This dish.

This dish is called Yin Yang Confluence Pot.

Special product of esc company, raw materials are well washed cherry leaves.

Supplemented with Chinese prickly ash aniseed chili and white sugar, stew for a whole day.

It has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, detoxifying and beautifying the skin. It is delicious and fresh.

Afterwards, Fuli posted the location of the two on Lihui's image and posted it on ESC's official account, and Ling Yue drew the picture that night.

Netizen evaluation.

[This wave, this wave is a cannibal tribe]

[Iron pot stew cp, hey, it is indeed an ESC club, the job is really the same]

【I want to eat too ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

ps: There are so few postings lately~ I want postings, I want postings!

Chapter 322 Chapter 29 Iron Pot Stew Boss

After Xu Lin and the eldest lady stewed themselves in the iron pot, everyone became more playful, and went in one by one to stew themselves.

Especially kite chicks.

She went in with grapefruit.

"Hey, hey, sister Yuanchu, why do I want to come in too!"

In the pot, Yuzu said reluctantly.

It's not that she doesn't want to play, the main reason is that being surrounded by such a group of people will always make her feel like she is performing acrobatics.

Especially when Shuangxue yelled "Good!"

Then Feng Ling quickly took out two yuan of steel coins from his pocket and threw it in.

More like acrobatics.

The black lines on Yuzu's forehead are almost connected.

Outrageous on Nima.

But what Tobichi said was even more outrageous.

"Huh? You are the ingredient, grapefruit."

"Sweet and sour."


Yuzu gave her three question marks on the spot.



Xu Lin also took pictures of this scene.

What does it mean to love each other as a family!

However, adhering to the basic principle that everyone went in and stewed for a while, it means that no one was stewed, a group of little bastards committed the crime and threw sister Yan in.

Well, especially Xu Lin and Missy worked hard the most.

After all, Xu Lin was the only one who could hold back Yanjie's punch here, but Yanjie didn't resist too much, and was arrested by everyone after a symbolic run of two steps.

It was exactly the same as when he resisted Xu Lin before, but this time Xu Lin became the one who persecuted others.

Lingyue, who was holding the hand-painted screen, was thrown in together with the dazed one.

It was discovered by accident that Lingyue's child was quite strong, and Sister Yan and Xu Lin barely managed to capture the girl back.

Then, after the livers went in and stewed for a while, the staff couldn't escape, one by one, either consciously or being caught and thrown in by everyone.

A large pot was dirty before the hot pot started cooking.

But by this time, everyone didn't care too much about it, and their minds were full of who else could persecute.

finally. . .

Even the liver and the operation turned their attention to the boss.

The smile of the boss, who was stared at by the thirty or so people without saying a word, instantly froze on his face.

"Boss, do you think you're unconsciously sharing fun with everyone?"

Xu Lin spoke first.

"This... Brother Ruoye's pot may..."

The boss still wants to struggle.

But Sister Feng has already been thrown into the pot by everyone, Xu Youyue clapped her hands and looked at the boss, with her ears closed, 'What did you say?I didn't hear the expression of '.

Sister Yan's eyes gradually became dangerous.

Sister Feng is still talking hard here.

"I don't want to have a pot with the boss!"

But she didn't climb out even though no one was holding her down, she just looked up at the sky with a blushing face.

Maybe this is the dislike of honesty.

"Ah this..."

"The boss is leaving! Hurry up!"

Lin Mu pushed him behind him. To be honest, Xu Lin didn't notice when she ran behind the boss. He was obviously looking in that direction all the time.

The sense of existence is so low that it is hopeless.

"Yes, yes, you have nothing to complain about because of sister Hefeng?"

Xueyue, who had just boiled hot water, also helped out.


Nodding his head, the boss accepted his fate.

He walked forward step by step, solemn and serious, seemed a little nervous, with a sullen face, as if reluctantly.

But if others don't know Xu Youyue, can they not know?

The boss has been like this since he was a child. Every time he gets nervous, his face will be as hard as being named by the teaching director, but his inner drama is absolutely rich.

"Are you reluctant to be with me?"

When the boss walked in front of her, Sister Feng asked blankly.

"It's not reluctance."

The boss relaxed at this time.

Yuzu handed him a small bench at the right time, so that he could climb better.

"Then what does that expression on your face mean?"

Sister Feng turned her head and stopped looking at the boss.

"I didn't, I was just a little nervous."

The boss stepped on the stool and turned inside.


Sister Feng still didn't look at him, but she automatically and consciously reserved a place for him, and she leaned tightly against the side of the pot and didn't speak.

"If you want to shoot, hurry up, I'm hungry."

The boss scratched his cheek in embarrassment, and forced himself to look at Fuli who was holding a SLR.

"Fuli, hurry up."

"Okay boss!"

Fuli immediately raised the camera.

But the livers often don't know it when they're not in the club, can their staff not see it?He will not be puzzled by Lang's concubine's intentions.

"Hey! Boss, no, the light is not very good, wait for me to find a place."

Such a good tone of voice, such a fool-like reason, made the boss wonder for a moment whether this person was exposing his IQ or insulting his IQ.

But he didn't speak.

Because he was sticking tightly to Sister Feng.

So he can't talk.

Everyone didn't speak, just waited patiently for Fuli to find a position and adjust the settings little by little.

The eyes are kind like a group of old mothers.

After 5 minutes of embarrassment, Sister Feng finally couldn't help but speak.

"Fuli, if you continue to toss about, I will doubt your professional quality?"

"Okay, Miss Feng!"

Fuli raised her hand and clapped.

The light position and distance are perfect, and the expressions on the faces of the two are also perfect.

Although they didn't look very good, the boss's face was full of embarrassment, and Sister Feng's face was a little dark, but for some reason, it gave people the feeling of a young couple who were at odds.

No matter how the boss's body shape is taken, it is impossible to take pictures that are as beautiful or handsome or cute as the previous liverers.

But it has a real and warm feeling.

It's as if this is not a posed photo, but a little bit of warmth in daily life captured casually, and this touch will be kept as data forever and preserved forever.

"Boss, why didn't you seize the opportunity?"

Afterwards, when a group of people finished washing the pots and were disinfecting them, Xu Lin quietly walked up to the boss and asked bitterly.

"What chance, the chance of social death?"

The boss rolled his eyes and lit up the cigarette, took a long puff and exhaled a smoke ring, his expression was a bit vicissitudes and melancholy for a while.

"Brother Lin, I'm different from you."

He said so.

"I still have my own dreams to pursue, how can I have time to fall in love? Let's not talk about whether Fengwei will agree after I seize the opportunity."

Here he didn't call Sister Feng jokingly like before, but called the girl by her real name.

"What about after being together? Is the date just a date at the company? How should two people who are together every day just talk about work?"

"Not all likes must be together, at least not now."

"I have made a career before I am famous, so what should I pursue her with?"

He kept talking, with a bitter smile.

"I don't know why you, a rich second generation, have such low self-esteem."

Xu Lin didn't agree with his idea, so he interrupted him.

"Because of his looks? Or because he used to spend a lot of time drinking and not doing business at all, so he felt that he was not worthy of Sister Feng?"

The white-haired girl's mouth has always been very poisonous. She didn't know when she said it, but the words hit the boss's deepest concerns.

But at this time, some knives are needed to wake up this idiot.

"I won't say any more. You should understand it yourself."

"Well, I understand."

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