She couldn't tell whether Bingtang was curved or straight!

Maybe this is Lily Control.

"I think Roommate-chan should be more careful. What's her name? It's like a giant's Sydney, right?"

"Pfft www, Ruo Ye, you actually watched that live broadcast!?"

Bingtang almost spit out a sip of water.

"I saw it, but I saw slices. Sydney is very cute."

Xu Lin usually doesn't watch the live broadcast very much. Apart from the ones he has to watch for work reasons, he prefers to watch some interesting clips.

After all, it saves more time, and what is cut out is the essence.

"Why do you all say Sydney is cute! Bingtang is cute too, right?"

"Maybe lsp is more suitable for being a brother than a girlfriend?"

Xu Lin thought for a while, and then unleashed a fatal blow.

"Uh... I'm getting hit."

Bing Tang clutched her chest with an injured look.

"Hey, don't worry, I'm an LSP too, we're good brothers, aren't we?"

As the leader of the xp club, Xu Lin has always had the label of lsp in the wind review, which is a recognized thing.

She doesn't care about it herself.

Because it is really lsp!

"Yeah, we're good brothers!"

Bingtang regained her spirits.

However, it always feels a little strange for two girls to call each other brothers in the live broadcast.

But thinking about it, girls nowadays want to be everyone's father more than being a mother to take advantage of it, it doesn't seem so strange. (name a pink big cat)

"Okay, let's go to the next marshmallow. Bingtang, how about you come to read this time? I'm being lazy."

"Okay, then I'll read."

"【Will Bingtang and Ruoye talk in private? Can you tell me about the content?】"

"This question..."

Bingtang's expression was a little subtle.

"Cough cough."

Xu Lin's expression was more subtle.

"Actually, Bingtang and Ruoye are meeting for the first time. Although we had some contacts before, we haven't linked up before, so we don't know each other very well."

After thinking about it, Bingtang chose to tell the truth.


Xu Lin nodded.

"As for the style of the previous about Luo Ye, let's perform it?"

"How do you perform this?"

Xu Lin was a little confused.

"Just the usual contact feeling is fine."

Bing Tang insisted, after all, such a thing is a bit boring to talk about.


"Ruoye Ruoye, do you have time to link up recently?"

As expected, Bingtang has some dubbing skills, and he entered the scene very quickly, and brought it into the scene with a single sentence.

"Ah...Maybe, let me check the live broadcast arrangement."

Xu Lin showed his usual lazy feeling, and his tone was always perfunctory.

"Yeah, I can do it on weekends this week!"


"Not available on weekends, there are reservations."

"Then next time."

"In short, it's probably the repetition of contact like this. It lasted for about two months. Either I didn't have time or Wakaba didn't have time. The linkage thing was delayed again and again, so much so that I wondered if Sakura-chan was jealous and didn't let it go. Luo Ye is linked with me."

Bing Tang pouted and said with some complaints.

Xu Lin was probably the most difficult one of all the people she had ever met with in the linkage. Every time the time was wrong, it was outrageous.

"Why are you talking about her again?"

Xu Lin was a little speechless, why would she be scolded wherever she went now?

"It has nothing to do with her, it's just that the time is not right."

In fact, it can't be said that it doesn't matter at all. When Bingtang came to make an appointment for a linkage, the date was all right, but Xu Lin had to go out with the eldest lady, so the linkage failed.

"Hey~ Well, anyway, the previous contact between me and Luo Ye was basically about work, but after that, I still want to improve our relationship with Luo Ye."

Bing Tang paused as she spoke, as if she was pondering over her words.

"Well, you are welcome anytime. I have very few friends, and I'm basically a nerd. Maybe it would be better to communicate more with a sunny girl like Bingtang?"

Xu Lin took up the conversation directly.

In fact, the linkage of vup is such a thing. It is impossible to wait until you are familiar with it before starting linkage, and the time cost is too big.

The first linkage is always a little awkward because of unfamiliarity, lack of tacit understanding, etc., and the speed of some topics is not easy to grasp, which is why Bingtang called the hammer up to do the work.

It's just for a show effect.

"I just wanted to say that Luo Ye looks like a very smart person www."

"Ah? What gave you this illusion?"

Xu Lin was stunned for a moment.

Section 307 overturned brothers.

Is it the strictest investigation recently?I didn't feel how fast the car was going. . .Not even home plate.

Well, anyway, I put the disappeared Chapter 9 in the group file, if you want to see it, you can add it to the group.

Group number: 936425188

The answer can be filled with the title of the protagonist or the title of the book.

a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words

Section 308 Chapter 15 The driving duo was both arrested for speeding

Is Xu Lin a ready-made person?

No, she's a nerd.

"In my opinion, it should be regarded as the kind of work house."

The white-haired girl thought for a while before giving an answer.

"Then the work is to live broadcast at home, so I rarely go out."

【Grass!Isn't that a dead house? 】

【White-haired house girl, I'm fine】

【real?I don't believe it, Ruoye Mingming looks very lively. 】

"It's said to be working at home, but the frequency of going to the office is quite high, and I have to go to school, so I can't be regarded as a security guard at my own house."

Under the pressure of reality, how many people can really be said to be the security guards of their own houses?

"Yeah, in fact, Bingtang is like this, that is, because of going to school, there are always so many things that need to go out for no reason."

Bingtang felt the same for Xu Lin's words.

The vup business is really not something that a real social horror house can do well. People who say they are social horror are not serious enough to be speechless when they meet strangers.

Except for a few exceptions, of course.

Like an onion or something.

"Life is like this, so everyone sitting here don't feel inferior because of social fear, housework and other things. This is just your personality, and there is nothing to feel guilty about."

"And really, I've always seriously felt that it's pretty amazing that people can muster up the courage to face life."

Xu Lin has also been autistic, especially during the time when he first transformed, although he didn't show it on the surface, he was depressed and suffocating in his heart.

If it weren't for Xu Youyue who broke in forcefully, Lin Jiang might have stopped doing vups long ago.

"It just so happens that the third marshmallow is a similar topic, let's just solve it together."

"How does Bingtang usually vent the pressure?"

The content of the third cotton ball is [Can you please talk about how you vent your stress? 】That's why Xu Lin asked this question.

"There is no special method, just go out for shopping, or simply wrap yourself in a quilt and shut yourself off."

"What about you, Ruoye?"

Bingtang asked in turn.

"Actually, we are almost www. I am more used to disconnecting from the outside world and resting for a few days to adjust my mood."

Xu Lin smiled.

Probably because of the commonality of A Zhai, reserved people like them don't seem to like to vent their pressure by yelling.

"Then how do you vent your pressure? You can post it on the barrage for us to see."

Bingtang also interacted with the barrage in a timely manner.

In the beginning, Bingtang’s barrage style was quite normal?

"Yeah, it's really a good way to get in touch with nature."

But Xu Lin's side is very strange.

"Wait, Bing Tang, is everything so normal on your side?"

"Yeah, Luo Ye, what did the audience on your side say?"


Xu Lin was silent for a while, hesitating how to explain to Bingtang how strange the barrage on her side was.

"I don't know what he said or what he did. I only know that after he posted this barrage, he was locked up in a small black room by the house management."


Bingtang is also silly.

What kind of venting method would be locked in a small black room!

"Stop, stop, viewers, I was asking you how to vent your stress, not how to vent your lust!"

Xu Lin's housing manager has gone crazy.

[Audience] It's outrageous, these weird words are set in one set, dare to say anything.

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