And now Xueyue is obviously in a mentality of wanting to dress him in women's clothes and be his sister directly.Naturally, it is impossible to open this head, so Shuangxue refused so seriously.

"Tch~~ It's rare to see him change!"

Xueyue curled her lips and muttered arrogantly.

"Come on ww, look, we have a girl who doesn't want to wear women's clothing, right?"

The eldest lady rubbed Xueyue's head, her eyes were erratic and her tone pointed.

"I said how could it reach me..."

Wearing a dashing men's attire, Xu Lin who dressed himself like a neutral boy smiled wryly.

What's going on, Xu Youyue, don't you know?Why do I still hold on to this for so long? . .

"Hmph~ You can't even satisfy a little wish of your girlfriend, what use is it for you!"

The eldest lady snorted arrogantly, took Xueyue's hand and carried her used bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen.

Because there are too many people, it is impossible to assign the task of washing dishes to a certain person, so everyone washes the dishes by themselves, and the last dishes are washed by two people every day according to the principle of shifts, which can be effective Reduce some small conflicts.

After all, some people have a natural resistance to washing dishes, but if there is a shift system, there is naturally no gossip, and the workload is not too heavy.

"Brother Ruoye, please bear with me a little bit, after all, you are a young lady."

Ye Jun and Xu Lin were joking, and then suddenly said with emotion.

"Women, most of them are so unreasonable, especially after she becomes your girlfriend."

Then he was complained about by his good brother.

"I don't know where you, an old beggar gang who has been single for 20 years, got these feelings of love."

"Fuck, Sal, don't expose me!"

Of course Ye Jun's vicissitudes of life just now disappeared.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it the beggar gang? I used to be Jianchun."

Xu Lin laughed to ease Ye Jun's embarrassment.

"Oh? The old white-haired sword set?"

Ye Jun suddenly became interested. Although they both knew that the 818 story post of Jiansan was the main game, they really didn't know that the other party had such a story-telling profession.

By the way, Sal is a milk flower. . .It's the kind that gets beaten every day in jjc.

"That's not it."

Xu Lin shook his head, his eyes dim.

"Hey~ I thought Brother Ruoye, you were also an old fetus who had died hundreds of times, and the greener and stronger the relationship, the stronger."

"I'm a baa wife."

"Grass! As expected of you!"


After lunch time, the afternoon is the time for free activities for everyone. Make an appointment with a good relationship to stroll around and enjoy the natural scenery.

Xu Youyue took Yuzi Yuanchu and sister Yan out together, while Xu Lin stayed in the villa alone, wondering if he could start a solo live broadcast to chat about recent events.

But before the broadcast started, I saw a sunny little Zhengtai through the balcony.

Coincidentally, it was Frost Snow.

But unfortunately, Shuangxue was holding a cigarette between his image very much, looking at that posture, she was definitely a smoker.

"So you know this ww I thought the boss in our club smokes."

Xu Lin didn't hesitate too much, and greeted with a smile.

"I don't smoke very much, I just light one occasionally, if you mind Senior Ruoye, I'll pinch it out."

Shuangxue looked at the white-haired girl with some embarrassment, with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"It's okay, I used to smoke too."

Xu Lin waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care about this.

"Then why are you quitting smoking now?"

Shuangxue had never seen Xu Lin smoke before, and she couldn't imagine what it would be like to smoke. It was because the temperament of this white-haired girl was so clean that it was hard to imagine.

"Because the eldest lady didn't like it, so she quit."


Shuangxue nodded and said nothing more.

The two of them just stood there in silence, looking at the distant scenery together through a small fence, during which they also greeted the eldest lady who had just left the house.

"Missy and I have caused you trouble these two days."

Xu Lin said suddenly.

"You know I know?"

Shuangxue glanced at her in surprise.

"Well, although you concealed it very well, that person's style is too obvious, and I'm a little sensitive about it, after all, it's his... niece, right?"

Xu Lin touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

Her uncle is really harmful, and it is very contagious.

"How should I put it, I don't actually hate it."

Shuangxue thought about it, and told the truth.

"I don't hate the person who made me suffer from this style, nor do I hate the atmosphere of this company, nor do I hate that someone is doing things behind the scenes, making life occasionally feel like a little accident."

"Or, in fact, I quite like it."

"Then, what do you think of Xueyue? I'll know how to deal with my family after I tell you the truth. She's urging her to get married now and she's almost bewildered."


Shuangxue didn't seem to have thought about this question, and looked at the birds that occasionally startled in the forest from a distance, thinking for a long time.

Xu Lin just waited patiently for his answer, and stood quietly by the side, neither talking nor staring at him, just acting as if he had never asked this question before, in a daze of his own accord.

"Probably still."

After a long time, that cute little Zhengtai finally spoke, but only gave an ambiguous answer.

"Don't hate it."

Chapter 360 Chapter 64 Xu Lin's Solo Live Broadcast

"it's OK..."

The white-haired girl recounted it again, then turned around and waved to Shuangxue.

"Hey, what a great answer."

The corners of her mouth were slightly raised, and her expression looked relieved and happy.

"I'll go back to the live broadcast first, Shuangxue, you can do whatever you want."



Xu Lin had already fully understood Shuangxue's answer, so naturally there was no need to continue dawdling.

I don't hate it, I like it, but not that much.

So I will not take the initiative to attack, nor will I agree easily, unless I change my mind in the future.

This is the answer given by Shuangxue. It seems that there is not much hope. After all, if no party takes the initiative in matters such as feelings, it will probably not be possible.

But you said it was a coincidence that when Xu Lin asked the answer, the eldest lady on the other side also sent a message.

'I've checked Xueyue's tone, there's something going on, how about you? '

'the same. '

That's right, how could Xu Lin and Missy, a sticky young couple who are in a passionate relationship, separate for no reason?A certain tsundere kitten wished she could hang on the white-haired girl all day long. If she had no purpose, she would take the initiative to take others to see the scenery and let Xu Lin take it with her in the villa alone?

Don't be kidding, okay ww.

Since both sides are 'don't hate', then it's easy to handle~

Take the super glue and stick it up hard, and it's done, it's sticky and sticky!


Although the most important thing to stay is that the matter is over, but Xu Lin's broadcast plan has not changed.

It's also time to start the broadcast separately, otherwise every day it will be a two-person live broadcast, and the audience will joke about whether to merge the live broadcast room directly.

Although the main business is cp business now, Xu Lin has no intention of giving up the solo live broadcast. Xiaobie is better than a newlywed. The audience will also get tired of watching it if they are tired of being together every day. Now it is a special situation. In the future, I will return to the solo live broadcast once in a while. In the rhythm of linkage.

"Hi everyone, good afternoon, welcome to the solo chat live broadcast that I haven't seen for a long time. This is your anchor, Lan Ruoye."

After adjusting the live broadcast equipment, Xu Lin started broadcasting directly after seeing that the time was exactly two o'clock in the afternoon.

You don’t need to care too much about the time of the live broadcast during May Day. After all, the audience at this time is either lying in the dormitory at home or going out for a vacation. They have time to watch all day long, and they don’t have time to watch all day long if they don’t plan to watch.

[Oh oh oh!open the door! 】

[Where is Missy?Where did you hide Missy, Luo Ye? 】

"Oh, her, she went out with Yuanchu Yuzi and the others. I didn't want to move, so I just stayed in the villa and started the live broadcast."

"Don't ask if the eldest lady is there every time the broadcast starts, we both get two salaries, it's impossible to work together every day."

This is the way to deal with CP parties. You say that there is no time, something, etc. The reason can only be delayed for a while but not forever, but you have to directly say that we get two salaries, so we can’t broadcast live in one live broadcast room and the other every day If it is abandoned, they will understand.

【Oh, that's still the most important thing】

[I haven't heard Brother Ruoye's voice for a long time. Is it rare that the old show will come back today? 】

Although some old audiences are still more accustomed to calling her Brother Ruoye, in the eyes of new audiences, Xu Lin's male voice and female voice have obviously been divided into two personalities, one brother and one sister, perfectly suitable for most Voice control the audience's taste.

"Alright, then I'll adjust it first."

"Cough cough."

Cut off the voice line casually, Xu Lin also misses this voice quite a lot, and doesn't want him to just become a piece of data on the Internet, so if he has nothing to do, he will take it out and show it to save the day when he suddenly can't find the voice line.

"Okay, welcome to this live broadcast room where you guys are chattering. I'm the anchor Lan Ruoye. Speaking of which, didn't we recently do a backstab in the operation team and come up with a test live broadcast, brother Have you all seen it?"

Xu Lin, who had cut his voice well, even had a subtle change in his speaking style. It sounded a bit more masculine.

【Still this taste is comfortable! 】

[Looked at it, smiled and pouted for me]

[Really, I can only say that it is you, well, this thing can be taken out and put away casually. 】

"Well, in fact, the operators seem to have this plan as early as when the fifth-generation students debuted, but they have never had time to do it, and the fifth-generation students have not yet adapted to the environment. Now that they have adapted to a wave, they can be considered integrated. Then The operation team can now do whatever they want."

[Adaptation, refers to the shaving of all staff]

[By the way, I read from the official account that the operation team was originally managed by you, brother Ruoye?Is it true? 】

【What?And this? 】

"Huh? Did they even break out this kind of thing?"

Surprised, Xu Lin turned on his phone and checked the status of his official account, and he found this comment under the top job advertisement.

Specifically, I responded to the concerns of fans about the operation. After all, it is an old tradition for Vup to operate across the board. There are accidents everywhere, and it is normal for fans to worry.

But this question is not particularly easy to answer. The main reason is that no matter how you say it, it seems that it can be interpreted in other directions, and considering that the current atmosphere in the vup circle does not trust operations as a whole, this question is even more difficult to answer. It's all put on hold.

But it just so happened that this period of time wasn’t for team building. Yecai, who was in charge of account operations, talked about this issue while chatting with the boss and Sister Feng.

Then the boss is very strange, how can you say that you are also recruited with the second-term students to operate, why have you not learned the essence of our club after staying in the ESC club for such a long time?

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