Chapter 369 Chapter 72 The reason for the yellow accent is social fear

Lin Mu actually didn't think the tasks entrusted to him by the first-year students were too troublesome.

It's better to say that I am very interested.

She has such a personality, she likes to watch everyone's stories behind the scenes, and she is very satisfied to participate in and promote it occasionally.

To put it bluntly, she and the boss are the same kind of people, and she likes to watch others live a life like a dream, but if she is allowed to participate in that kind of youth, she will feel a little uncomfortable.

Just like today.

She prefers to hide from the sidelines and watch the interaction between the two, and then pops up suddenly to scare Kite and Yuzu.

But if you want to say that she is not optimistic that these two people can get together, then she is pessimistic.

The difference in the three views is always the most difficult point between lovers. How many loving couples quarrel, cold war, and finally break up because of the difference in the three views?

In her eyes, Yuanchu is actually a very stubborn person. She does have some social fears as she said, and she is not good at communicating with others.

As in the second team building, the impression of a perverted loli was imprinted on everyone's hearts because of Luo Ye's courage. In the first team building, she could chat but was not particularly active. Everyone Part of the time, the one who just silently followed Xueyue was the real kite chick.

As for Yuzu, Lin Mu felt that he had known Yuzu for a short time, so it was difficult to comment.

"So, Senior Ruoye, what did you see that made you think that the two of them could succeed? Or is it just because Yuzu Jiang is your younger sister?"

Following them about ten meters behind them, Lin Mu muttered to himself.

"Forget it, don't think about it if you can't figure it out, I'm just a wingman anyway."

Lin Mu's existence is to keep the two of them from being too embarrassed, and to keep Yuzu sane.

She knew this very well, so she didn't participate much in the interaction between the two of them during the whole process, except that she just pretended that she was a light bulb that came out to see the scenery.

But what puzzled her was that for some reason, Yuanchu always turned her eyes to her side, and pushed Yuzu towards her from time to time.

"Lin Mu! Were you weak due to the flow of water last night!? Why did you walk so slowly like an old lady!"

No, after only opening a distance of ten meters, Yuanchu started calling her again.

"You two go first, and I'll follow behind to see the scenery."

Sighing helplessly, Lin Mu didn't bother to complain about Yuanchu's yellow accent from time to time.

"How can we do that, we are threesome today!"

"Senior Yuanchu, can you not always use some easy-to-understand words to express normal meanings."

Speeding up her pace a little, and walking in front of the two, the pink-haired girl finally understood why Xueyue, who was in the same period, always complained about going out with Yuanchu, and it was easy to die.

This man really doesn't know what to say.

"Hmm... How about multiplayer sports?"

"Forget it, you should use 3P."

Covering his face with a slap, Lin Mu didn't want to say anything about what this person ordered.

"Well, sister Lin Mu, you have to get used to it, and gradually enjoy the attention of people around you!"

But Yuzu comforted her with a smile.

"I don't find the attention at all enjoyable, and I don't get the attention."

The destination of the three is a small pavilion on the side of the mountain. This is a place where many people who go out to climb mountains early in the morning often take a rest to enjoy the scenery. Although it is still early, there are still many pedestrians.

And just like what Lin Mu himself said, although the surrounding people can understand what Yuanchu is saying, the middle-aged college students all turn their attention to the three beautiful girls here, but every time It just swiped across Lin Mu's body and left, never staying for more than three seconds.

Most of the eyes were on the perverted loli, and the rest were on the youthful and beautiful Yuzu.

"Ah ha ha."

"It turns out that you like this kind of gameplay, Yuzu, and I completely understand it."

Yuanchu looked at Yuzu's face quietly, studied it carefully for a while, and then said suddenly.

"Sister Yuanchu, you understand a hammer! Stop using weird words!"

Feeling that the line of sight on my body has suddenly increased a lot, and it has become more subtle. Several young people who were holding their mobile phones and looking at it, but hesitated to come up and ask for a WeChat, retreated instantly, and at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief. Blushing, she stretched out her hand to cover Yuanchu's mouth.

"What did you say you want to enjoy social death?"

Lin Mu took the opportunity to complain.

"I'm not talking about this kind of attention!"

"No no no!"

Kite Chick, whose mouth was tightly covered, was speechless, her small head was pressed against Yuzu's chest, and she was a little surprised by the unusually soft touch.

"Sister Yuanchu, don't say those strange words anymore, okay?"

Seeing that Yuanchu looked like she was about to be suffocated to death, Yuzu let go of her hand after giving a warning.


The kite chick who was let go took a long breath, and then. . .

"Yuzu, didn't you wear a mask when you went out today? It's so soft~"

As she said that, she also made a wretched gesture with her hands, compared them, and then slightly restrained the arc, which just matched the size of a grapefruit about 32c.

"I've already said, don't say strange things anymore!"

It slapped on Kite Chick's forehead.

It is the Xu family's secret hand-knocking head-knocking technique!

Well, it is said to be a secret, but I learned it from Xu Lin who took care of the eldest lady. This is the first time I used it and I hit my sweetheart on the head.

"Obviously it's because I didn't wear it, so I don't want people to tell me..."

"I'm wearing it!"

Yuzu couldn't stand it any longer, so she simply covered Yuanchu's mouth again, and pulled her back.

Well, this kind of place with a lot of traffic is definitely not suitable for bringing kites and chicks.

But Lin Mu, who was watching, saw Yuanchu secretly make a yes gesture to herself.

"Isn't it because this person doesn't like places with a lot of people that he deliberately keeps speaking pornography?"

Lin Mu suddenly felt as if he had found the truth.

After returning to the small road before, there were not many people around, Yuzu suddenly realized this.

"Sister Yuanchu, you don't think it's because you hate the crowd that you keep talking yellow and want us to leave quickly, right?"

She pressed Yuanchu's shoulder and asked with a serious face.

"How could it be~ I, Tobiki, am not a devil~"

[Definitely didn't run away. . . 】

Yuzu sighed deeply, always felt that she knew Yuanchu a little more.

Then from the bottom of my heart, I mourned for 30 seconds for Xue Yue who has not discovered this so far and has experienced many social deaths.

[It's too miserable, Sister Xueyue! 】


"Ah~ Ah Choo!"

When Youzi mourned for her, Xueyue, who had just woken up in the distant villa, sneezed suddenly.

"Have a cold?"

Lingyue, who was neatly dressed and sitting in front of the computer drawing, turned her head with deep dark circles and asked worriedly.

"It shouldn't be... It's just a sudden itchy nose. By the way, Zero Yue, you really didn't sleep all night?"

"Well, it's almost finished, and I'm grading."

Zero month nodded and said solemnly.

"Hey~ I'll take a look, I'll take a look."

Xue Yue hurriedly got up and walked to the computer, and glanced at the painting that Ling Yue Gan had drawn all night.

Well, cp map.

Kita chick and grapefruit.

Chapter 370 Chapter 73 Sister Yan: I'm going to choke to death on dog food

Akalin, a scumbag, the perverted side still has no results on how their relationship will change after this day, even Xu Lin can't be sure of people's hearts, can my old sister embrace her beauty? It depends on her creation.

At least now she doesn't care about it.

Today is the fourth day of team building, and Xu Lin is discussing with the operation team the second and third large-scale joint live broadcasts after that.

Yes, during the seven-day team building period, it is impossible for them to just start a joint collaboration. They have to seize this rare opportunity when everyone is there to do a few more tasks.

It is expected that there will be two more linkages, but it will no longer be a super-large linkage of the whole society, but a half-and-half linkage with seven people on one side and eight people on the other.

However, more preparations need to be made in terms of personnel allocation and linkage details.

"First of all, I suggest that each side arrange two hosts together, so that the number of people can be balanced, and the host stage can be played better."

Xu Lin glanced at the plan given by the operation department, and said seriously.

"Isn't this a task someone gave you?"

Sister Feng turned her gaze and glanced at Xu Youyue who was sitting eating the cake bite by bite.

"No, I just think it's better this way, and as the host Shuangxue, I still haven't had enough tempering, so it's better to practice more when I'm in the club, so as to avoid accidents due to lack of experience in the future."

The white-haired girl's red eyes flickered slightly, and her complexion denied Sister Feng's hint as usual.

"That makes sense, Brother Ruoye, didn't Xueyue come here in the same way?"

The hamster smoothed things over with a smile.

He didn't care about who was with whom, he just thought it must be fun, so he stood up and made a statement first.

Well, the main thing is that you are not one of your subordinates, so you can do whatever you want.

"Hey, hey, what's the matter if you agreed before I said anything?"

The third-term student manager Xiaozhi hit the hamster angrily.

The main reason is that Xueyue is a lazy dog. In her words, she would rather host ten external events than one internal event.

"There should be no problem with my side, Shuangxue is still very motivated."

In the operation of the fourth-term students, a very weak girl stood up and said that there is nothing wrong with her side.

"Hey~ It's better on your side, they are all lovely children."

Xiaozhi thought about other people's subordinates, and then thought about her own, Mr. Xueyue Lin Muye, there is no fuel-efficient lamp.

"According to what you say, wouldn't it be worse on my side?"

The hamster couldn't help retorting.

Well, his subordinates are Saar Lingyue and Yuanchu, which are not so miserable.

But after the three of them chatted, they realized that something was wrong, and they looked at Xu Lin, who was eating melons and watching dramas, and Sister Feng, who had been silent all along, along with the management of the fifth-term students.

[It seems that Sister Feng is the worst. . . 】*4

Although Xu Lin, Xu Youyue, and Li Huiyan, the first-term students, are the most capable, and each has a unique skill, managing them is definitely the most stressful. . .

Three rich second generations, one is the boss's cousin, one is the boss's sister-in-law, and the other is the boss's eldest sister.

emmmmm. . .

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