But even the eldest lady didn't expect that the few photos she casually sent to Ling Yue became the first step for this autistic child to step out of the house.

Chapter 315 Chapter 22 Vup Climbing a Mountain

"Wake up, wake up, we're getting off the bus."

At 38:[-], Sister Feng woke up the only Chiena who was still awake, and everyone got off the high-speed train with their suitcases.

Although Daidai is still a little sleepy due to lack of sleep, it is not a big problem to have Fengling and Shuangxue who are familiar with her take care of her.

The rest of the people were either social animals or night owls, and they were the masters who often stayed up late, so although they didn't sleep for long, everyone was still very excited.

The boss's arrangement is a bit wicked, because he claims to want to exercise for future work, so he asked everyone to take the high-speed train overnight, have breakfast, and then take the bus for an hour, then go straight to the mountain and take a little rest There is no time.

Although everyone protested, they still had no complaints under the big meal and villa promised by the boss. If you climb the mountain, you can climb the mountain. Anyway, today the esc club has a collective rest and dinner, and then you can move freely.

Although greening has been done, and even said that it will reach the point of carbon neutrality by 2060, it means that China's overall carbon emissions will be zero, not a single province or a single thing. In fact, in reality, the air in small southern cities It is fresher than a big city like Yehai.

As for Xu Lin and Sister Yan, who are northerners from a heavy industrial province like the Northeast, they even said that they have never enjoyed such a clean air, and they even feel more energetic.

There are not many people in this unknown rural town. It is not a tourist city. It is a very common mountain city in the south. The buildings in the city are a mix of modern and antique, not the kind of antique that is deliberately left behind for renovation. , but really a house left over from that era.

When passing by, Xu Lin once suspected that this was a dilapidated house.

But if you think about it carefully, the ancient buildings in China are really strong and unbelievable, but it is acceptable.

After eating breakfast in a hurry, it's okay to fill the stomach, because there is really nothing to do in the town, so the group just replenished a wave of snacks in the supermarket in the town and set off.

Although it is not a tourist city, people often come to climb the mountain, and it is not a barren mountain that has not been developed at all. There are roads up the mountain with bluestone steps of different heights, but it seems that because no one has rested for a long time, the surrounding Weeds and trees grew up and covered the whole road in shade.

The dew is heavy, and there are pieces of moss. Pay special attention to the place where you step down, and it will not be easy to climb.

Of course, in fact, this mountain has roads built, and the winding path can barely be regarded as a two-way street.

So Fuli and the others who were going to make preparations in advance took the bus up, and the other operation and post-production girls who didn't have much work were also excited to share the joys and sorrows with the liverers.

Mmm, 'with great interest'.

"Luo Ye, you are really a gatekeeper. Sister Feng and the later ones want me to tell you, you are finished, wait until you go up the mountain."

Xiaozhi, the manager, is quite familiar with Xu Lin. This slightly bold girl was trotting up the mountain road to catch up, sticking out her tongue and looking at the white-haired girl with resentment. She just said this sentence and stayed where she was. Taking a rest, it can be seen how deep the resentment of the staff is.

As to why this is the case. . .

Because when the boss was about to take the staff up the mountain by car, Xu Lin suddenly said that liverer and staff climbing the mountain together can enhance the relationship and facilitate future work cooperation, and then the boss thought what she said made sense. . .

In short, Linjiang is not wronged.

Of course, the boss didn't run away either. Isn't it easier to work by enhancing the relationship?Then you, the boss, of course have to lead by example!

Considering that the boss's face was smiling like a chrysanthemum blooming in the sun when Xu Lin made the words, it is not wrong for him to suffer.

Right now, they are climbing up step by step at the end of the team.

It's really the kind of climbing, using both hands and feet.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a ball of meat rolling on the mountain, and its spirit is really touching.

It's touching.

In a word, don't think about being alone in the ESC club, and none of these people, from the boss to the liver, is a good ghost.

This is collectively not being human.

The only silly Dadai is still a pet of the group, covered by the first-year students and spoiled by the staff, so what can you do.

As for those who have no one to cover their black belly and can't keep up?

You can see how low Ye Jun's group status is, it is one level higher than the boss on the fifth floor of the basement.

"Putting hatred everywhere, I won't help you this time? Don't try to drag me into trouble."

Xu Youyue glanced at the white-haired girl who had a bitter face for a moment, and hurriedly broke up with her, resolutely not to get involved in this troubled water.

"I'll go, miss, are you really so heartless?"

Xu Linren is dumbfounded, is it true that the husband and wife are in the same forest and fly separately when the catastrophe is imminent?Youyue, how do you sell me so skillfully!

Oh, she forgot, the eldest lady has been an old ghost since they first got acquainted, and selling her is a daily operation, it's not bad if it's not fun to follow along with her.

"Tsk tsk tsk, with your mouth, haven't you learned a lesson in all these years?"

Li Huiyan, who was walking in the front, stopped and smacked her lips when she heard the two chatting, and turned her head with a look of contempt.

Because the road is really difficult to walk, as the eldest sister of the ESC club, mainly because she has the best physical strength to climb without any effort, so she automatically and consciously took on the task of opening the road.

Originally, two people with good physical strength should follow behind, but considering the physical waste of this club, Fuli, the only one with good physical strength because he has been carrying photographic equipment all year round, went to the club first, so he had to go to the club first. The couple followed.

Sister Yan really doesn't want to eat this dog food, you have to believe her.

And Ye Jun, who has the best physical strength among the remaining three boys, is at the end of the team and is responsible for taking care of those who are left behind. By the way, he will help the boss from time to time, and Sal and Shuangxue are actually quite weak in physical strength, but they are better Girls are stronger, so follow along in the middle and be careful not to let people fall.

It is mainly used as a meat pad, which is really hard.

"If I have a long memory, can I still be a vup?"

Xu Lin hummed and replied.

"Happiness is an essential pleasure in life! It's impossible not to have sex, even in this life."

"There's no help, wait to die, and say goodbye."

Sister Yan turned around and left, not wanting to talk to this guy at all.

It's been a long time since I've become a girl, but I still can't change this broken mouth, which shows that the mouth is in nature.

The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change!

"You, what a ww"

Xu Youyue couldn't help laughing.

Of course she knew Xu Lin's character, although sometimes she would be annoyed by her broken mouth, but most of the time she was still very happy.

Just like today.

She could already imagine Lin Jiang being hunted down by everyone at night.

ps: What do I want to say, forget it, just ask for a ticket if you forget~

Chapter 316 Chapter 23 Zen Master Lin Jiang

Man is a strange animal.

Xu Lin couldn't help but think this way when he climbed to the top of the mountain.

The girl stood up straight and let the mountain breeze pass through thousands of leaves and penetrate through the tiny gaps in her clothes, taking away the wet sweat beads and dispersing them in the distance.

Reaching out to pick it up, the pure white hair combed into a single ponytail suddenly fell down, like heavy snow pouring down, it was too beautiful to behold.

Muran turned his head and looked at the people who were gradually climbing up.

Feeling inexplicably comfortable.

As far as climbing the mountain itself is a very painful thing, the difficult and slippery roads, the steps of different heights, the glare of the sun and the damp air in the mountains are nothing that can make people feel happy, let alone physical strength. of consumed.

"But when you climb to the top of the mountain, you will feel happy, as if all the pressure on the way up the mountain is left in the past with the steps you step up step by step."

"All that remains are our reborn bodies."

The girl with white hair and red pupils looked seriously into Sister Feng's eyes with an extremely sincere expression.

"That's why you cheated on us?"

Sister Feng fell into deep thought, and then asked back with a little humor in a light tone.

Behind this petite but dignified girl, a group of staff are clamoring to teach Luo Ye a lesson and let the livers know that we are not easy to mess with.

"This is not a reason, this is a truth, and it is a truth that needs you to calm down and understand with your heart."

The white-haired girl looked compassionate and calm, and she exuded the brilliance of Buddha nature all over her body, as if a Zen master who disillusioned the world was babbling to the angry crowd.

"You'd better talk to them about it."

Sister Feng shrugged, pointed to the thousands of brothers and sisters behind her, and sighed.

She herself didn't care much about being climbed by Xu Linkeng, after all, she planned to climb the mountain once, but the girls in the post-production department obviously didn't think so.

Letting this group of people exercise is equivalent to letting Daju go on a diet to lose weight, which is a life and death enmity.

"Oh... idiots..."

The long sigh of the white-haired girl seemed to weigh on everyone's hearts. She raised her head slightly, looked past the people who were discussing how to deal with her, and looked at the blue and clear sky in the distance.

The hand making the Buddha's name became an international gesture, and in an instant, a breath of beating rose into the sky.

"Hahahahahahahaha! You idiots! Can't catch up with me? Just a little bit!"

After Xu Lin made a face, he immediately ran away.

Only the forehead was left to write the well, and the angry staff all over the body and their faces were confused, thinking to themselves, 'Fuck, Brother Ruoye, how dare you! ? 'The livers.

"This guy is hopeless, so let's make do with it later."

The eldest lady looked up at sister Yan, her tone was cold and emotionless.

It was as if the person being chased was a complete stranger.

"It's fine with me if you want."

Sister Yan smiled slightly, and took the eldest lady's hand.

With that said, he almost got down on one knee and proposed on the spot.

"Hey, hey, sister-in-law, I can't pretend I didn't hear what you said."

Yuzi got out from the gap between the two of them, forcibly broke the hand they were holding, and said with a serious face.

"Oh? Yuzu, what do you say?"

Sister Yan looked at her amusedly. Sure enough, no matter how much she cheated on each other, she was still a sister.

But she obviously overestimated Yuzu's integrity, and saw that the girl held Sister Yan with her left hand and held Miss Yan with her right hand, as if she was a stranger.

"In any case, take me with you."

"...As expected of you."

Xu Youyue covered her face with a snap.

She knew that the girl Youzi couldn't say anything good.

In the distance, Xu Lin, who was frantically running for his life in the pursuit of Yitong Operation, saw the scene here, and made a sharp turn and pulled the monster over.


"The Train King!"

That aura has a three-point taste of the online game cancer in the early years.

"Fuck, can you two sisters show some face!"

Sister Yan was shocked at the time, she yelled but kept running away.

"Yiyi, you still think these two guys are shameless!?"

Xu Youyue also chose to escape in the opposite direction to Sister Yan, and she still made complaints about it.

"Husband and wife are birds of the same forest."

Thrall, who was standing on the high platform in the distance, shook his head and sighed softly.

"When the disaster is imminent, let's fly separately!"*n

The rest of the people continued the second half of the sentence together.

Fuli who came from the villa hastily raised his camera to take pictures of this scene.

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