
Next is the sixth and final round.

King, pomelo.

After the girl drew the king, she flashed the lottery in her hand, looked back and forth among the crowd for a long time before uttering a word quietly from her mouth.

"No. 7, No. 8, let's kiss."


Xue Yue jumped up almost immediately, the number seven lottery in her hand.

"Where is number eight? Who is number eight!?"

Ye Jun and Sal started making trouble almost immediately.

"it's me..."

Shuangxue held up the wooden stick in her hand and smiled wryly.

"Why is it you, kid, I'm applying for a substitution for Yuzu Jiang!"

Xueyue cast a glance at Shuangxue, and immediately expressed that she could not accept it.

"The king's order... is absolute."

Xu Linke still remembered how happy these two guys laughed at her and Li Huiyan just now, and shut up watching the show after uttering a faint sentence.

"Can I kiss Sal or Senior Yejun? Senior Xueyue's words are really inappropriate."

Frost Snow also protested.

"Hey, hey! I don't want to kiss you!"

Ye Jun protested loudly.

"Nan Tong is actually by my side~"

Thrall shrugged, grinning yin and yang.

"Then, you are specially allowed to add two paper towels in the middle."

Yuzu's mood recovered, and she thought about it for a while and made a proposal.


Shuangxue still wanted to say something to refuse, but unexpectedly Xueyue spoke up.

"Okay, I have played all the games, and I can't afford to play."

"Is it really all right, senior?"

Shuangxue looked at her in surprise.

"I'm a girl who says it's all right, why are you still struggling?"

Xue Yue looked at this sunny young lady with disdain, and shrugged.

"I'm worried about my virginity?"

"Sure enough, let's change!"

Then the impression that I finally got better because of the contact with the group building in the past two days suddenly fell again.


What does it feel like to kiss?

This will always have different feelings when the object is different, it may be good or bad, and there is even a strange thing about spitting gum into the girlfriend's mouth.

But what does it feel like to kiss through two tissues with a junior (senior) who has just met in the company for a month because of the king game?

I don't know what others think, anyway, there is only deep embarrassment left in Shuangxue's heart.

Of course, he was joking if he was worried about his virginity, but to be honest, he really didn't want to do this kind of embarrassing toe-ducking castle a second time.


It is a dark history that I don't want to recall for a lifetime.

It's definitely not because of thinking of Xueyue's warm breath like orchid fragrance, and her soft and jelly-like lips and face start to have a fever!



ps: The new book has almost reached the number of words to be signed, I hope the results can be better~

Chapter 355 Chapter 59 Everyone's Reaction

The game of kings is over, and it's time for lunch.

But today's head chef is from the staff, and doesn't need the help of the livers, so Xu Lin just sits on the sofa as a waste and waits for the meal to be ready.

"Little brats! Dinner is ready!"

After a while, the hamster came out of the kitchen with a pot in his left hand and a spoon in his right, and beat the iron pot vigorously like a drum.

"Okay! It's time for dinner~!"

Lin Mu was the first to rush out.

Although it's not that he can't understand what happened in the king game just now, but Lin Mu has such a character, he doesn't want to participate in it at all, he just lives well by himself, drinks when thirsty and eats when hungry, pure widowed king.

In comparison, the atmosphere here made her even more uncomfortable, and she had to be cautious even when speaking.

The short-haired Yuzu sat on the sofa with her head down all the time, wondering what she was thinking, and Tobichu didn't speak, just quietly playing with her mobile phone.

On the other side, the atmosphere between Yuka and Yuka was a bit weirder. Yuka tried to strike up a conversation many times, but because of coddling, she lost her usual carefree momentum, so that she was terminated by the three-nothing Yu before she even said a word. topic, he can only lie down beside his master like a big dog that has fallen out of favor.

The dog girl attribute is worthy of the name.

And between Shuangxue and Xueyue. . .

Lin Mu took the initiative to give up his status to Shuangxue, in the name of letting him improve his relationship, but in fact, he wanted to quickly escape from this terrible vortex and squat outside to watch the show.

So the atmosphere between these two is special. . .subtle.

You say there is pink, there is a long distance between the two of them, it looks like elementary school students and men and women drawing [-] lines at the same table, but if you want to say that the relationship is not good, the two of them are chatting among three pairs with a strange atmosphere The happiest, but you have to say that there is hope for being together. . .

The two of them were talking about work matters, and what they showed was exactly like a pair of hard-working men and women who had no feelings for each other and were coaxed by colleagues and classmates to force them together.

All in all, all kinds of entanglements.

"Okay, let's go here first for the group activities in the morning. In the afternoon, everyone can go out for a stroll or catch up on the broadcast. Let's eat first, let's eat first."

In the end, Xu Lin stood up, switched to the indifferent bass used in the previous live broadcast for some reason, and acted like a senior.

"Okay Brother Ruoye."

Saar and Ye Jun breathed a sigh of relief like social animals who heard the boss say the word 'the meeting', and walked towards the living room quickly and steadily.

"Hey~! Senior, I really like your voice."

Yuanchu ran up to Xu Lin with a grin and patted her on the shoulder, then ran away resolutely.

"You'd better settle your own affairs before worrying about others."

Xu Lin still used that indifferent bass, and smiled helplessly.

What is the meaning of the dialogue between the two or is it just daily teasing? I can only say that I understand everything, and explaining what I don’t understand is also nonsense.

Everyone in the esc also has exceptions, but most of them are smart people, they looked at each other tacitly, got up and went to eat.

Feng Ling took the dazed little hand, said hello and left.

You also closed the book, turned to look at Yuka who was looking at her pitifully, without any expression, just said softly "It's time to eat." Then she left with Yuka who was obviously happy.

"Senior! Don't make up your own mind next time!"

"It's just a game. I really didn't cheat. I can only count you as unlucky."

Xu Lin spread his hands, feeling a little helpless in the face of Xueyue's complaints.

Although she did have a little bit of thought when choosing the game of the king, but she didn't make the order, and she didn't help Xueyue and Shuangxue draw the lottery. It can only be said that things will develop to the present level. It's God's will, what kind of relationship does it have with her, Xu Lin?

"A little bit!"

Xue Yue also knew that there was no reason for her complaining, so she just made a face and left.

"Shouldn't you thank me? You don't usually have this kind of benefit?"

"Senior, you just said that this has nothing to do with you."

Shuangxue spoke neither humble nor overbearing, and directly blocked Xu Lin's strange words.

"Hey~ you kid, don't you know that Ruoye is the most careful person in our club? Are you really afraid of being retaliated after offending her so much?"

Shuangxue looked at the young lady who was lying on Xu Lin's shoulder with a smirk on her face, shaking her head and said with a wry smile.

"If any news gets out, my reputation will be ruined. Compared to this, I would rather be retaliated. Anyway, Senior Ruoye won't be serious about me."

"Go, go, how can I be so narrow-minded."

Xu Lin angrily pushed the eldest lady away and asked her to eat first, and then looked at Shuangxue with a funny face.

To be honest, Shuangxue and Lin Mu are the ones who protect themselves the best in the ESC club. They have integrated into this big group, but they always guard their own small space and don't give others a chance to enter.

They are more similar to Xu Lin in this aspect, they are the kind of people who like to leave everything to the judgment of time, it doesn't matter if they make friends or fall in love, if they don't have enough time, it is impossible to get into their hearts.

"Sometimes, trying to be reckless may not necessarily lead to unexpected gains."

So Xu Lin used his own personal experience to say this meaningfully.

At that time, she herself had no choice but to rush because she was disturbed by external forces, but it was hard to say how much Shuangxue could hear this sentence.

Everyone is an adult, and the philosophy of doing things that has been formed for a long time is not so easy to change, so Xu Lin's words are like today's game of kings, they are just doing their best and obeying the destiny.

"I see, thank you senior for your advice."

Shuangxue nodded and left, leaving the last time and space for the sisters.

"What's the matter, old girl, it's not like you, it's not like you really have no chance, why are you so depressed?"

He was not as cautious about his younger sister Xu Lin as outsiders, and went straight to the point.

It's not that treating relatives is not as stupid as outsiders, but that you are too familiar, so you don't have to think over and over again in your heart when you say something, and try to be as tactful as possible.

"Hey, brother, you can't do it, don't you see that I'm a bitter trick?"

Xu You changed his face almost instantly, smiling like a little fox, with a cunning light in his eyes.

"Oh, that's okay, I'll go first."

Xu Lin stood up straight away, responded coldly, and was then grabbed by Yuzu's trouser legs. . .

"Don't, bro! Save my sister! My sister is dying!"

"Are you still pretending?"

"Don't pretend, don't pretend."

"Okay, what do you want to ask?"

The white-haired girl nodded and looked at her older sister.

"I just want to ask, Sister Yuanchu, she..."

ps: This should be the last plot where the three pairs of emotional lines are intertwined, and after that it will be their own development, at most there will be a slight connection.

Chapter 356 Chapter 60 Everyone's Black History

During the later stage of the team building period, everyone is on vacation, so naturally there will be no slices released during this week.

But they are in the official late stage, and they are not folk barbecue groups. Sliced ​​man can put some aged bacon to mix up the updates during this period. After all, slicing is actually time-sensitive.

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