She spent the night at He's house last night.

If nothing happens between the two of you.

No one believes it.

At this moment, Yan Jiecheng wanted to kill someone.

Of course He Daqing also heard the footsteps, and looked back.

Oh, what a coincidence.

He was actually the eldest son of the Yan family.

One of Ran Qiuye's licking dogs.

He Daqing smiled, "Xie Cheng, so early?"

"Early bird gets the worm."

"Good boy."

"Work hard and get rich."

"come on!"

Ran Qiuye heard the sound and turned to look.

Immediately my heart screamed.

I'm really afraid of whatever comes.

Came across this one.

She didn't know that Yan Jiecheng had a crush on her.

She just knew that after Yan Jiecheng went back, he would definitely tell Yan Bugui.

Yan Bugui is also famous for his mouth.

Will definitely be talking about it in school.

Said that she didn't return home at night and slept in the old man's house.

God!Ran Qiuye's mentality also collapsed.

It's wicked enough!

She felt like she was about to lose face.

Yan Jiecheng was very upset and asked, "Uncle He! What's going on?"

"Why does Mr. Xiao Ran live in your house?"

"What is the relationship between you two?"

He Daqing chuckled, "Xie Cheng, you won't believe me if I tell you."

"As for me, I am poker friends with Teacher Ran."

"Last night, I was with her, and Jingru, we were fighting the landlord."

"We fought all night."

"You didn't see it."

"Teacher Ran has dark circles under her eyes."

Yan Jiecheng was startled, and walked up to take a closer look.

It really is.

Ran Qiuye seemed to have not slept well all night, with two panda eyes.

Ran Qiuye didn't care.

It is impossible to tell others that this girl and Uncle He are lying on the same kang, and nothing happened

So, she hurriedly said, "Yes, we're here to fight the Landlord."

"Damn, don't play like this next time."

Yan Xiecheng was angry.

What the hell?

When labor and management are idiots?

Also fighting the landlord all night.

I believe you a ghost!

This Ran Qiuye looked quite pure.

Unexpectedly, he also learned to lie and deceive people.

Yan Jiecheng gritted his teeth and said, "Fight the landlord all night?"

0??? 0??

"You guys really know how to play."

"I also love Fighting the Landlords."

"Or, let's play at our house some other day."

"It must be all night."

He Daqing was delighted, "This kid is really interesting."

"Let's go, I'll take Teacher Ran to work."

"It's up to you to hurry up."

"Uncle is still waiting for you to pay off the debt."

Hearing this, Yan Xiecheng was intimidated.

Originally, he still wanted to make some weird remarks.

Thinking that I still owe Uncle He 300 yuan.

His anger dissipated instantly.

Yan Jiecheng is not stupid.

I know Uncle He said that on purpose.

It means to beat him and tell him not to gossip around.

Otherwise, let's talk about debt.


He Daqing took Ran Qiuye out of the courtyard.

Yan Jiecheng stood there blankly.


I feel so bad.

Originally wanted to save money, buy three turn one ring.

Then confess to Ran Qiuye.

As a result, before even a word of horoscope was written, the sweetheart was taken down by this old dog.

Oh my god.

The earth.

It's not fair! !

He was so angry.

But there is nowhere to vent.

Yan Jiecheng has already confirmed it.

Uncle He and Teacher Ran are definitely not fighting landlords, and they might have already had sex.

However, he was the first eyewitness.

If the news gets out.

Uncle He must settle accounts with him.

However, Yan Jiecheng would not be reconciled if he didn't cheat He Laogou.

Turning his eyes, he looked at Qin Huairu's house.

right!Find Miss Qin!

This beautiful widow turned out to have something to do with He Daqing.

Maybe they have secretly hooked up together.

Break the news to her.

Let her find trouble with He Daqing.

This is totally possible.

As for saying.

Why did Qin Huairu know.

It can be explained that she saw Ran Qiuye enter He's house from behind the window and stayed all night before coming out.

Good guy!This is a great idea!

What an old dog!How dare you snatch a woman from my master!

Let's see.

You must take off a layer of skin.

Yan Jiecheng's face was gloomy, and he knocked on the door as soon as he went up.

After a while, Qin Huairu dressed neatly and ran out to open the door.

Seeing this, Qin Huairu was also very surprised.

what's going on?

Early in the morning.

An unmarried boy.

He looks like a man of talent.

came and knocked on the widow's door.

I'm afraid this kid is not, thinking about my beauty, Qin Huairu, right?

Chapter 210 Qin Huairu's Showdown,

Qin Huai Ru family.

Yan Jiecheng cut to the chase, "Sister Qin! Let me tell you something!"

"just now."

"Uncle He is dating a lesbian."

"Out of our yard."

"That lesbian is quite young."

"It seems to be Teacher Xiao Ran in my dad's unit."

"It's the teacher in charge of the stick."

I just want to marry Uncle He!

Hearing this, Qin Huairu was dumbfounded.

Of course she knew about Ran Qiuye.

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