The teaching task is very heavy.

Fortunately, He Daqing seemed to be sleeping soundly.

It also dispelled some of her worries.

It was almost dawn.

Ran Qiuye finally fell asleep in a daze.

I feel like I just slept for a while.

Someone got up.

That's right.

It was He Daqing.

He is used to getting up early.

Because there is so much to do.

He glanced at the other end of the Kang.

He Daqing smirked.

Quick adjustments were made.

Then went to the kitchen.

Made braised noodles, fried poached eggs and sausages.

He Daqing enjoyed it happily.

Just finished eating noodles.

He heard an exclamation from the bedroom.

It was Ran Qiuye's voice.

He Da counted a cigarette, and walked over unhurriedly.

Asked, "What's the matter? What's going on in the early morning?"

With disheveled hair, Ran Qiuye looked surprised, "No! Why did this doll get into my arms?

"The tail is still wrapped around me."

"Isn't this Jingru's stuff?"

Qin Jingru was also woken up, opened his eyes to look, and immediately reached out to grab the doll.

And he said angrily, "Sister Qiuye, why are you taking my things?"

"It doesn't matter if you don't like it."

"It's warm to sleep with it in your arms."

"Okay, don't make noise."

"Let me sleep a little longer."

"I didn't sleep well last night."

Ran Qiuye was speechless.

She stared at He Daqing firmly.

Tell her intuitively.

Maybe it's the trick of this old dog.

However, she has no proof.

He Daqing spread his hands, "Blame me?"

"Teacher Xiao Ran, if you like to sleep with a doll in your arms."

"Uncle can help you."

"Find someone to order one and deliver it to your dormitory."

Ran Qiuye's face turned red instantly.

This old batch.

Also too bad.

Such an ugly doll with a tail growing in front, who would dare to have it.

The key point is that the doll's face still looks a bit like He Laogou.

That is, Qin Jingru, a silly girl, doesn't care.

She was determined not to accept it.

Ran Qiuye quickly said, "Thank you for your kindness."

"I don't like sleeping with things in my arms."

"Save yourself."

"what time is it?"

"I have to get up for work."

He Daqing smiled slightly, "Okay, brush your teeth and wash your face."

"Then, let's have breakfast."

"Uncle has done everything for you."

"Breakfast with love."

"Flavourful braised noodles, two poached eggs, and a sausage.

Chapter 209 Uncle and Teacher Ran Fight the Landlord All Night, Believe it or Not!

Siheyuan, He's family.

Ran Qiuye got up and had breakfast.

Go to the table and have a look.

It was exactly as what He Daqing said.

There are braised noodles, poached eggs and sausages.

However, there is something wrong with this arrangement.

The style of painting makes people blush.

This hateful cook He.

Must be intentional.

Ran Qiuye cursed inwardly.

This is old and unruly.

However, this breakfast is too rich.

In the school cafeteria, she only ate coarse grains - steamed buns, and boiled water.

Like Principal Sun, I haven't tasted eggs for a long time.


He Daqing's cooking skills are not bad.

Ran Qiuye had eaten at his house several times, so she knew it well.

So, with my head down, I slurped my noodles.

The taste is called a fragrance.


He Daqing was smoking a cigarette, and looked at her meaningfully, "Are uncle's noodles delicious?

Ran Qiuye raised her thumbs up, "It's great! The cooking skills are top-notch!"

He Daqing was happy, "If it tastes good, eat more."

"I know about your school cafeteria."

"It's almost like pig food."

"Go back to my uncle's house often."

"Uncle will cook for you himself."

Ran Qiuye was startled, "Is this appropriate?"

He Daqing said, "What's inappropriate?"

"Uncle worships you as a teacher."

"I can't, look at the teacher hungry."

"At that time, you will be dizzy from hunger, and you will fall into Uncle's arms."

"Isn't uncle's innocence gone?"

puff!Ran Qiuye almost vomited.

Just you old bastard.

And innocence? !

She's not that thick-skinned.

She quickly said, "That can't be done."

"Okay, I'm almost done eating."

"Let's hurry up."

"Keep out of sight."

"Again talking behind my back."

He Daqing nodded.

They had already agreed last night.

Take advantage of the early morning to send Ran Qiuye to elementary school in advance.

Because the distance between the two sides is a little far.

It is also not convenient to take the tram.

He Daqing pinched his cigarette, and then went out to unlock the bicycle.

Ran Qiuye ran to the next room, looked in the mirror, tidied up her appearance, and then came out.

She just sat on the back of the bicycle.

Suddenly, Yan Jiecheng also walked out.

For speculation, this kind of thing is about getting up early and being greedy late.

Yan Jiecheng was also thinking about selling a few more pigs today.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he went out, he saw Ran Qiuye come out of He Daqing's house, and even took the initiative to get on his bicycle, and wrapped his arms around He Daqing's waist skillfully.

Yan Jiecheng was dumbfounded.

The mentality exploded on the spot.

My ni-ma! !

What is going on in this world? !

Labor and capital, this little fresh meat, haven't got their hands on Teacher Xiao Ran yet.

Let He Laogou take the lead.

It means.

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