"How many?"

"The hourly salary fluctuates between one hundred and one hundred and fifty."

The white-haired girl said confidently.

In fact, Lin Jiang didn't go to see it at all, but he knew that there was such a profession in Nihong when he read the news before.

"Then let's do the conversion. A month is calculated as 30 days. If the nanny works four hours a day, that's 30 divided by 66 and then divided by four. The hourly salary is only 67 yuan and rounded up to [-] yuan. "

Xu Lin is still very good at arithmetic. She has specially practiced mental arithmetic and she is not at the same level as her husband and sister like Seal.

"It's pretty clear if you do the math, right? In fact, the family work you undertake is more valuable, miss."

【Grass, Brother Ruoye’s desire to survive is simply full】

[Absolutely, there seems to be nothing wrong with this logic]

[No, 8000 can only hire aunts, not white-haired beautiful girls as nanny! 】

[Woooooh, where can I find a beautiful white-haired girl maid who can be hired for 8000 yuan? Bring me one too. 】

Although the barrage had already refuted Xu Lin's fallacies, the screen was blocked by Xu Lin's position, Xu Youyue couldn't see it, so the eldest lady didn't notice anything wrong.

"It seems to be the same~"

She laughed silly.

"Hey hey~ Then~ Miss Ben can get some rewards!"

"Yeah, tell me what you want to eat, I'm sure I'll be satisfied."

Seeing that he had finally fooled past, Xu Lin let out a long breath, nodded and agreed.

"Then I want to drink silk stocking milk tea~ the kind you made yourself, Ruo Ye."

"No, silk stocking milk tea is not really made from stockings..."

Xu Lin, who had never worn stockings, immediately went numb, and could only complain weakly.

【Miss, you are too easy to fool me】

【Wakaba, please save her】

[Wooooow, so sweet]

"I don't care, Miss Ben wants to drink anyway."

"Besides, the stockings you wear will have a sweaty smell, which is neither hygienic nor tasty. Are you really sure, Miss?"

The white-haired girl was still trying to struggle.

"Then wash it and do it again."

Then Xu Youyue was very firm, she wanted Xu Lin to make silk stocking milk tea.

"I say..."

Xu Linxu focused his eyes, and three black lines hung down his face.

"Miss, you just want to see me wearing stockings, right?"

She figured it out, what kind of milk tea with stockings, Xu Youyue is a drunkard who cares about stockings rather than wine.


The black-haired girl said with a smile.

"You actually admit it shamelessly!"

Shock Pro Sauce.

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】


[You still can't broadcast live! 】

"Is there any problem with Miss Ben wanting to see her girlfriend wearing stockings?"

"It's clear that I'm the one who should ask to see the stockings..."

Xu Lin rolled his eyes, then felt something was wrong and decisively changed the subject.

"Okay, so the time is almost up, now let's return the live broadcast room to our protagonist, Miss Xu Ying."

"For me, I'll get off work and go shopping for groceries. Happy live broadcast, Sakura-chan."

Then she just slipped away.

"Hey! Ruo Ye!"

"You meow me back to Miss Ben!"


The eldest lady tried to stop it but failed, stomped her feet angrily, and then yelled something that no one thought of.

"Ms. Ben wants to eat braised pork ribs tonight!"

"Ah! Got it!"

[Miss Grass www is an old foodie]

【Destroy these two people】

【Would you like to order here? 】

"Tsk, this baka."

Smacking her lips, Xu Youyue had no choice but to continue the live broadcast.

In fact, it’s not long before she gets off work. Half of the last 10 minutes are the audience’s Q&A session, and the other half are the closing song and dance session.

In fact, Xu Lin didn't really leave, he just changed into his motion capture suit and walked out from the other side to continue watching the young lady's performance.

"How about it, is the live broadcast effect okay?"

He casually took off the hair tie that bound his hair and put it on his wrist, letting his long hair fall naturally, Xu Lin looked at Sister Feng and asked.

"The two of you still ask about the effect of the live broadcast. It's always been like that. It's pretty good."

Chapter 424 Chapter 45 Mom, there's a lot of meat in the school cafeteria

During Xu Youyue's 3D review, there were actually two members of the ESC club watching.

"Ah~ I'm so envious, you say yes, sister Yuanchu."

Today, Yuzu still mingled with Yuanchu's house, and the two were watching the live broadcast in front of an LCD TV connected to a laptop.

"I said... don't you have a home? Why do you always run to me?"

Although it is true that being with someone is more interesting than living alone, Yuzi's behavior of deliberately going to her house by taking the subway farther away when she obviously has a home still makes her complain.

"Because Sister Yuanchu's home is more homely."

【Because I want to form a family with you. 】

What Yuzu really wanted to say turned around in her heart, but it turned into very ordinary words.

She was lying on the sofa with a pillow under her body, which made her posture look a little distorted. The blue striped pajamas she was wearing didn't look so cute or handsome, but they were full of life.

"What is the taste of home..."

An Ai muttered something in a low voice, but did not continue on this topic, but answered Yuzu's first sentence.

"My 3D is pretty fast. For you, it's easy to work hard to get [-] followers."

The 3D model of Yuanchu is the first batch to be done, but it is only after the first-term students. If I really want to say, it can be opened in the next week.

Now she is also preparing for her own 3D round, but after all, Yuzu has not debuted for a long time, and it will take a long time if she really has to line up.

After all, the standard for obtaining 3D models set by the boss is to have more than [-] fans in three months of live broadcast. The growth rate of Yuzu's fans is not bad, but it is still too early to calculate the debut time, and she has only debuted for more than a month.

"Yes, but the live broadcast has become more and more slack recently. The school has a lot of homework near the mid-term, and it feels like there is not much time for the live broadcast."

Yuzu pursed her mouth and said with some complaints.

"Come on, you're just lazy, don't think I don't know that your homework is copied from your sister's, and the seniors have complained about it."

Yuanchu rolled her eyes and poked her face angrily.

"Hey~~ Why did my sister tell you everything!"

The punctured pomelo rolled back and forth on the sofa twice, acting like a child.

"Don't roll to the ground..."

Before the words fell, there was a muffled plop, and a certain short-haired girl had already fallen into the gap between the sofa and the coffee table, and there was only a scream before it fell silent.


"Look at what I'm saying."

Yuanchu shook her head helplessly, and crawled to Yuzu's side to poke her head out to see the situation of the restless little sister, but she didn't expect that she would suddenly grab her wrist.

"Miss Kita~~"

The girl's pupils shrank instantly, trembling, but the tone of her mouth seemed to be just a prank, she pulled the kite chick off with all her strength, and the two of them leaned close to each other with their hearts close to each other.

"What are you doing?"

Yuanchu suddenly said a little dissatisfied, and just wanted to get up, but was hugged by the people below her neck.

"It's nothing, I just want to hug you."

The confession lines that had been prepared a long time ago could not be uttered at this moment. Xu You lowered her eyes, and her tone was inexplicably sad, which made Yuanchu's heart tighten, and the two stopped their movements at the same time. No one spoke.

But the rapid heartbeat was deafening, and the citrus aroma lingered in their noses.


Yuanchu responded in a low voice, and didn't speak, but silently lowered her body, making the two of them stick closer together, and also saved Yuzi from having to lean her upper body up so uncomfortable.

The two of them just stayed there for a long time. On the invisible TV, the joyful and sweet voices of Xu Ying and Lan Ruoye continued to be heard. There were two different worlds inside and outside the screen, which made people feel happy. The atmosphere became more and more subtle.

For a long time, just when Yuanchu couldn't help wondering if the grapefruit leaning against her neck was asleep, she suddenly felt a weak air current blowing the hair at her temples, itching, as if touching the heartstrings Same.

"Sister Yuanchu, you are so gentle, do you really eat well when I'm not around?"

Yuzu's voice was very light, not only was the voice very soft, but even the tone didn't fluctuate much, it seemed that she was just asking another question in a bland manner.

"It has grown by 1.5kg."

Yuanchu was stunned for a moment, her body tensed up suddenly, her pupils shrank suddenly, as if she was recalling something, but she relaxed instantly, she relaxed her weight with peace of mind, letting the weight of more than sixty kilograms of her whole body be pressed on Yuzu's body, she whispered , said aggrieved as if acting like a baby.

"Is it."

Yuzu's tone was a little trembling, but a little happy.



It seems to be the autumn of 16.

An's mother was lying on a white hospital bed, her smaller body was exactly the same as Yuanchu's, and she looked very thin even when lying flat. Years of hard work had made her hands very rough and covered with thorns, and the joints on her palms were abnormally prominent, but that was it. Holding up a piece of kite chick's sky with both hands.

I also held her hand today.

Yuanchu's palm was immature and white, and it felt painful to be rubbed by sandpaper when grasped by An Ma's rough palm, but she still held it tightly, trembling, afraid that she would leave her in the next second.

That was the day when An's mother was notified that she was critically ill, and it was also the day when Yuanchu felt that the sky was falling.

At that time, Yuanchu had just entered the palace of the university, and had already completed a whole school year of credits by self-study, relying on the meager monthly salary of the school's work-study position, and An Ma would send her money every month on time, She wanted it, but she didn't move a penny, but silently accumulated it, as if she was accumulating love.

She chose the major of economics because she simply thought that this major could make money. After earning money, she could let her mother rest, and if she made money, she could help repay the mortgage. . .

Just when she was moving towards her goal full of energy, a notice of critical illness directly dragged her from her stable and peaceful campus life to Anma's hospital bed.

At that time, that person reached out and squeezed her shoulders and arms like today, and said the same thing to her in a joking tone like a normal mother.

"An Ai, did you eat well? Why didn't you grow any meat?"

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