[Saar: Received! 】

[Jiehua: So Ye Jun and Saar are from the same school? 】

[Kite chick: That's right, from elementary school to university, there are all classes in the same class, which is outrageous, would a normal bamboo horse go to a university and a major on purpose! ? 】

[Feng Ling: Hey hey~ I smell a different breath. 】

[Xue Yue: But they are really just pure friends. I asked before, and both of them are straight men. 】

[Feng Ling: But I can write cp text! 】

[Lin Mu: . . . .The strongest is your wind chime. 】

[Feng Ling: Hey~ I'm not that good! 】

[Xu Ying: It's crooked, it's crooked, aren't you guys discussing what to broadcast?But I probably won't be able to come. The evening live broadcast has been scheduled to play games with Yiyi. 】

【Wind chime: @果叶】

【Kite Chick: @胡叶】

[Yuzi: @胡叶, old lady, you are green! 】

[Ruo Ye: Aren't you afraid that the eldest sister will open the ladle for you? 】

[Yiyi: Ruoye, if you spread rumors again, be careful and I will beat you! 】

[Thal: So what exactly are you going to broadcast? 】

【. . . . 】

Chapter 412 Chapter 34 The previous chapter didn't blow up. . .Then, continue?

The three present today are all old drivers, and most of the audience of the old drivers are LSPs, so Yuzu's complaints naturally aroused the reaction of the barrage.

[That is to say, it's not your notebook, the most important thing is to let me rush out? 】

[The other books are all plots for welfare, but when it comes to Lily, it's completely reversed]

[It's outrageous, it's really outrageous to find clear water in the r18 book. 】

"That's right, but old lady, why do you want a lily book? Use it to rush? I can't get it out after thinking about it. Aren't you already sleeping on the same bed with your sister-in-law? If you want to attack you, won't you ask your sister-in-law to help you?"

Yuzu nodded, and then continued to hold fire.

"Don't spread rumors. If anyone wants to make a fuss, I'll just throw a topic for you two."

Xu Lin quickly denied it, good guy, Yuzu is no longer a fire, this is pouring magma directly on her!

"That said, senior, you've thrown away the topic badly enough."

Yuanchu rolled her eyes, she has completely lost her feelings for Xu Lin now, sometimes only after getting close to the person you like will you find that what you like is just a phantom on that person, the real She is not like that, the goddess may also fart at home and grind her teeth, and the pure and beautiful girl may also take the Coke bottle from the limousine parked at the school gate at night.

This is all uncertain, but she is sour, and she also wants sweet love!

So now Yuanchu is really relentless when she hates Ruoye, and for a while, the audience feels that the relationship between these two people has returned to the way it used to be.

"Then senior sister, why don't you come over? I'm willing to bow down to my car skills."

Xu Lin didn't argue with her, nor could she.

"Senior, do you know how many brands Durex has?"

Yuanchu's tone was faint, as if she was asking an academic question, or as if the teacher in the classroom called the students up to answer the question.

"I have a special lily, why do I need to know about this thing?"

"It's not reasonable, senior sister, there are three of us here."

But Xu Lin just rolled his eyes and asked angrily.

"Yuzi, are you a straight girl?"

"That must be impossible. How can I be straight after being influenced by you, old lady?"

Youzi rolled her eyes. Although she had nothing to do with Xu Lin, she actually had something to do with it. After the stage of Yu-Gi-Oh! Shi Ling, what kind of flowers are kissing on the top, a lot of lilies are in a mess.

"Then I don't need to talk about it myself, who doesn't like a girl who is decent and soft."

"Finally, let me ask again, senior sister, are you a straight girl?"

"Me? It shouldn't count."

Yuanchu glanced at Xu Lin's white-haired painting, then at Yuzu's short black hair, thought for a while, and finally answered honestly.

"Then the type of OOt we're discussing is not so strange?"

"Then what should we do? What are we talking about? It's suddenly said that we're going to drive. I really can't think of anything to talk about, senior."

The kite chicks are also numb, but it's a little strange that the three lilies are discussing condoms here, and those who don't know think they have some serious illness.

"This, senior sister, you still don't understand. You can click on Yuzu for this kind of question. Come on, Yuzu will give you the whole job!"

Xu Lin said with a smile.

"Okay old lady! Let's talk about the various methods of pre//play today! Sister Yuanchu thinks that she prefers which type of pre//play? Is it gentler or more wild a little."

What Yuzu promised was joyful, and she was usually ruthlessly controlled by the operation, and she never stepped on the brakes when she had the opportunity to let herself go.

"You really... you should like my words more... how should I put it, it should be more perverted?"

Tobichi was a little powerless to complain, but in the end she continued to talk along the topic Yuzu raised.

[No, are you so tough in the background? 】

[Fuck, super tube?What about super tubes?Hurry up and take care of these bastards! 】

[Damn it, the boss has a lot of energy, and it hasn't been cut off yet? 】

Everyone was shocked to hear that these women even started discussing the ex//play.

"Oh? What kind of perverted method, sister Yuanchu elaborated."

Grapefruit is getting more and more exciting.

"Then I will pick up an xp that I have never dared to talk about before. It is the kind of violent tearing of stockings, under her gaze, the liquid flows out bit by bit, and then writes on the skin with a marker pen. Feeling, don't you find it very exciting?"

"I'm hungry...."

Lin Jiang couldn't accept it anymore.

But grapefruit can still rush!

"One thing to say and one thing to be sure, especially on the balcony in broad daylight, watching people coming and going outside the window, the upper body is neatly dressed, but the feeling of doing this and that on the bottom is simply amazing!!"

"How about you, old lady?"

"Me? I can't accept it anymore... Just thinking about it makes me feel ashamed!"

In front of the screen, Lin Jiang's earlobes were gradually turning red, while the eldest lady was lying beside her, picking up a marker pen and gesticulating in the air with a smirk, Lin Jiang immediately clamped her legs tightly in fright.

[Grass, let’s see this in today’s live broadcast]

[I didn't expect that this was not interrupted, watching the film at station b is just around the corner]

[Damn it, so you guys are still restrained in your usual live broadcast? 】

"Hey~~ Isn't this Ruo Ye? Why haven't I seen you like this for a few days? You were not very good at driving before, why can't you hold on to such a small scene?"

Tobichi immediately started to twitch.

But Xu Lin just cast her a glance, and spoke in a quiet voice.

"Because you guys are just fantasies in the end, but I'm different. There's really a guy next to me who is eyeing me with a marker pen, I'll go! Miss, don't make trouble! If you can't write on the inside of the thigh, write on the outside of the leg, right? itchy!"

After Xu Lin finished speaking, he turned around and concentrated on dealing with a certain naughty girlfriend, leaving Yuanchu and Youzi staring at each other.

"I said, don't make fun of my sister in this aspect in the future."

Yuzu's tone was a little mournful, which is really unbeatable.

"My face jumped, and I ate the lemon, is it worth it, Sister Yuanchu?"

"Why don't you move in with me, Yuzi? Let's fight back together next time?"

Kita Hina was not as mournful as Yuzu, but invited Yuzu with a smile.


The girl with short black hair regained her spirits almost instantly.

"Of course I am teasing you, I can't stand you little scum hahaha."

"Hey~ Don't be like this, sister Yuanchu, let's not talk about feelings and just develop the body~"

"Yuzi, you can talk nonsense in bed, but you can't talk nonsense. Who wants to develop your body with you! My old lady is still pure and pure, and she has never had a first love! Don't hang out with you little bastard."

Yuanchu was a little flustered, and quickly and sternly refused.

"It's not Yuanchu sister, what are you talking about, as if I would mess with the relationship between women and girls! Yuzu, I am also very pure!"

ps: I want to see how deep Shu Keniang is~

Section 413 Chapter 35 Discussion of Orange Flavor

"It's not Yuanchu sister, what are you talking about, as if I can mess with the relationship between women and girls! Yuzu, I am also very pure!"

Since Yuzu debuted, she has told a lot of stories about her Mysterious Lily in the past. Although they are all based on the I Have a Friend series, the occasional slip of the tongue has also convinced the audience that Yuzu is a dangerous woman, so she is now It was a broken pot, and she didn't care about the wind reviews at all, but it became a point of attracting fans for her.

Coupled with the fact that she is handsome and gentle, there are quite a lot of young girls in her audience, and there are also a lot of people who are willing to spend money.

"Isn't it difficult?"

But Yuanchu really thought that this guy used to be that kind of pure lily scum girl who lied to her body. . .

"It's really not! Sister, come and explain, otherwise I will not be able to clean up if I jump into the Yellow River!"

Youzi was about to cry, she only found out today that Yuanchu had misunderstood her so deeply!

"Don't jump into the Yellow River to wash yourself, save some work for the country, the water there is muddy enough."

It just so happened that Linjiang solved the eldest lady who came up to make trouble, and turned around to continue the live broadcast. Otherwise, if Xu Lin was silent for a while, the misunderstanding would really be completely insoluble.

"Although Yuzu is relatively scumbag emotionally, she is relatively conservative in physical relationships. When she was almost taken into a hotel, she cried and asked me to save her."

"If you really want to mess with her, you will definitely not see her today, you will have been shot back on the wall by my dad www."


Yuanchu was as shocked as when she saw Xu Lin for the first time and knew that Ruoye was a woman, even Live2D's eyes were wide open for a moment.

"Wow! Old lady, explain as long as you explain, can you stop blowing up my black history!!!"

Yuzu blushed, the kid unexpectedly had a thin skin in this regard.

"Then what do you say, I always want to give an example to strengthen my persuasion."

Xu Lin explained with a smirk.

"rua! rua! rua! Don't mention this matter again!"

But Yuzu can't listen anymore, she yells like a kitten whose tail has been stepped on, it's really scary to be blacked out by her sister in front of her sweetheart, okay?

"shame w"

Yuanchu opened the mic lightly, although she was complaining about grapefruit, her tone was like spring flowers in full bloom, gentle and pampering to the extreme, even under the background sound of grapefruit shouting wildly, everyone could hear it Clearly.

"Sister Yuanchu, what did you say?"

But Yuzu didn't hear clearly, so he asked again.

"I said you are ashamed."

This time, Yuanchu's tone suddenly became normal again, and she complained lightly.

It was as if the blooming flowers before were just an illusion of people, and the gentle An Ai suddenly turned back to the crumbly and astringent kite chicks in the live broadcast, as if there were two people in a trance.

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