Besides, the Ding family didn't have anything worth taking out as a gift.

Except for his precious daughter.

He Daqing was overjoyed, "Brother Ding, brother and sister, you are both here!"

"Okay! Make a few cups tonight!"

"No drunk, no return."

Ding Shengli couldn't hold back anymore.

Saliva flowed to the mouth.

Immediately nodded like a pounding garlic, "Damn, let's make a few cups."

Wang Xiumin's face also beamed with joy, "Old man, drink less."

"Don't be like last time, crawling all over the floor after drinking too much."

"I'm ashamed of you."

Ding Shengli glared at her, "You are a woman who knows nothing."

"A thousand cups of wine is less than a bosom friend."

He Daqing waved his hand, "Stop talking, let's go inside!"

"Jingru, entertain the guests quickly."

Qin Jingru was also dumbfounded.

Not really.

These are Ding Qiunan's parents? !

Is it developing too quickly?

It's only been a few days!

According to the rules, shouldn't the juniors go to meet their parents together?

How come back?

Become a parent to visit.

Did the godfather pour some ecstasy soup on him?

Ding Shengli and Wang Xiumin entered the house.

They have already learned about the general situation of the He family through their daughter.

Even know.

Qin Jingru is He Daqing's goddaughter.

Ding Shengli and Wang Xiumin looked left and right, and were shocked.

Good guy!

So many antiques and calligraphy and paintings.

It was similar to what Ding Qiunan described.

It does have the atmosphere of a wealthy family.

Qin Jingru was courteous, and invited the two to sit down, brought tea, melon seeds and peanuts, and told them to wait first.

He Daqing naturally cooks by himself.

Another whole table of hard dishes.

There is also a plate of cucumbers and a plate of cold preserved eggs.

Immediately afterwards, he took out two more bottles of special wine.

Seeing these two things, Ding Shengli was dumbfounded.

My ni-ma!

I don't know why!

As an old alcoholic, Ding Shengli has not actually drunk any good wine, because he does not have the conditions,

The best drink I have ever had is Xifeng wine.

I drank with He Daqing last time.

In the light of this prospective son-in-law.

Ding Shengli tentatively said, "Old He, what kind of wine is this? It looks quite high-end."

He Daqing (adac) smiled slightly, "It's nothing, it's just a special drink."

"It's not a rare item."

"Of course, those who are not of a high level are not eligible to start."

There is not enough economic strength.

"Just like Liu Feng, the director of your machine repair factory."

"He's just not good enough."

"Director Yang of our rolling mill is not qualified either."

"If you have money, you have a drink ticket, but you can't buy it."

"No exaggeration at all."

Ding Shengli's eyes widened.


He hurriedly asked, "Old He, where did you get it?"

He Daqing chuckled, "There are people above us."

"got it."

"Ordinary people, I don't take it out to entertain him."

"And you are Xiao Nan's father."

"It's my old man."

"It's all related."

"I can't hide it."

When Ding Shengli heard it, it was very useful, and his heart was overturned.

Said, "That's a good thing."

"Don't wait."

"We did it today!"

Wang Xiumin originally wanted to say that she hadn't agreed yet, that she didn't allow Ding Qiunan to be with He Daqing

Let He Daqing get closer.

However, looking at the table full of meat dishes.

When the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back abruptly.

Everyone is hungry.

The meals at Chef He's family are so sumptuous.

No one would believe it.

A high-quality son-in-law like this can't be found even with a lantern.

Just get older.

One has to be realistic.

If Ding Qiunan married an ordinary worker or a young cadre, the conditions would definitely not improve much.

One hundred percent, there will be no such good wine and good food.


We can get wine specials.

It has already been explained that He Daqing is not an ordinary person.

The background is dark.

The folks really don't see this kind of special supplies in short supply.

Why didn't I see it before.

This little old man surnamed He has so much energy?

Ding Qiunan married him, although he was a little wronged, but in terms of life, it was definitely a first-class enjoyment.

Wang Xiumin felt much better.

In fact, this time she came with her because she wanted to test her future son-in-law

Now far beyond expectations.

It was a big surprise for the couple.

He Daqing ordered, "Jingru, pour wine for my father-in-law!"

Qin Jingru responded and got up quickly.

Ding Shengli waved his hand, "No, no, I will do it myself."

"Oh my god! This wine is too fragrant!"

"Good wine!"

"No wonder it's only for big leaders to drink!"

"Today, I, Ding, also enjoy the glory of my son-in-law and taste this good thing."

Taking a sip of the wine, Ding Shengli felt refreshed.

It seems that Zhu Bajie ate ginseng fruit.

The [-] pores of the whole body are comfortable.

He Daqing chuckled.

It's this effect.

Coming up is Wang Zha.

Let's settle Father Ding first.

Next, he accompanied Ding Shengli, chatting and drinking.

After drinking for three rounds, Wang Xiumin bumped Ding Shengli with his elbow, "Old man, did you forget something?"

Ding Shengli was startled.


Preoccupied with drinking.

Forget about borrowing food.

He hurriedly said, "That's right, there is a grandmother in Xiaonan's country, and the family is hungry.

"I suppose so."

"Old He, you can borrow a hundred catties of grain first, as an emergency?"

When He Daqing heard this, he immediately smiled, "No problem."

"Xiao Nan's grandmother is my grandmother."

"It is necessary to respect the elderly."

"How about this."

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