"When did Ruoye and Bingtang know each other? It's probably such a question. How about Bingtang answering it first?"

Xu Lin couldn't hold back his laughter, but at least it was slightly better than Bingtang.

It was agreed upon that Jinghua came here, but she didn't tell her exactly what she was going to do, so the two girls who had trouble with their stomachs joined forces to persecute a wave of hammers.

That is to say, Jinghua has a good temper and everyone has a good relationship. It is impossible for the two of them to persecute like other people.

"Actually, I got to know Sakura-chan first and then Luo Ye."

Bingtang briefly recalled what happened a few months ago, then nodded.

"I remember seeing the slice of Sakura sauce at that time, and then I saw the slice of Wakaba in the recommendation. After clicking in, it fell."

"Ahhhh, this little brother's voice is so nice! That's what I thought at the time www"

"It turned out that I was actually a girl?"

Xu Lin asked with a smile.

"No, I feel better knowing it's a girl!"

Bingtang answered without hesitation.


"As expected of you!"

Chapter 305 Chapter 13 Hammer Face Jumping

If it was before, when Xu Lin's gender was still ♂, it would be impossible to say something like "ahhhhhhhhhhh I like this voice" to the character 'Ruoye' in the live broadcast with the rock candy sticker business style .

But now Xu Lin has become the "Sister Ruoye" in the audience's mouth after all, so there is no need to care about these things.

But these are trivial things now, the big problem is that the eldest lady listened to these words.

Yes, that's right, Xu Youyue is watching the live broadcast.

Still with the hammer.

Maybe it was because he was not reconciled to being punished, or maybe it was just Tu Yile. As soon as Jinghua quit the voice, he realized that he was being punished, and then he became more and more angry, so he simply found the eldest lady.

The two of them also know each other, but they don't have much contact, and they can only stay at the stage of acquaintance.

However, the industry circle of vup is only so big in total, and they are all good friends. Even if they are not familiar with each other, they know each other well. This abrupt Lian Mai is not too embarrassing.

Everyone looks up and sees down, and occasionally it's a good thing to play with the live broadcast effect together.

As for why Hammer came to find the eldest lady, it was actually Bingtang who secretly instructed him to come to www.

"These two, these two are too much."

Hammer's Chinese is pretty good, but occasionally the grammar feels weird, and the accent is a bit awkward, but after all, there are various Mandarin with local accents in China, which is not unacceptable.

"No, I feel fine www"

The eldest lady was more tolerant, and said with a light smile.

She didn't think there was anything wrong, but the live broadcast, the work that should be done still needs to be done.

"Let's see what Luo Ye said."

"Hmm, let's see what Ruo Ye says."

As soon as the eldest lady said the hammer, she understood that she was looking for an opportunity.

It just so happened that at this time, the sharp-eyed Bingtang had already seen the audience who reported that the eldest lady and Hammer were watching the screen, but she didn't say it, but just rolled her big eyes and opened her mouth narrowly.

"But I actually like Luo Ye's voice now, too. It's a very cute and clear voice."

"Ah, thanks for the compliment."

Xu Lin subconsciously cut to the male voice, and the strange smell came out immediately.

To this day, she still can't accept others' praise of her female voice, which always feels a little strange.

"As far as I'm concerned, I know that Bingtang's time was before his debut, and it was because of mmd's attention back then."

"Although you don't seem to like people treating you like a boy, but I have to say that before you debuted, I always defaulted to the fact that the mmd area is all male LSPs."

What Xu Lin said couldn't help but smiled slightly, and then paused for a while, waiting for Bingtang's expression to be obviously surprised before adding.

"After you debuted, I found out that my judgment was correct—you are really an lspwww."

She pays attention to Bingtang because of Bingtang's mmd whole series, the one where all villains dance to the pure land of bliss, is a clean stream in the mmd area.

After that, I didn't watch much, until I came into contact with the V circle, saw the large-scale series "The Three of Us", and was surprised to find that she had followed the three leading actors for a long time.

Hammer's attention is because of a certain twitter artist, who followed Parry because she pushed Pjia along with her, and Bingtang. . .

Xu Lin really thought about it for a while, until he clicked on her submission list and realized why he paid attention to her in the first place.

"This, this proves that LSP is gender neutral."

Bing Tang's complexion instantly collapsed, but she also felt a little excited for no reason.

Just weird.

"Well, it also proves the truth that girls have nothing to do with boys when they drive a car."

Thinking about the situation in the ESC club, the boys are completely defeated in terms of speed, only one can beat Frost and Snow, and the rest are not good.

After all, beautiful girls are cute when they drive, and boys are obscene or perverted when they drive. There is no way around this.

"Brother Ruoye, you are really watertight."


"Did you already know that Sakura-chan was watching the live broadcast and that's why you said that?"

Since the formula fails, then attack directly. Bingtang pulled Xu Lin over to coordinate with her for the sake of making a living. How could she let her go so easily.

"Hmm... Miss, is she spying on the screen? I don't know."

Xu Lin shook his head, looking at his live broadcast room, which had already been filled with [Missy is here! ] and other bullet screens forced to pretend to be stupid.

"And be reasonable, Bingtang, come here when the eldest lady comes? What's the point of dropping in between colleagues?"

"Oh? Is it just a colleague relationship? I don't believe it."

"If you insist, the priority of friendship should be higher."

Xu Lin was very honest about this point, and then she belatedly figured out why Bingtang was teasing her like this, so she risked her life and started to slap her face.

"Hey! Miss! You are watching!"

She turned on the reverb and switched back to the original note. The lovely and soft voice accompanied by the full reverb was a bit hellish, but grass grew on time.

"I won't go back tonight! I have a job, don't worry about me! Rock sugar sauce is very gentle and cute!"

In particular, this face-jumping method was copied from Jinghua, and Jinghua himself was on the opposite side, so the scene was even more messy.

The barrage in Xu Lin's live broadcast room is already a prairie, but the barrage in the eldest lady's live broadcast room is a prairie in another sense.

"This bastard!"

Xu Youyue gritted her teeth angrily, and it took her a while to hold back the words 'don't let her go to bed tonight'.

"I must make her look good after the next broadcast!!!"

On the other side, Bing Tang laughed so hard that she almost lost her breath.


How should I put it, she never expected that Xu Lin would use Jinghua's jokes to embarrass the eldest lady. This trick is simply stealing the essence.

"Ruo Ye www you w, ha ha ha ha!"

Bingtang spoke intermittently, and didn't utter a complete sentence for a long time.

"Stop, let's calm down and talk, okay?"

On the other hand, Xu Lin sighed helplessly, and put on the second marshmallow with a flat expression, emphasizing his calmness.

"Okay, so for the second marshmallow, would you two hold hands when you go out with your girlfriends? Or other intimate actions are also fine."

It was a very ordinary marshmallow. Last time Bingtang answered first, so this time it was Xu Lin who came first, and it happened to let Bingtang, who was laughing and hypoxic, breathe a sigh of relief.

"In my case, it's the kind that doesn't like physical contact. I usually don't hold hands or do anything too intimate when I go out with friends."

Xu Lin said lightly.

Although she has become a girl, the time is still short, and she still has many habits from her boyhood.

For example, you won't hold hands with anyone other than your girlfriend.

"But it's not absolute, because the young lady prefers to hold hands and go shopping, so I will hold hands occasionally."

A low-key and subtle show of affection.

Miss Lin can't help showing off occasionally.

Chapter 306 Chapter 14 A Secret Love Only You Can Understand

No one can understand Lin Jiang's low-key show off.

Because in the common sense in China, it is normal for two girls to go out shopping and hold hands, there is nothing strange about it.

Or if your best friend shyly blushes even holding hands with you, then you need to think about why.

But Xu Lin's words were not intended for them.

After all, knowing that Xu Lin would not hold hands with anyone other than his girlfriend, there are only a few people in this world, Xu's father and Xu mother, Youzi, Yan sister, Xu Youyue.

And it happened that Xu Xiaoyue was watching the live broadcast.

Then it became clear who she was speaking to.

"this guy w"

The eldest lady in front of the screen blushed almost immediately, and muttered.

Thinking about the things that happened in the afternoon that made her blush and heartbeat in retrospect, Xu Lin's meaning became obvious.

'You're my girlfriend, so it's okay. '

With Xu Lin's personality, it is impossible to say such words in front of the eldest lady. She would feel very ashamed, but it is acceptable to say such words in such a cryptic way during the live broadcast.

And there will be a sense of romance.

How else can I say that Miss Lin is very awkward?

"Sakura-chan, what did you just say?"

Hammer didn't quite hear Xu Youyue's mumbling, so he asked again.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking about how to get revenge for a while, this Luo Ye, dare to jump in Miss Ben's face!"

Although it's nothing to face-mount in private, but if you get face-mounted during the live broadcast, you will definitely have to take revenge.

"Yeah, let's discuss it!"

. . . . . .

The conversation was divided into two parts, while the eldest lady and Jinghua were conspiring loudly over there, the linkage between Xu Lin and Bingtang was also proceeding smoothly.

"Hey, so Wakaba-chan is this type of girl?"

"What about Bingtang? I think you should be the kind of girl who will post it directly?"

Xu Lin asked back, and made fun of her by the way.

"Bingtang www, I think I should be the kind of person who likes to cling to friends, after all, girls are the cutest when they are fragrant and soft!"


Although Xu Lin really wanted to reach a consensus with Bingtang, but this person is really a bit careless.

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