"What about the one on my right, that's a big one at the beginning."

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"Have you heard of the Viet Cong in the comment section? Have you heard of the girl who went to bed early? Have you heard of the DD leader in the v circle?"

"Didn't you wait?"

"Ah, what's the matter?"

"Why don't I hear a good word?"



"I didn't say anything nice about you either!"

Chapter 304 Chapter 12 Jinghua quit the voice channel. Jpg

【I don't even need to think about it to know that this book was written by Luo Ye】

[Absolutely, is it really a cross talk vup?Bingtang, hurry up, call Xiaoxi Xiaotao over here! 】


Although the opening remarks were written by Lin Jiang, the live broadcast was still serious.

The audience watching the live broadcast couldn't help laughing. In fact, Xu Lin and Bingtang were not much better.


The laughing point is low, Bingtang actually couldn't help laughing halfway, the main reason is that Xu Lin's cross talk accent is really a bit funny, a girl with a soft and weak voice is talking about cross talk in a serious way, just thinking about it makes me feel cute .

"It's broken, it's broken, www, stop this episode and don't broadcast www"

Bingtang smiled and Xu Lin couldn't help it anymore. Although there were still a few sentences left to say, it didn't matter if it ended here, so he simply turned to the topic directly.

The so-called adaptability in the live broadcast is just such a thing.

"Okay, okay, let's be serious."

"Okay www Ruo Ye, tell me."

"How should I put it, in fact, we have wanted to do the linkage with Bingtang for a long time, but we have not been free before, and neither side has time, so we have been procrastinating until now."

Xu Lin cleared his throat and said solemnly.

In fact, the real reason is that she is lazy.

"Isn't it because Luo Ye, you are busy with Sakura-chan and you are afraid that she will be jealous?"

Bingtang teased a little narrowly.

In the scene before the broadcast just now, no matter whether the two were at home or at the company, she was basically sure that the two must be having an affair.

"It's all serious, why do you always mention Missy!"

Xu Lin rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"After all, I am a little more familiar with Sakura sauce."

"What, you want to be a mud stick cat?"

"Don't dare to www, I'm afraid of being rushed to death by Ying Ruoyemin www"

"That's not a good live broadcast!"

Under normal circumstances, Bingtang's linkage is dominated by herself in the chat, after all, she is really good at chatting.

But Xu Lin is actually a person who can chat very well, so this live broadcast is not afraid of silence at all.

[It’s okay to start fighting when you come up www]

【Killing me】

"Really, Luo Ye is really busy recently, every time I look for her, I don't have time, if I don't know that she is busy, I will think it is perfunctory to me www"

"I can't help it. After all, my live broadcast plans are all set in advance, and I don't have time to write scripts recently."

"But the main reason is laziness."

Xu Lin thought about it. He said he was busy recently, but he didn't seem to be that busy. After all, he didn't have to go to school, and the live broadcast was mostly playing games.

But let's say she's not busy, but something always pops up every day, which keeps her from being free, which is quite strange.

"Eh? So are you really trying to play tricks on me?"

Bingtang was taken aback, and asked quickly.

"No, it's not www, how is that possible? Do you think I've linked up with anyone recently?"

Xu Lin denied it with a smile.

"Isn't it linked with Sakura Sauce and Yuzu Sauce?"

"The pomelo has been prepared a long time ago, and Missy, I don't need to prepare for the collaboration with Missy. Once everyone is ready, just start the broadcast."

【No preparation needed】

【Oh oh oh! 】

[Isn't it that the two of you are already familiar with each other to such an extent? 】

"Hey~ I ate a big mouthful of dog food."

"No, why is this just dog food? www, do you still need a script for Bingtang and Jinghua's linkage? It's just that you are familiar with it and don't need to prepare topics in advance."

"That's true."

Bingtang didn't deny it.

In fact, he was just teasing Xu Lin, chatting, isn't that just the way it is.

"Bingtang, what about you? I don't even have to watch any of our three large-scale series recently."

"Some people watch it, some people watch it, why don't I invite you Ruo Ye as a guest today www"


Xu Lin made a question mark.

"You didn't mention this when you came here!"

"Wouldn't Ruoye want to take part?"

Bingtang asked back.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just..."


"You have to pay more."


【Add Money Layman Lan Ruoye】


[It’s okay to add money! 】

"Ahem, let's continue today's live broadcast. What did you say just now? Oh yes, it's time to eat the first marshmallow, right?"

Bingtang coughed dryly twice, and talked about him from left to right.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're blunt in changing the subject?"

Xu Linxu complained.

"Ahaha, no, is it blunt?"

"Very hard."

"How hard is it?"

"Harder than I used to be when I first woke up in the morning."

【? 】

【? ? ? 】

[Brother Ruoye, something is wrong with you! 】

【Hey, the wheel marks on my face】

"You actually drive a car!"

Bingtang immediately reacted, pointed at Xu Lin and shouted.

"Duplicate words are disgusting!"

This side also responded calmly.

Then, a person came in suddenly in the voice, and he also brought his own bgm.

It's a hammer.

bgm is "Shengjing"

"Dirty human beings! Let God purify you!"

Jinghua's grassy voice and the Chinese accent of the construction site are self-recognizable, even if it comes in suddenly, the audience will recognize it instantly.

"Who's here?"

Xu Lin scratched his head and asked.

"It sounds familiar, Luo Ye, do you recognize this voice?"

Bingtang shook his head ruthlessly.

"I don't know, do you know?"

"I don't know either."

"Who is a decent person who knows him!"

In fact, both of them are quite familiar with Jinghua. . .

Hammer was so angry that he even stopped the bgm, and questioned Bingtang angrily.

"You say you don't know me!?"

"do not know."

Bingtang looked confused.

"Do you know each other?"

[We don't know each other either. 】

[I don't know +1]

The dds immediately followed the persecution.

Ding sound.

Jinghua, quit the voice chat. JPG

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】


The dds all laughed like crazy.

"Okay, so let's look at the first marshmallow of the day."

Xu Lin forcibly suppressed a smile, and said with a paralyzed face, completely ignoring Jinghua who suddenly entered.

"Yeah, whm, I've released w too."

Bingtang laughed so hard that she almost lost her breath, and her speech was intermittent.

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