Everyone only knew that after Xu Lin dragged the wailing pomelo into the room, when he came out, the pomelo had already been restored to factory settings with one click.


Looking at the quiet girl with a paralyzed face in front of her, Tobihina asked tentatively.

"Well, I'm here, what's the matter? Sister Yuanchu."

The girl nodded slightly, her words were extremely polite, but even her voice changed.

Soft and very cute.

"Senior, what did you do to yuzu sauce..."

Lin Mu looked at the smiling and refreshed white-haired girl, and couldn't help shaking.

"Sarah, who knows."

Sister Yan spread her hands, her tone indifferent.

On the contrary, she still thinks that the quiet grapefruit is very good. Although the usual lively grapefruit can bring a lot of joy, it is also a headache.

"Sure enough, Brother Ruoye is the one you shouldn't mess with~"

It's none of your business, hanging high, Sal nestled on the sofa with his teacup in his arms and watched all this coldly, his tone was a bit like a leisurely old man.

"Can't agree more."

Xueyue nodded, feeling lingering in her heart.

Fortunately, it was the eldest lady who cleaned them up just now, it would be unimaginable if it was Xu Linlai.

"Upstairs +1"

Shuangxue took advantage of the opportunity to push up the first floor.

"Silence +2"

Ye Jun followed immediately.

While everyone was talking about Yuzu's current situation indifferently, the boss came in from the outside with several managers.

He stood in front of the sofa and clapped his hands imposingly, attracting everyone's attention.

"Okay, everyone."

"The live broadcast equipment is ready. Now Sister Feng will explain to you the linkage process for a while. This is the first time we have done such a large-scale linkage. I hope everyone can make good use of it."

There were only eight people in the last ESC large-scale linkage, and Zero Moon was not there, but today the number has expanded to 15 people.

The difficulty of linkage is not the same. Sister Feng and the others also lost a lot of hair before designing a process.

"Xueyue and Shuangxue will be the hosts of the linkage. I will send you the script in a while, but because the operation department has no experience, it is still hard for you to play freely."

Sister Feng looked around and saw that everyone was nodding their heads vigorously.


Xueyue Shuangxue responded together.

"For the first-term students, Ruoye Xu Ying leads the two teams separately, and Yiyi is in charge of field control as the hidden host."

"Okay, let's decide the personnel ourselves?"

Xu Lin gestured, and then asked.

"We have already allocated it this time, and you will have to choose it yourself next time."


"The fourth-generation students and the fifth-generation students don't have enough experience in linkage. After a while, Yuanchu Sal, you will go to make up for them. Use the recording and broadcasting of the eight-person linkage last time as a teaching material. The main points are the timing of the speech, the connection and the way of speaking. Pay attention to the point."

"Good." ×2

"Zero month... Forget it, just don't be too autistic."

Sister Feng glanced at Ling Yue, who was already trembling when she heard that a large-scale linkage was required, and sighed, there was nothing she could do about it.

"You can take her with you when you make up lessons later."

In the end, I had no choice but to add tasks to Kite and Thrall from time to time.


Ibiza couldn't hold back her smile.

"The last is the third-term students. This time your task is relatively light, so you have to guarantee the effect of the program, understand?"

"Don't worry, Sister Feng~! We are the best at tidying up."

Sister Feng is not worried about the ability of this group of people to work. After all, after such a long time, it is obvious to all that ESC has become synonymous with whole work. What she is worried about is that this group of people will drive the car while she is not paying attention. Something big is going to happen.

That's why she arranged for Sister Yan to take control on the spot - she was the only one in this group who had some common sense and was reliable.

"Okay, then go to familiarize yourself with the script process, prepare by the way, and broadcast live on time at six o'clock in the evening."

Sister Feng turned her head and gave Xiaozhi a look, and sent them the game process.


"Go to lunch first."

. . . . . .

After lunch, Xu Lin opened the game rules sent by the operators. It was very long, about 1000 words long.

"Huo, this is really amazing."

The white-haired girl lay lazily on the bed and couldn't help but exclaim.

The rules are not complicated, it is still an upgraded version of Xueyue's simple four-player linkage, but now it has become a two-team confrontation.

The two teams launched a psychological offensive and defensive battle with xp as the core.

The game is divided into seven rounds. In each round, each side will send a member to the field, and then the operators will give a set of keywords.

Players on the field have two rounds with a total of four opportunities to ask questions. The opponent who is asked can only answer yes or no and the answer must be true. The party that finally guesses the keyword of the opponent wins.

But as long as this is the case, the rules are still relatively simple, mainly due to the addition of a few additional rules by the scheming operators.

'The captains of both teams can instigate opposition members, and they can be counted as ghosts after reporting in advance, and the points are counted in the real team. '

'The captains of both sides can put all the points on this member in a round of confrontation. If they win, they will divide *1.5; if they lose, all the points will be given to the opposing team. '

'In the final round, both parties can catch an inside ghost, and the inside ghost caught will get five points, and the wrong person will lose eight points. '

"It's just a mess..."

Xu Lin rubbed her temples and sighed, she hated this kind of intrigue game the most, especially when the opponent was a young lady.

The eldest lady is not in the room, after all, she is the captain of both sides, so there is no need to broadcast the game without the smell of gunpowder at this time.

The rosters of both teams are as follows.

Wakaba team: kite young forest mu knot flowers zero moon wind chimes

Team Xu Ying: Sal Yejun Chie Nayu Yuzu

Taking a closer look, Xu Lin discovered that the operators were malicious to him. . .

This special meow is simply the ghost of the whole staff! ! !

The gang of bastards under him all have a better relationship with the eldest lady! ! !

On the opposite side there are two people who are obviously impossible to instigate a successful rebellion, Daidai and Youzi, which is quite outrageous.

It's a must lose.

Youyue: "Lin Jiang, you just wait to lose, hahahahahahahahahahahahaha~ hiccup~!"


Seeing the mocking message sent to her by the eldest lady, Xu Lin said with a smile.

The sluggish, white-haired girl was rarely motivated.

"Looks like it's time to prepare."

Xu Lin didn't reply to Xu Youyue's message, but started five groups first, each group had different members and different numbers, but it included almost everyone except Xu Youyue and Daidai.

Then I started sending messages in each group very quickly.

[Yo, everyone, have you read all the rules? 】

Xu Lin copied and pasted this sentence in each group and sent it, then waited quietly for everyone's reply, and stretched himself.

The pre-match preparations for this live broadcast were quite troublesome.

Chapter 340 Chapter 45 Pre-match preparation

Xu Lin didn't name the group, but put them to the top one by one, and silently numbered them in his heart.

No.[-] group

Yuzu [Old sister, why are you dragging me, let me tell you that I am my sister-in-law's most loyal supporter! 】

Lin Mu [Senior, did you suspect that I would be instigated from the very beginning?I am so sad. 】

You【You want to rely on your seniors. 】

The white-haired girl looked at the three messages and smiled slightly, her fingers dancing quickly on the screen.

Luo Ye [How come, you are the few people I trust the most. I brought you here just to tell you that this game doesn't matter what happens to others, but we can't hurt our friendship. 】

At the same time, he quickly clicked on Lin Mu's private chat and said, "Miss is here to instigate you, promise her."

Then decisively cut to the second group

Luo Ye: [Everyone is brothers, I just said a word, come and take refuge in me, if there is no future with the eldest lady, she will lose. 】

Ye Jun: [Even if Brother Ruoye said so. . . 】

Thrall: [Okay, I'll take refuge in the past. 】

Meanwhile, the other side.

"Sister-in-law, my sister has come to instigate me against me, and You said she wants to join the opposite party."

Yuzu stayed with Missy and Tobihina.

"Okay, I see. You don't have to worry about getting five points guaranteed. Let's see the situation first."

"Yuchu, are you sure you have taken refuge, right? If you betray the water temporarily, I can't spare you, okay?"

Xu Youyue looked at Yuanchu with a teasing tone.

"Hey, I still have to settle accounts with my seniors, why would I seek refuge with her?"

Kite Chick waved her hand casually, and answered casually.


"Sar, what should we do? Are you really just following Brother Ruoye to make trouble?"

Ye Jun always felt a little uneasy, and turned his head to ask.

"How is it possible? If we do this, the show will lose its effect. Go and tell the eldest lady that we will not betray you."

Thrall's tone was faint, as if he was thinking about how to stab Xu Lin at a critical moment.


three groups

Ruoye [Is the kite chick here?I have a bold idea, do you want to know about it? 】

Kita Chick [Farewell!Do not listen!Knock in! 】

Luo Ye [What about the wind chimes?Are you interested in learning more about it? 】

Fengling [Guaranteed to complete the tasks assigned by the organization! 】

Luo Ye [Then listen well, my idea this time is simply to change houses. . . 】

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