama Xu waved her hand handsomely, feeling from the bottom of her heart that the eldest lady was interested in her.

Because she also wanted to wear this type of clothes for Xu Lin.

"Okay Auntie! I know this place well, don't worry!"

"Girl, do you still speak Northeast dialect?"

"That's not true, I learned from Lin Jiang!"

"Okay then, let's go?"


Looking at the two people who quickly got in touch with each other by buying clothes for Xu Lin, Yuzu poked Xu Lin gloatingly, and said with a suppressed smile.

"How about it, brother, do you regret it?"

"Pain and happiness."

Xu Lin cast her a glance, and then followed without looking back.

If Mama Xu and Missy can get along well, what does it matter if she changes a few sets of clothes?

Yuzu is still too young to understand the reason behind this. . .

In the next few hours, Xu Lin became a doll, changing into one set of clothes after another, while Yuzi became a hard worker carrying bags.

Xu's mother and the eldest lady had a very lively chat about how Xu Lin should dress up.

In the end, Xu's mother seemed to approve of her. Taking advantage of Xu Lin's change of clothes and Yuzi's time to go to the bathroom, she took the hand of the eldest lady and said meaningfully.

"This child Linlin is just like her father. She looks very mature, but she is still a child in her heart."

"Youyue girl, I definitely have no objection if you want to be with Linlin, but you have to be mentally prepared, after all."

"It's not a good road."

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