It's impossible to kiss for real, let's not talk about whether the live broadcast room will be promoted, the most important question is still there. . .

Will wear the mold.

Yes, that's right, it will wear the mold.

The characters modeled by the two-dimensional painting style always have a certain degree of exaggeration, and the modeling of Xu Lin and the young lady are somewhat different from their own heads and bodies. It’s okay to hold hands and fight, even if The audience won't care if there is a little bit of modeling, but if you really want to kiss.

Just imagine that picture.

The two girls are playing a poky game, their lips are gradually approaching, and they are about to kiss!kissed!Ok?Why are you still moving forward! ?

Oh, it's molded. . .

That picture is really too sloppy, and a bit outrageous, too dramatic, so it should be avoided as much as possible.

So the staff will not help the audience this time, this is a matter of principle.

"Then let's continue the game. How many questions are there in this tacit quiz? Hey~ three questions, that's okay."

A small game session with a 10-minute process, naturally the time will not be too long, after all, it is the first 3D session of the young lady, Xu Lin will not take too long.

If you really want to see 3D stickers, there are still opportunities in the future—probably.

In short, the two started the second round of question and answer, and this time the question was.

'Which time is the most profound outing in your memory? '

"This question shouldn't go wrong, Miss."

After seeing this question, Xu Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

This is so simple that it is difficult to answer it differently.

"That's right! Miss Ben will definitely not get the wrong answer this time!"

The eldest lady is also full of confidence.

'So now, please write your answers on the tablet. '

[Written on the chests of Baa Li, Leopard Leopard, Sister Xiaoyin, Master Xing, etc.]

【Grass, this can also milk】


"www, what are you talking about? Why did Master Xing come out?"

When Xu Lin saw this barrage, he couldn't hold back and sprayed it out.

【Because these guys are all here w】

"Ah? Forget about Sister Xiaoyin and Baobao, shouldn't Baa Li be on the live broadcast at this time? And Master Xing, won't she work overtime today?"

Then Xu Lin is also an old DD, and he is very handy with all kinds of vup tricks.

"Crap! Why does everyone know that I'm working overtime!!"

On the other hand, Master Xing was in the midst of daily chaos during the rare live broadcast, and when he heard Xu Lin's words, he became violent at the beginning.

"Where did the ghost come from!"

No, Lord Xing, you are an overtime vup, probably everyone in the vup circle knows about it. . .

Personal potential may not know you, but corporate potential like ESC can be obtained through pre-job training.

The camera returns to Xu Lin and the eldest lady.

After the two of them joked about it for a while, they finally wrote the answer and displayed it on the screen together.

This time it was very consistent.

"Sure enough, it was that time. Miss Ben said that we can still agree on such a simple question."

Xu Youyue breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Xu Lin would go up there when he wrote the cat cat head underwear or went to the movies together.

"Yes, as expected, this trip to the amusement park is still necessary. A lot of things really happened that time. Apart from some little bastards who suddenly appeared to cause trouble, there are many memorable things that are worth mentioning. "

Xu Lin also nodded. After all, it was the first time that the two actually confessed their love. It would be perfectly fine for them to travel together with the one with the deepest impression.

[Then may I ask which incident impressed you the most? 】

【That's right, there were too many inside stories about that trip to the amusement park, we don't even know anything about it! 】

[I seriously doubt that you have actually been together since that time! 】

You have to say that sometimes the audience's instincts are still very accurate, but the two can't decipher this matter, at least not now.

Don't ask, just ask for the effect of future programs.

"One of the things that left the deepest impression on that trip..."

Xu Lin tapped his chin with his finger. In fact, the most impressive thing is that the confession on the Ferris wheel did not run away, but other than that. . .

The two looked at each other and said in unison.

"Sure enough, it's the decryption chamber!"

"roller coaster."

Well, in unison w.

"Why a roller coaster?"

The white-haired girl looked at the eldest lady in an incomprehensible way and asked.

"Because it's interesting www Wakaba, you're still wet... Mmmmmmm!"

"You can't say that, shit!!!"

Lin Jiang covered Xu Youyue's mouth when she was halfway through her words, and could only struggle helplessly.

【Um! ? 】

【I!want!listen! ! 】

【quick!point!Say! ! 】

"Ahem, this is paid content, I really can't say it."

Xu Lin cleared his throat, and then decisively changed the subject.

"Miss, I thought you would talk about the secret room. That one left a deep impression on me. It's a very interesting secret room. If you have a chance, you can also take your partner to see it. It's really a test tacit understanding and affection."

"Come on, Luo Ye, that secret room is simply a kind of torture. Generally, couples will definitely break up when they enter."

The eldest lady rolled her eyes and complained angrily.

The secret room designed by Uncle Linjiang is simply too simple. Without relevant reasoning knowledge, familiarity with psychology, strong will and good physical strength, it is impossible to pass the level.

The difficulty can definitely be said to be abnormal level, and the design of the pressure to create a horror atmosphere is also professional, one who doesn't pay attention will leave a psychological shadow, okay.

"But the success of the strategy is indeed very fulfilling and can increase the goodwill. Speaking of which, it is because of that secret room that I completely fell in love with you."

Xu Lin didn't care too much, the feeling of fighting wits and bravery with the designer of the secret room in that secret room was so refreshing, even she got the idea, and couldn't help using profile on Xu Youyue for the first time.

And because of this, it was the first time that she really understood the feelings of the eldest lady for her, otherwise, the Ferris wheel confession at night might not have existed.

"That's true, but I don't want to do it again if it's possible."

The eldest lady sighed slightly, and said helplessly.

[I'm so curious about what secret room! 】

[Isn't the amusement park the two of them went to at that time already speculated? Can someone tell me. 】

[I looked at it, and it should be a popular two-person secret room full of five-star praise. It looks pretty good. If you have a chance, take your girlfriend to play with it. 】

Xu Lin and the eldest lady would not know how much traffic their casual chat brought to the secret room and how many couples broke up.

Chapter 423 Chapter 44 The Xu Family's Housework Assignment

"Although the following items are not unified, this question should be considered correct."

After playing around for a while, Xu Lin finally started to care about the punishment game.

"That's right. After all, I only asked about the most impressive outings. The following items are supplementary content, so they don't count."

The eldest lady immediately helped, and she was too proficient in singing and dancing.

'pass. '

The staff just typed two words silently in the live broadcast room, as if a bit unwilling, maybe regretting why they didn't ask more details.

"Then let's take a look at the third question. Staff-san, please gkd, get off work and I have to go back to buy groceries."

The white-haired girl urged me viciously.

'Question [-]: How do the two of you divide the housework in normal times? '


When Xu Lin saw this question, he felt that something was going to happen, but when he looked back, the eldest lady's face turned dark.

"It's obviously my 3D round. Why do you ask such a question! Do you have a heart in the operation?"

[Wakaba's mother takes care of all the housework w]

【Absolutely, Operation Sang is doing something wrong】


Although there is, it's hard to say, but yes. . .

Well, the two of them have already written the answer in such a short period of time, so let's read it first.First of all, the answer given by the eldest lady is!

'Wife Ruoye takes care of all the housework. '

Then Lin Jiang's answer is yes!

'Me: work

Miss: Encouragement teacher of beautiful girls. '


[Low EQ, the eldest lady is lazy, high EQ, beautiful girl encourager hahaha]


[I didn't even know if Ruoye was trying to survive or was acting strangely]

"What do you mean! Luo Ye!"

Xu Youyue raised the tablet in her hand and was about to throw it at Xu Lin.

"What's wrong with the beautiful girl encourager, how good the beautiful girl encourager is!"

Xu Lin dodged and said with a smile.

"Be reasonable, miss, let's make a comparison."

She rolled her eyes and blurted out strange words.

"How much does it cost to hire a nanny who cooks for you every day and does housework?"


The eldest lady froze for a moment, then began to recall.

"Don't tell me that Miss Ben has actually seen it before. It seems that the average salary of a nanny who cooks and cleans once a day is now around [-] to [-], which is divided according to the size of the room and cooking skills."

In fact, I haven't seen it anywhere, but she has it at home.

[No, why do you know this. 】

[Could it be that you really checked it out. . . 】

[As expected of the eldest lady. 】

"Then do you know the hourly salary for hiring a beautiful girl encourager?"

Seeing this, Xu Lin breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

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