Xu Lin reached out and touched her forehead.

"Actually, what I want to tell you is..."

The eldest lady turned over and pressed Xu Lin under her body, pushed her right leg up hard, looked at Xu Lin's pale pink lips, and kissed affectionately.

"I could be even crazier."

[Again. 】

Five minutes later, Xu Lin sighed in his heart, but saw the eldest lady curled her lips, her tone was doting and full of nostalgia.

"Good morning, my Linjiang."

ps: Hush~~ Enter the village quietly, don't shoot!

pss: By the way, I will explain two things. One is that I said that it is almost finished, but in fact there are still two volumes to be written. It takes 20 words, and it may be 30 words depending on the situation. Don’t worry www

The second thing is that the book friend group is full recently, but I feel that it is meaningless to upgrade or open another one. After all, there are not so many book friends here. Let me clear the trumpet. Everyone who wants to join the group may have to wait a little It takes one click to pass the review.

Chapter 338 Chapter 43 These little bastards really have no morals

It was already an hour after the two of them woke up.

They didn't even eat dinner, and the two of them were so hungry that they were about to go out to look for food, but they found that everyone looked at them with subtle eyes.

"Huh? What's the matter?"

After taking a shower, Lin Jiang changed into a new outfit, which was matched by the eldest lady, and it didn't look like her usual style.

It is no longer the usual plain-colored appearance that only relies on a good-looking figure to make people attractive. Now she is wearing a pure black gauze short-sleeved sleeve, her round and white shoulders are completely exposed to the air, and her lower body is wearing a pair of A pair of shorts, revealing her slender and slender legs, her white hair is no longer tied up, but loosened behind her.

In other words, the current Lin Jiang is super beautiful.

"Nothing, nothing."

Sister Yan looked a little guilty and turned her head away quickly.

"Ah this."

Xu Lin instantly realized something was wrong, and gave the young lady a look.

"Yanyan you yesterday..."

Xu Youyue understood in seconds, and hesitated to speak shyly.

Although playing crazy with Lin Jiang in private, the eldest lady is still a girl after all, and she is still a little shy in front of her friends.

"No! I went to bed early yesterday! Absolutely nothing!"

[This is definitely done. . . 】

Seeing Li Huiyan's flustered face, cold sweat almost broke out, Xu Youyue complained in her heart.

"Is that so... Lin Jiang, I want to eat fried rice, can you~"

Xu Youyue pondered for a while, and chose to send Xu Lin away first.

"Okay, do any of you want to eat?"

The white-haired girl nodded plainly, then looked at the other people on the sofa.

"No, no, we've eaten."

Lin Mu also looked flustered.

"Yes, yes, old lady, go cook for my sister-in-law, she must be very hungry."

[Sister Yan, Lin Mu, Youzi, Lingyue and Xueyue. . . 】

Xu Lin silently wrote down the few people with strange expressions in his heart, turned around and left.

It's fine to leave it to the eldest lady here, and she doesn't need to intervene.

"Okay, Lin Jiang is gone, Yan Yan, can you talk now? Huh?"

Seeing the white-haired girl go to the kitchen, the eldest lady hugged Sister Yan's arm with dangerous eyes.

"By the way, Zero Moon Sauce, they don't mind, why do you?"

She never said what the group of people did, and no one blew herself up, but everyone knew it.

But I'm not worried about being seen, after all, she paid special attention to closing the curtains last night.


Lingyue blushed for a moment, hugged the drawing board and curled up on the sofa covering most of her face, leaving only a pair of eyes outside, talking in a low voice.

"To draw...to study."


Xu Youyue nodded, thinking that Ling Yue had been let go.

This child has just plucked up the courage to get in touch with everyone, and it would be bad to scare her away if she is too accountable, and. . .

Xu Youyue looked around helplessly.

[Anyway, Ling Yue was also teased by this group of people, right? 】

"Then, Lin Mu?"

"Sister-in-law, why don't you ask me!"

Seeing that the eldest lady wanted to handle it with care, Yuzu quickly interjected.

"You? You will let your sister clean up later, it has nothing to do with me~"

The eldest lady gave Yuzu a death sentence with a smile.


Yuzu wept silently.

"Ahahaha, miss, I... this... that..."

Lin Mu laughed awkwardly.

"Did I say that I was actually just passing by you last night?"

"Passing by and squatting at the door for half an hour?"

Xu Youyue continued to ask.


Lin Mu smiled and waved his hands.


Size and folded his arms over his chest, and hummed softly.

"It's only 10 minutes..."

Then she lowered her head and told the truth.

"What about words? How long?"

"Half... half an hour..."

Sister Yan raised a finger weakly.

"Okay! I treat you as my best friend, but you come to listen to my corner!!"

The eldest lady stretched out her powder fist angrily and hit Sister Yan's chest. After thirty blows in a row, Li Huiyan's chest was almost flattened.

"One minute, okay?"

"No, no, how dare I..."

"Lin Mujiang~Xueyuejiang~are you going to die by yourself or do you want to struggle?"

The eldest lady's voice became sweeter and sweeter.

In fact, it’s not very angry, because it’s just listening to a corner anyway. She was mentally prepared for this before putting Xu Lin under her body yesterday, but it still made her feel that this group of people had listened to it for so long. Some shame.

There is still a little more to become angry from embarrassment.


Xueyue walked over with a mournful face, touched her chest, tears were about to come down.

"Can you stop beating your chest, the child is not big QAQ"

"Pffwwww okay, how about a spanking?"

The eldest lady almost burst out laughing, then quickly straightened up and said with a serious expression.

Although the spanking is not serious enough to go there.


Xue Yue didn't speak, but turned around silently.

"It's a bit bitter."

Yuanchu sat on the sofa lazily watching the farce, making sarcastic remarks.

"Shut up!"

Xue Yue blushed instantly.

Twenty strokes, no more, no less, the eldest lady didn't deliberately reduce her strength, but she was not very strong at first, so she wouldn't get swollen.

"Then, Lin Mu, come here."

Flicking her wrist, sending away Xueyue who was going to fight with Yuanchu, the eldest lady continued to execute.

It's not very harmful, but being spanked in public is extremely insulting, and it happens to be an eye for an eye.

Lin Mu was a bachelor, so he walked over without delay, and just stood in front of Xu Youyue so generously.

"Hammer it, it's still a piece of iron anyway, how can you make it into steel for me, miss?"

"Hey, it's okay, the hammer might look bigger if it's swollen."

The eldest lady also waved her hands, teasing her with a smile.

"Hey! This is too much!!! Miss, are you trying to kill people!?"

But I didn't expect to break Lin Mu's defense directly. It seems that this girl doesn't care as much as she shows.

"Fried rice is ready."

Just after the eldest lady here cleaned up the group of little bastards listening to the corner, Xu Lin came back with two bowls of fried rice.

In fact, any movement in the open kitchen and living room can be heard clearly, otherwise she would not come back at this time.

"Oh~ Lin Jiang is awesome~ I reward you~"

Xu Youyue took the fried rice and happily left a puddle of saliva on the side face of the white-haired girl.


Xu Lin wiped his face in disgust, then looked at Yuzu again.

"Am I foolishly thinking that a certain bean is ready to accept the sanction?"

"Please let me go, old lady! QAQ"

For a faceless and skinless creature like Yuzu, the eldest lady's tit-for-tat policy is simply to scrape her again, which can't break the defense at all.

But Xu Lin is different. The siblings who grew up together, she has sufficient means to deal with this little bastard.

Chapter 339 Chapter 44 Game Rules

No one knows what happened to Yuzu, and no one cares.

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