After all, eating alone is a very lonely thing.

Yuanchu's live broadcast tonight is a very ordinary song, and she doesn't plan to say anything about the two living together for the time being, because the audience will keep fighting and disrupt the rhythm of the live broadcast.

I don't know if it's because of the ostrich mentality. She didn't even tell Xue Yue what happened in the past two days. She just thought slowly by herself, and couldn't figure out why she didn't refuse Yuzu to move in.

Although there must be reasons why I was embarrassed to refuse, but I couldn't fake my happy mood at that time. Some things can fool everyone but not myself.

Singing a song called "Unrequited Love", thinking that it should be the girl with short hair who is busy in the kitchen, I feel happy again for some reason.

At the end of the live broadcast, Yuanchu, who could smell the fragrance through two doors, ran to the kitchen clutching her growling belly. It was already eleven o'clock in the evening, but it was just the right time for Yuanchu's schedule. It's just dinner time.

Grapefruit is also just for her dinner, and she didn't start eating supper until now.

At the dining table, Xiang Gu finished eating silently.

One person cleaned up the dishes, one person cleaned up the dining table, and they met again in the living room in a tacit understanding. Youzi stood in front of her bedroom door, pushed the door open with one hand, and looked sideways at the kite chick who was lying on the sofa with no image to digest, It took a lot of courage to open my mouth.

"Good night, sister Anai."

Chapter 432 Chapter 53 Rice is hard to come by, please cherish breakfast


After Yuzu slipped back to the bedroom as if escaping, lifted the quilt and wrapped herself into a caterpillar, Yuanchu was still in place, chanting her own name as if reminiscing about something.

How much trembling in the voice.

The difference in tone between sorrow and love is so different.

Just like Yuanchu and Anai, there is only one screen away, but the gap is as deep as Songshan Mountain.

Subconsciously, she heard the sorrow that Yuzu said as love, and then she was stunned for a long time before she realized that the name 'An Ai' was no longer known by her side. Everyone knew Yuanchu and An Ai. , is now this girl who laughs and scolds, loves, hates, hates, and has nothingness.

It's not the little girl who went to the police station to change her name in the second grade.

But that memory couldn't be blocked by reason, and it occupied her whole mind involuntarily. Scene after scene was played slowly like an old film movie, one after another, but suddenly stopped three years ago, fast forward Tonight.

'Be careful on the road, An Ai. '

This is what the girl with long white hair said to her under the starless night sky.

'Good night, sister Anai. '

This is what the girl with short black hair told her in this warm yellow glowing room.

The two completely opposite tones express good wishes.Just like the two sisters' feelings for her.


The fresh and elegant girl couldn't help comparing these two sentences, tears of sadness or happiness gradually poured out from the corners of her eyes.

"You sisters, why, it makes me want to cry like this."

Wiping her tears with the corner of her pajamas, the girl stood in front of Yuzu's bedroom, sobbing, crying, sad, joyful, reunited after a long absence.

Just because of one sentence.

Perhaps the tears of adults are the most valuable, because they have deeply understood that crying does not solve any problems.

But the tears of adults are also the least valuable, because they have learned to vent their emotions with tears, and they will cry for a small incident that happened by chance, a warm or sarcastic word.

Three years of An Ai did not cry, because she felt that crying was weak and tears were impotent.

Three years later, An Ai wept silently in the living room, but only because of a good night.

Who can tell what has changed?

Kite Chick didn't stay where she was for a long time, gradually her tears dried up on her eyelashes, her mental and physical exhaustion made her collapse on the sofa.

I don't want to sleep, but I want to sleep again.

Such a hypocritical little girl's mentality is not in Yuanchu's character, but tonight, she just wants to be hypocritical after a long absence.

But after all, she couldn't bear the drowsiness and walked into the dreamland.

Remember to turn off the lights with the remote control before going to bed.


When Yuzu, who was tossing and turning and insomnia last night, was woken up by the alarm clock in a daze the next morning, what she saw when she went out was the kite chick sleeping in the living room.

"Why did you sleep in the living room again?"

But this kind of thing is very common. Not only is Yuanchu a more casual person in life, her sleeping position is even more random. When it is the most outrageous, she can even sleep wrapped in a quilt in the gap between the bedroom bed and the wardrobe.

Xu You sighed, turned and went back to the room, took out a thin quilt from under her bed, walked to Yuanchu's side, and covered her skillfully.

But when he was about to leave, he couldn't help but take another look at Yuanchu's peaceful sleeping face, and saw the tears in the corners of her eyes.


Yuzu murmured in disbelief, the outstretched hand just floated three centimeters above Kita's cheek, and she took it away again.

"Let's make preserved egg and lean pork porridge today."

After crying, when you go to bed and wake up, you will feel dry mouth and hungry, and you need to add salt and water.

Prepare the ingredients needed for cooking porridge, put it in the rice cooker and simmer slowly, set the time and heat preservation, Yuzu thought about it and left a post-it note on the coffee table in front of Yuanchu.

It takes too long to cook porridge, and she has no time to eat it since she has to go to school.

"If you don't leave a message for Sister Yuanchu, she will forget to eat breakfast again."

Squatting by the coffee table in front of Yuanchu's sleeping face, Yuzu grabbed a pen and wrote stroke by stroke on the post-it note.

'I left your favorite preserved egg porridge in the rice cooker, remember to eat it when you wake up. '

After thinking about it, Yuzu shyly added a stick figure of her avatar at the back, and beside the picture, she even drew a heart.


"That's it, sister, why do you think sister An Ai is crying?"

After walking out of the room, Yuzu's first thing was naturally to call Linjiang, the dog's head military division.

This early morning phone call directly woke up Xu Lin, a night owl who had become more and more irregular recently, and was forcibly pulled up by Yuzi to make suggestions.

"Uh~~ha, Linjiang~~who called so early~"

Oh no, there is also a second night owl with sleepy eyes playing a long tone.

There are relatively few classes in the third year, and most of them are arranged in the afternoon, so the eldest lady has been almost assimilated by Lin Jiang recently, and the good work and rest that has been maintained for many years has been ruined, and they went to hell together.

"It's pomelo, Xiaoyue, go to bed first, I'll go out and talk to her, and I'll talk to you when you wake up."

The white-haired girl got up and got out of bed, and said softly to Xu Youyue.

"Okay~~ Then I want to have porridge for breakfast~"

"Well, I'll do it later."

"Sister, can you and sister-in-law stop stuffing me with dog food at this time?"

On the other end of the phone, wearing the earphones, he swiped his card and walked out of the community like rushing to school. After listening to the whole process, Yuzi's face became embarrassed, and he complained helplessly.

"Who told you to call me at this time."

The white-haired girl rolled her eyes, and said to herself that it's fine if I didn't hang up when I was disturbed during my good sleep, why are you still complaining?

But after all, she was still her own sister, and she just made complaints about it with confidence.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, right? Sister, quickly analyze and analyze for me what to do next."

Youzi was in a hurry, she was really numb about today's matter, and after thinking about it, she didn't think that anything other than daily things happened last night - the reason why Yuanchu cried could only be because of her sudden good night up.

"What else can I do, just like this?"

Xu Lin walked into the kitchen, put the phone on the microwave oven, and said while cutting the meat into minced meat.

"Don't you still want to capture kite chicks in one go? Don't think about it, it's impossible."

"Hey! That's not what I meant!"

Youzi stomped her feet, deeply feeling that Xu Lin had already stereotyped her, but now is not the time to say this.

"I'm just... just..."

Yuzu stuttered, and finally uttered a word in a low voice.

"I just want to ask how to comfort her..."

Chapter 433 Chapter 54 Love is trying to make you laugh when you are sad

Grapefruits have really grown up.

This was Xu Lin's first reaction.

She finally understands that the most important thing in a relationship is not happiness, not happiness, but to take good care of that person.

It's not that happiness and happiness are not important, but that happiness will come naturally only if you take good care of the one you love, shelter her from the wind and rain and give her a warm home.

If you only pursue happiness, it is better to go to the big sword.

The most important thing in love is to cherish each other.

And this kind of cherishing must be mutual and not expecting anything in return, just like her and the eldest lady.

Like is that I am willing to cook porridge for you to satisfy all your desires.

Love is the warm embrace I send you when you are in pain.

like it

I stand behind you and support all your decisions.

Without the help of the eldest lady, Xu Lin's plan to bring in Yuzi and the rest of the dormitory could not have been implemented so smoothly. In just a few days, the entire company's employees have been mobilized to work overtime because of the boss and the eldest lady. This can only be done with the support of the actual controlling shareholder of the company behind the scenes.

But although I am very pleased that the pomelo is gradually growing, it has become mature and reliable, but it's okay. . .

"Don't ask me about this."

She could only smile bitterly about the question of grapefruit.

Comforting people is really not her strong point.

"I'm going to old sister, you won't come to this juncture and suddenly stop helping me!"

On the other end of the phone, Youzi got on the bus and swiped the bus card, so anxious that she even spoke her native dialect.

"It's not that I don't help, but that you have to ask yourself this question. All I can tell you is a little bit of a story."

Does Linjiang know the previous story of Yuanchu?

She knows a little bit, because Yuanchu gave her a lot of marshmallows a long time ago. At that time, she was An Ai instead of Yuanchu. At that time, she had not gradually become the person she is now, and she was still a quiet And the sad beautiful girl, addicted to the memories of the past and unable to get out, paralyzes herself with the endless amount of information on the Internet every day.

And later, An Ai turned into a kite chick.

Those past stories were buried by her own hands, and she never mentioned them. Only Xue Yue, a colleague from the same city as her, could occasionally learn a few words in offline chats.

But Xu Lin was different. After knowing that Yuanchu was An Ai, the girl who used to throw marshmallows to her when she didn't have many viewers, she spent a long time digging through the previous emails.

Read each letter carefully, and speculate on the psychological changes of Kita chick from them.

Through the information she revealed between the lines and some unexplainable social work methods, a similar story was pieced together.

Don't forget, her teacher started out as a social engineer.

"Ask myself?"

Yuzu scratched her hair with some headaches.

"That's right, ask yourself, comforting this kind of thing, routines are useless, sincerity is the most important thing."

Speaking skills are useful at some times, but sincerity is the most important thing in heart-to-heart communication.

"The help I can give you is probably to tell you the story of my senior sister."

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