"Look at what I'm doing, Xiaozhi, go talk to Xueyue later and tell me there's a bonus, you won't disagree."

Sister Feng pushed her glasses, and she had no expression when she spoke.

In fact, her pressure is really not as great as she imagined. Although she was a little nervous when she first knew the identities of these three people, after actually getting in touch with her, she found that there was nothing wrong with her. Apart from two sentences, the other two are very worry-free.

"What are you implying?"

Xu Lin joked with a smile to ease the embarrassment.

"Then there is the issue of planning. According to your intention, we should still make two mature projects of lie detector and xp quiz, right?"

Before everyone could answer, Xu Lin continued.

"Yes, according to statistics, these two projects are still more popular."

Xiaozhi also became serious, she has Xueyue as the host under her command, so there are more data on this aspect.

"Actually, I think it's a rare opportunity, and there's no need to make any plans."


"Just relax and chat, it's not a planned project."

Xu Lin shrugged.

The real idea is that planning confrontation is too tiring and too lazy to do it.

"It's not impossible...to live broadcast in a more relaxed manner, how do you plan to choose the personnel? And what about the position of the host?"

Sister Feng thought about it and found that the audience might like it more, and the club that focuses on authenticity occasionally does a little real linkage, which is also in line with the direction.

"Let's make it into a snack meeting. Everyone chats and eats snacks together. The show will be decided by drawing lots. The host is responsible for enlivening the atmosphere. As for the allocation of personnel..."

Xu Lin glanced at the eldest lady and continued.

"Miss and I will lead the second and third episodes, and Yuanchu and sister Yan will lead the fourth and fifth episodes. Both hosts share the same, and there are eight people on each side. It's pretty good."

"Then is there a little imbalance in the number of men on your side..."

The three boys in the liver will all appear on Xu Lin's side, and she is a little worried about whether there will be a problem of not being able to talk together.

"Then put Yejun in the second batch and replace Daidai."


"Then let's make a decision like this first. Everyone will go back and inform each other separately. The time is set at [-]:[-] pm tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, which happens to be the end of the team building on the seventh day."




After the brief talk, Xu Lin returned to the young lady's side, watching her eating potato chips while swiping her phone, with an aunt's smile on the corner of her mouth, she couldn't help being curious.

"What are you looking at? You're smiling so sweetly."

The eldest lady took the initiative to give up a seat to Xu Lin, and the two petite girls nestled together on a single sofa.

"Sal and Lin Mu's cp live observation broadcast, very interesting ww."

Yes, in fact, apart from Yuanchu and Yuzi who sent Lin Mu from Xu Lin and Missy, Xueyue and Shuangxue also sent Thrall, but the difference is that Thrall is purely for The reason for the two of them to go out together is not to intervene in the whole process.

"Let me see, what did you say?"

Getting a little closer, Xu Lin hugged Xu Youyue's shoulder affectionately, watching the news from the two ghosts.

Sister Yan on the side looked at the two, then at Yuhua and You beside her, and finally hugged Duda with a mournful face and complained to Fengling.

"What should I do, the sour smell of love in this society seems to be getting stronger and stronger..."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm almost exhausted recently."

Feng Ling nodded quickly, the two couples who were waiting to develop outside, and the two couples who were glued to each other in the house, there were only fifteen people and eight people in the whole club, and they were all in love.

"I used to think about looking for candy to eat, but now there is too much sugar and people who eat sugar will be bored to death~"

In the end, Sister Yan Ge You lay paralyzed on the sofa with a look of lovelessness on her face.

Chapter 371 Chapter 74 Dull song power and zero month's wardrobe are the pinnacle of esc

The leisurely time always flies by quickly, and on the fourth day of the team building, on the ESC official account, the dark history video of all the members from Daidai to the third-term students was also released.

how to say. . .

It feels like the fans of esc are now looking forward to what esc society can give them every day, as if they are chasing fans.

First up is Chiena.

This video of hers is very interesting, not one but two.

The first paragraph comes from the self-introduction session during the test live broadcast.

"Eh? Is it on the air?"

At the beginning of the video, there was an ignorant soft waxy child's voice, but at this time the whole video was still black and there were only subtitles, which made people wonder if the phone was broken.

"Hugs, sorry! I forgot to put the background!"

The panicked little girl then cut the screen to her own live2d, but there was still no one there.

[Lan Ruoye]: Friend, where are you?

"Ah? Hmm... I'll look for it!"

【Xu Ying: Eina, don't be nervous, just take your time~】

As soon as the young lady uttered these words, she saw Chiena, with the speed of an old man, slowly, little by little, pull out the pixels in the middle of the black screen that are so small that you can't see them unless you look carefully. Big.

Chiena's whole person seems to have emerged from the dark deep sky. She is obviously a very cute and soft little lolita, but the way of appearance gives a kind of naiako coming from the void. the taste of.

【Ye Jun: Where did you come from, the ancient god? (Fu forehead)】

[Thal: There should be a bgm at this time]

"Oh yes! I still need bgm, I'll look for it!"

As if it was Sal's words that reminded her, Chiena's rhythmic and slow typing sound came from Chiena's side very quickly, and then a song emmmmm was played. . .

Audio from the Gates of Hell in the USSR.

[Sister, what kind of underworld bgm are you! 】

The amount of barrage here is gradually increasing, and the dumbfounded fans are still very open to the operations in front of her. After all, it has been reproduced many times in the live broadcast room, but this sudden and particularly loud weird bgm is still Almost sent them away.

[Fuck!Headphone Party died instantly. 】

Back to the video itself, under the joint boycott of everyone in the ESC club, Feng Ling silently helped her change a small and fresh bgm, but the feeling of the live broadcast room was completely irreversible.

It's so weird.

It's as if you accidentally looked directly at the ancient god who devoured the world and just prepared to become a demon hunter to fight against it, only to find that the ancient god on the opposite side suddenly turned into Naiako Baimao. . .

It's hard to say.

So much so that the elderly subway mobile phone.

"Well, hello everyone, I'm Qiankaibai, Chiena! I'm a great sage from another world!"

Chiena bit her tongue because she was too nervous, but she still read it with a lot of [vigour]!

[Ruo Ye: You great sage. . .Is she white? 】

[Kite chick: The stupid sage is outrageous, who wrote this setting, hey! 】

【Xueyue: She wrote it herself. 】

【Thal: It's very interesting~】

"And, that, the age is 114 years old! It's a mature adult!"

[Xu Ying: Who told her age this special meow, quickly change it for me! 】

【Thal: It's very interesting~】

【Wakaba: It's me. . . 】

[Yejun: Wonderful! 】

The video ends here abruptly, followed by the second audio.

"XP company? Huh? Isn't the ESC company I interviewed for?"

"Oh, the reason why I want this job is to prove to Mama that I am a mature adult!"

"So, what exactly does xp mean?"

"Talent show, well, let me sing a song."

The following videos are all songs sung by Chiena at that time, which is "Left Finger Fingering the Moon". . .

Really, she sang very well, her voice was perfectly controlled, there was nothing wrong with it except for a bit of milky taste, and it was a cappella. . .

That's why Daidai was recruited, even when he was testing the live broadcast, he didn't understand how to use obs or was left behind.

The song is too strong. . .

The esc ceiling is definitely not running.

But Chiena has never released any cover singles before, not even the original song that ESC Club must have for its debut, and only hummed a few lines during the live broadcast. There is such a unique skill.

So the barrage is very explosive.

[? ? ? ?who? 】

[Is this a fool? 】

[Fuck!Too strong!A cappella! ? 】

Singing such a difficult song is indeed the most proof of singing ability. Experienced people can tell that this is an unedited version, and even the sound quality is a bit poor.

Even Xu Lin was shocked when he saw this place.

"I said Sister Feng, are you holding back your big move?"

"Basically, I will release Chiena's solo single tomorrow. It should be able to gain a lot of fans. When the group builds back, let her hold a song meeting or two to stabilize the fans."

Sister Feng nodded, with an expression of complete control.

"Absolutely, you actually kept it from us."

Xu Lin exclaimed.

"Heh heh heh, let me just say I'm amazing~"

On the side, Chiena put her hands on her hips and looked triumphant.

"Yes, yes, Daidai is the most powerful~"

"I told you not to call me stupid!"


After Chiena passed, it was Zero Moon's.

But this girl. . .

Her test live broadcast was rather strange, it would be better to say that her first broadcast was also very strange.

Well, she communicated with the hand-painted tablet and barrage, and there was almost no sound during the whole process, and she was writing.

And what did she do for an hour?

Draw yourself new clothes. . .

As the only vup in ESC that is characterized by drawing power, her debut model was also painstakingly designed by the operators, because when Zero Yue first came, she was really an autistic small house girl, she hardly communicated with anyone and just cared for herself Freely hold the painting screen to draw pictures or play audio games.

But at the same time, she is also the one with the most new clothes in the ESC club. Almost two or three sets of new clothes a month make everyone feel sour, but who can tell people to draw pictures by themselves?The rest of the people were painted by the two hard-working painters' wives in the agency, and the designs of new clothes will be photographed until next year. Only Ling Yue is the type who draws clothes for herself.

Some viewers even ridiculed that her wardrobe alone was on top of the entire ESC club. . .

In a sense it is true.

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