Love is a good word, and taboo same-sex love is a long-standing theme in literature. It is absolutely impossible to say that Qianqian, a literary girl, does not understand, but it is precisely because of understanding that she knows what it takes to make that decision. What courage.

So even though Yuzu's liking is very casual, she still admires this girl's courage. She thinks it's amazing that she has the courage to take that step. As said, there is a tragic past that I don't want to mention.

But Qianqian won't go into it. If Yuzu wants to talk, she will be a suitable companion, but if this girl who is always making fun of things doesn't want to talk, then she won't go into it.

So it is actually very strange to ask what Qianqian, who was invited to join the ESC club after meeting Xu Lin that day, thought.

She agreed to join the club with the expectation of reading a good book.

"A person's life is like an endless library. A lifetime is a book, a year is a book, a month is a book, and a day is a book."

"A relationship, an experience, and a dream are all books that can be read."

This passage was said by Qianqian to Yuzu at the time, but at that time Yuzu was using his poor knowledge reserve to say sentences such as the moonlight is so beautiful to play a weird clown trying to make the beauty smile.

Qianqian smiled happily, but she didn't make any waves at Yuzu's hint.


"That's why literary girls like brain supplements."

Looking at the first draft of the character design sent by the three of them, Xu Lin couldn't help laughing softly.

The setting of a librarian who wants to read the audience's story really fits Qianqian's personality, and she is indeed suitable to be an intimate radio host. Under the beautiful and sad bgm, after slowly reading an audience's story, she whispers In one breath, she said one or two beautiful sentences with her healing voice, which warmed people's hearts.

But this character set also exposed her psychology.

"Sure enough, love that comes easily is always hard to cherish."

The white-haired girl sighed softly again, and then looked at the settings of Yunyun and Xiaoge.

Speaking of which, how did Yunyun, a girl who looks very ordinary, sings very ordinary, has almost no talent, and can't speak a few words of Japanese, pass the interview at ESC?

Well, very simple.

She will live.

And it also comes with cp.

Such a small house girl like a pistachio is very suitable for her debut as a vup, and in fact, the recruitment standard of ESC Club is not very high. Before, she just kept selecting the best from the best, so she picked out the former in each resume. This group of monsters and monsters was born in the fifth period.

No way, when the hr sees the experience written on the resumes of these people, ordinary people can’t compare. The gorgeousness of each of these people can’t help but make people wonder if they are fake resumes. Under the inquiry of the boss who initiated the relationship It turned out to be all true, so why not recruit them?

However, the resumes of Xiaoge and Qianqian are indeed in the traditional style of ESC, and they are so gorgeous that people wonder if they went to this university because they spread their energy too much, but let’s talk about these later. His gaze returned to Xu Lin's side.

In a qq group called [Newcomer Training], Xu Lin casually typed out a line.

[Wakaba: The settings are all okay, it can pass. 】

[Yunyun: Good! 】

[Wakaba: Next, think about what kind of avatar you want. You are lucky to be able to make some suggestions yourself, which is a privilege that none of us have. 】

[Qianqian: Thank you for your hard work, senior. 】

[Ruo Ye: If you don't mind, please call me Luo Ye or Senior Sister or something, seniors sound a little strange, I used to be alumni of the same university as you. 】

Xu Lin is an old liar, he just made up a reason and the three of them went around in circles.

[Yunyun: Alright Brother Wakaba! 】

[Ruo Ye: You are so fast, why did you find my previous slice so quickly? 】

[Yunyun: Hehehe~ But Brother Ruoye, did you really change your appearance by changing your appearance so suddenly? I always feel that this plot is very familiar, as if I have read it in some novels. 】

【Wakaba: What are you thinking, how could there be such an illogical thing as transformation in reality. 】

[Yunyun: That's right, haha. 】

[Xiaoge: Yunyun, you are too familiar. 】

"It's obviously Xiaoge, you are too cold! If you don't have a good relationship with your senior, you will be cold and violent at the workplace?"

Beside the food stall, Yunyun held up a cute pale pink cartoon phone case with many stickers on it, and she protested cutely.

"Is there? I think it's okay."

Xiaoge shrugged, picked up her plain black mobile phone and typed back the message.

[Xiaoge: Senior Ruoye, we don't have classes this weekend, do we need to go to the club? 】

[Ruo Ye: Alright, then I'll let Brother Hamster pick you up when the time comes. 】

If you don’t look carefully, no one will know that Xiaoge and Yunyun are using a matching pair of mobile phone cases, just like no one will know that when the girls in the 404 dormitory were picking out mobile phone cases online together, the grapefruit was given to Qianqian. Where did she put that love phone case?

"This stinky tofu is really delicious! Xiaoge Qianqian, let's come together next time!"

"You stay away from me."

Seeing Yunyun walking and eating with a box of stinky tofu and even leaning over, Xiaoge took two steps back in horror, raised his right hand in disgust and directly hit Yunyun's face.

"It stinks!"

"Wooooow! Qianqian! Xiaoge thinks I stink!"

Yunyun faked crying at the time, turned around and threw herself into the arms of the literary girl, tied a piece of stinky tofu with a stick and fed it to her mouth.

"www Xiaoge doesn't like stinky tofu, so don't embarrass her."

Gently opened his mouth to grab the stinky tofu, chewed it slowly, and then smiled and opened his mouth to adjust the conflict between the two.

"I don't care! Stinky tofu is so delicious, why do I get rejected every time I buy it back to the dormitory!"

Yunyun acted coquettishly as if she was cheating, but she didn't bark so loudly.

As for whether Xiaoge's whispered "I don't dislike you" was heard, that is really a detail that no one knows.

Chapter 431 Chapter 52 It's been so many years, Yuzu, you have grown up.

"came back?"


In the evening, when Yuzu rushed to Tobichu's house after class, she greeted her with the same attitude as usual.

'here we go again? '

'came back? '

Just replacing one word, but the meaning is so different, so much that Yuzu didn't know how to answer for a while, so she could only nod blankly.

"Go take a shower first, look at your stinky sweat."

Yehai City in November is not as hot as it used to be, but you will sweat a lot after jogging all the way back like Yuzu.

"it is good."

It's strange to say that the fresh and elegant girl in front of me has such a natural attitude, but Yuzu is suddenly at a loss.

If it had been before, she would have smiled and rubbed up against Tobichu, who gave her two punches, or complained about the weather while skillfully picking up the towel hanging by the side and rushing directly into the bathroom to take a shower.

But today, she was pushed into the bathroom by Yuanchu, and even the bath towel was stuffed into her hands by Yuanchu.

It's like a little girl who was flustered when she was a guest at someone's house for the first time and didn't know where to put her hands, but in fact, when she first stepped into this room, she was not as nervous as she is today.

It was as if there was an inexplicable atmosphere surrounding her, which prevented her from making jokes as unscrupulously as before. It was strange, but familiar.

Hiding in the toilet, Yuzu thought for a while and still didn't take off her clothes. Instead, she turned on the shower after waiting for a while, pretending to be taking a shower, and called her old sister to ask for help outside the venue. .


Xu Lin didn't expect that she would receive a call from Yuzu at this time. Her first reaction was that this kid might be doing a live broadcast, but she clicked on the computer to check and found nothing, so she connected to the video with doubts. On the phone, I found that the kid was squatting by the pool alone, surrounded by the sound of the shower.

What should I say about that mood, some are dumbfounded, and some are indisputable.


Youzi felt a little wronged, and Xu Lin couldn't help but think of the child's pitiful appearance when she was taken to the hotel by the big sister of Lily Circle and called her at a loss. At that time, she was also like this, squatting in a small corner by herself, Quietly, not even daring to let go of his voice, he called for help.

"What's the matter, haven't you already moved in?"

The white-haired girl rubbed the center of her brows with some headaches, and said angrily.

She worked so hard to find a wingman to assist Youzi, why did this kid pull the cross by himself?

"It's moved in, but sister Yuanchu's reaction is completely different from what I expected!"

The tip of Yuzu's nose was a little red, tears were about to come down, and her voice was so wronged that Xu Lin couldn't help but quietly turned on the phone to record the screen.

If there is such a day in the future, it will definitely be interesting to show this video at Yuzu and Tobihina's wedding.

"Huh? What's the matter, she asked you to move out?"

"No~, Sister Yuanchu acted like when I didn't move in, it feels like she doesn't care if I move in or not!"

"No, isn't this a good thing? Why are you crying?"

"Why is it a good thing, there will be no progress at all, what's the point of me moving here!"

Yuzu continued.

"Hmm... save the rent?"

"elder brother!"

Youzi waved her small fist angrily, as if she was about to rush over and fight Xu Lin to the death.

"Just kidding..."

Xu Lin touched the tip of his nose embarrassingly, and then became serious again.

"Then what's going on with you today, tell me about it."

"I just pushed the door open and came in normally, Sister Yuanchu said..."

After Yuzu finished recounting what happened tonight, Xu Lin burst out laughing.

"why are you laughing!"

"It's nothing, I just didn't expect that my sister, a veteran in love, Lily's scumbag, would be so cowardly."

The white-haired girl smiled so heartlessly that Yuzu once wondered if she shouldn't have made this call at all.

"Laugh again and I'll hang up!"

"Don't hang up, don't hang up, so, let me give you a trick."

Xu Lin quickly stopped, then thought for a while and continued.

"Aren't you all going to broadcast live tonight? After the live broadcast, find a chance when you want to sleep..."


After listening to her sister's method, Yuzu obviously had some ideas in her heart. She took advantage of the bath time to sort out her emotions, wiped off the fog on the mirror, looked at her eye circles, and confirmed that there were no traces of crying before she wrapped herself up. Came out with a towel.

"finished Wash?"

I have seen this scene too much, and there is almost no fluctuation in my heart. I just said something very ordinary, which is regarded as greeting.

"Well, it's done."

"What time is the live broadcast tonight?"

"Nine o'clock."

After a while of awkward chatting, Yuzu went back to the bedroom to change clothes, while Yuanchu continued to sit on the sofa and brush her phone.

"What would you like to eat tonight?"

After a while, Yuzu changed her clothes and came out, taking the lead in opening the topic.

"Whatever, I don't have anything special to eat, you can make grapefruit whatever you want."

Yuanchu thought for a while, and found that there was really nothing she wanted to eat, then she replied lightly, without even taking her eyes off the phone the whole time.

"Then I'll make pork belly stewed cabbage. My live broadcast time is an hour earlier than yours, and the time to start making it after the end is just right."

"This is good~"

Kite Chick still likes pomelo's cooking skills. She can always cook home-style meals with great care. Although there are occasional cases where too much salt is added, it is a hundred times better than takeaway.

Perhaps, to eat home-cooked food, what you eat is the heart and atmosphere of the chef.

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