The boss nodded.

"That's why other people's girls waited too long."

Xu Lin also nodded, raised his right hand and clenched his fist, stretched it out in front of the boss and said with a smile.

"I'm still waiting for the wedding wine, gkd?"

"I'll try my best www you and my sister don't dawdle, hurry up."

The boss also smiled, stretched out his hand, and bumped his fist.

"I've brought her to see her parents, so you need to worry about it?"

Xu Lin rolled his eyes angrily and left.

The brief exchange ended in such an anticlimactic manner.

Among smart people, there is really not much to say.

As for the boss's own affairs, let him decide for himself. Xu Lin said that this is serious enough.

But the two are also considered good brothers, drinking together, crying ghosts and howling wolves until the early morning in ktv, chatting with each other in food stalls and chatting about ideal friends.

As a good brother, how can she do it if she doesn't give the boss a hand at this time?

After Xu Lin left, the boss just stood there silently, his pupils unfocused, watching the cigarette in his hand burn out little by little, until it was hot, he quickly threw it on the ground and stomped it out, then bent down to pick it up and walked to it. Throw it away in the trash.

No one knew what he was thinking, and no one knew what he had made up his mind.

But something is different.

It's eyes.

His eyes became serious.

ps: (3/7)

Chapter 323 Chapter 30 Noisy Hot Pot Dinner

After Xu Lin talked with the boss, neither of them changed much.

They are the kind of people who keep things silently in their hearts. Expression management is specially taught, so it will not affect the lively scene at all.

Yes, the current scene can be described as enthusiastic.

Because it's on fire.

When making charcoal fires, everyone didn't notice that there were dry branches on the ground, and accidentally lit them.

"Whoah! It's on fire! It's on fire! Get a fire extinguisher!"

Yuzu was the first to jump up, and she really jumped up, screaming.

Then Ibichu gave a hand knife.

"What's the name, it's a big fart."

Kite chick rubbed her ears and complained dissatisfiedly.


"Huh? Is it on fire? I'll get the fire extinguisher!"

Chiena's reaction was always two beats slower, here Xu Lin had to put out the fire with a bowl of water before she could react.

The white-haired girl held the bowl in her right hand, covered her face with a slap, and didn't even want to throw up. . .

"I said dumbfounded...forget it, the fire is already out, you can go and play wherever you like, just wait for a while to eat."

The eldest lady looked blankly and hesitated to speak, and finally she didn't say anything to blame.

Although I know that this child reacts so slowly because of his illness, but once he encounters such a scene, he is still very speechless!

"I, I'm not dumb!"

At this time, Chienai also saw that Xu Lin had put out the fire, her face blushed instantly, but she still protested stubbornly, waving her small fists.

"You reacted pretty fast at this time, hey!?"

Xu Lin teased angrily and amusingly.

"Okay, okay, seniors, don't bully Huina, let's get things done quickly."

Xueyue came out to smooth things over, and called Feng Ling again.

"Fengling-chan~ You can go and play with Eina over there, and I'll call you guys after a while."

"Good senior."

Feng Ling nodded, took her dazed little hand and went under the tree on the other side.

The pot stand is ready, the fire is lit, and the vegetables are cut. At this time, there is no need for too many people to work together on the hot pot side.

So in fact, only the eldest lady Linjiang and Xueyue are busy here, and the rest of the people gather together in small groups to play their own games.

For example, Shuangxue Sal Yejun and Yuanchu are fighting Yuanshen online together.

On the other side, Sister Yan and Lin Mu got into the staff and played the king 5v5, screaming in full swing.

The rest of the people were either playing their own games or playing mahjong, and they enjoyed themselves happily.

"The water is boiled, let's throw the bottom material in and boil it for a while, this mutton bone is not bad."

With such a big pot, it is still very troublesome to cook a pot of delicious hot pot soup base. Although it is not impossible to eat shabu-shabu directly in clear soup, it is rare for everyone to get together after all. Xu Lin still wants to make some for them better one.

Anyway, there is still time, and half an hour of trouble will be over.

"Then I'm going to cut some sheep fat?"

the eldest lady asked.

"Okay, this will save the temperature from going up for a while."

Xu Lin nodded.

Mutton fat and mutton bones, together with vegetables like bamboo shoots and shiitake mushrooms, Xu Lin also threw in two big chunks of beef as toppings, and then fished them out and shared them after everyone had eaten enough.

The aroma gradually came out, because some people can't eat spicy food, so they didn't put any chili peppers, and then took out all the seasonings and put them on the side table for everyone to choose according to their taste.

It's basically a job.

“(╯▽╰ ) smells so good~~”

A grapefruit sneaked out of nowhere, took the bowl and chopsticks to grab something, and ran away, but was slapped on the face by the sharp-eyed Xu Lin.

"Go, go, it's not cooked yet, and you're not afraid of diarrhea."

Her chasing pomelo is really like chasing a dog, it's not very hurtful but extremely insulting.

"Just one piece, just one piece~ okay, old lady~"

Yuzu hugged Xu Lin's arm and started acting like a baby.

"No~ OK~! It's useless to act like a baby!"

The meat hasn't been eaten yet, and Xu Lin doesn't know where the grapefruits come from so gluttonous, he wants to steal them all.

But when she was entangled with Yuzu, she suddenly heard Xueyue on the other side laughing and cursing.

"Using low presence for stealing food, can you still have some morals, Lin Mu www!"

"What kind of morals do you need if you can eat it!"

It turned out that Lin Mu sneaked over at some point, and when Xueyue turned around and saw it, he had already scooped up a bowl full of bamboo shoots and vegetables and slipped away.

"Take the bamboo shoots!"

Xueyue also has nothing to do with her.

Then when Xu Lin turned his head, he found that Yuzu had slipped away without knowing when, and he looked again, and this person had already started eating with Lin Mu. . .

"Good guy, are you playing tricks on me?"

Xu Lin was so angry that he wanted to give them both some laxatives.

But there is no way, what can I do?He could only take out some vegetables from the vegetable basket next to him and add them back.

Then I found another boss who was holding bamboo shoots and gnawing like a panda.

With his size, if he didn't pay attention, he would think it was a bear running out of the forest.

Xu Lin: "???"

What's the matter, why don't we go to the Kingdom of Light to bring some security after cooking?Why is it all stolen!

"Boss, what's going on with you?"

"I'm so hungry that I can't take it anymore, let's fill up first, fill up."

The boss was also a little embarrassed, scratching his head and smiling innocently.

" guys."

Xu Lin sighed.

Hearing the voices of the eldest lady holding a spoon and chasing after Kite and Sal who also came to steal food.

I'm too lazy to complain.

Turning around again, a group of people were squatting over there with bowls in their hands.

Those wolf-like eyes stared at Xu Lin, as if they were going to eat her.

Ye Jun even sang "Lotus Falling" while knocking on the evening.

Outrageous on Nima.

"Okay, okay, what else is there to cook, let's eat!"

Xu Lin waved his hand, out of sight and out of mind, took the bowl and went to adjust the dipping sauce.

"Yeah!" *n

A group of people surrounded the pot in the blink of an eye.

"Hey, don't grab it, it's my meat!"

"Slightly slightly, isn't hot pot the one who scoops it up and eats it?"

"Yuzu, can you have a little conscience, thanks to the fact that I gave you bamboo shoots just now!"

"What? Conscience? Can it be cooked? Is it delicious?"

"Beer, where is my beer? Sal, have you seen my beer?"

"Is it this can?"

"Pfft!!! Sal, you bastard! Fuck you!!!"

"Beer and vinegar, as expected of Senior Saar, he has a dark heart."

"You, this is delicious, eat it quickly."

"I can do it myself."

"Get out of the way, can you, I can't even squeeze in www"

"Fengling sauce! I'm not called Daidai!"

"Then what?"


"This shrimp, Ruo Ye~~ah~~"

"Oh shit, miss, you didn't even pull out the shrimp shells, are you trying to choke me to death!"

"Sister, let's toast!"

"Okay, let's go together."

Li Huiyan took a deep look at Xueyue, didn't say much, just silently wondered if there was enough beer today, and whether it would be difficult to clean up the spit on the lawn.

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