"It just so happens that you are about the same height as Ruoye Xu Ying, so you can help me test the bug."

Fuli was stunned for a moment, and then smiled "I understand".

"Put on the motion capture suit first. There is a changing room over there. There is a sign in the changing room which suit is your wardrobe. Remember not to wear it wrong."


This set of motion supplements from esc is optical capture, but the basic equipment used is similar to those of special effects movies. There is no difference except that because of the accuracy problem, it is necessary to add a capture to each of the four papers.

They were all dressed in black tights, but even though such tight tights were worn on Kitachu's body, Fuli's expression did not change at all.

As for why?This is actually a sad story. . .

Kita chick, only a!In the case of wearing underwear and another layer of tights in the dynamic repair suit, there is no slight protrusion at all, and it is flat enough to make people want to distinguish her front and back. In addition to seeing her face, she can only see her collarbone.

If Sister Yan or Jie Hua came here, then Fuli would probably be greatly attracted, but this is Kita Chick. . .

All he wants to do now is laugh.

"why are you laughing?"

Yuanchu tilted her head, not expecting where Fuli's smile was.

"It's nothing www, okay, the ww device is activated, Yuanchu, try to move first, and correct your height."

After Yuanchu put on the capture ring, Fuli turned on the device with a simmering smile. She didn't know whether it was intentional or didn't think too much, and directly locked the modeling of a certain white hair on Yuanchu.

"Oh! Is this the body of the senior!? I feel the power of scraps coming up!"

Yuanchu showed an expression of being possessed by the gods, and she performed in a particularly exaggerated manner. The expression of the girl with white hair and red pupils on the LCD screen in front of her also changed with her expression. Sand Sculpture Girl.

"Can I move freely now?"

Yuanchu stood obediently on the spot, waved her hand and asked.

"Almost all right."

Fuli gave her an ok gesture.


Kite Chick moved her body and went straight down one by one!

The model collapsed in seconds, and the white-haired girl's hands and feet were broken and curled up into a ball, which was terrifying.

Chapter 380 Chapter 4 It's definitely not a good choice for Tobihina to test other people's holsters by herself

One thing to say, it is definitely a good idea to let kite chicks test model bugs.

Because it's impossible for a big man like Xiang Fuli to be a freelancer!God Meow's one-word horse, whose vup live broadcast one-word horse! ! !

The above is a complaint from 3D modeler Ms. Ye Bai.

But as far as general rationality is concerned, the general vup does not need to make a move during the live broadcast-but is there a normal person in this group of ESC clubs! ?

You can see that the first reaction of kite chick is to come up with a word horse. This special meow will definitely appear in the 3D live broadcast, and if this bug is not fixed, the white-haired girl on the screen is likely to be What kind of live broadcast is what it is!

"You are really outrageous..."

Fuli saved the video casually, and then restarted the model after Tobichi got up.

"I thought it was okay to come to www"

Yuanchu smiled, and after seeing that the model was restarted, she raised her legs again, but this time nothing happened.

"Okay, the bug is recorded, you play first, and call me when you crash."

Fuli still has work to do, and they have almost tested the model bugs, so it is not so easy to find them. Even if they are found, most of them are due to the limitations of the motion capture equipment, and have nothing to do with the model itself.

For example, if the movement is too fast and the capture device does not respond, or some strange situation, so he is ready to go back and finish other work before returning.

But before he could go out, Yuanchu's voice came from behind him again. . .

"That... seems to have collapsed again."

Sitting there in a strange posture, Tobichu said with some embarrassment.

"If you do yoga, it will definitely collapse! This is optical capture, not instrument capture!!!"

Fuli turned around to see that Xuan Xuan was not choked to death by saliva.

"That's not okay either..."

Kite chick stood up a little disappointed, and sighed.

"How about Fuli Mama, teach me how to restart the model, and I'll just play around first."

"It's okay, it's not difficult anyway, in fact, just order this first, and then order this."

Calling Yuanchu to the computer, Fuli showed how to restart the model, and then let Yuanchu operate it by herself.

"Okay! I understand!"

She is not a computer idiot, so she cannot learn such a simple operation.

"Okay! Next is my game alone! Let's start with some awkward moves."

As she spoke, Yuanchu turned on the recording directly, then returned to the center of the venue and sat down, her legs spread out in an M shape, her body leaned back, one hand resting on the ground, the other hand covering the front of her trousers, her controlled expression gradually turned shy.

"Hmm! It's so astringent, I can't bear it, so I'd better get another one."

This time she turned over and knelt on the ground with her back to the screen, her little butt pouted high.

In this way, the white-haired girl Ruo Ye was placed in various poses for an hour, leaving behind countless precious photos, and Kita Hina also danced the Duan Shu dance by the way and kept it, and sent it out after preparation Play.

And Xu Lin was still on his way to our office - he didn't know anything about it.

Next, Yuanchu played with Xu Youyue's leather case again, and also posed a few shy poses, but when it was replaced with sister Yan's leather case, a huge problem appeared.

chest. . .Molded.


Yuanchu stood there blankly, put her hands in front of the cliff, looked at the model on the screen that was completely sunken in the chest, with a little finger sticking out, and ran into the changing room crying.

After half an hour.

The kite's dynamics.

'I went to our office to play with 3D equipment, the 3D models of seniors are so exquisite, I look forward to my 3D models! '

"Hey, I know what you want to see, I got the permission of the staff in advance and took some photos for you~"

Below is the standard nine-square grid, three of Zhang Yanjie's, three of Miss Zhang's, and three of Xu Lin's, all in austere poses.

3 minutes later, the comment section.

[Oh oh oh!Kite Chick Sai Gao! 】

【It's so bitter!Too astringent! 】

[Let's stop here for today's station b. 】

[lsp is really good, thank you kite chick lsp! 】

[Lan Ruoye:? 】

[Xu Ying:? 】

[Yiyi:? 】

And 10 minutes later, when Sister Feng learned that it was not Secretary Wu who delivered the goods, but Setu hurried to the scene.

The dynamic is gone. . .

After 3 minutes, the official account of the esc company.

[Kite chick, work overtime, 20 hours. 】

A post with just seven words and an accompanying picture was posted. The accompanying picture showed a kite sitting on the ground kneeling in the pitch black and holding up her hands 'Sorry, I was wrong! 'Picture of the sign.

The following series are all hahahahaha, so there is no serious comment.

However, there is still a top comment posted by Sister Feng using her official account: "Responsible person: Fuli, guilty: lax supervision." '

Well, it's very spiritual.


"Fuli Mama, how dare you let Yuanchu play with the holster all by herself? She even made the live broadcast want Brother Hamster to stare at www all the time"

Xu Lin, who came in a hurry, saw Fuli crying because he was fined to work overtime for three hours, and couldn't help laughing and complaining.

"I thought she was just playing for fun and wouldn't send it out..."

"Do you believe that?"

The eldest lady rolled her eyes and complained angrily.

"I believed it before, but I don't believe it anymore."

Fuli spread her hands, secretly thinking that she must do something to get revenge when Yuanchu 3D live broadcasts.

No way, who said that the ESC club is a club with such a harmonious and friendly atmosphere?How could he hold a grudge, right?He is giving Yuanchu the whole program effect!

"Forget it, did the secretary Wu send out the part about Yuanchu's record?"

Seeing Fuli's expression, Xu Lin knew that Yuanchu had nothing good to eat next, and it wasn't a big deal, was it just a few pictures of awkward movements, instead, she wanted to say that Tama and Moma would be fine.

"No, it seems that the one-one version is going to be released first, and your version will be released later."

"Um...that's it."

Xu Lin thought about it, and simply made a phone call.

"Hello? Sister. No, no, no, I'm not here to talk about Shizuto. Of course, I don't care if you want to give me a share. I mean, can you come to our office now? Teach us how to dance house dance , when the time comes, send them together."

"Ah? Really, I really didn't intend to lie to you to come here and get beaten, really, really, I swear by my personality!"

"What do you mean I have no personality! Sister, what you said is too much!"

"Okay, tomorrow, right? Alright."

After hanging up the phone, Xu Lin looked at the eldest lady again, and just as he was about to speak, he saw that she had already pulled out her mobile phone and made a call, and by the way, she gave her an ok gesture.

"Hello? Say something~"

Chapter 381 Chapter 5 When boxers, hip-hop dancers, and troupe dancers start house dancing

Early the next morning, Xu Lin, Xu Youyue, and Li Huiyan stood at the door of the company and looked at Yuzi in front of him, all confused.

"Oh, why did you come here, Yuzu."

Although she probably already guessed what was going on, Xu Lin still asked, and the answer was similar to what she thought.

"Sister Yuanchu said that there are a few people in the company who need me to teach secretary dance..."

"So it was the three of you, then I probably understand why she didn't come by herself."

Grapefruit slapped her forehead and sighed, and said that she had something to do, sister Yuanchu, you have something to do with a snake skin in a dead house, you still have a guilty conscience and dare not come!

"Forget it, forget it, you can do it, hurry up and finish the recording so we can get off work and have dinner."

Sister Yan was a little disgusted.

Let the little bastard Yuzu teach how to dance, she already thought of how this guy would take the opportunity to eat her tofu.

"Hey, hey, I asked for leave on purpose. Sister Yiyi, you dislike me so much, so I went back? Did I really leave?"

Youzi turned around and wanted to leave, but Elder Sister Yan didn't like her, and said directly to the eldest lady.

"Sakura, call Lin Mu and ask her to come over quickly."

"Then it's better to call my dance teacher directly. Lin Mu's bus fare is enough for one class."

Xu Youyue smiled and patted Sister Yan on the shoulder, and joked.

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