Reminiscent of what Liang Kun has done during this period of time, it seems that being the talker is indeed the best choice, and they have no choice.

At this moment, Chen Haonan's cell phone rang.

"Hi, I'm Chen Haonan."

"Brother Haonan, something is wrong, the venue in Causeway Bay has been swept away!"

"What!? Who did it!"

Chen Haonan turned pale with shock, and stood up from the sofa all at once.

"I don't know each other, but the other party said they are from the Four Seas Group."

Four Seas Group?

Chu Bai!

Chen Haonan's pupils dilated suddenly, and everything about Chu Bai and the Four Seas Group emerged in his mind.

He has been on the road for so many years, and he didn't get deflated many times, but the recent consecutive deflated times were all because of the same person, that is Chu Bai.

First, my car was stolen, and I wanted to ask for an explanation, but I couldn't get it ( Zhao Hao), and then I went to Kambaguan. At the critical moment, Chu Bai jumped out and rescued Bakuan, who was killed by Brother B. reprimanded.

With all these things, Chen Haonan was deeply impressed by Chu Bai.

Now that I heard that Chu Bai's people swept the scene, I felt a chill in my heart.

According to past experience, as long as something has something to do with Chu Bai, he always seems to be the one who suffers in the end.

"Made, I don't believe in this evil level!"

Chen Haonan cursed angrily.

"Haonan, what happened?" Pheasant asked.

"The venue in Causeway Bay was swept away, and the other party was from the Saigon Universal Group."

"That Chu Bai's company?" Da Tian Er was surprised.

Chen Haonan nodded, and then ordered:

"No matter who he is, whether it's Chu Hei or Chu Bai, now that he's calling home, we can't just watch.

Pheasant, Da Tian Er, Bao Pi, you go and gather brothers, call as many as you can, come with me to get the place back! "

Chapter 88

"Wait a minute!"

Chen Haonan stopped Pheasant and the others.

"What's the matter, Brother Haonan?"

Chen Haonan said solemnly: "The Four Seas Group knows that Causeway Bay is Hong Xing's territory, but they dare to come here to clean up the situation, this time they have nothing to fear.

I'm worried that our manpower is too small, and it may be difficult to retake the territory if we rush over hastily. "

"Then what should we do? We can't just watch like this." Da Tianer said.

Pheasant said indignantly:

"Treading horses, Chu Bai's people are too arrogant. He came to grab the territory as soon as Brother B died. I think their Four Seas Group has been plotting for a long time!"

Chen Haonan waved his hand, "Now that everything has happened, it's useless to talk about it.

In this way, you continue to gather younger brothers and find all you can find. I will go to Bolan Street to borrow some troops from Thirteenth Sister. "

Pheasant and the others nodded their heads. They all knew that Thirteenth Sister and Chen Haonan had a good relationship, so it shouldn't be a problem for him to borrow someone.

"Okay, then let's meet outside Causeway Bay, and rush in together to grab the territory back!"

Pheasant said angrily.

Chen Haonan looked at his watch, "See you in an hour."

Several people left the bar, each heading in different directions.

Chen Haonan stopped a taxi.

"Where are you going?" Brother asked.

"Bo Lan Street, please hurry over there as soon as possible, I have something urgent." Chen Haonan said, handing over a banknote.

When the elder brother saw the face value, his face burst into a smile, "Sit tight, we'll be there in 5 minutes!"


5 minutes later.

Ballan Street.

Chen Haonan got off the taxi and went straight to the entrance of Bolan Street.

There are quite a few people in the hall, except for some younger brothers, there are a few women sitting around a table.

Among the women, the short-haired Thirteenth Sister was particularly eye-catching, playing mahjong with the others.

"Touch! Nonsense!"

Thirteenth Sister laughed loudly, pushed the mahjong in her hand, and embraced the woman standing beside her.

At this time, Chen Haonan came in from the outside.

"Who is it? This is the entrance of Hong Xing Tang."

The younger brother at the door stopped him. At this time, Chen Haonan's name was not so famous, and the short mules on Bolan Street didn't know him at all.

Thirteenth Sister heard the commotion inside, glanced at the door, saw Chen Haonan, and was taken aback.

"Let him in."

The younger brothers let Chen Haonan in after hearing what Thirteenth Sister said.

"Why are you here? This is not the time for you to wander around. It's time to contact the bosses of Big Boss B's subordinates and ask them to support you as the new leader."

The thirteenth sister rubbed the mahjong and said earnestly.

She is still very optimistic about Chen Haonan, she is a loyal person!

"Sister Thirteen, something is wrong, the venue in Causeway Bay has been swept away!"

As soon as Chen Haonan came in, he said anxiously, going straight to the point.

The thirteenth sister frowned when she heard the words, and looked at Chen Haonan's expression and knew that he didn't just talk about it.

It's just that she was still wondering, who on earth had the guts to sweep Hong Xing's territory?

"Do you know who did it?"

Thirteen sister asked.

Chen Haonan nodded, "I have received news that it is the Four Seas Group in Saigon."

"Sihai Group? Why have I never heard of it? When did it come out?"

Thirteen Sister usually stays on Bolan Street, and basically lives in Bolan Street, and rarely goes out for a stroll, so she doesn't know about the recent rise of the Four Seas Group.

Chen Haonan explained: "The boss of the Four Seas Group is called Chu Bai. He started from the Saigon Wharf, led the Four Seas Group to rise rapidly, and turned the entire Saigon into 473's territory!"

After hearing these words, Thirteenth Sister had some understanding of Chu Bai.

Among other things, it is still very difficult to occupy the entire Saigon in a short period of time.

Subconsciously, Thirteenth Sister was a little curious about what kind of person Chu Bai was.

After all, Hong Kong Island has been calm for too long, and no new legends have appeared in these years.

"So what do you want to come here to find me? Ask me to stop the Four Seas Group?" Thirteenth Sister looked at Chen Haonan with great interest.

She wasn't in a hurry, anyway, it wasn't her venue on Bowland Street that was being swept away.

Chen Haonan shook his head and said, "Causeway Bay was Brother B's former territory, I can't let outsiders take it away.

This matter can only be done by me personally, but the Four Seas Group is a force disguised as a company, with a lot of ruthless people under it, and I am not enough.

Thirteenth sister, I came to you to borrow some manpower from you!I hope you can look at the past and help me!Give me a group of people! "

Chen Haonan said a lot of words, then looked nervously at Thirteenth Sister.

This is his last hope. If Thirteenth Sister doesn't help him, then he has no choice but to bite the bullet and lead his little brother to fight with the Four Seas Group.

It's just that, I'm afraid...

"You're right. No matter what, the territory left by Big B cannot be occupied by outsiders."

After thinking about it, Thirteenth Sister knocked on the table, "In this way, I don't have many people here, so I can only lend you 300 people. Whether you can take back Causeway Bay depends entirely on your ability."

"Thank you Thirteenth Sister! I, Chen Haonan, will repay this favor twice in the future!"

Hearing that Thirteenth Sister agreed to borrow someone, Chen Haonan breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly expressed his opinion.

Thirteenth Sister waved her hand, "I'll talk about human feelings later, let's pass this hurdle first.

Awang, you go and gather three hundred younger brothers, and then go to Causeway Bay with Haonan, and follow his orders tonight. "

"Yes, ma'am!"

Awang said to Thirteenth Sister, and then walked in front of Chen Haonan, "Brother Haonan, come with me."

The two walked out of the hall and went to gather the manpower.


An hour later.

Outside Causeway Bay.

At this moment, Pheasant and the others have been waiting here for a long time, and at the same time, there are many younger brothers standing behind them, about 200 of them, all of whom they have found through various connections.

Once Big Brother B died, the entire Causeway Bay was in panic, and they were not big brothers, so 200 people was already the limit.

It's just that due to the patchwork, the strength of these younger brothers is uneven, and many of them are fakes.

This can be seen just by looking at many people's skinny bodies and crooked stances.

Once the situation is unfavorable, it is estimated that he can run faster than anyone else.

"Fuck, I searched and searched and only found such a few people, it's really crazy!"

Pheasant glanced behind him and cursed in a low voice.

"Now I can only hope for the people that brother Haonan borrowed, otherwise, what can I do to deal with the people of the Four Seas Group." Da Tianer also shook his head and said.

They have been on the road for a long time, and they all know what the fire is.

The comparison is which side is more ruthless and more desperate.

Baopi sighed, "It would be great if Brother Haonan was elected as the speaker. Originally, Brother B's subordinates would definitely support him."

Of course, this is not the only thing in Causeway Bay, but they don't have a name, and the rest of them can't do it at all.

They have no reason to help them, why?Just because his name is Chen Haonan?

At this time, Chen Haonan's prestige had not yet reached this level.

To put it bluntly, it's just a better dwarf mule.

Pheasant looked at the Rolex in his hand, "It will be an hour soon, why is Haonan still not coming? There should be no accidents, right?"

At this moment, Da Tianer shouted: "Come here! Brother Haonan is here!"

Pheasant and the others immediately stood up and looked to the other side.

I saw Chen Haonan leading a large group of people walking towards them. At a glance, there were more people than they had here.

"Holy shit, brother Haonan is so good, he actually borrowed someone, and borrowed so much!"

Foreskin exclaimed excitedly.

In fact, they didn't think how many people Chen Haonan could borrow before, after all, the younger brother is the one who speaks up.

It's okay to borrow it to fill the scene. Now it's time to grab the territory and go head-to-head with the Four Seas Group. In case of heavy losses, it will have a great impact on Shisanmei's strength.

And when Chen Haonan walked up to them with 300 people, Pheasant and the others realized that not only were there more people than theirs, but their strength was also not at the same level.

More than half of the 300 people brought by Chen Haonan were full of energy, with fierce eyes.

All of a sudden, the people on the pheasant side were compared.

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