Luo Ye: "It's fine to catch up with the eldest lady and die with her. I want to see what new tricks KP can come up with for me."

Lin Mu: "(As expected of Sakura Ruoye~)"

Thrall: "(As expected of Sakura Wakaba)"

Fengling: "(Is this a martyrdom?)"

Luo Ye: "(I'm just a little sleepy.)"

Leaning on Xu Youyue's shoulder, the white-haired girl lazily typed this line and put down the phone.

He yawned lightly, looked around to confirm that everyone was seriously running around and no one was paying attention, then raised his head and pecked the young lady's white and immature face like a superficial peck.

"Good night."

"Well www, good night."

Putting on Xu Lin's coat, the eldest lady moved her body and nestled on the seat, and the two girls cuddled up to each other and closed their eyes.

On the other hand, since Sister Yan's big failure at the beginning, Xu Lin and Xu Youyue both left the stage, the group's painting style has gradually become weird.

First, Thrall found a magic light stick on the school playground and transformed into Tiga on the spot. Then, in order to protect everyone and the evil di that turned into tentacles, he was carried away by a group of tentacles to lay eggs.

Then Lin Mu found the Kamen Rider belt in a toy store, and it became the King of Time who hacked all the way and lost to the tentacle army and was captured after his energy was exhausted.

After that, Ye Jun suddenly condensed the soul gem and turned into a magic brother for some reason, and then fell into a female.

The worst thing is Xueyue, this person had worked so hard to find a bunch of firearms, but just had a little fighting power, he rolled a big failure, the box of hallucinogens at the bottom of the armory leaked, and became a ghost in a dream. The young wife, Lori, only wore an apron and staged an indescribable performance.

So far, the first generation, the second generation, and the third generation have all disappeared, and only Yuzi and Fengling are left to support them to the end.

After so many people's sacrifices to explore the way, the two of them have figured out the routine of this regiment. A big failure is death, and a big success is death if you get some messy power. Come to the end.

Shuangxue: "It's the last dice before the boss battle. I'll tell you directly. You can't die if you roll a big success. It's already two o'clock in the morning. If you don't roll the dice, let's not waste time and go to sleep."

The cute short-haired boy yawned, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and continued typing.

At this time, everything in the carriage was completely silent, only a dreamy talk from time to time and the boss's snoring sound remained.

Xu Lin and the eldest lady are sleeping next to each other, Yuanchu wakes up after sleeping for a while and is playing games with her mobile phone, Sal and Ye Jun are both in pretty good sleeping positions.

Sister Yan was sleeping on her back, with no demeanor at all. You half lay in Yuhua's arms and used the pair of big rabbits as pillows. Lin Mu disappeared on the seat at some point.

It seems that Xueyue was overshadowed by the experience of running the group just now, the child was sleeping with a serious expression, frowning tightly as if he was having a nightmare.

The first night of the trip, everyone seemed to be having a good time?

Yuzu: "Huh? All the way, I asked for good or bad luck, but I frantically posted about Africans and Europeans, but now you tell me that you want to be a big success? You don't even want to let people live!"

Feng Ling: "I'm so sleepy, hurry up and roll the dice."

Feng Ling yawned, and the dark circles under her eyes were about to come out.

Dice Girl: "Big Success"

Fengling and Grapefruit: "..."

Shuangxue: "Grass!"

"I'll just release the ending for you to see for yourself."

ps: By the way, why did someone give 99 blades in one breath?

pss: Huh, don't scold, don't scold, the child ran past the group twice.

(I originally thought that when this chapter was published, everyone would complain about the pink ball, but half of the interim posts went to complain about the dice, as expected of you)

Chapter 314 Chapter 21 Everyone's Sleeping Faces

Spending the night on the high-speed rail is definitely not a comfortable thing. Not to mention back pain, you probably won’t be able to sleep well.

A girl with a petite body can still lie on the chair, but a girl with a body like the boss is a kind of torture.

But this has nothing to do with Xu Youyue, squinting her eyes dimly and stretching her waist, the girl let out a sweet cry as if she was acting like a baby.


"woke up?"

The white-haired girl next to her was playing with her mobile phone with one hand in an awkward posture, and the sun was shining on her clean cheeks, which seemed real and unreal.

As the night passed, the girl's white hair curled up slightly, making the cold girl look a little more playful.

"Lin Jiang~"

Xu Youyue threw herself into the girl's arms, rubbing her small head back and forth on her chest acting like a baby.


There was a trace of pain on Xu Lin's face, but he still smiled and lowered his head to touch Xu Youyue, his breath warmed their hearts in the cold morning.

Pain is no big deal.

The main reason is that her right hand was used as a pillow by the eldest lady all night, so you will feel numb if you come.

"Going to the bathroom?"

Xu Youyue raised her head to look at Xu Lin, her big eyes were misty and her hair was messy when she just woke up.

But don't have a little playful taste.

"You go first, I will wait for a while."

Xu Lin moved his arm quietly, trying to relieve the numbness a little.


The eldest lady obediently responded, squinting her eyes and smiling.

"And that..."


"It would be great if Lin Jiang's breasts were a little bigger, so that it would be more comfortable to bury her head in this way."


Xu Lin pushed the little bastard angrily, it would be nice if God had bigger breasts.

Shouldn't that be your job?


The eldest lady stood up, smiling a little naively, but very cute.


Xu Lin rolled his eyes to express his speechless mood.

Xu Lin and the others were seated at the back of the row, but the eldest lady who was going to the bathroom didn't choose the closer side, but instead walked forward along the aisle.

She wanted to see everyone's sleeping faces.

First of all, Li Huiyan seems to just take a nap in the upright sleeping position. After all, she was a child who grew up in a martial arts gym when she was a child. It is not surprising that her parents are both soldiers and were trained to behave like this. Now the big sister in this society looks like her head It can be said that it is long and crooked.

But Xu Youyue has seen this person's sleeping position a lot, so it's nothing unusual.

Next to Sister Yan are kite chicks and pomelo.

The five of them simply sat in a row because they were familiar with each other.Xu Lin and the young lady are seated together, while sister Yan sits outside, Yuanchu sits in the middle with pomelo by the window.

Xu Youyue's gaze swept across Yuanchu.

The child's sleeping position was very insecure, with his small body curled up in a ball, his knees against the seat in front of him.

It's cute, but also kind of heartbreaking.

However, I have heard Xueyue complain about Yuanchu's sleeping position at home before. . .She's not a lady, so this should be a special case now.

If the sleeping positions of these two people can still be said to be quiet and beautiful, then Yuzu has a completely funny style of painting.

Xu Youyue looked at it for a long time and couldn't figure out how this person slept himself into a big character on the high-speed rail.

The stretch ratio of the left arm is pressed on the back of the kite chick, and the right hand is completely pressed against the car window. The two slender thighs are separated and split. Fortunately, if she is wearing pants or a short skirt, not all of them will be seen.

But the little belly is completely leaking out, I hope the child won't have diarrhea today.

Take out your phone to take a picture of this precious scene.

The eldest lady whose hands are not long enough can't help her arrange her clothes with two people separated, so I can only pray for her in my heart.

Going forward, Saar and Ye Jun in the double seat are both sleeping in a very ordinary position, and the two of them didn't have any ambiguity as the rotten female fans imagined, they just fell asleep in a very ordinary way.

It can't be said that he fell asleep, because Sal seemed to open his eyes slightly and glanced at Xu Youyue. He must have woken up but didn't remember it.

I heard Ye Jun say that Thrall's sleep quality is not very good, it seems to be true now.

The eldest lady took a picture of this scene with her mobile phone, and was going to go back to see if she could ask the artist's wife to draw this scene.

Or you can find Lingyue, that child's painting skills are also very strong.

Hold the phone and turn to the other side.

Sleeping here are three from the fourth period, and Shuangxue is the outermost one. Although he often talks like an LSP, he is surprisingly serious at this time. He is very gentlemanly sitting outside, not to mention that he is also in between with the wind chimes. I deliberately left a little space.

He slept soundly, but was very quiet.

Feng Ling's sleeping position also looked rather insecure, with her body turned sideways facing the direction of the aisle and she couldn't see her face, but she happened to be protecting Chiena under her body.

Dadai is the very casual type. He sleeps very well and chatters from time to time, so cute.

Taking pictures of this side and continuing to move forward, Lin Mu directly fell asleep on Xueyue's lap, but Xueyue had already woken up.


The girl with short brown hair and gold-rimmed glasses raised her head slightly and asked in surprise.

"Xueyue, you are awake."

Xu Youyue said in a low voice.

I can't bear to disturb this quiet space.

"Well w, this guy is awake too, hey, don't hold back, get up quickly, my legs are sore, you've been lying down for almost half an hour."

"Huh~~? Let me lie down for a while~"

The cherry-colored girl with the same short hair waved her hand as a greeting, then stretched her voice and made up her mind to hang on for another 5 minutes.

The eldest lady took the opportunity to take a picture of this scene, but felt a little embarrassed.

——She slept all night with Linjiang's hand on her pillow.

If it took half an hour to be very sour, then it's no wonder that Xu Lin's expression was a little painful just now.

"Ahaha, I'll go to the bathroom first, and we'll talk later."

Regardless of these two, Xu Youyue turned her head and took a picture of the other side, and then looked at it while walking.

Sister Feng has woken up and is looking at the scenery through the window.

And You also slept on Jiehua's lap, and seeing the sleeping expressions of the two, they should have slept on their pillows all night.

No wonder Lin Mu would suddenly act like a baby and ask Xueyue to give her a knee pillow. Seeing the sweetness of these two people, she wanted to give Lin Jiang a knee pillow.

That's right, she was the one who gave Lin Jiang.

Give your loved one a lap pillow and bask in the sun on a park bench.

This was her dream.

Now I have my beloved one, but my dream has not been fulfilled, so I have to look for opportunities in the future!

Walking all the way, I saw everyone's sleeping postures.

Then I went back and took a photo with the operators in the back row and kept it as a commemoration of this trip.

Then backhandedly sent all the photos to Lingyue asking her to produce food.

If you don't come, then paint?

It can also be a little bit involved.

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