There are a lot of jokes between the two of them. It is not that Yuanchu has never said before that she wants Xueyue to raise her for the rest of her life, but Xueyue always smiles and pats her away every time, and refuses without hesitation. .

"Hey~~~I'm obviously very serious~"

Kita Hina, who failed to confess again, said unwillingly.

"Do you know? Yuanchu, no matter how serious you are in your confession, I won't agree."

Xue Yue rolled her eyes and said angrily.

"Because you have long been excluded from the range of lovers I can choose!"

What Xueyue said is absolutely true. To her, Yuanchu can be a good best friend for a lifetime when she is a friend, but if she is a girlfriend. . .

She still wants to live a few more years, and she doesn't want to be pissed off so early.

"Let's lie~"

Yuanchu spread her hands helplessly, then turned her head and shouted at Ye Jun.

"Is that all right? Are you satisfied?"

"Okay, okay, let's go to the next round."

Ye Jun, who was the one who booed most vigorously, let go of his hands in embarrassment, and said hastily.

As for grapefruit.

She was smiling and stopped clapping mechanically. Even Xu Lin couldn't see the thought piercing her eyes.

'Hey, hey, why do I feel that Yuzu's expression is not good. '

Xu Youyue whispered in Xu Lin's ear.

'if not?Anyone who experiences such a scene will feel very unhappy, right? '

Xu Lin rolled his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the fifth round of the game began. Coincidentally, the king of this round was the young lady.

Then, the eunuch peeked at Xu Lin's number the moment he saw that he was the king.

"That's it, ten to NO.14, please stand up."

The eldest lady smiled mysteriously, which gave Xu Lin some bad premonitions.

Over there, after Fengling stood up, she quickly glanced at the blank number, and then pulled her up as well. The remaining two were Yuzi who had kept her head down, and Sister Yan, who was carefree.

"Hey~ how many of you are there~"

Xu Youyue smiled even more happily.

"That's how it is. How about a five-person stool competition? The four losers hug each other for ten seconds."

"Ah this..."

Xu Lin looked at Sister Yan, and Sister Yan looked at Xu Lin, and fell silent at the same time.

[Youyue definitely has no good intentions! 】*2

Only in this aspect will the two have a special tacit understanding.

But Xu Lin didn't want to lose, even if the opponent was Sister Yan, because if she lost, she wouldn't be able to go to bed again tonight.

So she took the initiative to give elder sister Yan a look, and she was indeed very happy to see it.

Xu Lin: "..."

It's not that you don't want to be happy in this kind of place! !If I lose, something will happen!

"This time, I want to win!"

Li Huiyan gritted his teeth when he said this.

She just wanted to see what happened to Xu Lin being kicked out of bed by Youyue and forced to sleep on the floor all night!Don't let the eldest sister have fun with her head! ?

Seeing this, Xu Lin sighed helplessly.

All right, come on then?It would be an understatement to say that she was beaten head-on, but she is not afraid of this kind of stool competition where tricks can be used.

"That's good~! Let me count~!"

The eldest lady clapped her hands happily.


The five people turned around the chair, Xu Lin stared at Li Huiyan.


Yuzu still lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking.


The white-haired girl was so squeamish, she turned around and punched Sister Yan in the stomach!


Li Huiyan, who was preemptively attacked, reacted quickly, received Xu Lin's punch with a fist, and then counterhanded with an elbow.


"Fucking big sister Ruoye just grabs a chair! Do you want to be so serious!"

Fengling and Dadai looked terrified. Speaking of which, it was the first time for these two Mengxins to see the big sister's head show of force, and it was also the first time for the others to see Xu Lin make a move. They were all taken aback, and no one Thinking that Xu Lin, who looked soft and weak, could fight so well.


Resisting Li Huiyan's elbow forcefully, Xu Lin squatted down and attacked with his legs.

She can't tell the hardships. Although she has adapted to the girl's body and has practiced fighting skills, this body itself has not been trained to resist fighting. Grown-up people grin their teeth when they are hurt by fighting moves.


Sister Yan stepped down with a horse step, her center of gravity sank, and she only swayed slightly when she forced Xu Lin's foot, and the wind chime on the other side was already pulling away from the battlefield in a daze.


Reluctantly, Xu Lin swept out with both feet, and at the same time avoided Li Huiyan's punch with a sliding shovel.


The eldest lady's voice was still cheerful, as if she had been looking forward to this martial arts movie for a long time, and she almost brought some popcorn to eat with her.


The white-haired girl who had been prepared for a long time took advantage of the moment when Li Huiyan's center of gravity sank and was unable to accelerate, she kicked her back foot and rushed towards the chair like a big white mouse.

"Grapefruit!! Give me a stool!"

Li Huiyan let out a big heck!Then!

She grabbed Xu Lin's right foot. . .

As far as Xu Lin's style of play is concerned, no one can see what she is planning. Sister Yan has already prepared it.


Xu Lin made a shocking sound, Yuzi woke up suddenly, subconsciously followed Li Huiyan's words and sat on the chair.

"Yeah! It's the victory of yuzu sauce!!"

Regardless of the bewildered expressions of the juniors behind her, the young lady was the first to jump up and announce Yuzu's victory!

"Ah this..."

The white-haired girl lay on the ground, looking back at Li Huiyan, who was smiling triumphantly, with a look of despair.



"another one!"

At this time, the others also recovered from the sluggish state of being shocked by the force value of the two, and they all jumped up and cheered, while Yuzu was sitting on the stool with a dazed expression, not understanding what was going on now.

"Are you little bastards acting as an old lady for a show!?"

Sister Yan laughed and cursed, then stood up and looked down at Xu Lin.

"Okay! Now, please four people to complete the rest, hug each other for ten seconds, and I will use a stopwatch to time it~"

Xu Youyue's voice came suddenly, and the white-haired girl lying on the ground covered her face in despair.

"Hmph~! This time I won!"

Sister Yan pinched her waist and held her head proudly.

"Yeah, yeah, you won."

Xu Lin, on the other hand, sighed helplessly as he looked at Feng Ling who was holding Feng Ling in his arms in a daze.

"Ah this..."

At this time, Li Huiyan finally realized that something was wrong. . .


One minute later, Xu Lin who got up from the ground raised his head and looked at Li Huiyan. The two first-year seniors were relatively speechless, and behind them, a young lady was smiling like a little fox. . .

"I say."

Xu Lin spoke, she sighed and spoke.

"Why bother, Yiyi."

"Retribution, Ruoye."

Sister Yan also sighed faintly.

"After so many years, is it still interesting to target me like this?"

"Then if you think it's boring, I think it's a little interesting."

At this moment, Li Huiyan's expression brightened, and she opened her hands and dedicated herself heroically with a fearless spirit.

"Come on! Ruo Ye!"

"What am I!"

Xu Lin couldn't help but exploded.

"I'm coming! Yiyi!"

Then he hugged Li Huiyan as if he was hugging a buddy, and greeted her mercilessly with his right hand on her back.

"Thank you so much! Thank you! You! Ah!!!"

Xu Lin squeezed out the words word by word, and slapped his right hand hard following the words, which almost caused Li Huiyan to suffer internal injuries.

"Cough! Cough!!!"

Since when did Sister Yan experience such suffocation, she immediately slapped Xu Lin on the back like a good brother, and squeezed out three words from between her teeth.

"You're welcome!"


The eldest lady immediately jumped up!

"No way!"

Xu Lin and Li Huiyan turned their heads and roared at the same time.

"If it's not allowed, then it's not allowed, hmph~ What a fierce thing."

Then the eldest lady sat back aggrieved, pouted and muttered.

"He's kind enough to ask you to care about me better, but you're fierce and hug me so tightly, don't you really want to cheat on me?"

Xu Lin's face was black when he heard it.

Is it not your fault that you co-authored it?

Half of her life was almost killed by Li Huiyan just now and she didn't say anything, why are you wronged?

But this round of the game was over like this. After Xu Lin coaxed for a while in a low voice, the eldest lady didn't pretend to be wronged, and everyone continued the game happily.

Well, be happy, if you ignore the painful parts of Xu Lin and Sister Yan who have been rubbing the painful parts of their bodies and Yuzu, who has improved but is still not in a good mood.

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