In fact, the three first-term students all have a certain dance foundation, but sister Yan studied ethnicity, the eldest lady studied jazz, Xu Lin practiced hip-hop, and none of the three had been exposed to house dance.I don't know what to do, so I need an instructor to teach the main points of house dance.

Well, the dances the three of them learned don’t teach how to be cute, but cuteness is the core of the secretary’s dance. Although the movements are really simple, if one is too elegant and the other is full of strength, and the other one looks like punching, then it’s likely to be cute. It's no longer a grass.

Compared with Yuanchu, who is completely self-taught, both Lin Mu and Youzi are better teachers. Youzi took the dance class with Xu Lin, and both are interest classes, but the courses are different. three years.Lin Mu, on the other hand, has practiced since he was a child. The family environment is such that he can even play the violin well.

Although this guy overturned the car many times during the performance before, he even played the first "Erquan Yingyue" with the violin, so the wind comment is a bit strange. . .

"Okay, don't make trouble, hurry up and finish the recording and get off work for dinner."

Whether it was his own sister, Xu Lin still opened his mouth to relieve Youzi, and took the lead to walk into the company.

"Oh, it's rare for the three of you to come here so strangely, are you here to test the equipment?"

The boss is still sitting on the chair that can no longer bear his weight and smoking, is this scene too familiar?Why are you always here!

"The recording of the dance should be announced, and the whole activity will be done by the way."

Xu Lin shrugged and said with a smile.

"Okay then, hurry up, I'll reimburse you for lunch, come on~"

Blinking at Xu Lin, the boss said very generously.

"What!? When did you become so generous!?"

But Sister Yan was shocked. After being vup for so long, it was the first time she heard the boss say that the company would reimburse the lunch!

On the contrary, Xu Lin understood as soon as he heard it. This was obviously not a work meal, but the boss invited a few people to eat at his own expense. The reason. . .Think about the last time when the boss said that the company reimbursed you because of the reason.

But she doesn't expose it, the tacit understanding between men lies in this, some words are small secrets, which can be hinted, but cannot be stated explicitly.

"That's a good thing, let's go have a good meal at noon today."

"Oh! There is a big meal to eat!"

Youzi opened the profile unceremoniously, and guessed the emotions of gratitude, joy, etc. through the remaining expressions, and thinking about it, she said it to Xu Lin, then she understood.

It's likely that my brother has helped the boss. It's definitely not a matter of work if he is so mysterious. Thinking about the boss's personal affairs, besides the success of weight loss, it is also the progress of the relationship. Let's look at the tonnage of the boss. . .

Well, it is definitely that Sister Hefeng has made progress!


Pulling Sister Yan and Missy who didn't understand yet into the 3D live broadcast room, the three temporarily changed their motion capture suits, and just stood in a row as Yuzu said.

Came here just because the place is big enough, nothing else.

"Old sister, the three of you all have a dance foundation, so I won't talk about the general dance essentials. Anyway, you are just learning this dance for the time being. First, follow me to dance twice in slow motion to remember the movements, and then go through it quickly. After that, I I am directly helping you to change the details, no problem?"

Youzi really has nothing to say in terms of teaching people. She didn't spend much time in manga exhibitions, joined an animation club to hook up with young ladies, and taught young ladies to dance. Even if her purpose was not pure at the time, how to say Also accumulated a lot of experience.

For this simple house dance, this is the only way to learn it quickly.

"Okay, then you come first."

Sister Yan nodded, agreeing with this approach.

For her who practices martial arts, memorizing routines is an all-too-familiar thing, and she can almost remember it after reading it twice.

"1234 2234"

Yuzu didn't talk nonsense, she just started to face the three of them and began to jump to the mirror image. Not to mention the standard of movements, even the expression on her face changed. If the three of them didn't know about the innocent smile that day She is probably going to be deceived by whoever she is.

"Sister Yiyi, you danced too hard... By the way, don't ethnic groups require soft dances? Did you dance like this when you danced ethnic groups?"

After going through it twice, Yuzu's face changed instantly, and she couldn't hold back her desire to complain.

Li Huiyan, the special meow, dances like crazy, and the standard of movement is standard, but the problem is that you are dancing and not practicing martial arts!Why do I feel that your muscles are tense, and this slap can blow me away?

"And you, old lady, don't bring the habit of street dancing into it. Although house dancing can be played freely to a certain extent, the movements must be cute, and the movements should not change too much. They are all small movements."

Hip-hop dancers are a little bit like free play, it's not a big problem, just change it later, but Xu Lin's problem is not that she can play freely when dancing, but that she keeps a straight face all the time, doing She looks like a cool girl, which doesn't go well with cute house dances like Secretary Wu.

"Come on after these small eye movements. Sister-in-law, don't be too enchanting. This dance is not a flirty dance. It's nothing to do without your boasting. It's against harmony."

After complaining about the three people in one breath, Xu You let out a long sigh, wondering if he could finish today's teaching goal within three hours and have a delicious meal.

How should I put it, these three people have no problem with their movements and memorize each of them very quickly, but their personal style habits are too obvious, Yuzu thinks that even if you find a random dancer, you can tell at a glance what these three have learned before.

"Forget it, remember what I just said, follow the video at 0.5x speed, and I will help you change it slowly."

Seeing the embarrassment of the three, Yuzu shrugged helplessly and proceeded to the next step of teaching.

ps: Wash your ears today~

Video number: BV1Bh411k7UN

To be honest, I listened to Goudan's left hand pointing to the moon first and then listened to the debut song, the contrast is almost indistinguishable.

Chapter 382 Chapter 6 That is an important place in their memories, now——

For Yuzu, teaching these three people to dance is indeed a very difficult task.

"Hey, hey, sister Yiyi, what are you doing? A big windmill? The movement of waving your hands must be gentle, gentle! Your muscles are so stiff that you are almost turning into a tumbler!"

For the first time, Yuzu complained wildly.

"Old sister, can you smile, smile, your expression is almost murderous... Forget it, I will change your expression when the time comes."

The second time, looking at Xu Lin's stiff face as if he was not dancing but fighting, Yuzu was powerless to complain, and could only hope for a rescue in the later stage.

She can understand, after all, her elder sister was still an elder brother four months ago, so she definitely couldn't let go of her pretense to be cute in such a short period of time—although she was the one who suggested the secretary dance, why do you think she looks like this now? It's all very annoying.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law is okay this time, elder sister Yiyi, you can learn from sister-in-law."

On the contrary, Xu Youyue is the fastest learner among the three. After all, although she is a jazz student, she usually practices the cool and coquettish dances of girl groups by herself, and now she is just changing some small habits to manage her expressions better. Problem, it's not a big problem for her.

As for sister Yan and Xu Lin. . .Sister Yan Youzi doesn't know, but she doesn't know about her brother. This guy hasn't practiced dancing since his sophomore year in high school. He doesn't know where he forgot what he learned back then.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's take a break first, and go through it at the same speed for a while, and change clothes if possible to prepare for recording."

After ten times in a row at 0.5x speed, Yuzu let out a long breath and said relaxedly.

"It's okay, so we should be able to catch up with the meal."

Stopping, Xu Lin took out his mobile phone and glanced at it. It was 11:30, then took out a pack of wet wipes from his pocket and handed it to the young lady.

"Hmm, it's going well~"

Xu Youyue took the wet wipes very smoothly, took out two sheets and handed them to Xu Lin, and wiped off the remaining one by herself.

"I said, sister Yiyi... My sister and my sister-in-law are so affectionate in front of you, don't you have nothing to say?"

Yuzu moved closer to Sister Yan and poked her with a smile.

"Me? What can I say, these two have been like this since they met for three months..."

Sister Yan rolled her eyes and pushed the pomelo away angrily.

"Rang Rang, it's hot."

Although she was a little surprised that Yuzi didn't come up to eat tofu today, Li Huiyan didn't intend to say it.

Is it different when you have someone you like?The little perverts have all changed their ways.

She's not sour at all, really!

Isn't it cp!If she wanted to find it, she would have already had it!

"Sister-in-law~ I've worked so hard to teach you how to dance, so why don't you give me a wet wipe?"

Youzi didn't care, she turned around and ran to Xu Youyue's side to act like a baby.

"Didn't you just dance twice and then stop moving ww"

Xu Youyue stretched out her index finger a little amusingly and scratched Yuzu's forehead, and sure enough, there wasn't a single drop of sweat.

"Then I want to too~ the weather is too hot~"

"All right, all right, Lennon, bring a copy to Yan Yan."

There are two small stools on each side of the entire 3D live broadcast room, Xu Lin and Missy are here, Yuzu and Sister Yan are over there, so Missy didn't go to give Sister Yan one just now, but this will be just right Grapefruit is here. . .

"Okay~ Guaranteed to complete the task."

Yuzu saluted with a smile, then ran back to Sister Yan again, holding up a wet towel and said in a doggy manner.

"Sister Yiyi, let me wipe your sweat~"

“Go to the side to ww”

Sister Yan patted her funny, then took the wet towel and wiped it off herself.

The weather in Yehai City in October is still very hot. Although there is an air conditioner in the room, it’s okay if you don’t exercise. When you move, even sister Yan’s physique will sweat, and you will feel wet and sticky. It’s uncomfortable if you don’t wipe it. .

And after that, she has to change into a motion capture suit, which is one piece for each person, and she doesn't want the clothes to smell of sweat.

"After resting, let's continue~"

Youzi smiled with her hands behind her back, watched Li Huiyan resting on a chair, waited for a while and shouted again.



The recording time was longer than expected, and it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon when Xu Lin and the others came out of the company.

The main reason is that everyone played hard for a while wearing the motion capture suit for the first time, and there were a lot of mistakes during the recording, so it took so long.

In short, the failed part was also taken to the post-production department to cut the sideshow, and Xu Lin and the others' mission today can be regarded as completely completed.

"What are you going to eat today? If the boss reimburses you, you won't be able to go to the usual barbecue restaurant."

Sister Yan was so hungry that she struggled with what to eat as soon as she went out.

"Hmm...that's a question, Yuzu, you've worked hard today and you're going to choose?"

Xu Youyue pinched her chin and pondered for a while, then decisively found an excuse and handed over the task to Yuzu.

"Ah... what do you want to eat, do you want to eat western food?"

"Alright, I just want to eat steak."

Xu Lin nodded and stopped a taxi.


There are some small stories about the western food restaurant that several people went to.

"Lin Jiang, why did you choose this place www"

As soon as she arrived at the place, the eldest lady smiled instantly, a shy yet sweet smile, she hugged Xu Lin's arm and turned her face sideways, her voice became even sweeter.

"Because it's the nearest place, this guy is going crazy from hunger, don't choose here."

Xu Lin blushed a little, but he pretended it was just a coincidence.

"Hey, spoil Youyue as long as you love her, don't drag me into the water!"

Sister Yan rolled her eyes and got out of the car.

"Huh? Is there any story here?"

Yuzu's eyes lit up immediately when she saw that there were melons to eat, and she ran to the young lady's side, bent down and half squatted, looking like I was very curious.


There was a hint of nostalgia in the eldest lady's voice. Speaking of which, she hadn't been here for a long time. During this time, all the food at home was cooked by Xu Lin, and she seldom went out to restaurants.

"This is the place where Lin Jiang and I ate together for the first time"

She reached out and rubbed Yuzu's head, her tone was sweet and emotional.

A few people eat a meal very quickly. Generally speaking, few people come to western food restaurants purely to fill their stomachs. Most of them are young couples who come for a date or occasionally invite friends to satisfy their cravings and exchange feelings. , but Xu Lin's table is different. Their purpose is very clear, just to fill their stomachs.

One portion of steak per person and one portion of fried rice. After eating, they ate more than they wanted. They paid the bill directly after eating and even packed a portion. is attention.

But the four of them are used to going their own way, and they don't care about the eyes of outsiders at all.

Just eat enough, so why not care what they think?

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