Is it hard to say whether it is love.

Friendship is a little bit.

It cannot be destroyed.

Ran Qiuye asked again, did Uncle He reveal when he planned to get married?

"It looks like his lover has been gone for many years."

Yan Bugui listened.

Good guy!

Inquired in such detail.

What are you trying to do?

Want to be my little sister-in-law?

He rolled his eyes, "Old He has always wanted to continue."

"However, no suitable one was found."

"He's not happy to find someone his age."

"Looking for young people, people are not happy."

"Isn't this a delay?"

"Let me tell you."

"Besides being old, Lao He has no other conditions."

"You've been to his house too, so you know (good) that I'm not bragging."

Ran Qiuye nodded.

I really agree with Yan Bugui's statement.

She has been to He's house several times.

Shocked by He's sumptuous meals.

And He Daqing's excellent culinary skills.

There are also a large number of antiques, calligraphy and paintings of the He family.

It's all explained.

Uncle He is by no means that simple.

In fact.

Ran Qiuye herself also tried He Daqing's acupuncture technique.

It feels very good.

The pain in the cervical spine has been relieved a lot, almost no more attacks.

She also thought about it more than once.

It would be great if Uncle He was twenty to ten years younger.

Then she was sure and married without hesitation.

The problem is that.

This is not realistic.

Although Uncle He has taken good care of himself, people in their fifth year are about the same as those in their early thirties.

But the actual age is indeed a blemish.

If she really dated He Daqing, she didn't know how to explain it to her family.

Could it be that frankly speaking, I have a heavy taste.

Prefer the little old man?

Chapter 243 Special Wine Shocks the Father-in-Law! 【Seek full order】

Chatted with Yan Bugui for a few minutes.

Ran Qiuye inquired about many things.

He even knew that He Daqing was going to name his grandson He Xiao.

And I also know that Shazhu, his wife, and He Yushui live in Zhima Hutong now.

Of course, Yan Bugui didn't dare to do anything, and he didn't tell about Yu Li and Yu Haitang's frequent visits to He's house, and Qin Huairu's frequent visits to He's house at night.

It was also for fear that He Daqing would settle accounts with him after he found out.

Yan Pugui would never do such a thing as offending the benefactor and ruining his own fortune.

He is not young and young like Xu Damao and Cui Dake, and he is not like Yan Jiecheng who has to say goodbye to He Daqing.

Yan Bugui asked, "If you have any questions, come to me anytime."

"Of course, if you have the heart."

"I want to be my little sister-in-law."

"I'll tell Lao He for you."

"He's sure to say yes."

"To marry such a young and beautiful daughter-in-law."

"Old He can wake up with a smile in his dreams."

In an instant, Ran Qiuye blushed.

She stomped her feet, "Teacher Yan, what are you thinking?"

"Who wants to marry that bad old man?"

"Don't talk nonsense."

"I don't mean that."

"Also, please don't tell Uncle He what happened today."

Yan Bugui was happy.

Small sample.

Also shy.

Labor and management are just teasing you.

Check out your mouth.

Now it's exposed.

Gee tut.

Old He Touyan - good luck.

Yan Bugui said, "Okay, I see."

"If it's okay, I'll go back to class."

Ran Qiuye nodded, "You go ahead."

In fact, she felt it too.

He Daqing was missed.

What a pity.

Although Sijiucheng is big, it is still difficult to find someone like He Daqing.


Ran Qiuye also unconsciously compared the 103 young men she had been in contact with with He Daqing in her heart

The conclusion is.

Those little fresh meats were actually rubbed against the ground by the old bacon.

This made Ran Qiuye very tangled.

What should I do?

Are you really going to post that little old man?

Think about it.

Ran Qiuye decided.

Tomorrow night, I will go to He's house to "read".

Talk to He Daqing for a while.

at dusk.

He Daqing did not go home directly.

Instead, I went to Zattered Hou first.

Hand over the settlement with him.

In the past two days, I have harvested a lot of antiques.

This efficiency is simply leveraged.

It was much stronger than when He Dalist was fighting alone.

It seems that choosing this path is the right one.

He Daqing did some calculations.

Go down at this speed.

It takes a month or two for the collection of antiques to break through a thousand.

Because the famine is real.

Having money and food stamps is worse than having food in hand.

Therefore, in the recent period, more than half of the transactions between Zattered Hou and sellers were in exchange for food and sweet potatoes.

If you change someone.

You must question and ask He Daqing, where did so much food come from.

However, Poor Hou is not such a person.

He didn't even bother to ask.

The less trouble, the better.

What if you know?

Including Broken Hou himself, there are more and more old things in the house, which means he can't let them go.

in a hurry.

He also has no place to buy a house as a warehouse.

I could only move some of the antiques into my cellar.

I didn't stay long in the tattered Hou's house.

He Daqing drove Qin Jingru back.

in the door.

Sure enough, I saw Ding Shengli waiting with a smile on his face.

He didn't come alone.

Ding's mother, Wang Xiumin, also followed.

Neither of them took anything.

Because in addition to drinking, you have to borrow food.

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