"rua!! Don't talk about this topic! Hurry up and change one another!"

Yuzu was so shy that she almost found a crack in the ground to get in, and then decisively brought up another more astringent topic.

"Sister, what do you think of Orange Flavor?"

"I haven't learned much about it, but I heard that it seems that only the auxiliary effect is not as magical as some novels say."

Although Yuzu used a cryptic term, Xu Lin was an old driver after all, so he understood what she was talking about in an instant.

[What is the orange flavor? 】

[Hey guy, do you also do research on this kind of thing? 】

【Ok. . .I can't post it, I can only say that I understand everything. 】

The barrage tried to explain to the pure children, but the three words couldn't be typed out. Even if they deliberately added symbols and intervals, they were killed directly, so they could only start to tell riddles.

"Where's my sister? Didn't you buy it before? How do you say it?"

Because he has never seen the real thing, Xu Lin has nothing to talk about, so he can only throw the topic to the kite chick who has personally tested it.

"Hmm... It's cool and irritating when you spray it, but the effect is not so obvious afterwards, it's just crispy and numb, and it's easy to run water."

[Good guy, I was a good guy on the spot]

[This speed. . . 】

"Can it be restrained? Or will it be particularly strong?"

Xu Lin was very curious about this topic and hurriedly asked.

Don't ask her why she's curious, just ask that it's in her shopping cart.

"If it's not to the point where you just think about it, but it will also make you feel a little more sensitive than usual."

"No, why should I share my experience with you!! If you really want to know, just give me a try baka!"

Tobichi became shy after realizing it, she didn't feel it when she said it, but she became shy instantly when she saw the barrage.

[You meow actually tried it! 】

[I always thought you made up all these things you bought, but it turned out to be real! ? 】

[As expected of XP Club, the backstage is strong enough, dare to talk about anything! 】

【The next day, Tobichi received an invitation to endorse Orange Flavor. 】

"Ahaha, change the subject, change the subject, cough cough."

Lin Jiang said a little embarrassedly, Yuan Chu is still a girl anyway, and it is really not good to chase after such things.

"It's a bit funny to say, I once had a friend, one of her girlfriends secretly bought this spray, and then..."

Before Yuzu finished speaking, Lin Jiang interrupted her directly.

"Come on, you still have a friend, isn't that yourself! You panicked a lot after being drugged, but nothing happened!"

"Hey! Old sister! Your sister and I are also going to be in business! How can you say such a thing directly!"

"So Yuzu, you have really been drugged www"

Yuanchu was happy to hear that, after all, she wasn't the only one who died, my good sister, that was used to share weal and woe.

"That's right, when I was a sophomore in high school, I made a sick girlfriend."

Yuzu said dejectedly, with a sense of resignation to her fate.

"Usually, she always said that she should tie me tightly by her side, and forget about dedicating herself to me. I really didn't expect that she would actually try this method."

"Fortunately, her computer accessories were bought from a Taobao store. The effect is similar to that of fake ones. They are not banned drugs. Otherwise, I would be in danger that day."

"Pfftwww, this kind of plot actually happens in reality."

Yuanchu laughed so happily that she slammed the table crazily.

"Hey! Sister Yuanchu, do you want to smile so happily!"

"I'm sorry w, but it's really, it's so interesting www I didn't expect Yuzu's experience to be so legendary hahahahahaha."

"I don't know about this, Yuzu, please elaborate?"

Xu Lin didn't know Yuzu had such an experience.

"Say it in detail! If you really want to talk about it in detail, I'm going to die!!"

ps: hmm. . .Already some book friends are worried about whether my book will be taken off the shelves ww

Chapter 414

In fact, it's not that Chaoguan is absent, and it has even given three live broadcast warnings.

Here is a very practical question, that is, super management, they don’t understand Japanese (laughing and crying), they only understand some of the more illegal Japanese words such as mango, so the live singing of the fruit stand will definitely be banned, but They don't understand the live broadcast language that is commonly used in daily life. To be reasonable, the Japanese anchors live broadcast on station b are definitely a minority among the Chinese anchors.

The job of super management is actually a job with very low wages. Although all the anchors who look awesome in the live broadcast room are afraid of it, but inside the company they are the lowest-level employees with the lowest salary. It is impossible to recruit people who can speak Japanese with this level of salary.

You can’t even recruit people who can communicate in English at a daily level. Station B is not bad. How can I say that the Two-dimensional atmosphere is quite strong? There are also some employees who often watch the show and can understand some Japanese vocabulary. Other live broadcast sites recruit even more I don't even have a high school degree, and the salary is ridiculously low. (Don't ask me why I know, I studied media, and my first job was live broadcast operation.)

And when Xu Lin received the first warning, he changed some of the more exaggerated words into Japanese or that kind of less used vocabulary. Kita chick and Yuzu also followed, so far Xu Lin and the others did not say any excessive lines.

In the competition of driving skills, it is a skill to let oneself go without violating the rules.

Really, believe me, if these things they talked about were purely live broadcast clips, it would be possible to pass them, but if subtitles were added, it would definitely be a thing that could not be censored everywhere, similar to the many things that cannot be censored by Brother Inuyama Cooked meat that can only be seen online.

As for these three warnings, Renchaoguan also has an IQ. Although I don’t understand it, I can roughly guess what this group of people are talking about by looking at the context. Now the mouse is probably placed on the button to cut off the live broadcast. It's just that I haven't found any evidence to press it.

The esc club is also one of the pillars of the virtual area of ​​station b, so it must not be easily cut off, and there must be evidence.

So at the moment, Brother Chaoguan's expression is abnormally tangled.

"What's the matter? The group of people from XP Society are talking about what can make you give three warnings."

Although Chaoguan doesn't understand Japanese, the team leader in charge of this area must understand it. Although he is not very strong, he can at least understand it.

"Well, how should I put it, they...should be competing in drag racing."


Chao Guan took a sip of coffee and sprayed it directly, and the whole person was not well.

"What the hell? Then why haven't you cut off the flow!?"

"Because I don't understand! Team leader! This group of people is mixed with Chinese and Japanese chatter. I really can't find a reason to cut off the flow!"

"You bring it to me and listen."

The team leader snatched the earphones from the super tube brother, and couldn't hold the coffee in his hand after staying on his head.

So what are Xu Lin and the others talking about?

"Speaking of the style of painting, I don't really like the kind of paintings that exaggerate the proportions of the human body. This level of super-normal stimulation may make many people feel very cool, but in the eyes of people like me who can't accept it. They can no longer be regarded as human beings, but rather disgusting."

Xu Lin's words are all in Chinese, it seems that he is just discussing the style of painting, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

But they knew everything about this stuff, and what they were talking about was definitely something that would excite all kinds of LSPs.

"Well, for example, I really can't get over the painting style of some teachers, what about Tobiki-san? Can you accept this kind of ノート (book) of God's Girl は 一友の肥を持っていいます?"

When it comes to Yuzu, it’s double-added things. If you want to understand what she said, you first need to understand Japanese, and second, you need to understand the various replacement words in her words. In short, it sounds like it can be explained.

For example, if the heroine of the book is replaced with the daughter of the god, it is likely that they are playing the stalk of the girl serving the gods, and Oupai is replaced by Fatty, etc., their chatting style is like this today, so they are guarding against the one-handed over-control At the same time, it also turned this live broadcast into a carnival for a few people.

Well, not only Chaoguan, but most of the audience couldn’t understand what they were talking about, and the few simultaneous interpreters tried their best to show everyone the art of translation. After a live broadcast, Chaoguan’s hair was not lost The simultaneous interpretation was also lost because of wanting to avoid words.

"Speaking of this style of painting, I think part of it is acceptable. It is human instinct to release violence, and the pursuit of big and good is the pursuit of spiritual realm. We like Two-dimensional because we can see three-dimensional here. Is there something that can't exist at all?"

Yuanchu patted her own steel plate, her tone was deep and melancholy, but when you really understand what she is talking about, you will find that it is absolutely too fast to go too fast.

"オリジナル (original) 加しが强い (impulse) HI·CLAS (upper class)!"

Yuzu excitedly yelled three words, standard Chinese-Japanese, but it just made people who understand her confused and thought she was sick.

"Damn it, it's so tiring to talk like this, how long will it take to download it?"

After shouting, Yuzu wilted instantly, complaining dejectedly.

"Well... it should be soon."

That's really fast.

"Team leader, cut it?"

"Cut it off...By the way, this live broadcast room is banned for a week."

Although I knew in my heart that banning the broadcast for a week was not a punishment for the three little bastards who did not use their own live broadcast room, but it was just to show an attitude.

The live broadcast department also has its own KPIs to be developed!If three medium-sized anchors are really blocked, what will happen to this year's KPI!

"Ah... really cut it."

When the live broadcast room suddenly turned into a black screen, Xu Lin froze for a moment, then shook his head dumbfounded.

"Good guy, old lady, you really can't say what you say, the effect of this live broadcast exploded immediately."

Youzi didn't expect to be forced to leave work just by complaining casually, and even banned from broadcasting and even reconnecting. Now the barrage in the live broadcast room is much more lively than before.

"Tch, I haven't played enough, let's continue next time, senior."

"Forget it, next time you go find someone else to play with, senior sister."

Hearing Yuanchu's disappointed tone, Xu Lin shivered.

What are you playing for? In just one and a half hours, her three views have almost been refreshed.

It's better to let Yuzu, the little bastard, play with Tobichu, she will not accompany her.

"Then let's go here first today. The first time driving back is a complete success, and I look forward to the next issue. Well, it's hard work."

"Miss, you've worked hard!"

"Good job."

ps: I wrote this chapter without even a single block word, it seems that I have made progress~

Chapter 415 Chapter 37 When a Straight Man Meets Tsundere

After downloading the broadcast, Xu Lingang wanted to stretch to relieve the fatigue after sitting for a long time, but suddenly found a girl with long black and straight eyes staring at her.

If you describe it carefully, it is probably like this.


"Youyue, aren't you going to prepare for the live broadcast?"

Having settled down, Xu Lin asked curiously.

Although the eldest lady's live broadcast today is half an hour away from now at eleven o'clock, it is quite normal to prepare half an hour in advance, it is better to say that the time is already a little tight.

"Let's not talk about this, Linchan, what you talked about with Yuanchu and the others just now, I feel so good ~ sour~ oh~!"

But the eldest lady is obviously more interested in other things than going to work now.

"Why don't you drive back? How can you be driving if you don't talk?"

Waving her hands casually, the white-haired girl shyly perfunctory.

In fact, she would still feel ashamed about disclosing her xp, but how should I put it, things like live broadcasting, especially the project of driving back, is to abandon shame in exchange for the greatest effect.

To be honest, she would never engage in such topics.

It’s as if she has an author friend who is usually very shy in reality and never discloses her xp even if it’s just a group friend on the Internet, but as soon as she arrives in the book, all kinds of cars fly away, messing around Dare to say anything.

"Hey~~ That Linjiang~"

The eldest lady's voice suddenly became much softer, lying in the arms of the white-haired girl acting like a baby, her big eyes blinked and blinked very cutely.

"I won't agree."

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