Yuka【In short, to seek refuge with Sakura-senpai? 】

Wakaba [Yes]

Yuhua [Yeah! ! !I'm going to talk to Sakura-senpai~! 】

At the same time, Xu Lin was muttering non-stop, his brain running wildly.

"Fengling and Yuhua can't be counted on, but Yuanchu can fight for it and bring her back."

"Including Lin Mu and Thrall, there are already three to be determined."

Yes, that's right, Sal had secretly sent her a message just now, the little bastard himself acted as a double ghost, betrayed Ye Jun and came to the team here.


"Why do I feel that something is wrong? The little bastard Sal is doing nothing wrong?"

The eldest lady looked at the message sent by Ye Jun and had a fan murmur.

"No, Yuanchu, go talk to Thrall again, I suspect Thrall is going to make trouble."


"By the way, Yuzu, go and call You over. I want to see what this girl is up to. I don't feel ashamed to betray you at the beginning."


"Yu, is it really okay for us to do this?"

Yuhua was a little worried when she saw the messages sent to her by both parties.

"Stay in tape, Yuhua's IQ is not enough, so be obedient."

You said silently.

"My IQ is not enough!"


Four groups

Luo Ye [Have you thought about it? 】

Zero month [2g classic collection, yes. 】

Ye Jun [Brother Ruoye, I feel like I'm going to be betrayed by that little bastard Sal, what do you say? 】

Luo Ye [What can I say, is An Xin not fragrant under my command? 】

Lord Ye [OK!I will follow you! 】

"Okay, Zero Yue won it, Lord Ye confirmed the rebellion, and Thrall can cooperate to be determined."


Ye Jun [Miss, Miss, that guy Saar must have rebelled, be careful!He had been chatting with Brother Ruoye just now. 】

Xu Ying【Received】

Sal [Brother Ruoye, I have done my loyalty according to your instructions! 】

Luo Ye [Don't mess with me, Ye Jun just told me that you want to betray. 】

Thrall【Obviously he is going to betray, okay==】

Ruo Ye【Let's talk later】


private chat

Luo Ye [What about the pomelo, what's the situation with the eldest lady? 】

Yuzu [You should have really betrayed, Ye Jun and Sal also came to show their loyalty, and Lin Mu and Yuhua]

Wakaba 【ok】

"Youzi, the little bastard, was too ruthless before, so he probably couldn't pull it off. Let's look at the others."

Xu Lin sighed and exited the chat.


"How about Sal, which team do you plan to go to?"

In the corridor, Yuanchu called out Sal alone, and asked with a smile.

"Me? Of course I'm following the eldest lady, how about you, Yuanchu? What's your position?"

"I'm definitely going to take care of seniors too, how can I be on the same team as her."

The two little foxes looked at each other in tacit understanding, and then complained in their hearts at the same time.

[Little fox, there is no truth]*2

#Don’t talk about anyone, okay? #


"How is Zero Moon? How is the situation now?"

Xueyue sat beside Lingyue who was concentrating on painting and asked with a smile.

"It's already a mess. There are too many ghosts on both sides. No one knows the outcome until the last moment."

Zero Yuetou didn't reply.

"It's a pity that I can't participate, I want to play too..."

Shuangxue lay on the sofa and said boredly.

"Hahahahaha, there will definitely be a chance next time."

Xueyue laughed.


Five groups

Luo Ye [How is the situation on your side now? 】

Feng Ling [I can't understand it at all, I seem to be incompetent as an inner ghost]

Ye Jun [Hey, don't talk about you, I didn't understand, but Yuanchu called Sal out just now and hasn't come back yet, brother Ruoye, please pay attention. 】

Lin Mu [I can barely understand it, Yuhua and You should be a good pair of mutinies, both show effects and not offending people, Saar and Yuanchu will probably act together, Zero Yue don't worry, just stay in a daze . . .Dadai, in fact, senior, you can go and fool around a little bit. 】

Luo Ye's dazedness is too uncontrollable, it's better to just let her stay in the young lady's camp, I can count points. 】


private chat

Xu Ying [Lin Mujiang~ Did you tell me the message I want you to convey? 】

Lin Mu [The task must be perfectly accomplished!But senior believe it or not, I don't know, this person is too smart. 】

Xu Ying [Okay~!thank you! 】


private chat

Sal [Fengling, how is your side? 】

Feng Ling [What else can I do, of course be a double agent as you suggested, senior ww]


private chat

Luo Ye [Did Sal look for you? 】

Lin Mu [Damn senior, how did you know that! 】

Luo Ye [I'll lie to you. . . 】

Lin Mu [fuck! 】


private chat

Xu Ying [Zero Moon Sauce Wakaba didn't promise you any favors? 】

Zero month [no. . . 】

Xu Ying [Yes, I will pay double. 】

Zero month【OK§(* ̄▽ ̄*)§】

ps: In short, it is extremely confusing

Chapter 341 Chapter 46 Who else is not the ghost (1)

"Halo~ Good evening, everyone! Welcome to the super large-scale joint program "Who Is Not the Inner Ghost" launched by all members of our ESC club. I am today's host, and Xueyue is born in the third episode."

At [-] o'clock in the evening, all the liverers of the ESC club sat in rows on the sofa in the living room to eat fruit and fruit. The seats were not divided into groups as they said at the beginning, but they were more familiar with each other, Xueyue and Shuangxue. The host is standing in front of the computer at the front.

"The one next to me, you all probably know each other pretty well, my successor, the new host of our ESC club, Shuangxue!"

"Ahem, good evening, everyone. I am Shuangxue, a fourth-period student. Let me tell you about Senior Xueyue."


"You said that I am a newcomer, why was I appointed as the host?"

"If you want to eat peanuts, don't pull me, I don't know you well."

Xueyue quickly distanced herself from Shuangxue, and realized that even the voice in the live broadcast room was a little farther away.

[Grass www save some sons for the country! 】

【Hahahaha, your work is really still the same】

【I love this little guy so much! 】

[Female fans upstairs? 】

The dds are also very active, waiting in the live broadcast room early, actively posting barrage interactions.

After all, it is a rare super-large linkage, and the publicity is relatively sufficient, and basically every group has been notified.

"Senior Xueyue, you hurt my heart too much..."

Shuangxue's host style is relatively stable, he is the type who has no desire to perform without live2d, which is in stark contrast to the lively Xueyue.

"Hahahaha let's get down to business, tonight's game time is very tense."

The two of them have collaborated a lot, and they are also very familiar with each other's live broadcast style. After all, it is a master-student relationship, and there is still a tacit understanding in this regard.

After a little work to make everyone happy, he quickly changed the subject.

"Well, okay, first of all, we put the rules of this game on the upper left corner of the screen, everyone can take a closer look, hey, senior Xueyue, what do you think of the rules of the game given by the staff this time? I heard that Is this rule born out of your XP quiz show?"

The scripts were all designed long ago, but there were many places for free play, so the two of them simply wrote off the draft.

This is why the two of them will be in the same room in the afternoon.

"Strictly speaking, it has been changed beyond recognition. Compared with my immature plan, I only have one comment on the one designed by the staff."

"What evaluation?"

"As expected of the Operations Department, all the staff are black-bellied... It's embarrassing for you to come up with rules that are full of bad water at first glance, isn't it? Fortunately, I don't have to participate this time, otherwise I will feel bald."

Xue Yuexu complained, and waved her small fist at the operators in the air with a look of righteous indignation. I really don't know who was the person who watched the excitement in the afternoon and didn't think it was a big deal.

"Yes, I also feel that this rule looks simple but there are too many places where it can be operated, and it will take a lot of brain cells."

"But it's useless for the two of us who didn't get involved to talk about it here. Why don't we ask our two captains what they think?"

Shuangxue successfully led the topic to the next stage, and at the same time signaled Xu Lin and the eldest lady to come forward, Xueyue also tacitly switched the live broadcast screen, and released the two standing pictures.

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