
ps: Brother Kanshui sees two o'clock, good night!

Section 324 Asking for a day off

Well, there is no reason, just a sudden desire to touch one day~

If you don't take a break and code every day, you can't write interesting plots! (nod)

Of course, there are also reasons why it would be a pity not to use the leave slip.

In short, that's it. If there is no problem tomorrow, it will be four more.

Slip away~!

Ah, not enough for a hundred words,

Wait, that seems enough.


Chapter 325 Chapter 31 Li Huiyan, you can have a snack!

In the messy yard, the eldest lady looked around and saw Xueyue who was being drunk crazily by Sister Yan, and Lingyue who was holding the hand-painted screen and drawing two strokes from time to time while sipping food, and saw the quarrel with Yuanchu and the others. The grapefruits in a ball saw Yu and Yuhua sticking together.

Of course, it was easy to see the white-haired girl sitting under the tree holding a can of beer and drinking slowly.

The girl's sense of existence is very strong. As long as the only white hair among the group of black hair is not hiding in the corner, no one will ignore such a girl who seems to have walked out of Two-dimensional.

The eldest lady and Xu Lin's eyes met.

She walked slowly to her side, rolled up her skirt and sat beside her, touched the wine in her hand.

"Lin Jiang, why don't you go drink with everyone?"

"Let's forget it, look at Li Huiyan's appearance, who would dare to drink with her?"

Xu Lin shook his head and said with a light smile.

"Ah this."

Today's sister Yan is really crazy, she hardly eats and looks for people to drink everywhere, the girl Xueyue bears the brunt of it and almost gets drunk.

"It's true~."

Xu Youyue tilted her head and lightly leaned on Xu Lin's shoulder, and also smiled.

"And it can be a little cleaner here, which is good."

The white-haired girl took the initiative to adjust her position, straightening her back so that the eldest lady could lean more comfortably.

"Youyue, why are you here? Don't you want to eat more?"

Xu Lin asked curiously.

Unlike herself, who likes to be quiet, the eldest miss likes this kind of lively atmosphere very much, and she is the one who plays till the end every time.

"Because I want to come to you~"

Xu Youyue tilted her head and raised her eyes, her smile was as bright as a cherry blossom forest in full bloom, and the mottled light spots under the shade of the trees were too beautiful to behold.

Very cute.


Was teased.

This woman is good at it.

Xu Lin thought silently in his heart, but what he said was still so straight.

"As you like."




The eldest lady pursed her mouth, a little unhappy.

"Lin Jiang, you are good at everything, but you are a little too arrogant, just say it when you are happy ~ who will know if you don't say it?"

She followed the temptation and tried to go one step further.

"You don't need others to know, and emotions are not for show to others."

Xu Lin turned his head, not daring to look directly into the eldest lady's eyes, and added something in a low voice with a blushing face.

"You can see it anyway."


The eldest lady smiled delicately, contented.

"mua! Lin-chan is so cute~!"

She kissed the white-haired girl's side face, and said with a smile.

She didn't know what kind of person Xu Lin was, she thought he was upright.Even if you say you don't like excitement, you will always feel lonely when you are watching alone.

But it doesn't matter, with her here, Lin Jiang won't be alone.

"Please spare me the adjective cute, I really can't accept it."

Xu Lin smiled wryly and begged for mercy.

Miss, everything is fine, but she is a little too clingy, so clingy that she even loses the qualification to pretend to be lonely, no matter what minute or second, as long as she is not in her sight, this will always be her. The girl with a cat-mouthed smile will definitely come over by herself, rubbing her face beside her and acting like a baby.

Think about it really is.

Some happy.

"But Lin-chan is so cute! Cute, cute, cute! Lin-chan is super cute!"

The girl kept saying so many cute words that Xu Lin's ears would get calloused, but it didn't make people feel annoying at all.

Xu Lin closed his eyes lightly, blowing the cool wind under the shade of the tree, his mind fluttered and fluttered and then returned to calm.

When I opened my eyes and looked at everyone in the same company, it was also the time when the noise never stopped.

But she felt that this was the most cherished time in her life.

"It's up to you w"


"Hey, Sister Yuanchu, look over there, my sister and Missy are starting to throw out dog food again."

Yuzu sharp-eyed saw the two snuggling together under the tree over there, and poked Yuanchu's arm.

"Isn't it normal for the two of them to spread dog food? It's so strange."

Yuanchu didn't even look at Yuzu, picked up a piece of beef and stuffed it into her mouth, speaking inarticulately.

"Sister Yuanchu, don't you have any feelings?"

Yuzu continued to question without giving up.

"What else should I feel?"

Kite chick glanced at her angrily.

"I thought you, Sister Yuanchu, would be hit so hard that you would fall into autism and let me take advantage of it!"

Yuzu said disappointedly.

Ibika put down the bowl and chopsticks, and gently said, "Oh? With a sound, he grabbed Yuzu's cheek with both hands and pulled it back and forth vigorously.

"Is this the mouth? Is it the mouth that said such unconscionable words?"


Yuzu speaks with a big tongue.

"Tsk, you are really hopeless, is it so interesting to attack girls?"

Yuanchu let go of her hand and still felt puzzled, so she gave her another headache.

"Beautiful girls are the treasures of mankind!"

Yuzu is a person who avoids eating and doesn't remember beating, and she knows that Yuanchu is particularly displeased with her scumbag behavior, but she still always dances in front of Yuanchu.

"Treasures of mankind are not brought to you!"

This fresh and elegant girl gave Yuzu an angry look.

But in fact, she didn't go there by herself, and she often said some tiger and wolf words in her mouth, and her unique skill was to accelerate straight into the atmosphere instantly.

"Well, sister Yuanchu, don't be so serious, I'm just talking, I won't do this anymore."

Yuzu rubbed her flushed cheeks, made a gesture of encouragement for herself, and continued to speak solemnly.

"After everyone's education, I have decided to change my past and start pomelo again!"

"Oh? Tell me, how do you plan to change the former illegality?"

Yuan Chica became interested, if Yuzu could get rid of this bad habit, it would look more comfortable--on the level of the younger sister.

But who knows, Yuzi flicked her hair chicly, and what she said almost choked Yuanchu to death.

"I'll cut my hair after the team building is over."

"Do you know that you have to deduct money for the homonym meme! Do you start from scratch like this? Cough cough cough!"

"Hey, I know sister Yuanchu, you are quite shocked when you hear the news, but you can't be so shocked, right?"

Yuzu gently patted Yuanchu on the back with a look of genuine helplessness on your face.

But is kite chick easy to mess with?She is the person who gives Xu Lin the most headache in the ESC club. From time to time, she will say a few tiger-wolf words to hit her in the live broadcast room. Such a woman, in front of the "sister" role of Yuzu, always wants to keep three Only when the image is divided will it be deflated, but now Tobichu understands.

Some people, you just have to be more shameless than her to cure her.

My sister in reality is such an itchy species.

So she took a deep breath and yelled in the other direction.

"Sister Yiyi! Yuzu wants to drink with you!!!"

"Drinking? I'm here, I'm here!"

With a flushed face, Sister Yan had good ears, and when she heard that someone wanted to drink with her, she walked over in a daze. . .


Li Huiyan.

You can have a snack.

Chapter 326 Chapter 32 Nice to meet you

Sister Yan came over aggressively, carrying a wine box.

When he walked up to Yuzu, he didn't speak, but stared at Yuzu drunkenly, saying, "Little sister, is it that you want to drink with my old lady?" ' look.

Yuzu was so frightened that she almost broke out in a cold sweat.

Didn't you see that Xue Yue was lying on the ground already drunk, who the hell dares to fight with her for wine!

Although Yuzi's drinking capacity is not bad, but she doesn't want to risk her life, so she pretended to be drunk like Xue Yue, her legs swayed twice before lying on Yuanchu's body.

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