"Hahaha, Haonan, I knew you would succeed!" Pheasant patted Chen Haonan on the shoulder.

"With this group of people, there is great hope to regain the venue in Causeway Bay!"

Da Tian Er also called out.

There were a total of 500 people from the two sides, and they stood together in a dense crowd, which brought him great confidence.

Chen Haonan smiled slightly, "Thanks to Sister Thirteen's loyalty, let's go, let's meet the Four Seas Group for a while!

Let them know that Hong Xing can't be provoked by anyone! "

"Yes! Drive away the Dog Day's Four Seas Group!"

"Causeway Bay belongs to Hung Hing!"

A group of people shouted in unison, and then headed towards Causeway Bay.

"The closest to here is Jiujiang Street, start here!"

Chen Haonan sneered, and rushed into Jiujiang Street with Pheasant and others.

The 500 people acted together in a very grand manner, and there was no way to deceive others. They were discovered by the people in Jiujiang Street immediately.

The person in charge of this street is the plane. He has already driven all Hongxing's short mules out of Jiujiang Street, and he was wandering between various places.

When I heard the shouts outside, I was startled.

He opened the window and saw Chen Haonan and others rushing in.


"Where are there so many people in Chen Haonan!?"

500 people rushed over aggressively, giving people a lot of visual impact.

But the plane is not scary, what Chu Bai values ​​most about him is that he dares to fight, no matter how strong the enemy is, he is not afraid.

"Call people immediately, Hong Xing's people are here!"

The plane shouted loudly, and then ran downstairs with the knife in hand.

Soon, people from both sides met in Jiujiang Street.

At this time, the night was dark, and there was not a single pedestrian on the street, only two groups of people confronted each other.

"Chen Haonan, are you bringing so many people to grab the territory?"

The plane said coldly.

"Fart you mad! This is originally Hong Xing's territory, and it was you who broke the rules first!"

The pheasant has a bad temper, and if it is caught by a plane, it will catch fire at once.

"What Hong Xing, I only know that Big Boss B is dead, this is the land of no man, naturally whoever has a hard fist will belong to him!"

The plane said disdainfully, "Do you want to fight against our Four Seas Group?"

He asked this on purpose, just to delay time.

He doesn't have many people under him, only number 150. Although all of them are ruthless characters, they are hard to beat with two fists and four hands.

Therefore, as soon as Chen Haonan was discovered, the plane sent a message to other people to inform them of the situation here.

Luo Tianhong and A Wu, who were closest, have already replied to him and will be here soon.

Dasha, Tony and others are also on their way.

At this time, if you delay for 1 minute, you will have a better chance of winning.

Although the plane is a bit stubborn, but he is not a fool, so it is naturally impossible to get on the plane without waiting for others to bury their heads.

"It's not that I want to fight against you, but that your Four Seas Group has gone too far!"

Chen Haonan was full of anger, "Brother B just left, you came here to grab the territory, are you still talking about the rules!?"

"Rules?" The plane sneered, "Don't you know that rules are made to be broken?"

Chen Haonan was about to say something, Baopi suddenly whispered: "Brother Haonan, stop talking nonsense with them, I think he is delaying time!"

Chen Haonan was startled and reacted abruptly.

"Fuck! I almost fell for you!"

"Brothers, follow me! Drive the people from the Four Seas Group out of here!"

Chen Haonan took the lead and rushed to the front with a sword in hand.


The plane cursed secretly, unexpectedly the plan to delay the time was seen through.

But he is not a coward either, since the writing is not good, he will come to the martial arts!

It's a mule or a horse, come out and touch it!

"Chen Haonan, I want to see how capable you are!"

The plane also drew its knife and rushed towards Chen Haonan.

Behind him, No. 150, the boys in black suits, roared angrily, and rushed towards more than 500 people in the opposite direction without fear.

The two sides fought together, and the scene suddenly became a mess.

(baae) It's just that Chen Haonan's side is in chaos. Although there are many of them, they are improvised after all, and they are not familiar with each other.

On the other hand, on the aircraft side, the people of the Four Seas Group have all been trained, forming small teams of three or three to take action together, and their movements are extremely skillful.

Just a face-to-face meeting, and a large group of people fell down on Chen Haonan's side.

The hard power gap between the two sides can be seen.

Seeing this scene, Ji Ji let out a smirk, "Chen Haonan, it seems that the people you brought are not very good!"

Chen Haonan also saw the situation of the battle. It was obvious that they had a large number of people on their side, but they were not the ones who had the upper hand, and they were even beaten by the opponent.

Why are people from the Four Seas Group so fierce! ?

Chen Haonan, Pheasant and the others were shocked, they never expected this to happen.

That is to say, they have 500 people. If the number is the same, they will be destroyed by the Four Seas Group in an instant.

"It won't work like this, the younger brother of the Four Seas Group is too fierce, and our momentum will be suppressed soon!"

The pheasant said anxiously.

The most important thing in gang fire is momentum. If one side loses momentum, it will basically lose and be chased by the opponent.

"Take down the leader first, then the group will have no leader, and the people of the Four Seas Group will definitely not be like this again!"

Chen Haonan made up his mind and rushed towards the plane with the pheasants, trying to knock him down.

But although the plane is not well-known, it is not a soft persimmon.

Facing a few knives without any fear, he fought with them.

"Chen Haonan, just because you still want to grab the territory with me from the Four Seas Group?"

The plane dodged Chen Haonan's knife, and laughed loudly: "I advise you to get out as soon as possible, otherwise it will be a big joke to be killed here.

Or is it that your boss just died, and you also want to go down to accompany him? "

"Fuck you mad! I'll beat you to death!"

The pheasant roared angrily.

Several of them were enraged by the plane, and their attacks became more and more ruthless.

In this case, the plane can't support it alone, and it will soon fail, but it's not a big problem!

"Come on, he's dying!"

Chen Haonan saw hope. As long as he took down the plane, the younger brothers of the Four Seas Group would most likely retreat.

But at this moment, a graceful figure rushed over quickly.


This person was extremely fast, quickly walking through the chaotic crowd, crossing the crowd to the center of the battle.


As soon as Chen Haonan finished speaking, he heard a crisp sound of brushing, which seemed to be a sword coming out of its sheath.

The cold light flashed away.

When Chen Haonan reacted, there was already severe pain in his arm, and blood was pouring profusely.

With a clang, the sword in his hand could no longer be held and fell to the ground.

"Sihai Group, Luo Tianhong."

Luo Tianhong shook off the blood on the Eight-faced Han sword, and said in a cold voice.

"Tianhong, you came just in time, kill these bastards!" The plane saw Luo Tianhong coming, heaved a sigh of relief, and cursed angrily.

He fought against Chen Haonan and others alone, and he had already been cut several times on his body, which made him a little angry.

"Luo Tianhong!?"

Chen Haonan and others were shocked when they heard this name.

Luo Tianhong is also considered a well-known person on Hong Kong Island, and the story of one person single-handedly fighting a hall with a sword is even more widely circulated.

"Isn't he a loyal and trustworthy person? Why does he call himself a member of the Four Seas Group?"

"Fuck, those who come out of loyalty and faith are all desperate masters, let's retreat quickly, don't fight hard with him!"

Pheasant, Datian and the others dragged Chen Haonan back.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

Luo Tianhong raised the Eight-faced Han sword in his hand, and chased after him.

"Go! Stop him!" Baopi directed a dozen short mules.

These dozen or so people had already had a feverish head, and as soon as they heard the order, they rushed towards Luo Tianhong without even thinking about it.

Luo Tianhong snorted coldly, knocked down two people as soon as he raised his hand, and then knocked down a dozen people like cutting melons and vegetables.

He struck so hard that the hands of the dozen or so short mules holding knives were all seriously injured by Kan.

The scene was extremely bloody. The sight of more than a dozen people lying on the ground, clasping their hands and wailing, made the scalps of those around them go numb.

Subconsciously backed away, leaving a large circle around Luo Tianhong.

Luo Tianhong put away his sword, glanced around, and gave up the idea of ​​chasing and killing Chen Haonan.

After the delay of the dozen or so people, the latter didn't know where to go.

"Forget about Tianhong. Anyway, the boss didn't ask to catch Chen Haonan. He ran away as soon as he ran. The most urgent thing now is to drive these people away."

Airplane covered the wound with one hand, panting heavily.

Luo Tianhong nodded, "You are right, the territory is the most important thing."

Immediately, he raised his sword and charged into the crowd.

At this time, Ah Wu also rushed over with the [-] people from Huayuan Street, just blocking Hong Xing's back road, and formed a double-wrapped situation with the people from Jiujiang Street.

Coupled with the fact that Chen Haonan and others were missing and there was no boss, the momentum of this group fell to the bottom, and more than 500 people were defeated in an instant.


"Run! The people of the Four Seas Group are too ruthless. I saw Ah Fa was killed!"

"Chen Haonan and the others have slipped away, let's run too!"

The short mules, who didn't have much courage at first, scattered when they were led by A Wu and Luo Tianhong, and fled in various places.

"Don't chase after them, let them run away."

A Wu stopped Luo Tianhong who wanted to pursue him.

He has the most thorough understanding of Chu Bai's orders, the territory is the most important thing, other things are not important, there is no need to catch up and make troubles.

"it is good."

Luo Tianhong nodded when he heard the words, and inserted the Eight-faced Han sword back into the scabbard.

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