Although, Yan Bugui knew that Ran Qiuye often went to He's house.

However, he believed that Ran Qiuye had no such relationship with Cook He.

Impossible to mix together.

I seem to have heard Ran Qiuye mention it last time.

He said he was going to He's house and asked Chef He to borrow a book.

the other side.

He Daqing continued to work.

Soon, it was time to get off work.

He hurried home.

After eating.

I went to Yanzhi Hutong to look for Broken Hou.

The last few days.

Progress in the acquisition of old items by the tattered house.

It's really unsatisfactory.

There are many reasons.

Therefore, after a few days, it is equal to the original day's amount.

He Daqing didn't mind either.

Anyway, the antiques collected in his system space are already extremely valuable.

One cannot be too greedy.

When the two are handing over.

Poor Hou said, "Brother He, I forgot to tell you one thing."

He Daqing was startled.

asked, "What's the matter?"

"You went on a blind date with Li Yan'er's cousin?"

"What's next?"

Poor Hou smiled and said, "Good guy! You are the roundworm in my stomach."

"How do you know what I want to say?"

He Daqing's eyes brightened, "This means that Su'e's stepmother has disappeared?

Poor Hou replied, "Uh, you can't say that either."

"I've seen (adac) people."

"You say it's a coincidence."

"I once met this cousin once."

He Daqing asked suspiciously, "What? Is there a story in it?"

"Have you been to Xiaogezhuang too?"

After asking this sentence, He Daqing finally came to his senses.

In the TV series, the tattered Hou often went to the countryside to collect the tatters, and picked up the leaks by the way.

Compared with Xu Huizhen and Cai Quanwu, they went much more diligently.

Broken Hou has visited almost all the communes and villages on the outskirts of Sijiu City, and more than once.

Poor Hou said, "I must have been there."

"I don't need to say hello to you."

"It was just three years ago."

"At that time, I had nothing to do, so I went to Xiaogezhuang to try my luck."

"did not expect."

"I saw this sister-in-law."

"At that time, she knew that I wanted to collect old things."

"Let's say there is a wooden cabinet handed down at home."

"Let me see if it's from huanghuali."

He Daqing hummed, "So, you went?"

Poor Hou said, "That's right."

"I'll go into the house and have a look."

"Hey, this is an ordinary wooden cabinet."

"It has nothing to do with huanghuali."

"It's tattered and tattered. If you give it to others for free, they may not be willing to take it."

"Then I'll go."

"When I was about to leave the yard, I saw a group of chickens eating in the yard."

"The chicken plate."

"It caught my eye."

He Daqing suddenly understood.

After co-authoring the tattered pieces, I left them there and picked up a leak.

He asked, "Is there something about this plate?"

Poor Hou said, "That is necessary."

"I said I wanted to buy the chicken plate."

"Sister-in-law still refuses."

"I have to buy the cabinet."

"This dish for feeding the chicken will be given to me as an extra."

"I will add up."

"There is such a good thing."

"Throw her ten dollars."

"I don't need a cabinet either."

"Just ran away with the plate."

Hearing this, He Daqing laughed out loud.

Hou Su'e next to her was also amused.

Unexpectedly, there is such a funny scene.

He Daqing said, "What about now?"

"Take a look at the plate."

Poor Hou nodded, went back to the house and took out the things.

The plate has been cleaned of dirt.

It looked fairly clean.

When He Daqing saw it, he was immediately delighted, "This is a large plate of lotus lacquerware from Xuande of the Ming Dynasty."

"My brother."

"You've made a fortune."

Such a decent plate.

In later generations, it will not be a problem at all to sell it for tens of millions.

Poor Hou said, "That's right."

"Later, when I saw this cousin, I was immediately happy."

"This is fate."

"He's actually not bad looking."

"And the personality is quite to my liking."

"I'm thinking about it."

"Then stay in one place."

He Daqing said, "It is indeed fate."

"A plate to feed the chickens."

"It might make a good relationship."

"Who would have thought of this?"

Hou Su'e quickly asked, "That sister-in-law, do you have any children at home?"

Poor Hou explained, "No."

"This sister-in-law is said to be unable to bear children."

"Do not worry."

"I've told her all about it."

"She's fine."

"He also said that he would raise you as his own daughter."

He Daqing teased deliberately, "What's wrong, didn't you want to find the old woman from the rolling mill?

"Why did the target shift?"

Poor Hou sneered and said, "Your apprentice has done my ideological work."

"Help me analyze it."

"I thought about it."

"I think what she said makes sense."

"An old man like me with a bad background, no stable job, and a criminal record,

"Looking for a female worker in a rolling mill."

"It's really a bit high."

"People will definitely look down on me."

"Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position."

"Who wouldn't choose someone with good conditions?"

"So, I don't bother with that."

"There is a woman in the family who knows the cold and the hot."

"If you can take care of my housework and take good care of Su'e, I will be content."

He Daqing raised his thumb and said, "That's right! That's the truth!"

"Then you two will go first."

"What if it happens."

"That's thanks to Li Yan'er."

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